Ello, i'm back with another story about how Sasuke and Naruto getting together, hopefully this one is better, enjoy!



"Kyuubi Talking"

It was a hot, muggy, and cloudy summer afternoon, though the sun was beaming down upon the earth the humidity was merciless. Thats why sixteen year old Naruto was found sleeping under a tree in its wonderful shade about three kilometers away from the village.

This spot was used by him and Sasuke for extreme training. The kind where if someone walked in on them they would think that Naruto had lost it and was trying to kill the Uchiha. Though no one came out this far, so they were safe to spar and work out their anger.

Sasuke, who too was sixteen was walking to the said extreme training area and almost tripped over the blonde and fell into the steam that ran through the small clearing, due to the fact he once again was thinking to much.

"OW! What was that for you prick!"

"Shut up Naruto! You were the one laying like a lazy bum under a bush!"

"Don't call me lazy! It's hot and my apartment has no cooling system so I spend the days here after Kakashi-sensei dismisses us." Naruto glared daggers at the raven haired boy.

Sasuke sighed and sat next to Naruto in the shade of the surrounding trees. He glanced at the blonde only to see him lay back down onto the lushes, green grass. Then something crossed his mind: the reason he came all the way out here.

"Hey, Naruto."

"What? I'm in no mood for a insult match."

"Shut up dobe! I need to talk about something... or more like someone."
Naruto sat bolt up full attention towards the man sitting next to him.
"Oh Gods! You like Sakura! NOOOO!! The world is ending!"

"NO! Gods no. Why would you even kid like that? No it's about someone else. I think I love them."

"Wow lucky fangirl. So what's the problem? They would probably love you right back. Oh I get it you don't want to embarass yourself by liking one of them!"

"No, they aren't a fangirl. They don't even notice I like them. I keep sending signs but they never catch on."

"Boy they sound stupid. Or you're just too subtle. Just go and tell them how you feel! I never would've thought you were shy!"
Sasuke looked at the blonde in amazement. He had never been given such good advice before! That was something he hadn't counted on from his teammate.

"Well, I can't just go up to them, I don't even know if they like me back. I will not make a fool of myself just to be shot down. No dammit!"

"OK, just chill, take them out to some where private, like here, and ask them. If they say no, ask them to never speak of it again."

"Wow you're oddly helpful today." Sasuke was growing suspicious of Naruto. How come he wasn't laughing at him? Why wasn't he making fun of Sasuke for being in love with someone? HIM the hard-ass Uchiha!

"Well I guess I'm happy for you." there was a slight trace of sadness in his voice, but Sasuke noticed it anyway.

"Are you OK?" Sasuke was getting a little worried.

"Yeah of course I am! What I can't be happy for my best friend?!"

"So I'm only a friend to you?"

The blonde just blinked at him, "So who is the lucky lady?"

Sasuke had to stop himself from smacking his head. The boy was indeed proving the blonde-idiot stereotype. He looked at him with irritation. How could he fall in love with this idiot!?

Why of all people did he have to feel this way about Naruto. Naruto the baka, Naruto the idiot, Naruto the loser, Naruto the dobe, Naruto had beaten everyone. The fangirls, any enemy they had come to face in the last few years.
How? He was dead last. A loser when they first met but he had grown. Why? How did he manage to change that much?

Finally he said something, "What makes you think it's a girl who's won my affections?" Naruto almost passed-out at this comment.
"WHAT?! YOU BETTER BE KIDDING! YOU NEED A GIRL TO REVIVE YOUR CLAN!" Naruto was now staring with his mouth open at the Uchiha boy.

Sasuke stood up and brushed off his pants, "I knew they wouldn't understand!" as he walked off.

"They? How would he know if "they" understood or not, he hasn't even told them yet" Naruto said looking at spot where Sasuke was sitting. "...and he calls me stupid" Naruto layed back down but couldn't go back to sleep, he was thinking about what Sasuke said.

'They...They? I don't get it' Naruto said to himself.

An hour passed by, the clouds were getting bigger and darker, evidently it was going to storm soon so Naruto got up still thinking 'They..."I knew they wouldn't understand!"...WAIT! That means that i'm "they" So Sasuke loves me!' Naruto suddenly burst into a run.

Naruto felt bad, he had hurt his best friend's feelings by mistaking them for something less than what they really were, love!
Now he knew why Sasuke called him baka, he was a huge one sometimes!
Naruto had to find Sasuke! He knew he had felt that way about him since the whole Haku thing where he had "died" to protect Naruto. Not to mention he was a good kisser!
This could lead to trouble. Big, bad, fangirl-related trouble. Not to mention trouble with Sasuke.

He had made Sasuke nervous, what if that affected missions? Damn hormones! He needed to fix this! He needed some answers. He needed to find Sasuke.
...Naruto ran and ran after Sasuke in hopes of catching up to him be fore he reached his compound, no luck.

He was now feeling like a piece of shit for being so clueless. But how was he suppose to guess his practically emo teammate was gay!? Or possibly bi? This must have been a major set back for him. Now that he likes guys he would have trouble reviving his clan.

"Maybe he doesn't care anymore? No! He would never give up like that!"
"Hey Sasuke has seen the sexy jutsu maybe he has a plan? but I can't keep that up for nine months! What is he thinking?" Naruto was at top speed headed to Sasuke's house, the Uchiha district. By this time the had wind picked up and it was drizzling.

Naruto had been there a few times before and never liked it. The place reeked of emptyness. It was so lonely and forlorn. It was sad. And Sasuke had to live there! Poor guy no wonder he was such an ass! He lived in a place like this all alone.

Naruto couldn't help but feel bad for him. How could he help? Well for one thing he could let Sasuke know he had the same feelings for him. And maybe help liven the place up a little. He decided to stick with the returning the feelings. That seemed like the best way to go. Next stop Sasuke's house.

Naruto walked through the Uchiha district with a look of sympathy upon his face. Now that it was pouring rain the houses looked as if they were weeping in despair. Some houses had slashes where maybe a sword or kunai had strucked. Naruto finally made it to Sasuke's Compound, where you would see a dent in the wall where the Uchiha crest is, he had always wonder how that happened.

Naruto walked up to the door and knocked, knocked, and knocked...

"Oh come on..."

Naruto must have stood in front of Sasuke's door for ten minutes knocking. And while he did that he felt as stupid as a fangirl. Damn nerves. His conscience was laughing hysterically at him. No that wasn't his conscience it was the damn fox!

'Shut the hell up, fox!' Naruto screamed in is head.
'But it's so funny! Your acting like a love-struck school girl! It's a good thing he doesn't know I'm in here or I would be ashamed to no end.'

'I plan to tell him as soon as things are settled.' Naruto could have sword he heard the fox choking itself in shock.

'Your jesting!'

'You should know, your in my head after all.'
Suddenly the door opened to reveal a shocked Uchiha at the door. He stood there looking at his the object of his love all wet. Then he spoke after a minute.
"What do you want?" The raven-haired boy was pissed. No doubt about it.

Naruto cursed himself mentally along with Kyuubi.
"I came to talk to you. I'm sorry i'm a major idiot sometimes but I didn't want to leave things up in the air. Can I come in we need to talk.
The other just blinked then turned and said' "Come on then." Naruto was relieved to say the least. Maybe this would be easy. But for the vessle of Kyuubi nothing ever was.
"Do you drink tea?"
"Huh? Oh yeah. Sure."
Naruto was nervous how does he say that he loved the boy and had loved him for quite some time now. This was a very delicate situation. Something Naruto was not good at handling. He felt as though he was in some poorly written story made by a sixeen-year-old yaoi fangirl.

Sasuke came back with two tea cups filled with steamy, green tree and a towel, handing the cup and the towel to Naruto who was staring off into space, but finally took both. Naruto took a sip of the tea and dried himself off and looked at Sasuke who drinking his tea.

"Sasuke I'm not good at this so I'm going to come and blurt it out so please don't be offended. I-I- love you, too!"
'That was easier than I thought it would be.'
"What?" the young Uchiha looked utterly lost and almost spit out his tea. Did his rival just admit to being in love with him? Feeling the same way he did about him? Most definitetly unexpected...

Okay theres more to come, but I kinda wanted it to be in chapters, but most importantly do you readers like it so far? Also if I were to make another chapter, would you like to have a lemon in it? Let me know please?

Read and review, Thank you