Tsuki the Fox here again with a one shot with Kagome and Matt. I've never seen a fic with this pairing so I thought what the heck let me try it. Please read and review and make sure to read my other story 'Inu no Death Note'. And if I get enough reviews saying that they liked it I might consider a sequal/prequal.

On with the story!!

This Takes place while Matt is in the car chase in ep 35 of Death Note

Authoress POV.

Matt was being chased by some of Takada's body guards when he saw a group of them at an intersection."Huh?" Matt said before he did a 360 spin with the car before stopping and looking at all of the guards.

"So those cars got ahead of me huh? How damn many bodyguards does one woman need any way?" Matt thought while watching the bodyguards lift their guns and point them at him.

Matt got out of the car while saying "Hey! Come on! Give me a break! Since when were the Japanese allowed to carry around such big guns? You got me I'm part of this whole kidnapping insident. That means you'll have alot of questions to ask. You wont shoot..."

Takada's bodyguards were about to shoot Matt when a smoke screen bomb exploded in front of said person.

"What the!?" one of the guards

"Just shoot!" yelled one of the other guards and they all began to shoot. They stopped shooting when the smoke started to clear.

"Where hell did he go!? Search the perimeter! Dont stop looking until we find that bastard!!" The first guard said (lets just name him Jack)

Meanwhile with Matt

He was trying to figure out where he was going and who took him away when they were about to shoot him.

The looked around and noticed he was in the back seat of a car and a woman was driving the car.

"Hey your awake finally I was begining to think that you would never wake up." the woman said

"Who are you and where are we going?" Matt asked looking for a escape route just in case

"Dont even think about trying to escape, and were going to my brothers house." the woman said while looking in the rear view mirror at Matt. Her silky black hair, that was in a pony tail, swished at the little head movement. Her ice blue eyes shining with amusement at the look on Matt's face.

"And I think you already know who I am." The woman said stopping the car and turning around to face him

"Kagome!" Matt yelled

"Yay! you remembered me!" Kagome said pulling Matt out of the car "Now I want you to meet my Older Brother Sesshomaru Makara. You'll like him but you wont like like the fact that you'll smoke around our kids." Kagome said pulling him into the mansion

"You have a child." Matt said a little depressed

"He's adopted silly! but he has red hair and green eyes just like you! Now come on." Kagome said walking into the family room

"-sigh- what have I gotten myself into now" Matt thought while he was being introduced

End story

Ha ha cliffe! kind of. if i get enough reviews I'll make a sequal about what happened in the fog and while Matt was being intro duced to Sesshomaru.

Tell everyone about this story if you want to know what happened and if you can guess right I'll give you a cyber cookie.
