Hi everyone..…..Just to let you know this is my first fanfic that I have ever written and I do hope that you all like it. It may take awhile for some update, but I will do my best to make the wait well worth it. And please let me know what you thing. Thank you.

Note: I do not own the InuYasha story or anything that is of InuYasha.

Chapter 1

"Down there Kirara." Kagome said as she pointed to an open field where two figures stood, awaiting her arrival. As Kirara landed, a green ugly toad came walking up to her.

"Lady Kagome, it is good to see you again." The toad bowed to Kagome and watched as she climbed off Kirara's back with a medium sized back-pack on her back.

"I'm sorry about the two month wait Jaken; finals with school and all. I hope Rin wasn't too much trouble for you." She said as she stroked the black diamond on Kirara's head and watched as she flew off back to Sango and the gang.

"How long shall you be staying with us this time Lady Kagome?" Jaken ask as he and Kagome walked over to Ah-Uh. Jaken climbed up on to one of the heads of Ah-Uh.

"Six months." Kagome answered as she climbed onto Ah-Uh. "That is if Lord Sesshomaru will permit it." Ah-Uh took flight and headed for the Western Castle.

"That is more than the few weeks that you usually stay Lady Kagome; had Inuyasha made you that up set?" Jaken asked puzzled as he turned around to look at the young human woman.

"No. It's just that I missed Rin so much and I don't have to go back to school for as while." She started to think back to those hard two months of studying for her high school finals. Before she left for her time, she had written a note to Sesshomaru letting him know that she would not be around for two months. She sent Kirara with the letter to Sesshomaru's castle. When she got home she did nothing but study; when she got her scores back she was so happy that she past all her classes and didn't have to stay any longer in her time for any more school.

" The Lord has gone out scouting the lands and will not be back till well after dark." Jaken said as he turned back around to look at were they were going.

"Then I shall ask him in the morning. At lest it gives me time to change my clothes." Kagome smiled a little to herself as she remembered the first time Sesshomaru had asked her to watch Rin at his castle. It was two years ago when he came to her; she was bathing in a hot spring, unaware of the pair of golden eyes watching her.

Flash Back

Kagome let out a small sigh as she sunk deeper into the hot spring. The water coming up to her neck and her hair just pooled around her on top of the water. She let the hot water easy her sore mussels from today's battle and the fight with Inuyasha.

'What do you thing you were doing Kagome!? You jump right in front of the demon and almost got yourself killed.!' Inuyasha yelled at her while she was getting dinner ready for the group.

'I was going after the shard that the demon and drop and thanks to you he has it again!' Kagome yelled back to him.

'Hmp…you nothing but a stupid bitch that's too weak to take care of herself. It's your fault that we are out here in the first place looking for the shards.' Inuyasha moved over to jump into a tree.

'SIT!' Kagome yell and Inuyasha was pushed into the ground in mid jump. Kagome then stood up and walked over to her bag and pulled her bathing items out and a towel. 'Sango, dinner is almost done if you wouldn't mind finishing it.' Sango just gave a nod as she watch Kagome, who she thought to be a sister, walk into the forest.

Kagome let out another soft sigh before she dunked her head under water, wetting her hair. After she came back up she grabbed her shampoo can put some in her hand and worked it in her hair till she thought that I was clean and did the same thing with the conditioner and body wash. She didn't use scented bathing items; ever time she did Inuyasha would complain on how it was too strong and he was tired of smelling her and it burning his nose.

The golden eyes that watched her from a far belonged to a very powerful demon, but not just any demon, the demon lord of the west. Sesshomaru watched as she started to put the strange liquid in her hands and hair. He was glad that she no longer used the other stuff that she used to, it was to strong for his nose and cover up her own scent which was that of spring rain and lavender and a hint of sandalwood. No one else smelled of that in this world, not even other humans who smelled very unpleasant. He had watch her bather herself and now she was just sitting in the water.

Sesshomaru heard a strange noise coming from the girl and noticed that she started humming. He was just about to jump down and confront her when she started to sing.

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty houseThat don't bother meI can take a few tears now and then and just let them outI'm not afraid to cry every once in a whileEven though going on with you gone still upsets meThere are days every now and again I pretend I'm okBut that's not what gets meWhat hurts the mostWas being so closeAnd having so much to sayAnd watching you walk awayAnd never knowingWhat could have beenAnd not seeing that loving youIs what I was tryin' to doIt's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I goBut I'm doin' ItIt's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm aloneStill HarderGetting up, getting dressed, livin' with this regretBut I know if I could do it overI would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heartThat I left unspokenWhat hurts the mostIs being so closeAnd having so much to sayAnd watching you walk awayAnd never knowingWhat could have beenAnd not seeing that loving youIs what I was trying to doWhat hurts the mostIs being so closeAnd having so much to sayAnd watching you walk awayAnd never knowingWhat could have beenAnd not seeing that loving youIs what I was trying to doNot seeing that loving youThat's what I was trying to doOoohhh...

When she was done singing a tear from her eye and rolled down her cheek and fell into the hot spring, she had whispered something to herself that Sesshomaru couldn't hear. When she stood up and pulled her towel around her was when Sesshomaru decided that it was time to make his present know to her.

Kagome jumped when she felt a strong aura and reached for her bow and arrows that she brought with her and hide under her towel. She notched and arrow and turned towards the area that she felt the aura and was ready to let the arrow fly when she saw that it was Sesshomaru, but she didn't lower the bow.

"What do you want Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked in a stern voice.

Sesshomaru raised a brow, 'She would still stand up to me and speak to me in a many that I could like her for and yet she does not fear me.' he thought as he gave Kagome a low warning growl, but he saw that she did not flinch. "Rin has asked for your present and time."

Kagome just looked at him with a confused look. "Is that all?" She asked, still not letting her bow down. She say Sesshomaru give a nod. "Then why didn't you bring her with you?"

Sesshomaru gave her another growl of annoyance but spoke in a calm and cold voice. "You will come with me to my castle and see her. You will not see her unless you are under my supervision."

"Fine…I'll be there tomorrow." She finally put her bow down and started to pick up her clothes.

"Very well, but you will wear something more appropriate while in my castle." Sesshomaru turned around to leave but was stopped when Kagome spoke.

"I don't have anything other than what I have… What I am I suppost to wear?" She asked confused.

"Then I shall provide appropiate clothing for you while you are at the castle." With that Sesshomaru was gone.

Kagome was trying to figure out what she had just gotten herself into as she got dressed and made her way back to camp. When she walked back to camp she say that everyone had eaten and there was some for her. Shippo was asleep on her sleeping bag, Sango and Miroku where talking to themselves and Inuyasha was no where to be found, but she knew where he was. He was with Kikyo again.

End Flash back.

As the castle came into view Kagome smiled as she came out of her thoughts as she say her second home, she just hoped that Rin wasn't too up set. After they had landed Kagome turned to Joken, "Let Rin know that I am here and that I will join her in the garden in a few hours."

"Yes Lady Kagome." Jaken said with a bow before he was off.

As she made her way to the room Sesshomaru gave her, she was greeted with 'Welcome back' and ' It is good to see you again' all of them ending in calling her Lady. It had taken her almost a year to get use to it; for it was Sesshomaru's wish and orders that she be treated like the Lady of the castle, though she wasn't everyone did as such. Some didn't like the idea at first but they cam to respect her as the Lady of the Castle of the Moon.

When she came to her room, the first thing she did was head to the bathing area that was next to her room and only she could use it; she just had to get Inuyasha's scent off of her before Sesshomaru arrived back. She took her shampoo and conditioner from her bag, then placed the bag on the bed and went to the wardrobe to pick out a kimono for her to wear. She settled with a deep purple kimono that had small red roses on it and then went to bath herself.