Woot! Minna-san! Koneko-chan's here again! Okies, people! Here's my latest SasuNaru story! Yosh! Anyways, this time it's about...lemme think again...God, where the hell did that idea go off?! (hits head) Oh! Here it is! (grins) Okay, in this story, Sasuke is a cat - yes, he is a cat, and he belongs to Naruto... And the rest of the summary is after...ow! (being hit on the head)

Gaara: Idiot! Isn't it time for you to go away from the computer already?!

Koneko: Shut up! Just a few more minutes, 'kay?! (throws the stick back to Gaara)

Gaara: Ow! Damn stick! Idiot! Take this!

Yori: Watch out, Koneko-chan!

Koneko: Yori-chan! You saved me! (hugs Yori)

Lol! That was utterly random! Yep, my mind's random right now! Lol! Woot! here comes the prologue! Woot!


Naruto is an orphan whom had lost his parents when he was very young. He lived with his godfather, Umino Iruka who was also his teacher at the school he was studying in, Konoha Private School. There, he had few friends, mostly the freaks of the class as his classmates thought that he was a freak just like the rest of the psychos as well. His only true friends were Inuzuka Kiba, the clown of the school, and Sabaku no Gaara, the psychopath whom everyone was afraid of.

As he was a student during the day, he also worked as a waiter in a restaurant not far away from his house. The restaurant was owned by his godfather's friend and lover, Hatake Kakashi. He did not mind the both of them being a couple since he realised he too, was a homosexual. He however, had never ever been in a relationship with anyone. He loved working with Kakashi as the man was kind and generous, even though he was slightly perverted.

One day, as Naruto was walking home from his workplace, the rain suddenly poured down. Quickly, he ran and tried to look for a place to hide from the rain. As he waited for the rain to stop, he noticed a small limping animal walking hurriedly towards him. He stared at the animal and it stared back at him. It was a cat; with fur that was darker than the night sky and eyes as black as ebony. He felt sorry for the cat and decided to keep it as a pet.

He brought the wet furry back to his house and showed it to Iruka. The man gave him permission to keep the animal as his pet, but he had to take care of it properly. Naruto promised that he would do so and thanked his godfather for letting him have the cat. He then brought the little cat towards his room and started cleaning it. He also bandaged the small pussy cat's broken leg and plastered all the wounds on its body. Then, he gave the feline half of a boiled fish and a saucer of warm milk.

Later, he brought the little furry back to his room and put it on his bed whilst he went to the bathroom to take a relaxing bath after the tiring, soggy night. While he was relaxing inside the bathtub, the blue cat on his bed just stared at the bathroom's door. All of a sudden, the cat's black eyes sparkled a bright vermilion when the lightning struck outside the window. As soon as the flash was gone, Naruto came out of the bathroom only wrapped by a piece of orange towel.

"Ne, neko?" he smiled, then shook his head. "Iie...it's not fun calling a cat 'neko'... What should I call you then?"


"...I know! I should call you Kuro!"

The cat snorted at this. He then looked out of the window, showing that he really dislike such a common name like that. Naruto pouted slightly and took a seat beside his pet, lying himself on the bed all of a sudden. The furry jumped and made a small hissing sound at the sudden contact of water and coldness on his fur. Naruto stared at the cat and blinked a few times. Immediately, he thought of a name he guessed would suit the little animal and his weird attitude.


The little cat blinked when he heard the name. Smiling, Naruto called him with the same name again. The feline stared at him before making a nodding gesture. At this, Naruto chuckled and lifted the small animal, putting it onto his lap as he sat with his legs crossed on the bed, his back resting on the bed head comfortably. He then started stroking his pet which made the cat purr out in delight. He smiled and continued to caress the feline until it started to yawn.

"Ne, Sasuke?"


"Let's get some sleep, shall we?" he lifted the little furry until their eyes were at the same level. "Luckily I don't have school tomorrow. We can play, you know... Hm...you're really being so quiet for a usually-noisy-and-loud cat..." he laughed, making the small cat growled grumpily. "Sorry, sorry...I shouldn't be saying that, should I? Hm..." he then yawned. "Ya know...we really should go to sleep now..."


"Oh, so you do meow after all! Heh...and I thought I had just found a cat that doesn't have a voice... Really, you should be meowing more, your voice is quite melodious..." Naruto laughed again. "What am I talking about really? Perhaps the sleepiness has really got into me... Come on, let's have some sleep, okay?" he yawned once more and put the cat beside him, lying down on the bed.

Naruto then immediately drifted off to his dreamland for he was really very exhausted on that night. Sasuke the cat just watched him as he slept like a little angel; with his almost-sparkling golden hair, the pair of enchanting azure blue eyes that were hidden behind the eyelids with long lashes that curved naturally and beautifully. The feline then realised that Naruto had nothing on him but the towel that had only been covering him since he got out of the bathroom.


Slowly, the furry walked towards the blanket at the end of the bed, spread it apart and pulled one end of the blanket using his teeth, covering Naruto's body. After that, the small cat walked onto his body and lied down on his chest. His long tail swishing around the orange blanket, he soon fell into a deep sleep as well. The both of them had their own dreams as they waited for the rain to stop and the sun to come out on the next day...

((to be continued))

Okay.......had to change this 'cause a random commenter told me that (s)he would report it as discrimination if I don't. Nothing much to say, really....just...yeah, I'll change it. I know I was being an idiot...but I really don't think about it anymore. For the commenter, thanks for reminding me about this A/N, I really appreciate it. Just, please don't report me...okay? But anyways, nothing to read here, so I'll just get out of this place now! Woot! Ja ne, minna-san!