So I'm finally going to write about my favorite anime/manga of all time Fruits Basket!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Fruits Basket characters (darnit)

Yuki sat at his seat. He watched Tohru slowly drink out of her Miso soup. Those pink lips. She's so petite.

"Are you done, Yuki-kun?" Tohru rose from her seat, looking down at Yuki. Yuki quickly snapped out of it.

"Um..uh, yes, Honda-san," Yuki handed her his bowl. He looked the other way to hide his blushing face. A napkin suddenly landed on his head. He looked across the table to see Kyo glaring at him. Yuki's eyes were saying 'Go away you stupid cat,' but Kyo's were arguing with, 'I'll fight you for her.'

Yuki smiled at his 'best friend's' stupidity. Kyo growled and got up from the table and walked to his room. "I'm done," he said plainly. Shigure was in his room, writing about who knows what. Yuki turned his attention to Tohru, who was washing the dishes. He watched how she moved to get a dish to clean. The clattter sound it made. He just wanted to wrap his arms around her. He couldn't, but he wanted to. So bad.

Yuki slowly got up from the table with out making any noise. He walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "Would you like me to help you, Honda-san?" Tohru was startled slightly. The way he spoke made her melt. The way his eyes always met with hers. Yuki rolled up his sleeves and took a dish and started washing it.

A spot from the leftover food rubbed against his clothing. Yuki looked down. He groaned. Funny how the piece of nasty food came from Kyo's plate.

"You know I can wash that right away, Yuki-kun," Tohru told him.

"No, I got a better idea," Yuki did the unthinkable. He unbuttoned his shirt and left it hanging on one of the chairs. His pale skin shown on his chest. He was so perfect. Tohru turned practically scarlet at the image of this. She turned back to the water running and washed a couple dishes. Yuki noticed her reaction and smiled to himself. He went back to helping Tohru. His pale arms touched her rose skin. Tohru jumped a little. Tohru couldn't help it.

"Yuki-kun, I think I'm going to go put this in the washer," Tohru said nervously as she yanked his stained shirt off the chair. Yuki grabbed her wrist. She turned to face him. "Yuki-kun," Tohru's eyes met Yuki's. His face was only inches apart from her scarlet one.

"Excuse me for ruining the moment," Yuki quickly let go of Tohru. Shigure stood there staring at them.

"Thank you, Yuki-kun, for helping me with the dishes, I'm just going to put your shirt in the washer and go to bed. Goodnight you two," Tohru bowed to the two Sohmas. Tohru turned and walked quickly out of the room.

"Yuki, you know Tohru is too shy," Shigure walked towards him. Yuki looked away. What would his cousin know?

"I know that, I just can't take it anymore," Yuki folded his arms and pouted.

"You don't know that, Yuki, if you did you wouldn't have done what you did. I'm glad I walked in on the two of you," Yuki glared at Shigure.

"Why would you be happy about ruining my love life!?" Yuki whispered. He didn't want anyone to hear this.

"Because Tohru would of exploded out of embarressment," Shigure usually would know about these kind of stuff. "Not just that, Yuki, she would think of you differently. She would be scared of you hitting on her," Shigure leaned against the wall.

"You're right. Shigure why did you even come in here in the first place," Yuki looked at him.

"To give you a shirt," Shigure smiled stupidly. Yuki took the shirt out of Shigure's hands. "Thanks," Yuki put it on and walked upstairs to go to his room. He couldn't stop thinking about what Shigure said. Yuki fell onto his bed. His arms dangled at the end and his legs did as well. His face was burried into one of his pillows.

'What if I did kiss Tohru? What would she think of me? She would probably think of me as a pig. That wouldn't be good at all. Our friendship would die. Then again, what if Tohru kissed me. Kyo's heart would be broken and then Tohru would be unhappy because Kyo is.' Yuki noticed the rain hitting against his window. His eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep.

What do you think? I don't know if I should continue. Reviews/comments would be great!