Ouran High School Host Club

-Tied Together-

Rei, a first year who managed to make it into Ouran on a scholarship, has run away from a terrifying past. But when Rei is tricked into a certain club of boys, will that past ever be revealed? And why does Rei hate the twins so much?

Rating - Teen


This story starts at episode three, and will be a mix between the anime and the manga. Please don't let the Intro scare you away. All things will be explained in due time. If you are not familiar with this wonderful anime, then please don't read this, as to some things will not make sense. This chapter is also very short, since it's only the intro. I will never let any actually chapter be this small again! xP

I hated them.

Them, the men who abused women's emotions for their own profit.

Why was it people like them got to live so happily, while people like her could not. It didn't make any sense to me. Every time I thought about it, I just gained more hatred towards them.

The rest of my pathetic school adored them, mostly because they were all the same; all rich bastards who had no care in the world.

So why?

Why was it me, of all people, that had to be stuck with them?

"Haruhi!" The freshman heard. She has just been wishing for a way to get away from Tamaki and his usual ranting, this time about spring or something.

Haruhi, dressed in a man's kimono and hakama pants, felt her body suddenly forced against something else, and her arm pulled on. She was used to being treated this way, and automatically knew who the culprits were. Two identical teenage boys had shoved their way into her personal bubble. One ruffled her brown hair and grabbed her around the neck with his arm. The other simply grabbed her right arm and showed her the small amount of papers in his hands.

She just stared up at the two orange haired, amber eyed boys, and mumbled a reply.

"Have you decided on what to take for your elective courses this semester?" they asked in unison. She was used to that, too. "How about French Conversation?"

"Hmm… Maybe," Haruhi mumbled, focusing on one of the sakura trees in front of her. She loved those trees, but never really had time to enjoy them. This was why.

"We should just take the same courses," they continued. "Because, you know, we're…." she felt them turn to somewhere behind her, where she knew Tamaki was. "In the same class."

Tamaki, the over dramatic blond sophomore he was, went into his typical corner of woe. This time though, it wasn't really a corner, just the side of one of the trees. Poor tree.

Haruhi ignored him as he argued about something with Kyoya, a black haired boy with glasses that was in Tamaki's grade. The twins continued to bombard her with questions. Actually, she didn't hear anyone.

It was what she saw that interested her.

Haruhi had moved her eyes away from the tree, to watch the last of their customers walk out the gates of the school grounds, away from the Host Clubs 'Sakura Viewing Festival.' However, the last of the girls had stopped by the entrance, and were giggling. The one pointed and blushed; the others shook their heads. She moved her eyes again to follow the girls, and raised an eyebrow.

'Who is he?' she thought.

The boy who the girls were swooning over was at the Host Club gate, fists clenched and at his sides. At the distance Haruhi was, which was very far away, she couldn't see his face that was hidden behind both his black bangs and the shadows of his hood. Haruhi wondered if he was even a member of her school, because he wasn't wearing the official uniform, just black jeans and a thin black shirt over his gray short-sleeved hoodie.

He hadn't noticed Haruhi staring at him yet, since he had stared at the girls before turning back to the hosts. When he did, she saw him tense, and he turned away. The boy was gone before she could even blink.

"Haruhi!" the twins whined, finally realizing she hadn't answered any of the questions they threw at her.

She looked up at them, "Huh?"

They sweat dropped, confirming what they had already guessed.

"Hey, Haruhi?" the first one asked. He had let go of her neck, but was still pretty close. She saw the right-sided part of his hair and knew he was Hikaru, the older one.

"Were you staring at Takahashi-kun?" Kaoru questioned after his brother.

"Takahashi-kun?" she repeated. At first, the name sounded like the first of another Host Club member, one she knew as Mori-sempai, but quickly added the extra 'ha' in the middle of the name.

Kaoru nodded. "The boy who was over there a second ago."

"Oh, you know him?"

Both brothers sighed, not believing they were actually hearing this. Opening their mouths to speak, they tried to explain, but were beaten to the punch. Kyoya, with his trusted notebook that just happened to be wherever he was, appeared in front of the three to do it himself.

"Takahashi, Rei. He is in his freshman year, in class 1-A, the same as yours and the twins. Takahashi-kun was born and raised in Kyoto, before moving in this area two and a half years ago. He made it into Ouran Academy on a scholarship much like yourself, and is currently living with his aunt. He is a commoner."

Haruhi sighed, hinting that was the end of that. She knew he probably had pages of unneeded and unimportant information that he didn't want to explain, and she was thankful for that.

"I don't remember him," she said, placing her finger to her chin in thought. Haruhi felt happy that another student made it into this school by brains and not by money and a little proud, too.

"He sits at the back of the class," one twin said. She wasn't looking, and wasn't really listening to determine the difference.

"Behind Hikaru,"

"Is always staring out the window,"

"And never wears the uniform!" they finished together.

She nodded, making a mental note to pay attention better the next day. Haruhi couldn't afford the uniform either, so she didn't blame him.

Despite all this information, her original uneasy feeling returned, and wondered if something bad was going to happen.

Haruhi's attention was dragged away by Tamaki yet again, mumbling something about reverting back. She sighed.

He was already giving her a headache.

So, there. My reeeeeally short introduction to a new story. I originally want to wait a while, but I just can't take it anymore. xP

R&R what you think so far, even though I don't think you'll get much out of this. The main point of this is to show the Host Club's view of Rei.