A Mountain Odyssey Ch. 11

Disclaimer: Kripke and the CW own the Winchesters. I am just playing in their sandbox. I am not making a profit from this story.


Previously: "Hey boys, I forgot to tell you that Joshua killed the wendigo. It can't hurt us anymore, so what do you say we go down to the lake and do some fishing"

John found what he thought would be the perfect spot for fishing. There was a fallen log that he and Dean could rest their poles and it would keep Sammy from getting too close to the water. "This is the perfect spot for catching fish" John said as he watched a broad smile crossing Dean's face. I'll get the fishing poles ready. Sammy, I want you to stay close to your brother so you don't accidentally fall into the water."

"Otay Daddy" Sammy said as John gently put him down. Sammy found a spot to play in the dirt where Dean could easily watch over him while John put some lures on his and Dean's fishing poles and said "Watch me Dean so you'll know how to cast your pole out into the water."

Dean watched his daddy closely and noticed how his dad had a firm grip around the base of the pole and how he pushed that button in to make the line go out really far. He knew he wouldn't be able to make his go as far as his daddy's but he hoped he could make his daddy proud when it was his turn.

"Okay Ace, let's see you cast yours out" John said as he watched Dean prepare to cast his line. Before releasing though, Dean looked to where Sammy sat playing in the dirt to make sure that he wouldn't accidentally hit his little brother. Seeing that Sammy was a safe distance away, Dean followed the moves that his father had made and was surprised to see his line go out almost as far as his dad's.

"I did it Daddy" he enunciated as he held tightly to his pole.

"You sure did Dean, you almost did it better than me" John bragged proudly as he reached out to tousle Dean's hair.

John showed Dean how to rest his fishing pole on a spot on the log where he would be able to watch it with ease. John then added a bobber to their lines and explained to Dean how it would raise up if a fish took the lure. He and Dean sat back to watch their poles while John also kept a close eye on Sammy. John let himself relax totally knowing that the wendigo was no longer a threat. He wanted to enjoy this beautiful day with his boys because there was no telling when they would have another one.

John was drawn out of his serene moment when he heard a gasp coming from his oldest son. He looked over at Dean who was focused on his pole with wide eyes. "Uh oh, I think I got one!" Dean said excitedly as he watched his bobber raise up to touch his pole. He then reached out to grasp the handle as John helped him to jerk the pole up.

"Okay Dean, you've got to reel him in now son" John encouraged as he helped Dean to reel in the fish. He could feel the excitement radiating off Dean as he drew the fish nearer. "Okay kiddo, keep reeling it in while I use the net to scoop it up" John said as he got close to the water. As Dean pulled his fish in to the lakes edge, John dipped the net into the water and scooped up a beautiful eight inch rainbow trout.

"Wow, you caught a whopper of a fish" John said as he beamed in pride at his youngest son. He then looked over to see Sammy hopping up and down as he waited to see the fish.

"Come here tiger" John said to encourage Sammy to move closer. "Daddy will make sure you don't fall in the water."

Sammy raced over to his dad and his mouth dropped open in awe as he looked at the amazing fish that his brother had caught. "You did it Deanie" Sammy hollered as he clapped his hands in joy. "You caught Sammy da big fishy."

John laughed at hearing Sammy's words. "Sorry tiger, but this fish is going to be our dinner" John said he removed the fish from Dean's hook. As he removed the fish though, he suddenly heard the soft sounds of Sammy sobbing.

Wondering what could have happened so quickly to upset his youngest, John said "What's wrong kiddo?"

"I don't wants you too cook my fish" Sammy pouted as huge tears fell down his face."

John sat stunned not knowing what to say to comfort his youngest. He hadn't even considered the possibility that Sammy would be upset about cooking the fish for dinner. As he struggled to figure out what to say, he suddenly heard Dean's voice comforting his baby brother.

"It's okay Sammy, Daddy won't cook your fish. We'll put him back into the water so he can go and play with his friends okay."

"Otay Deanie" Sam quickly agreed as he waited for his Daddy to toss the fish back into the water.

"Are you sure Dean?" John asked wanting to make sure that his oldest child wasn't upset at the prospect having to throw his first fish back.

"I don't mind Daddy, as long as it makes Sammy happy then I'm happy too" Dean said with a huge smile on his face.

John tossed the fish back into the water with Sammy and Dean standing beside him. "Bye fishy" Sammy hollered out as he waved to the fish quickly swimming away. Just about that time, John heard Joshua's voice calling out to him for help.

"Hey Winchester, give me a hand here" Joshua called as he tried to limp his way down to the lake carrying his own pole. He wasn't about to miss out on the fishing if he could help it.

"Dean, hold onto Sammy while I help Joshua" John said as he started walking towards the injured hunter while Dean sat beside Sammy and played in the dirt with him by using a stick to draw pictures.

"What the hell are you doing up and moving?" John asked as he made it to Joshua's side. "You should be laying down and resting with the injuries you suffered."

"I'm tired of laying down. Besides, when I saw you guys fishing. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to try and make friends with Sammy again" Joshua retorted with a grimace on his face. He still felt like hell, but the pain would all be worth it if he could get Sammy to liking him again and not be afraid of him.

As soon as John helped Joshua to sit down and prop his leg, Joshua decided to pull one of Dean's con jobs on the youngest Winchester.

"Man, I sure wish I had somebody to help me fish. I don't think I can do it myself with the way my arm is hurting" Joshua said as he reached up to rub his injured arm." He watched out of the corner of his eye as Sammy's eyes lit up, but then the little tyke put his thumb in his mouth unsure of what to do.

"Oh well, guess I can't fish since nobody wants to help" Joshua said in a defeated voice with a frown upon his face. He glanced once again out of the side of his eye to see both John and Dean watching the littlest Winchester intently to see what he would do.

Sammy took a few steps forward and then stopped to look at his big brother as if in permission.

"Go ahead Sammy, it'll be fun" Dean encouraged as he waited for Sammy to make another move.

Everyone watched with bated breath until a toothy grin crossed Sammy's face and he said "I help you Unca Josh."

Joshua let out a breath he hadn't even realized he had been holding at seeing the eagerness on the toddler's face. "Thanks tiger" Joshua said as he patted his uninjured leg for Sammy to sit down. He had Sammy help him cast his pole out in to the water and saw John and Dean do the same.

John placed a bobber onto Joshua's line also so that his hunter friend wouldn't have to move anymore than was necessary.

"Thanks man" Joshua said grateful for the gesture. He then patted Sammy on the head and asked "Okay tiger, think we're gonna catch one?"

"Uh huh" Sammy said as he jerked the pole up like he had seen his daddy do earlier. "We got's one Unca Josh" Sammy said as he tried to move the winding thing with his chubby little hands.

Joshua had to laugh at Sammy's eagerness and helped him to reel in the line knowing that nothing was on the hook at the end. As the reeled in the line to shore, Joshua said 'Aw, that sneaky fish, he jumped of the line before we could get him."

All three Winchester's laughed at the playful pout they saw on Joshua's face after he had made the remark. "That otay, we det him next time" Sammy giggled as he and Joshua cast the line into the water once again.

Joshua and Sammy spent the brunt of their time casting their pole while John and Dean caught a mess of fish. Joshua couldn't remember the last time he had had so much fun, and here he was fishing with a toddler no less.

As lunch time neared, John called an end to the fishing so they could make their way back over towards the tent to cook the fish for lunch. Afterwards, they would pack up their gear and make their way out of the woods and back towards civilization. Joshua found himself wishing that this day could go on because he was truly going to miss this family that had become so close to his heart.

THE END I hope you enjoyed the ending and the way that Joshua made friends with Sammy once again. Who knows, maybe Joshua will meet up with the Winchesters once again.