Hey evryone

Hey evryone! Sorry that this chapter is up so late. I had half the chapter typed up yesterday morning and then my computer restarted itself, so I lost what I had written. Sorry! Anyways, here is the next chapter.


Chapter 2:

The twins stared in shock at the little boy sitting on the river bank. Well now they knew why he was making a healing salve. The wounds decorating his chest looked painful. Several of the lacerations had a slight discoloration surrounding the opening and a couple of them were even oozing a yellowish puss. The twins knew from prior knowledge that while the wounds that the boy had were nowhere near life threatening, the chance of infection was if the wounds weren't cleaned and treated properly. So, why did a child have such wounds?

In fact, what was a child doing so far away from its parents or human life for that matter? Especially with those wounds.

"Elladan, is there a human village near here?" Elrohir asked his older brother.

"No. There isn't a village in this region for miles." He replied back.

That wasn't the only shock the twins were in for though. A breeze blew through the clearing, blowing the little child' tresses over his shoulder. He gave an annoyed sigh and brushed his raven locks back over his shoulders and tucked it behind his pointed ears. The child was not a human child. He was an elfling!

"An elfling…how?" Elladan whispered in shock. The last elfling to have been born was over five hundred years ago. You see, even though the elves enjoyed very long lives, it did not come without a price, and that price was their children. Very few children were born to the elves. Therefore, any child born to their race was a joyous and celebrated occasion. Every elfling was precious and protected more than any other race. So how was there an elfling right there in the clearing, and why did he have such terrible wounds? No parent would ever let their child get hurt. Unless they were dead.

But that didn't make sense either. If the parents had some how been killed or passed away, then any other elf would have gladly taken the child in. This was quite a conundrum.

A twig snapped to Elladan's left. Elrohir had taken a step forward towards the elfling but had accidentally stepped on twig. The small elfling's head snapped up and his large emerald eyes landed on their two figures standing at the clearings edge. His beautiful eyes widened in shock and fear, causing the twins heart to constrict in pain. Why did an elfling fear them? No elf would ever hurt an elfling and they knew that? So did the little one act as though they were the enemy?

The elfling jumped to his feet but immediately screamed out in pain as his broken leg gave out under his quick movement and weight of his body. His small body crumpled to the ground causing the elfling's head to hit a flat rock on the rivers edge. He didn't moved from his position on the ground.

Elladan and Elrohir rushed forward to the elfling. The checked him over and sighed in relief when they found that he was only unconscious. But their relief was short lived. The wounds on the little one's chest weren't the only injuries on his small frame. His back was decorated with the same kinds of wounds, and his shoulder was swollen and tender, indicating recent dislocation. His leg was broken, and while the splint was very well made, the break wasn't set correctly. Also, then wounds weren't the only things that the elves could see. There were also scars. Lots of them. Who or whatever did this to the little one had been doing it for a long time.

Elrohir looked at his brother with a pained look, trying with all his strength to hold in the tears that he so desperately wanted to let fall. What kind of monster would do this? Elladan had a similar look on his face as he gazed back at his brother. They turned their attention back to the elfling, and after scanning his injuries one more time, set to work on trying to fix him up the best they could. It seemed they really did need to return back to Rivendel now. Their Ada would be able to heal him better than they could ever could.

After working on the little elfling for a couple of hours, Elladan went to hunt for some food while Elrohir stayed to watch over their charge incase he woke up. As he waited for his brother to return, Elrohir gathered up some fallen braches and twigs to start a fire. In minutes, there was a nice fire going. While the days were warm this time of the year, the approaching winter could be felt at night, and for the last few nights, the temperature had dropped drastically once the sun set.

With his keen sense of hearing, Elrohir's elf ears could hear something moving through the forest a little ways away. He stood up and walked over to where he had laid his sword down, and after grabbing it, walked back over to the elfling to stand guard over him incase whatever was out there was a threat. When the bushes right next to the camp rustled, Elrohir moved his hand to the hilt of his sword and drew the blade about an inch out of its scabbard. His worries were eased though when Elladan stepped into the clearing. In his brother's hand was a single rabbit.

"I managed to catch only one, but I found some black berry bushes and nuts." Elladan said to his brother. He walked over, and after stabbing the already skinned rabbit with a stick, situated it over the fire to cook. He reached for his side bag and set it down between himself and his brother. Inside it was an assortment of berries and nuts. "I figured that we should save most of the rabbit for the little one, since he looks so thin, and we could eat most of the berries and nuts."

Elrohir nodded in agreement. It was true. The little elfling looked as though he hadn't eaten in weeks and even then, had only eaten a little. The brothers ate their food in silence while keeping a diligent eye on their young charge. It wasn't until a few hours later that they saw any movement from the elfling.


'Uhh…my head.' Was the first thought that ran through Harry's mind as he stirred into consciousness. If he remembered correctly, his head didn't hurt earlier. Maybe his Uncle decided to have some fun with him while he was out. But… his uncle abandoned him, or so he thought. Was it a dream? The forest and the ears and the case of dwarfism he seemed to inherit over night? A sense of disappointment washed over him at the thought. While everything seemed to be different in his dream, he remembered how happy he was that he no longer had to deal with his Uncle. Oh well. It was all a dream, and Harry knew better than to dream about things that would never happen. It only left you sad and disappointed when they never came true.

Harry cracked open his eyes, expecting to see the ceiling of his little room or at least the walls of his old bedroom, the cupboard under the stairs, but instead he saw stars twinkling over his head and the tops of tall trees looming over him. For several moments he just stared at the sky before he closed his eyes and counted to ten before opening them again. But the stars and trees were still there.

"It wasn't a dream." He whispered. He didn't know whether to be happy, sad, scared, or afraid, so he settled on confused. How did he get here? And what happened to him? Obviously, this wasn't a dream as he just woke up and he could feel the dull ache from his injuries.

Harry was startled out his contemplating when he heard movement to his right. He glanced over and saw two pair of brown eyes staring at him with worry. Harry made a move to get up but one of the men rushed over to him. Harry tensed up, waiting for pain to hit him, only to be shocked when the man helped him sit up.

"Careful there, tithen pen. We don't want your wounds to open again." The man said to him. While Harry accepted the help into a sitting position, he remained tense in the man's arms. He didn't like people touching him that much. There were only a handful of people that Harry would let touch him and feel comfortable in their arms. This man wasn't one of them. He seemed to sense that Harry didn't want him touching him, so he removed his hands once Harry was sitting up on his own and backed away. Before he moved completely away though, Harry saw sadness and worry pass through the man's eyes.

The man returned to his original position and remained quiet. Harry took this time to observe the two men. Twins, he noted. While they look like identical twins, Harry was able to see some differences between the two of them. After getting to know the Weasley twins, Harry was pretty confident in his ability to tell twins apart. Both of them had long, dark brown hair and light brown eyes. The twins who had helped him up had softer eyes than the other, but both looked friendly enough. He spotted their swords on the ground next to the two of them and the bow and quiver of arrows near as well. He vaguely felt as though he had seen the two of them before, and then he remembered seeing them before he passed out.

He studied them for several more moments in silence and with a jolt, saw that they had pointed ears. Just like him. Whatever they were, Harry was almost positive that he was what they are. To him, they looked like the muggle version of elves in fairy tales. But there were no elves like that in the magical world.

'Oh yeah. I'm not in my world anymore.'

The man, or creature, or whatever, that had helped him up was the first to break the silence that had fallen over them.

"How do you feel? We tried to clean your wounds up the best that we could. Unfortunately, we are not as good as our Ada when it comes to healing." His voice was very soothing and calm. Harry felt as though he wanted to trust him, but he knew better than to trust someone so quickly. He glanced down at his torso and saw that they had indeed treated his wounds. His body was wrapped in bandages and the smell of herbs wafted up to his nose. The splint on his leg was fixed, since it broke when he moved to quickly earlier, and Harry felt less pain than he had in awhile. He looked back up and saw that the two men were studying him, waiting for a answer.

"I feel better. Thank you." Harry's voice sounded out softly. He hated how his voice sounded more childish. Did this mean he had to go through puberty again? That sucked. The two men smiled at him, their eyes shinning with happiness that Harry felt better.

A wonderful smell wafted though the air causing Harry's stomach to growl. A blush stole across his cheeks when the men smiled at him. The other twin got up and walked over to the fire, removing something from it and walking over to Harry. He approached slowly and cautiously, as though approaching a wounded animal, which Harry guessed was a pretty accurate assumption, and then he held out a stick with an animal on it. Rabbit, Harry saw. While he had never had rabbit before, it look really good right now. He knew better than to eat food that was given to him by strangers, but he didn't care right now.

He took a small bite and he actually moaned at the taste. It was so good. He glanced up at the twins when he realized what he did and saw amusement shinning in their eyes. Harry found himself blushing again and quickly looked away. When he swallowed the rabbit, Harry had to wait a minute for his stomach to stop clenching in pain before he could eat again. It had been a while since he had last eaten so his stomach was unused to having something in it. He slowly began to eat, but after his stomach got used to the food, he ate faster. After a few minutes, Harry finished the rabbit. One of the twins handed him a skin of liquid for him to drink. Harry took it from the twin and gave a delicate sniff of its contents before taking a drink. Water filled his parched mouth. After drinking his fill, Harry gave a sigh of contentment. This was the best day of his summer so far. He wasn't in much pain and he was full. Life was good… temporarily.

"What is your name, tithen pen?" One of the men asked.

'Tithen pen?' Harry thought. While the men seemed trustworthy and they had fed him and treated his wounds, Harry was still hesitant to completely trust them.

"What are you're names?" Harry questioned instead.

"My name is Elrohir."

"My name is Elladan."

Well, at least he now knew what to call them. They were waiting for Harry's answer on what his name was. Even though Harry was pretty sure that he was in a new world, he was still hesitant on giving out his name. Harry Potter was too widely known and he had too many enemies. Elladan and Elrohir saw him hesitate with his answer and they smiled sadly.

"Its okay. You don't have to tell us your name if you don't want to." Elladan spoke. Harry gave a grateful smile to the man. He smiled back. Before Harry could say anymore though, a yawn escaped him. The twins smiled at him again.

"Rest, tithen pen. We'll talk more in the morning." Elrohir said this time. Harry nodded. He laid down in the grass to get some more rest and before he drifted off, he felt a blanket get laid over him to keep him warm.


Well there you go. Sorry the chapter is up late. I had half of it typed earlier but then I forgot to save it so I lost it. To make up for it, I made this chapter longer. Ok, I had a few comments and questions that I would like to address.

Q: Bikiluf: Pretty good so far. Not so sure about the timeline though. Are you following the original timeline from LOTR or going AU ??
Arwens mother leaves middle earth in the year 2509 of the third age. And if it's year 13 when Harry arrives then something doesn't add up. Who is LG?

A: Okay, I have never read the LOTR books so I have no clue about the timelines or anything like that. I just made up a date. Although, the place I mentioned was real. I looked it up on a map of Middle Earth. So if someone could send me a basic timeline, then that would be great and I could fix what I had written. Also, LG is Legolas Greenleaf.

Serafin982: My only suggestion is to be mindful of the speech and thoughts of your elves. They seem somewhat immature and human for being that are thousands of years old.

Thanks for the heads up but that's how I want the twins to be. I know they should be more mature, but I am going to try and make the twins seem more like the Weasly twins.

OnlyInDarknessCanWeSee: hope its sub Harry dom Leg…!

Definitely. Personally, I can't see Harry being anything other than a sub.

Q: AmethystSiri: Do the tears indicate that Harry has reverted (in some instances) to a more child-like state? or is a grown-up in a child's body (as the swearing would indicate :) )

A: I am going to have Harry be a 17 year old in a 9 year old body, but I think I am going to have him revert to a more child-like personality once he meets the elves. You know, make up for his lost childhood. But he will still retain his 17 year old mind. Wonder how the elves will take it? XD

Numberman123: I think Harry would be objective to the whole idea of being taken care of', since he is so independent. I would think he's the type to actually run away from the Elves, since I'm pretty sure they would smother him!

I actually think I agree with you on this one. Maybe I'll have Harry run away at some point. Perhaps after a meeting with Galadriel?

Ok. I think I addressed everything from comments to questions. Before I end this chapter, I have a question for you all. What should Harry's elf name be? I was thinking of making it Elerosse, which is a literal translation of Harry in elf, but if you all have some better ideas for a name, please let me know. Also, send a translation of what the name means.