Hey guys its my first story

Hey guys it's my first story. I hope you enjoy it!

Bella's Point of View

The last day of freshman year. I couldn't wait until summer where I would no longer have to deal with the kids at this school for a whole 3 months. Just because I wasn't the most popular or beautiful girl in the school or that I actually liked to read didn't make me a nerd, though most people seemed to think it did.

Though I didn't have the typical look of a popular person either so that may be why they pick on me so much. I was 5'4 with brown hair that came to my waist, brown eyes and I was slightly overweight. I had glasses because my parents couldn't afford contacts for me, but I had always preferred glasses anyway. And of course I had the few occasional pimples but I mean who doesn't?

As I walked down the long hallway to my last class of the school year, my clumsiness caused another poor person to be hurt. I ran into him, making all my books tumble to the ground.

"I'm sorry about th-," I started before I was cut off by none other than Edward Cullen.

Edward had established early that he was going to date and sleep with as many girls as he possibly could in the 4 years he was stuck at Forks High. So far he's dated half and there were rumors that he'd slept with them too. With piercing green eyes, tousled bronze colored hair, and a muscular body I saw why they would.

"Watch where you're going nerd," he growled. He's green eyes bore into mine.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, suddenly shy.

"You better be," he replied and swiftly left me in the middle of the hallway with my books and papers all over the floor.

I have a tendency to be shy around people that I feel intimidate me. Unfortunately, this included Edward Cullen because of his sought after status at Forks High.

As I was cleaning up my papers and books someone came and tried to help me.

"Thank you," I said as they handed me my book, "I really appreciate it."

"It's the least I could do considering my asshole of a brother just left you here to clean it up by yourself. I'm going to kill him," the tiny pixie said. She was about 4'10 with dark hair that seemed to spike everywhere. She was very tiny and very thin and her pale skin made her very pretty.

"I'm Alice, Edward's sister. You're in my English class."

"Yeah, I no," I said in response. I'd seen her around school always with her boyfriend, Jasper. I'd always seen Alice with a huge smile on her face and her uncanny way of predicting things that would happen always made her unique.

Suddenly the warning bell rang, signaling the kids to make it to class.

"Well thanks again," I said over my shoulder as I walked to my class, Math.

"Wait! I wanted to see if you would like to come to my house this Saturday. Nothing really big. It'll be just me, Jasper, my brother Emmett, and his girlfriend Rosalie," Alice asked.

Everyone knew that Alice, Edward, and Emmett were the children of the town doctor Carlisle Cullen and his wife Esme. They lived in an amazing house a little outside of Forks. It was said to be very beautiful with views of the river.

Rosalie and Jasper Hale were the beautiful twins of Forks High. They both were very tall and had honey blonde hair. Though they looked alike their personalities couldn't be more different. Rosalie was the loud cheerleader that was particularly mean sometimes. She was also stubborn. Jasper was the quiet one with a way to make everyone feel calm and relaxed about him.

"Uhm…," I replied, not really sure was she was coming from. I had just met the girl and now she had invited me to her house with one of the meanest people alive, Rosalie.

"Please Bella, I just want to get to know you a little more. You're incredibly smart and pretty behind those glasses. I just want everybody else to see that too."

I gave in. "Ok Alice, I'll go. I'll see you then," I said. Then turning around and walking to the last class of the day.

Since I heard squeals of excitement behind me, I assumed I had made Alice happy. I rolled my eyes. Everything made Alice happy.

I made it just in time to Math, sitting right as the bell rang. As it was the last day of school, my teacher just let us have a movie day. As he turned off the lights to watch the movie, National Treasure, something that Alice had said earlier rang in my head.

You're incredibly smart and pretty behind those glasses. I just want everybody else to see that too.

What does that mean? I thought to myself.Does it mean that she saw something everybody else didn't see in me? And if it did was that why she was being so nice to me or was it out of pity for her brother's behavior?

Oh well I thought to myself, I guess we'll never find out unless I go. Then it hit me. What if it was just some stupid prank to get the nerd girl to go over to her house. Alice never seemed like that kind of girl but with the people of Forks you learned quickly that looks could be deceiving.

The bell rang, interrupting my thoughts. I had decided by this point to not go over to the Cullen's house on Saturday. As I hopped into my giant red truck, the oldest car in the parking lot, I couldn't wait to make it home to my mom who always made my day better.

When I arrived home after school, my dad's police car was in the driveway and my mom's car was there as well. My dad must have gotten off work early considering nothing really big happens in Forks I thought to myself. As I opened the door I saw that both my mom and my dad were waiting for me in the living room.

My family had never had a big house, though it was very nice. It was small and cozy with two bedrooms and one bathroom and a bright yellow kitchen my mom painted to try and relieve the overwhelming lack of sun in Forks.

"Honey," my mom said, "We need to talk to you." My mom, Renee, looked exactly like me except older and more laugh lines. And she didn't have glasses.

When I sat down to see what my parents wanted to say to me, my mom blurted it out.

"You're father and I have decided to get a divorce." My mom was never good at sugar coating the truth.

"Sweetie, I know this must be difficult for you get understand, but I'm not happy here. I've decided to move out and go to Phoenix and you'll come with me. You'll go to school there," my mom told me.

My dad, Charlie, said nothing. He was always quiet.

"We leave tomorrow," my mom declared, "I've already got you're stuff packed and I've got a house too. You'll enjoy the new start, honey. After we get unpacked I'm going to take you to get a makeover and maybe people won't pick on you as much. Trust me this is for the best."

"Ok," I replied, "I want to come back to Forks though, and soon, to see dad."

"And you will," my mom said.

"Well with that news I'm just going to go to sleep," I said not really wanting to talk to either of them at this moment. I guess I wouldn't be going to Alice's house after all, even if I had wanted to. My mom had made up her mind and nothing was going to change that.

As I walked up the stairs, into my room, and onto my bed I just cried. I cried all night too. Even though I hated the people in this town it was where I had grown up. Its where I was comfortable and its where my family was, the family that was no longer together. Now the thought of going to a new school and starting over was scary. As I fell in and out of sleep that's all I thought about.

When my mom woke me up the next day for the plane ride to Phoenix, I said my silent goodbyes to Forks awaiting what would come in Phoenix.

That was almost a year ago now. I had come to love Phoenix, the warm weather and the sunshine. My mom had married a man name Phil Dwyer and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible and I was standing in their way because Phil played minor league baseball. They couldn't spend that much time together because my mom was always with me. So I decided to send myself back to Forks for the sake of my mom and her new husband.

I had also changed. My mom had made good on her promise to take me to get a makeover. I had lost the glasses and gotten contacts. My mom had gotten me a totally new wardrobe and made my cut my hair so that it was in layers and slightly longer than my shoulder. I had also lost weight and was no longer overweight and gotten rid of the pimples. I also was no longer shy around people that intimidated me. I could stand up for myself now.

I was new and improved and loving every second of it.

I said silent goodbyes to Phoenix, laughing to myself. I had done that when I had first moved to Phoenix. Its amazing how quickly things change. As I boarded the plane I decided that no matter what I would stay in Forks and I would face everyone that was mean to me. I was the new and improved Bella and damn it I was going to make people see that.

It was now time to face my past.