This is a Sora/Kairi one shot for xVAT-SKRx. It takes place before KH1, before they leave the island on the raft. I got this idea after reading the first few chapters of the manga adaptation.

"Um, hey, Sora!"

Kairi smiled brightly as she walked up to her friend. Behind her back, she was hiding a Paopu fruit. The brunette looked up at her curiously from where he was sitting on the beach.

"What's up, Kairi?" he grinned.

"Well, there's something I want to show you!"

Kairi started to take out the Paopu fruit. Before she could hand it to Sora though, they heard a voice.

"Hey, you guys! Stop slacking off!"

Riku was a few feet away from them. He had his hands on his hips and he looked angry.

"Oh, that's right!" Sora cried, jumping up. "I was supposed to help Riku find wood for our raft. Later, okay?"

Kairi sighed, watching them walk away. She had finally gotten a Paopu fruit, but Riku had to interrupt…

"Hey, Kairi, what did you have earlier?"

Kairi smiled as Sora walked over to her. She had been by the dock, waiting for him and Riku to finish working on the raft. She still had the fruit with her and she held it out for him.

"See? It's a Paopu fruit!" she said excitedly.

"You give that to someone you want to stay with right?" Sora asked curiously.

"Yep! So I really wanted to give it to you, and…"


Suddenly Riku bumped into Sora as he passed by him. Sora tumbled over into the water. He blinked, brushing his wet hair away from his eyes.

"Riku!" he pouted.

"Sorry." Riku shrugged. "You shouldn't have been standing there."

Sora and Kairi frowned as Riku walked away. Sora stood up, water dripping off of him.

"Give it to me in a little while, I have to go dry off, all right?"

Kairi sighed again as Sora walked away. She wondered if she could ever give him the fruit.

"Whew, there you are, Sora!"

Kairi hurried over to Sora. He was sitting under a tree, looking up at the sky. Fortunately, he was alone. Kairi took out the Paopu fruit as she sat next to him.

"That's the Paopu fruit from before! Right?" Sora asked.

"Yep! So here!"

Sora grinned as he took it. Then he broke off some of it and gave it to Kairi.

"I kind of wanted to give you a Paopu fruit, too."


"Uh huh!" Sora replied. "We'll be together even when we go to a new world, right?"


"That's… great, Kairi…"

Suddenly Sora slid over and fell asleep. Kairi giggled as she looked at him.

"Of course, you're always dozing. At least I got to give it to you."

Kairi stood up, deciding to let him take a nap. She grinned, feeling better since she finally gave him the fruit.