A/N: So here the first chapter I hope you like it

A/N: So here the first chapter I hope you like it. I don't own John-117, or Cortana or anything halo but the elites and the marines are my own characters.

Chapter 1

"Move your sorry asses." Staff Sergeant Amanda called back to her two soldiers. She turned to look at the five sangheili ahead of her. She frowned as she noticed their perfect formation. The lead elite in the center with two of her troops to each side watchign all sides. The lead elite, Ahce 'Sirut, was a strong leader who demanded only the best from those under her command. Ahce was a seasoned warrior and had earned her red armor long before Amanda had met her.

To Ahce's left was Omis 'Uyral. A strong sangheili to say the least. Omis was the one you called when you had something heave to move. Not that she was being used in any way. The sangheili took ever task as a challenge and loved to do a good days work.

Behind Omis was Saco 'Tikul. Amanda was sure that if not for the elite's female gender she would have been part of the stealth unit. Many times before the Sargent had been scared half to death by Saco sneaking up on her.

To Ahce's right was Kada 'Mihad. A great strategist, and a little bit nuts. Kada seemed to make it her life mission to find out all she could and complete the oddest of tasks. She had an odd way of doing everything. Amanda found it amusing how someone who knew so much often didn't understand current references to human culture or old phrases.

Behind Kada was the only male of the sangheili troops. Xece 'Sawat was a fine specimen of a soldier. He was often quiet but deadly in hand to hand combat. He was a good shot and a prime choice for sniping.

This only made Amanda all the more ashamed of her own troops. The two men who had been put under her command were far from ideal soldiers. They both had bad aim and were pacifists, or cowards as she liked to call them. They weren't even really soldiers.

Amanda pushed off from her spot and floated over to Ahce. The Sargent had never been a big fan of free fall but she had gotten plenty of practice. After an incident where Amanda was borderline insubordinate she had been assigned to Hand in hand. The only thing the ship did was patrol the edge of known space. They had picked up a odd distress signal from an unknown source. When they entered the system they found the debris of what seemed to be an UNSC ship.

Now they were making their way to the source of the signal. Amanda had decided to let the sangheili take the lead and instructed her men to watch closely and make learn from the way the elites moved fluently through the zero gravity environment. The group made it's way down the hall to a large door that lead to the cryobay. Ahce motioned and Kada moved forward to the doors controls. The other elites prepared their energy pistols and Ahce nodded to Kada. Kada pressed a few buttons and the door slid open. With surprising speed and control the four elites moved into the cryobay and scanned the room. "All clear." Ahce announced over her COM.

Amanda nodded and then drifted over toward a holopad near the cryopods. She held up a small hand held and it indicated that the holopad was the source of the signal. After looking it over the Sargent pressed a series of buttons and it activated. The shinning purple figure of a woman appeared and she looked at Amanda for a moment. "I am guessing you received my distress signal." The AI said putting her hands on her hips.

"That we did." Ahce said as she floated over beside Amanda. "Are there any others alive?" She asked looking around at the empty ship.

"Yes, spartan-117 is in one of the cryotubes." The AI replied. "I can start the reanimation sequence if you like." She added.

"Spartan-117." Ahce said as if trying to remember where she had heard it. After a moment she recognized the name. "As in the Master Chief? Then you are Cortana." She said looking the AI over.

"That is correct. I'm not sure if we've met before." She said looking the elite over. "Would you like me to start the reanimation program?" She asked.

Ahce paused. "No, we will move the pod to our ship where we can be sure that the systems won't fail." The elite said. Ahce motioned to her team and they began to unhook the cryotube. Amanda felt a bit annoyed by the way that Ahce had taken over control despite the fact that Cortana was UNSC property and that the Master Chief was a human soldier. "You many not know who I am but there is not a soldier alive who does not know of the Master Chief. That and I fought along side you on the ark." She added proudly.

Cortana seemed to think for a moment as if checking her memory. "I don't have any record of a sangheili of your rank or name." She said simply with a slight shrug. "Sorry." She added sounding truly apologetic.

Ahce snorted and shook her head. "It is not your fault. I was not of my current rank when that battle was fought. Beside, the female soldiers are never worth mentioning." She said dryly. The fact that the female elites had to fight even harder to prove them selves was one of the only parallels that Amanda could find with the alien troops. In fact it was the foundation for her relationship with the commanding elite. With a mostly female crew who had to deal with the same crap she did they had learned to get along. Having two useless human males had only served to entertain them with stupid comments and actions. The Sargent had learned early on though not to mess with the only male elite. He was well able to defend himself but the commander would not have her troops insulted. Amanda had apologized to the elite and the incident passed to be forgotten. She was glad for Xece's forgiving nature or it would have been a rather tense couple of days before she would have been forgiven and no longer have to watch her back.

"Men." Cortana said shaking her head. "They don't like to listen to women. They think they run the show but they would die without women to show them the way." She said with a smirk. Amanda smirked and heard a slight laugh from Ahce. "If it weren't for me I'm sure the Chief would have been lost long ago." She said shaking her head.

Ahce looked to the two floating male marines and then to the single male sangheili. "I like to keep my men in line. Let them know who is really in charge." She said looking to Amanda.

The Sargent shook her head. "I like to let them think they are not under my control. It makes it all the more fun to have complete control." She said with a smirk.

"Cryopod is ready for transfer." Kada reported. As the elites flanked the now detached pod.

"Very well." Ahce said turning to Cortana. "Can you be transported?" She asked.

"Yes, just a moment." The AI replied before disappearing. A light on the holopad winked on and Ahce retrieved the data chip from the slot. With a swift motion she and her team headed back to the ship. Amanda trailed as she watched her men try to catch up with the rest. She sighed and shook her head.

End chapter 1

A/N: So there is chapter one. If you can't tell I'm a girl and I love elites. Please review, I would love to hear what you think.