This is the first chapter. Review to tell me if you like it. To tell me if I should continue. If I don't get more than 10 reviews for each chapter than I won't continue. But maybe you don't want me to continue, so Review!

"Bella, you're dad wants you to meet someone. So get your cute butt down here," my mom Renee called me from the kitchen. I put down my book, Wuthering Heights, and walked downstairs. I was a little young to read such a difficult book, but I always acted a little old for my age. I'm just eight years old.

As I walked downstairs I heard my father and a man talking about work. My dad, Charlie, was the boss of his own company. We weren't wealthy though. He was at the early stages of business.

My dad noticed me out of the corner of his eye, "Bella," I walked over to him. He picked me up and swung me around, while I laughed uncontrollably. Eventually he put me down on my feet turning back to the man he was talking to.

"Rick, this is my wonderful daughter Isabella Marie Swan. She likes to go by Bella though," He added. I smiled and looked up to see this man called Rick. He was very tall, though that could just because I'm really small. I could tell that he works out a lot because his muscles looked huge. His hair was a dark brown, nothing too special.

He bent down so his height matched mine. I looked into his eyes seeing they were a light blue. I couldn't help but feel safe around him.

"So you're the daughter Charlie has been telling me about," he told me with a smile.

"Nothing bad I hope," I responded. He chuckled and then he did something that bothered me. He winked. My smile that was on my face dropped to a line. Why could such an action trouble me?

"No, no nothing bad at all," he replied still holding his gaze at me. I just wish he would turn his attention back to Charlie. As if on cue he stood back up, "You have a beautiful daughter," he told him.

"I know I do," my dad agreed with him. Charlie then looked down at me, "Bella I totally forgot to introduce you to him. This is Rick Dean. He is second in command at my company. I wouldn't have gotten this far without him," he introduced. I nodded looking around for my mother. She was cooking, well trying, to bake cookies. I decided I would go help. I walked over to her, when Rick grabbed my hand.

I looked up glaring, "Where are you going," he asked me. I didn't want to talk to him, so I pointed to my mom. He nodded, "Well I would like to get to know you better, Bella. Do you have to go help your mom?" he asked. Why did he want to talk to me? My stomach was starting to feel sick. I knew it wasn't for a good reason.

"My mom doesn't know how to cook well so I need to help her," I told him, and for a second I saw anger in his eyes, but his smile hid it well. I pulled my hand out of his grip walking over to Renee. I heard my dad say 'Well kids sure do love to cook'. I rolled my eyes. My dad could be so pathetic sometimes. I made it over to my mom and tapped on her shoulder.

She looked down and whispered, "What took you so long? You know I can't bake perfect cookies unless you're around." I giggled for it was so true. I turned and pointed to Rick answering her first question. She nodded understanding and then I started to help bake the cookies.


The next two weeks, Rick has been at my house daily. I felt like I was in a cage trapped in by monster. Though I had no proof that he was evil, he just made me feel very uncomfortable.

Finally one day he didn't come over to my house. It really felt like the best day ever. It was the perfect day.

My mom was tucking me into bed that night and started to sing our song- Wild Horses by the Sundays. I really don't know how it became our song, it just sort of happened. It really didn't make sense, but I always thought it sounded beautiful.

Wild horses,

Couldn't drag me away,

Wild, Wild horses,

We'll ride them someday.

After my mom finished singing the song I fell asleep. That was until I awoke hearing a loud bang. I quickly got out of bed and ran to my parent's room. I heard myself crying, but I felt numb. There, lying dead on the bed were both of my parents. I ran over to them holding them tight. I knew I was getting covered in blood, but I didn't care. All I cared about were that my parents were dead. I felt like hours before I heard a door open.

I turned my head seeing that it was the closet door that opened, and standing there was Rick Dean.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He was starting to walk towards me.

"Oh, now you talk don't you beautiful," he laughed. I was starting to hyperventilate he was getting so close, but I couldn't leave my parents. "You know ever since I saw you, I knew we were meant to be," he smiled. I started to hear piercing screams realizing that they were coming from my mouth, but were suddenly muffled when he put his hand on my mouth. "Uh Uh Uh," he shook his pointed finger in my face.

He suddenly picked me up and laid me down on my bed. I started crying. He crawled on top of me and leaned down into my ear to whisper, "You know your lips are so gorgeous. I just want to eat them up," he then took his hand off of my mouth pressing his lips to mine. I tried to struggle out of his grasp, but like I pointed out before he worked out. He then forced my mouth open to accommodate his disgusting tongue. It felt like this went on for hours, but eventually he pulled away.

"I very much enjoyed that Bella, but I think I will enjoy this even more," he told me when he suddenly ripped off my PJ's leaving me naked in front of him. It took me a while to notice that he was naked too. I read enough books to realize what was about to happen. Suddenly I felt something go into me and I screamed in terror. It all happened so fast that as soon as it started it had finished. He pulled away from me putting his clothes back on.

I then came aware of sirens that sounded about a mile away. Rick leaned in and kissed me one last time whispering in my ear, "We'll meet again, Isabella. I'm assuring of that," Then he was gone. Like in a rush the numbness went away. I felt all of the pain that happened to me that night. It was so much pain that I didn't even feel people put me in an ambulance. All I could feel was hurt. The hurt of the death of my parents. The hurt of being raped. Most of all the hurt of knowing nothing will ever be the same.

Please Review! Should I continue?