Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar or any of the characters in it. However, I do own this story and any unfamiliar characters...that won't really apply for another chapter or two but I don't really want to rewrite my disclaimer every single chapter. :)

And this story is written right after the episode Zuko Alone, so it's before...a lot of stuff happens...


Maybe he'd been lying. Maybe this was some cruel prank designed by the Fire Lord as a test of persistence or diligence. Maybe he'd heard him wrong. Maybe he was just dreaming.

But as Zuko leaned back against the wall outside of his father's War Chamber, straining to hear his uncle's words through the thick red curtain that divided him from almost all that was left of his family, Zuko knew this was no trick. No test. No nightmare. He really wouldn't be going home.

"Zuko?" The avatar's voice startled the sullen prince. From the corner of his eye he could see the little airbender squirming under his chains, looking imploringly up at Zuko. As if Zuko would really help him. "Zuko?" repeated the avatar in a slightly louder whisper.


"What's going on?"

Zuko didn't answer. He didn't know the answer. Instead he leaned just a little closer to the War Chamber door, wondering if Iroh was making any progress. But he doubted it.

"Ozai, you made a promise. Now is not the time to reconsider," the old general warned in a low, drawling voice.

"You yourself said that Zuko was better off without me. I heard you tell him the day he was banished. So don't talk to me about reconsidering, Iroh." There was something strangely comforting about the familiar voice, Zuko noted, even if the person talking hated him.

"But you need Zuko. Whether you like it or not, Azula is a girl. And she can't be Fire Lord. Only Zuko can, unless you know something I don't."

"I do."

There was a moment of tense silence that found Zuko holding his breath; just waiting for someone to explain.

"And that is?" Iroh questioned slowly.

"Zuko and Azula aren't the only two potential heirs. There's another prince. And he's the one who will succeed me someday."

"That's cruel, Ozai. You and I both know Zuko and Azula are your only children."

Ozai laughed, a vicious, echoing sound that sent shivers down Zuko's rigid spine. "How would you know? You've been gone for the last three years. A lot has changed."

"Perhaps. But not that much. Honestly, brother, what woman in her right mind would have you?" snarled Iroh angrily. Zuko cringed. He wasn't helping at all.

"There are a lot of perks that come with being the Fire Lord's wife. But you may not have known. You never had much time on the throne..."

"Ozai, that doesn't bother me as much as you'd think. My only regret is letting you destroy your family for this power. But I'm not going to let you hurt them anymore. Zuko has spent too much time for you to just turn him away now. He has the avatar. And he's more than loyal to the Fire Nation. Keep your promise. Let him come home."

Ozai's laughter filled the room again, the same hollow anger that Zuko had admired so much as a child. "You know nothing about loyalty, Iroh. Look at you. You abandoned a near-victory at Ba Sing Se because of your son. You turned your back on your country for your nephew. And now you're here, crying for a traitor who's just as worthless as you are. I've made my decision. And as long as I'm in power, Zuko will not be allowed back in the Fire Nation."

"You're going to regret this," growled Iroh as he stood up to leave. "This could've been prevented. I would've given you the throne if you'd just asked. It doesn't mean that much to me; my family will always be more important."

"Nothing you did would've protected your family; they were long gone."

"No, but yours was still here. And for them, I gladly would've sacrificed the stupid title." Zuko jumped back as Iroh whipped the curtain aside to leave the War Chamber. "Zuko, let's go."

"What's wrong, Uncle?" whined the prince.

"Ozai isn't going to change his mind. He's replaced you. Now come."

With tears filling his right eye, Zuko followed, ignoring the avatar when he cried out, "What's going to happen to me? Zuko, stop! Wait! You can't leave me alone with him!" Zuko kept walking. Because it didn't matter anymore. He'd wasted the last three years of his life, and for what? To get turned away by his own father. Stupid Iroh. He should've tried harder. He shouldn't have gotten so angry. If he'd kept calm, like he always had before, things would've worked out. But when Zuko needed him most, he'd let him down.

And right then, Zuko decided family was overrated. They didn't really care. They didn't actually try to protect anyone but themselves. And Zuko was sick of it. "Uncle, how could you let this happen to me?" he grunted as the front door of the palace slammed shut behind them. "How could you let him do this?"

Iroh sighed. "There was nothing I could've done. Your father is a stubborn man. And he won't have his mind changed by me; or by anyone, for that matter. But look on the bright side! You don't have to chase the avatar anymore. You can start a whole new life in the Earth Kingdom. There are many opportunities there for a young, able-bodied man such as yourself."

"I don't want to start a new life, Uncle! I'm tired of starting over. Do you even know how many times I've had to do that? I want things to go back to normal. To be just how they always were. I never had to start over then."

"Life is all about trying new things, Prince Zuko. You can't spend all of your time dwelling on the past when the future is so bright."

"The future isn't bright, and if you think it is, then you're blind. I hate the Earth Kingdom. I hate this whole stupid world. And right now, I really hate you." Zuko stormed up the ramp onto his ship and locked himself in his room.

Start over. Not again. He couldn't do this again.

But as the ship rocked sleepily on the choppy Fire Nation waters, Zuko closed his eyes and prepared himself to do just that. Start over.


Sunshine: Hope you guys liked the first chapter! This story is kind of a rewrite of a really old fanfic of mine, but I'm hoping this time it won't be as bad as it was the first time around...

My little sister, Stardust, is helping me write this story. Right now she's in the shower and she didn't actually do anything for this chapter, but in the future she will...

Next update should be Tuesday, but I'm not updating until I get at least three reviews for this chapter.

And in the meantime, check out my other two stories: Cut Apart the Moon and The Sun Sets in the West (or any of my numerous one-shots...all cool, mostly short).

If you read the first story there, you'll recognize me as Bedhead. Bedhead, Sunshine, Lost...all the same person. I just have too many nicknames, I guess. :)