Disclaimer- I do not own Edward or Bella, but I do own the Longboat River, lol. I made it up. Can you tell? Fluffy stuff.

"You have to be kidding!" I exclaimed.

Edward looked over at me, eyes gleaming. I felt like punching him. "Come on love, I won't let you drown or anything."

"Drowning is only one of the things I'm worried about! Canoeing? Seriously Edward, I'm not doing this." He reached over to put his arm around me, but I shoved it away. He glared at me, a little hurt. Oh well, I thought to myself. Let him go by himself then. I'm not going.

Sighing mentally, I took a good look around for the first time. I had been dragged to Longboat River, named because of all of the canoes and kayaks that were always seen going down it. We had parked about a mile away, and Edward had run us here, and, considering the low number of parking spaces in this tiny spot, was probably a good idea. Now we were in a small clearing; trees bunched overhead, and clouds overhead that. Since Edward was here, the clouds were a blessing. Well, to him. I wished that the sun would come out and we would have to go back to the Cullen's house. Even Alice's shopping trips weren't worse than this.

The river was running swiftly over the rocks, scaring the hell out of me. If Edward really wanted me to get in, he would have to build a dam first. Trees cascaded all the way down the river, a nice canopy that enveloped you into a nice cocoon. That is, enveloped the canoe riders into a nice cocoon. I wouldn't be going anywhere near that river, or those trees.

I glanced over towards the Longhouse, a boathouse that rented off anything that floated. Canoes were twelve dollars an hour. Hmm, two dollars for every ten minutes; maybe I could convince Edward that that was too much. I knew he would disagree, but it was worth a shot. I opened my mouth to speak and was cut off.

"'Scuse me, sir? You gonna rent anythin'? If not, this here's private property." I looked over to Edward, and saw him staring up at a short and squat man with a balding head and a plaid shirt. And suspenders. What kind of hick town was this?

"Yessir. We were just looking at the river for a moment while we decided between a kayak or a canoe. We'd like the canoe, right Bella?"

I squinted at Edward. "Yes, that's right."

"Well follow me then. Hurry up now." The man, who I noticed as having a nametag that read, 'Larry', walked, or should I say, waddled, over towards the Longhouse. I got up reluctantly and followed, Edward close behind. As much as I didn't want to go on the river, I didn't want to leave the area all together. It was pretty, in its own way. Getting kicked out didn't seem like a good plan.

'Larry' went over towards a rack of canoes and handed Edward a two seating one, along with an orange ticket that had the date and time printed on it. "Give that to the worker at the end of the stream. He'll ring you up for how long you take." After saying that, Larry walked away towards another customer. I realized we had no paddles, and saw a weird container shaped like an elongated umbrella holder in the corner filled with them. After going over and grabbing two, I thought for a moment. Was it the kayaks or canoes that each person only had one paddle? I finally decided that kayaks were the boats that had the odd shaped stick with a paddle on each end, and that with canoes, each person had a normal paddle. After replacing the kayak paddle I accidentally grabbed and grabbing a canoe one, I walked back over to Edward, satisfied.

"Ready?" he asked.

"As I'll ever be."

We both walked over toward the dock, and he set the canoe down in the water, starting to get in the backseat. I started. "Oh, no you don't mister," I reprimanded. "I am not, repeat not—"

"Not," Edward said childishly, batting his eyes.

I smacked his back. "Smartass," I snapped. He looked at me playfully, then motioned for me to continue. "I am not sitting in the front!"

"Then how am I supposed to watch you if you're in the back?"

"I can't steer! We'll crash in two seconds!"

That shut him up. "You have a point there," he said, winking. I slapped his back again, but this time in play. He shifted a few feet and dropped into the front. I smiled and stepped into the back, grabbing the lifejacket that I knew for sure I would need and put it on. Edward did the same, although we both knew that he couldn't drown. Not needing to breathe had its upsides.

Using his paddle, Edward pushed the canoe from the dock and started paddling towards the middle of the river, switching sides with each stroke. I mimicked him, stroking on the same sides he did when he did. Glancing up, I noticed he had stopped and was looking back at me, laughing. I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

He gestured around us. I looked around, noticing that we were facing the wrong direction. We had been paddling in a circle. Well, half a circle. Edward stopped laughing and said, "We have to alternate sides. Paddling on the same sides just makes us go in circles." He leaned back and gave me a chaste kiss. I pressed up as far as I could, trying to hold on to the kiss, but found open air. I sat back up and watched Edward's back and arms carefully, alternating with his strokes like I was instructed.

We made it to the middle of the river, and started gaining speed. I whimpered quietly, watching the rush of the water around the rocks in the shallow spots. Edward was still paddling steadily, so I tried to be braver. I shut my eyes, letting darkness envelop me. The rhythm of paddling flowed through me; I no longer needed to see to mimic Edward's moves. Wow, I thought to myself, canoeing isn't so bad.

Just then, I felt a scrape below me. I opened my eyes, but saw nothing. I listened hard, but heard silence. I tried to speak, but my speech was taken away by some foreign power. I was afraid.

Numb with fear, I reached forward for Edward's back, and found it. I tried to speak again. "Where—where are we?" I asked shakily.

"In a cave. I've always known it was here, but never bothered coming. It's a secret of mine. I'm not sure how I know about it, I just, knew."

"Why is it so quiet?"

"The water is stilled here. Why? You don't like the silence?"

I shook my head, but then remembered that you couldn't see in this darkness. "It's unnerving," I whispered. I felt something cold and hard brush my lips and a shiver of pleasure went up my spine. But the way I felt about the cave overpowered it. I then felt the canoe turning, and kept my eyes open this time. I didn't like the feeling of that cave.

Just when I thought I'd never see the light of day again, Edward pulled us out of the mouth of the cave. "I want to go back there sometime," he said.

"Not with me," I replied quickly. "I don't like it in there."

"Of course, love. You can stay with Alice." I shied away from the thoughts that were brought out with the mention of his sister's name. Maybe I would come back . . .

Now out in the light, my mood improved considerably. Edward and I joked as we steered about the river, and I had finally gotten the strokes down. I looked around once more, marveling at the lush green trees above. I felt a large bump, and looked to my left, blue rushing towards my face. I heard Edward shout out, although I couldn't make out what he was saying. I was suddenly enveloped in silence and coldness. I tried dislodging myself from the canoe, but I couldn't; the pressure of the water was too strong. I flailed, giving up all attempt of saving myself, and tried to get the attention of someone else. Preferably Edward.

All of the sudden, I was being pulled upward towards the surface, breaking it. It seemed that Edward was all around me at once, checking every part of my body for injuries. "I'm okay!" I shouted. Edward stopped at once, his black eyes slowly returning to the butterscotch colour they were before we had flipped. I was now out of the canoe, and so was he. In fact, I had no idea where the canoe was; I couldn't see it at all. Edward had me in his arms immediately, and he started covering my face with light kisses. I held tight onto him as he waded out of the river, setting me on the lush grass and lying down beside me. We both turned on our sides to face each other.

"Never, repeat never," he winked, "scare me like that again, Isabella Swan."

I just stared at him and nodded slightly, wondering still where the canoe went. As if reading my mind, he said, "The canoe was washed down the river. So I guess this was free." He laughed.

I kissed him softly, breaking his laughter. "Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome."

A/n: I know, crappy ending. Don't get mad at me, I just didn't know what to write after that.

Kanapapa :)