DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the BTVS/POTC characters in this story.

The story is set around the middle of season six in Buffy and a year after the first irates of the Caribbean, except Elizabeth and Will went back to Jack.

Hope you like it...


"Is that all you've got?" Buffy mocked to a beefy, pale man, whose clothing showed that he was buried around the seventies.

Before he could answer though she threw in a powerful left hook to his jaw, which caused it to snap; it didn't hurt him, it just made him angrier. He snarled at her, showing her his pointed yellow teeth, saliva falling from his pointed mouth like a rabid dog that hadn't eaten in years. He dived for her neck and pinned her to the hard ground.

"Xander!" Buffy screamed as she struggled to free herself from his tight grip around her shoulders.

A little further - about a yard or so - into the graveyard Xander gave a woman - who looked like she'd been dead since the mid eighties - a hard elbow to the nose, which threw her off balance, and before she could attack back he stabbed her in the chest with a wooden spike; the woman screamed in pain and slowly deteriorated into a pile of fine black ash. Hearing Buffy's scream he ran to the other side of the graveyard: Willow was sat underneath a huge oak tree, bowing branches covered her out of sight from Buffy and her vampire, in her lap was a large brown leather book and Xander could see that Buffy was pinned on the floor by a very large and very dirty vampire. Xander grabbed the vampire by the foot and, with all of his strength, dragged him a few inches from Buffy; once she was free, Buffy lay on the floor breathless while Xander collided with the vampire.

Buffy lay, slowly regaining her breath, staring up at the stars and wished that she could have had a different life rather than being a Slayer; how she would love to have freedom from everything... Work; College... Family; she thought about how it would feel to live a life out in the open without a care in the world...

However, the cracking of sticks interrupted her chain of thought and Buffy looked over to her right: Willow slowly got up and came out through the branches from the tree; she stood still and focused on the vampire, who's back was to her, and she put her out straight - towards the vampire with her fingertips facing the stars and her palm facing the vampire - then she closed her eyes and concentrated.

"No – holiousa – ni – na – alah – to'pu – makareche – alah – oee" she said so softly that Buffy was unsure if she heard her or not.

Willow snapped her eyelids open: her once hazel eyes were glazed over and were now blue. Just as the vampire was about to sink his teeth into Xander, Willow said the chant again and a golden yellow ball shone out from her palm and hit the tattered vampire in the chest. He suddenly reeled in pain, screaming, and let go of Xander before he deteriorated slowly into black ash.

After a moment everything became silent and Buffy sat up, she looked at Willow in confused astonishment and after Xander wiped away the few flecks of black ash that hit his favourite grey jumper he turned and looked at Willow with the same expression. Willow's glazed eyes returned back to their original state as soon as the vampire was ash and she looked at her friends, smiled nervously, and put her arm to her side.

"It's…a…um, new spell I have been itching to try" Willow laughed nervously.

Buffy rolled her eyes and flipped back up onto her feet and wiped the dirt on the sleeves of her black leather jacket, Xander laughed too and walked over to Buffy and Willow, Willow bent down to pick up her book and her purple backpack from the ground.

"You always cease to amaze me Willow Rosenberg" Xander said as he walked over to the girls.

Buffy wiped dirt from her black jeans, "So? Anymore spells that you have been itching to try?" Buffy joked.

As they strolled out of the graveyard Willow, as she put the book back into the purple bag, told them of another spell she had been dying to try for ages.

"It's called a Monte Nio Labre...", she paused remembering that the pair can only just manage to speak English, "In English - A time reversal spell." She said.

Buffy and Xander looked at each other seriously; already thinking it sounded bad.

"Anyway…what you do is put an object – or a demon I presume – and maybe even us – inside a pentagram…then you say the chant with the specified time you want it to go back too and POOF," Willow paused to make a disappearing signal with her hands, "No more demon" she smiled at herself once she finished.

Buffy and Xander looked at each other again for a second as came out of the graveyard and onto the street. Willow could tell from the awkward silence that they weren't pleased about this spell.

"Well…Well think about it this way. Right, picture this... your Buffy," Willow began, tapping Buffy on the shoulder.

Buffy looked up at the sky like she was thinking hard, "I'm Buffy? Yep I think I got it" she joked.

Willow carried on, not noticing Buffy's joke, "Right. Now... say Xander gets attacked by a vicious, I dunno, something…and he…dies-"

"Hey! How come I'm the one who always dies? Even if it's just an example," Xander moaned.

"Shut up. Anyway... What was I saying? Oh yeah, Buffy, you would want a way to reverse time to stop him from getting viciously mauled by this big cockroach wouldn't you?" Willow finished.

"Whoa, Nelly!" Xander stopped and held Willow and Buffy's arms, signalling them to stop too, his mouth open wide.

"Viciously mauled?" he looked at Willow in shock, "I thought I was just going to be dead…and by a cockroach? Ewe…you know how much I hate cockroaches" he grimaced.

Willow just laughed at him before turning to Buffy, "Well... Buffy, just think how convenient this is... I mean, if one of us gets hurt then all we have to do is the spell and we are back a few hours before and then we know not to make the same mistake again" she said unconvincingly.

Buffy scrunched up her face and shook her head, "I'm not sure will... I mean it's got 'DANGER' written all over it"

"Buffy's right Will... It's too dangerous" Xander agreed sympathetically.

Willow went silent and nodded slowly, "Ok, no Monti Nio Labre then... It was only a suggestion" she said quietly.

Buffy stroked Willow's arm and smiled apologetically, "And I appreciate the suggestion Will but...if I knew that this spell wasn't going to be dangerous then I would consider it. I don't know anything about it... I did like that other spell you just done though, good work" Buffy complemented.

Willow smiled and agreed that the spell was pretty good; Xander laughed uncomfortably and pushed the two girls so they would carry on walking

"Can we please keep moving girls 'cause if I don't eat something soon I may have to kill one of you"