Hello thinking

The First Division…

Chōjirō Sasakibe looked up from his desk at the sound of the sotaicho's door closing, and looked with mild amusement at the stunned face of the ginger haired man standing there. The usual tanned face looked pale and in a state of shock.

"Would you like a seat?" He asked. Ichigo shook his head and walked from the division his mind whirling around in confusion.

The Present...The 6th Division…

The pale looking man walked into the office area and Renji looked up at his friend.

"Hey! How's ya?" He frowned. "Na I can see, ya look like shit."

"Byakuya in?"

"Yup." He said standing and knocking on the door.

"Tell him to come in." Byakuya didn't need to be told who was there, but he glanced up and dropped his brush quickly rushing to Ichigo. "Ichigo what is it?"

"Sake." Ichigo murmured.

"You're drunk?"

"Need some." Renji chuckled behind them and like a true friend grabbed his bottle from his desk trying to ignore the flash of annoyance from his captain. So now he knew Renji enjoyed a tipple as he worked, and if it kept him at his desk was that a bad thing? The other side effect was that if Rangiku arrived, he could push it into her hand and she'd leave happy her supplies were refreshed, leaving his captain undisturbed.

The fluid rushed into his stomach and he looked up at Byakuya's concerned face. He lifted a white cloak he had been clutching and the dark haired man took it and opened it out to see Aizen's Division clearly flashed on the back.

"Why his?" Ichigo sat numb still. "Of all the places…his!"

"Are you not pleased to be a captain?"

"His!" Ichigo snapped. "I get to mop up all his shit! Live in that damn house that was his and sit in HIS office!"

"I think you'll find that it was all cleared out for Momo's sake…by all accounts the division needs a strong leader Ichigo and you seem to be the only one who ever got through to the girl."

"You knew about all of this?"

"I wondered. It is all logical."

"Did you set me up with that fight?"

"No. I had no idea we would draw that much attention. Yamamoto does not usually make an appearance. But we did have enough captains watching your Bankai I guess for it to be considered a valid test. Congratulations."

Several Years in The Future in the Kurosaki Clinic…

The odd family settled together at the dining table falling easily into their places from the years of practice. The place looked the same as ever and Ichigo felt comfortable here he sat quietly listening to the banter of the twins now four with his father who they strangely found quite amusing. Byakuya as usual had Masaki on his lap, even though at eight she was getting to big for that. But his lovers fingers were laced into his on her lap again a normal thing they seemed to do. Tamotsu was enthusing over his football practice from Uncle Shiro and Karin was keen to clean up the remnants of plates to get him outside and kick a ball around with him.

Ichigo smiled at the twins laughter as Goat face true to his name began to make all manner of weird animal sounds and faces. He laid his head on Byakuya's shoulder and was rewarded with smile from his fairer sister.

"You look tired." She said collecting his half eaten plate.

"Headache." He sighed.

"Your on the homeward stretch now." Yuzu said walking away to the kitchen watching Ichigo rubbed the eight month belly with a smile.

"For the last time too thank Kami." He had found this pregnancy so different from his others. He'd hardly been sick, not realising he was pregnant until well into the fourth month, so it hadn't dragged on, but an over enthusiastic Byakuya had gone on over drive with his TLC seeing as he knew they'd been drinking sake all too often, sparring and having way too many late nights and early rises with their work. Lord alone knows how many missions and Hollows Ichigo fought when he should have been pulled from active service. Still when Ichigo meant last he meant last. He had already talked to Unohana about surgery to revert him back to normal once the baby had stopped breast feeding and as yet his only obstacle had been the family elders who wanted to guarantee a live birth and healthy child first; their condition of blessing on the relationship.

"You haven't had a rest yet." Byakuya looked at Ichigo with an encouraging smile. "There's enough of us here to watch the children."

"Your old room…" Isshin began to speak.

"I'd rather walk on hot coals that sleep in there." Ichigo interjected quickly his hands stiffened in Byakuya's grip and the noble. "Whether is a totally rebuilt room or not dad, I'm not going in there."

"Its nothing like your old room you know. Dad spent hours decorating it for you for when you come to stay." Yuzu had been so proud of her dad and his determination to make everything right and to see him now looking a little offended that Ichigo wouldn't even look.

Ichigo seemed to still, when suggested by Byakuya that he should at least look. He knew it was an issue left over from Aizen and his inborn fear at punishment for not doing as he was told, but he couldn't help it. He had to admit, even though he was clinging tightly to Byakuya's arm as he stood beside him, his memory all to ready to shove images of that first ever visit his tormentor paid him.

"You seem to have done an excellent job." Byakuya's praise came with the usual tone and gaze, but Isshin knew how rare it was to receive anything complimentary from the man so he wasn't complaining. He looked pleased with his work at the pale sage walls, cream curtains and bedding on the new double bed. A silver plasma adorned the large wall and Rukia's old closet was now demonstrating two oak doors that matched the side cabinets. It was simple, modern and very different.

"Come on try my wonderful new bed. It only arrived yesterday." Isshin bounced on the side of the bed.

"You'll make me seasick jumping around like that!" Ichigo complained as his father bounced all the higher for Ichigo sitting next to him.

Back in the Re-built Bedroom…

Ichigo woke with a groan, the baby had shifted up towards his ribs and was defiantly resting his head on a huge bundle of nerves just under his diaphragm. He put his hand on the bulge and pushed the lump quite hard down.

"Hey, shift your nut." He grumbled before rolling to sit and swing his legs off the bed. That headache didn't seem to have shifted and he sat a moment sighing as he ran his hands through his hair. He couldn't have slept long as he certainly didn't feel any better and to top it, Byakuya had not stayed with him. Although he knew the man hadn't promised to sit with him, it would have helped him to sleep longer that was for sure.

Byakuya stood at the patio doors watching Ichigo's family play football, girls against boys, which seemed to give Isshin a disadvantage as the twins had as much idea about the rules as Byakuya did. Kicking the ball into your own goal he was sure was not the idea. He smiled as Isshin pretended to throw Iruki over the wall if he did it again leaving both twins laughing in hysterics as he hoisted them under his arms and counted down as if he was about to throw them for real. They squealed loudly as he counted to three and gave them a large swing as if he was about to let go.

"Oi." Ichigo's voice came from behind him and Byakuya turned to see his sleepy looking lover enter the room.

"That most certainly was not long enough."

"Nah. I think I just want my own bed." He said coming close and wrapping his arms around the nobles waist and laying his head on the mans shoulder.

"You alright?" Byakuya asked his questioning eyes looking at Ichigo's realising he didn't appear to be quite right. But before he could answer there was a roar of the winning team outside and the girls pounced through the doors shouting their victory.

"We are the champions!" Karin called loudly waving Masaki's arms in the air. "Oi Ichigo, she's got a good kick."

"I'm not playing with you two again!" Tamotsu grumbled as he came in snarling at the twins who didn't seem to care, win or loose they'd enjoyed themselves.

"I guess it's time for celebration ice-cream!" Isshin proceeded into the kitchen and threw out half the contents of the freezer whilst looking for the ice-cream tub as Yuzu found out the bowls and a punnet of strawberries.

Karin sat the children at the table and looked around for Masaki who seemed to be missing from her head count.

"Daddy?" The child had her hand on Ichigo's stomach and was looking up at him. Byakuya was also looking at Ichigo. What was going on? Karin wondered.

"Ichigo?" Byakuya asked him again.

"Can we go home now?" Ichigo asked looking back, but frowning.


"I just want to go." It sounded vague in the tone he used and Byakuya turned to hold his hands and asked him why again.

"Dad?" Karin wandered the few steps towards her father, her concerned eyes staying on the look on Byakuya and Masaki's face.

"What is it my darling daughter? Are we not getting pudding quick enough?"

"I think you should have a look at Ichigo." She said watching as Byakuya sat him down still waiting for his answer. Isshin looked towards the couple and frowned himself.

"Ichigo, chocolate or strawberry sauce on your ice-cream?" Isshin bounded over his usual exuberant self.

"No thanks Dad…I…Should I be seeing these white spots?"

"Spots hey? I didn't think I'd spilt that much dinner on my shirt!" He laughed kneeling down in front of him. "That'd be enough to make your headache come back I bet!"

"It never went away."

"I bet you Byakuya you'd love a picture of your baby? I could whip you both off a picture on the ultrasound in the clinic? I daresay its wriggling around like mad all day long."

"Its actually a been really quite for a couple of days." Ichigo replied and Isshin smiled.

"Picture it is then!" He beamed and took his son's elbow and stood him up. "Come on dad, I bet your desperate to know if this is another boy hey! Girls, make sure the kids get a double helping of ice-cream and save me some too hey!" He boomed cheerfully leading Ichigo away towards the hallway. Byakuya bent and kissed Masaki on the cheek.

"Look after your brothers, we won't be a minute." He looked at her knowing face, she always seemed so astute to Ichigo's moods. "I'll bring you back a picture." He gave her a reassuring smile and followed the father and son who had by now entered the clinic.

Back in Isshin's Surgery…

Isshin looked up from setting up the ultrasound at Byakuya as he entered the doctors office.

"Where is Ichigo?"

"Getting me a urine sample." The serious Isshin spoke back.

"Is this you know…is this a problem?" Isshin shrugged.

"If it is, if it isn't Byakuya, we need to keep him calm. Everything can be dealt with and in the end you will have beautiful healthy child, so I don't want you to worry unduly either okay?" He gave the man his own version of a reassuring smile. "If you stand to left of this bed, you'll get a good look at the screen."

"You can really see the baby with that?" The charcoal eyes watched Ichigo enter the room and sit on the bed beside him, passing his father a small pot of yellow wee.

"Yep. Quite amazing bit of technology." He smiled removing the lid of the pot and dabbing some litmus paper into the fluid. "Layback then Ichigo and lift your t-shirt."

As the cold gel hit his stomach, Ichigo raised his hand and grabbed onto Byakuya's with a tight grip. Byakuya unconsciously let a gasp fall from his lips as he saw his child appear on the screen.

"There is the heart beating away…" Isshin pointed to the picture detailing all the organs and smiling at the awed expression showing on the usually stoic captains face. "And this is a picture for you." He tore off the black and white image and handed it to Byakuya.

"That's just…incredible." Byakuya smiled at Ichigo.

"Do you want to know the gender?"

"It'll be a boy." He felt his fathers careful hands wipe the gel from his stomach.

"Then you won't be disappointed."

"Its not possible for me to have girls."

"Says who? I think you'll find that it's the father that influences that factor, not the mother."


"You were lied to Ichigo." Isshin said placing the arm band of the blood pressure monitor around his arm. "Tell me how did all your other pregnancies end? Did you go to term?"

"They made me stay in bed for the last two months. It seemed a waste of time I always felt fine. I didn't really have any idea of time dad, everyday was the same, there were no calendar's or weekly countdowns." He watched his father note down the reading.

"Well, some things can make you feel fine until the damage is done." He turned back to Ichigo and did something he never did on his human clients. Ichigo and Byakuya watched the green glow build from his palms and he passed it over the protruding stomach and looked thoughtful a moment.


"Spots in your vision, headache, high blood pressure, proteins in your urine are not good. This little chap…" He patted the stomach. "His heart rate is down and before it goes any lower, he really needs to come out."

"Already? Four weeks early?" Byakuya felt Ichigo's palms sweat in his hand his grip tightened and he understood the early prompt about keeping Ichigo calm. But Ichigo's concern sounded anything but calm. "You mean operate?"

"Its called a caesarean or a c-section. Quite a simple and almost normal thing to do these days."

"Except I'm not a woman, you can't do it here and I'm a long way from home."

"I'd have to call Ryuuken."

"Do it." Byakuya said causing Ichigo to look around at him.

"You don't even understand what this is all about."

"I do not need to. Your father would only suggest the best option."

"Is there no other way dad?"

"Trust me Ichigo." How could Ichigo not trust his own father. He looked back to Byakuya and his contained concern then dropped his head closed his eyes on his fear giving a nod of consent as he did. "Think of it as within 45 minutes, you'll have your son in your arms." Isshin said reaching for his phone. "Ryuuken? My son has pre-eclampsia… I sort of thought I'd have to use some form of blackmail… it would be appreciated thank you."

There was definitely an air of calm terror in the couple, both trying to hide the fact that they were being led blind down a road they had not at all expected or wanted to go down. An ambulance had collected the three of them driven by two surprised drivers who had never seen a tumour that big before, it was no wonder the terrified kid was being diverted to the main hospital. Byakuya had sat with him all the way, holding his hand, neither saying anything.

The Quincy was there to greet them and helped to push the bed onto the top floor towards the quieter operating theatres kept for the private patients who paid for a better standard of care.

"Right Ichigo, you'll feel a small prick and that's all." Ryuuken said from behind him as Ichigo was sitting upright, bent as far forward as his belly would let him go, his white knuckle grip on Byakuya's hands the only sign of his nerves. The epidural needle pressed between his vertebrae and slowly a minute or two later, he felt the strange absence of any feeling in his lower body.

With the screen over his chest, Ichigo felt a strange detachment from everything yet the tugging going on inside him seemed strangely connected. It was just a weird event. Weird, scary, terrifying and all too sudden. Helped at least this time, by the fact that the father was sitting here right next to him sharing the worry and whispering everything he could think of that would help Ichigo keep calm and allay his own feelings.

Ryuuken and Isshin worked alone, hardly speaking until the sounds of a wail and the upside down child made its irritation known that this was rather a rude awakening from his peaceful sleep.

Isshin laughed loudly at the healthy lungs and wrapped the infant in a blanket, happily realising the Apgar score showed a healthy little might.

"Welcome to the mad world little one." He said lifting the boy up and looking over at the wide eyes of its parents. "Here. Come meet some really nice people I know." He laid the child on Ichigo's chest and patted Byakuya on the back. "Congratulations."

Byakuya was stunned by the mop of dark black hair and stared open mouthed with tears welling in his eyes. This was just a miracle, he had a child. A real child. One of his own. He was a real father. "Ichigo, I love you." He smiled and leaned in to kiss his partner and child. "Thank you." He leant his head against Ichigo's unable to stop the tears from falling now. It was the most powerful rush of feelings he had ever experienced.

The Kuchiki Mansion...

"Is that normal?" Byakuya couldn't hide the worried hint in his voice at the snuffly sound coming from the feeding baby. Ichigo now home and resting in their bed, smiled warmly at his lover and shook his head at him. "What?"

"Are you going to be like this all the time? He is fine. Go to work your late already."

"I might work at home."

"No way. Look you have already got two nannies and a whole house of servants at my beck-and-call. You are just getting irritating now."


"Yes! You ask me every five minutes if everything is okay, normal and if I'm alright. Your just in my face the whole time. Go to work do something normal and give me some peace. If you need even more distraction go and check on my division."

"If that is your wish." Byakuya nodded and turned to leave.

"Oi!" Ichigo said with affront. The noble stopped and turned.

"I thought you wanted me to leave?"

"Without saying goodbye?" Ichigo tutted.

"Really Ichigo, I do not understand you at times."

"Understand this then. You don't go and leave me without saying goodbye and giving me a kiss first right!" He tried to look angry but it didn't work and he had to laugh as Byakuya strode back across the room.

"Who is irritating who now?" Byakuya said kneeling to kiss his red haired lover.

"Kiss right here." Ichigo tapped his lips. The noble obeyed and then kissed his son's head. "That's better. You can go now. Don't fall asleep at your desk will you."


"Taicho?" Renji stepped warily into the office and shook his captains shoulder. The man woke with a start and looked momentarily confused. "The captains meeting?"

"Oh…Fine." He sat up straight and composed himself.

"Baby keeping you awake?"

"You could say that. They seem to make an inordinate amount of noise for their tiny size." He replied standing and smoothing his uniform. Renji stifled a laugh as his superior officer left the room.

These meeting were dull and all the two rows of captains listened to another droning lecture from the sotaicho. Ukitake smiled to himself as he noticed that more than the usual suspects of Zaraki and his friend Shunsui had fallen asleep on their feet. At the sound of a rather loud sigh brought the meeting to the attention that the usual alert and upright noble was dosing, Ukitake nudged his neighbour who jolted awake and closed his eyes momentarily in a silent groan at being caught twice in the same day.

"It seems that my speech is rather taxing on your energies Kuchiki Taicho?" Even the harsh sōtaichō showed amusement in his voice.

"I apologise." Byakuya wished a hole would open up and swallow him as all the captains looked at him.

"I am sure that it would be more interesting had you not had a house full of children keeping you awake?"

"Babies can be noisy troublesome things." Shunsui smiled. "You shouldn't have rushed back Byakuya."

"It seemed that I was getting in the way." He said and wondered at the eruption of laughter around him.

There you go all in order now and awaiting a sequel!

Thanks more than heaps for all your kind words! Love to you all!