Peppa333: I did not ignore you're message; you're message was a reminder that I sorely needed. Unfortunately I have finals and tons of work going on so it took me awhile to get this chapter out. I'm very sorry.

But! Here's the latest chapter and I hope everyone enjoys it just as much I enjoyed writing it. I think I have the fever for writing again so look out for updates on my other stories as well. Love to all.

Chapter 5

"We should film us having sex in Potter's bed." Draco said, arms wrapped securely around Ron as they maneuvered the heavy furniture in the living room.

"Another time, perhaps." Ron whispered, licking the shell of Draco's ear, causing the young man to shiver in anticipation.

Both men knew what they were doing was, probably, the most dangerous thing off all time. There had been Aurors all over the Potter's property, patrolling, checking wards, and casting revealing spells to look for hidden infiltrators. None of the spells had worked on them of course since none of those spells was designed to reveal people hidden by a magic it had never encountered.

They'd saved Potter's boy for last, after having Lucinda returned home. This was the time of most confusion as the Thomas family was desperately searching for a way to reverse their petite daughter's new personality. Four months they'd kept her, just like the others. This time though, she'd arrived with the locket on her neck, instead of having it delivered later like the other children had. The Minister of Magic had immediately ordered all the families from the other children to meet with him to discuss the best route. It still hadn't entered his head that there was no way to reverse the damage.

Draco darted ahead as they reached the stairs, eager to see Pet in the flesh again. He'd missed the boy more than he thought he would. Ron managed to stretch their shield just in time before Draco stepped outside it.

"Careful, Dray, you need to stay inside the perimeter until we reach his room."

Draco looked sheepishly over his shoulder and waited for Ron to catch up, and then they proceeded upstairs together, hand in hand. The door to Pet's room was padlocked and magically enforced. Apparently Harry had had some trouble keeping the little tyke from running away. A few quick flicks of his hand and Ron had the door swinging open without a sound. They entered, and the door closed just as silently behind them.

The room looked exactly as Harry had originally decorated it for James the year before. Not a toy was out of place. The only problem in the room was James didn't live there anymore, Pet did.

The boy was rolled to the side on his bed, coloring the wall with a black crayon. He was seven now and was upset his birthday wish hadn't come true yet. The creepy man with glasses had told him that if he made a wish it would come true as he blew out the candles, but his Father's hadn't returned since the party nearly two weeks ago. The creepy man had let him play with Kitten the other day, though and that was nearly as good. The two had become fast friends in their captivity with the stranger families, as they liked to call them. Kitten's birthday was next week and they'd decided to try the wish thing again with her birthday cake candles. Pet rolled away from the crayon colored wall in boredom, only to come face to face with his wish.

Draco engulfed the bundle of black that came hurtling at him in a tight hug. His expensive robes quickly became wet with the tears only an eight year old boy can pull off with any decorum. Ron knelt down beside the pair to rub soothing circles on his tensed back.

"Now, now Pet. I told you we'd come back." Ron said, pulling the shaking child into his arms for a hug. His tiny arms tightened around the redhead's neck as he stood up the go sit on the now vacant bed. Draco sat down beside them. As with every other child they passed him back and forth, talking to him, calming him down and then reassuring him that they still loved him.

"We have a birthday present for you." Draco said pulling out the now familiar locket. Pet squealed and slid it over his head. He'd been so jealous when Kitten had shown up wearing the locket the day before. She'd had to promise him they were on their way before he'd stop crying.

The trio talked for a little longer and Pet told them everything he'd learned. Most of it was stuff Ron and Draco had heard before, but they were surprised about one thing.

"I heard the Harry-man say that the Minister wanted to get all of the children you took together in one room and try and figure out if we knew where'd you'd taken us."

Ron shook his head in wonder at the stupidity of the leader of the wizarding world. How could they possibly thing the children could ever know where they were staying. They couldn't think they were that dumb.

"Get away from him." Apparently, Ron thought, he could be that dumb. He turned slowly to face the angry wrath of Harry Potter with his wand raised. And pointed at Draco.

Rage at his lover's predicament made the shield fly from his mind in less than a second. He then wrapped each of them, including Pet in the shield after making sure Draco was safe against any attack from Harry. Draco winked at him from his position on the bed, reclining back to watch the show.

"Now Harry is that any way to greet an old friend?" Ron's voice was honeyed venom. Harry's face was headed toward blood red by this point as neither man stepped away from his son.

"Come here James." Harry said, stepping further into the room.

James' response was to climb further into Draco's lap. "My name is Pet." The statement physically made Harry blanch.

"Why, Ron? Why are you doing this?"

Ron didn't answer for a moment, as if he was pondering how to answer. "Would you like me to tell you the truth Harry? The whole truth, filled with gory details and sordid tales of how I was forced to take the Dark Mark and perform his bidding. Would that make you feel better about his?"

Tears ran down Harry's face in angry tracks. "Did he?"

Ron smiled then, "No." Draco leaned forward then, wrapping an arm around Ron's thigh in a possessive move.

"He picked me over you Potter. Hurts to find out that you weren't really that important after all. Isn't it?"

The spell was unexpected, but Ron was prepared. Harry had shot the Killing Curse with perfect aim at Draco's face, but it only bounced off harmlessly about a foot away from him.

"Leave my daddy alone!" Pet screamed, wrapping his arms around Draco's neck and glaring in his biological father's direction.

"I hate to do this Pet, but daddy and I have to leave, but we'll be back soon."

"No you won't."

Ron ignored Harry's outburst. "Just look at the locket if you miss us too much and remember we love you. Okay?"

Pet sniffled into Draco's shoulder but nodded. After hugging Draco one more time he reached up to be lifted by Ron. With Pet securely in his arms he looked at Harry.

"I didn't expect to like hurting you as much as I do Harry. I really didn't." Ron then kissed the boy on the cheek, tucked him back into bed and wrapped an arm around Draco's waist.

"You won't get out of here." Harry said, smiling.

"We already have." Ron replied. And the pair faded into mist.


Draco rolled on top of Ron and thrust impatiently. "Wake up, dammit!"

He'd been horny and ready to go for over an hour, but Ron wouldn't wake up for anything. As if to prove him wrong Ron chose that moment to roll on top of Draco, pinning him successfully to the mattress and glare down angrily.

"Are you begging for punishment?" Ron asked through clenched teeth. "I'm exhausted."

"I'm horny."

"What else is new?" Ron quipped, biting down on Draco's shoulder hard enough to draw blood. Draco's gasp wasn't from pain as the blood dripped onto the green satin sheets, but from pleasure. This was what he wanted, pain and pleasure and everything Ron could give him.

But Ron wasn't giving it to him.

"Why'd you stop?" Draco whined as Ron rolled out of bed. He tried to grab his boxers to pull him back in bed, but failed miserably and fell out of the bed.

"The best punishment for you waking me up is denial of what you wanted in the first place."

"You wouldn't!" Draco jumped up and chased after Ron as he took off down the hall.

Ron was quicker and ducked into his study. "I just did." He shouted from behind the closed door.

"Please, Ron." Draco knelt outside the locked door and began to beg. He knew that the one thing that turned Ron on more than anything was him on his knees begging for it.

"I'll do anything. Just please don't leave me like this! I want you. I want you. Pleaseeeeeeeeee!" Draco continued his pleas to the door for another full three minutes before Ron yanked it open and pulled him forcefully inside.

"You really want it?" Ron asked, tearing Draco's boxers off with an angry yank.

"Now. I want it now." Draco gasped, running his arms up and down Ron's chest impatiently. Ron didn't respond but began sucking on Draco's chest with enough force to bruise. His hand cupped the blonde's crotch and squeezed the swollen piece of anatomy hard. Draco whimpered, his mouth finding Ron's neck to suck on.

Ron had the desk cleared with on flick of his wrist and Draco on top of the deep cherry wood in another second. Draco wriggled happily as Ron climbed on top of him, now naked. The blonde idly traced the freckles waiting for Ron to begin. There was no preparation, no foreplay, just the harsh tearing of Ron entering Draco with one thrust. Draco arched off the desk in a cry of pain, clutching Ron's shoulders to anchor him to sanity. The pain was intense, riding over him like waves of molten lava, threatening to melt him away. Ron didn't wait for him to adjust or get even mildly comfortable, which was Draco's favorite way to get it. He began pushing his way further into the blonde then pulling out almost all the way just to ram back in.

Draco was mumbling incoherently through a haze of red. After a few thrusts he began to reciprocate and match Ron's rhythm. The pain only heightened his need for release and he was now full and heavy, begging for attention.

"Pleaseā€¦" Draco sighed, imploring Ron with his eyes. Ron looked down at him and the harsh sadist vanished from his eyes. His thrusts slowed and Draco moaned at the change of pace.

"You said you wanted it." Ron chastised, his hand wrapping around Draco and he began pumping in time with his thrusts.

"I want you. Any way I can have you." Draco said, pulling Ron's hips in tighter. He knew it was his own blood that was their lubricant now, but he didn't care. This wasn't the first time he'd had to push Ron to anger for satisfaction and it wouldn't be the last. He enjoyed the pain, the begging the degradation as his blood soaked the linens or the table or wherever he finally got Ron to cave in.

"I love you." Draco cried out as they both finished together.

Ron smiled down at him, "Me to Dray, me to."


Lucinda couldn't understand why her Father's had sent her to this strange place. The woman named after a flower wouldn't stop crying and the big man in the suit was pacing angrily. She sat at the head of the table in confusion as more men and women filed into the room, each of them looked at her with pity before sitting down in their seats. Only one man wasn't joined by a woman. And one woman wasn't joined by a man; everyone else was in pairs.

"Look at HER!" the big man yelled. She'd heard his name was Dean earlier. Everyone at the table avoided eye contact and sat there in silence.

"They're coming back." Her voice rang out with perfect clarity. Everyone stared.

"Don't say things like that Lucinda." Dean said, kneeling by the stranger who was his daughter.

"I'm not lying and my name is Kitten. They're coming back for all of us. They promised." She clutched the locket of them in her hand as if to gain confidence.

A woman with bushy brown hair leaned forward. "Did they tell you this?"

"Yes." Lucinda said. That was all she would say. Dean tried to coax more information out of her but she refused to speak. Lavenders weeping had become incessantly loud and obnoxious so Dean had her move their daughter back to her room and go lie down.

After she was gone the Minister of Magic surveyed the room. Each family stared at him with pity.

"What do you want us to tell you Dean?" Neville asked.

"Something that will help me bring her back." Dean said, placing his hands on the table in defeat.

"What do you think you could do that we haven't tried?" Hermione asked. Her hands shook as she placed them in her lap; she clutched them together to try and repress her breaking control. Tanya no longer was controllable and Hermione had had to hire a home nurse to care for her because it had become to painful for her to bear even looking at her daughter.

"Something. Anything."

"Nothing." Remus said, standing up. He was ready to return to his daughter and so was his wife who stood with him. They'd suffered too much already under the strain of caring for Marie again. After her doctor had been murdered the hospital had refused to house her anymore; they'd been forced to bring her back home. Remus had given in quickly and begun calling her Doll as she'd demanded after a week back in their home. Nymphadora's hair would no longer change color; it remained a dull black that no amount of energy could change.

Dean looked at the retreating backs of the Lupins; he knew it was hopeless. Voldemort had won. The pillars of the Order were crumbling around him and he knew there was no way to stop it.

"Have we given up?" He asked to no one in particular.

"No, Minister." Sandy said, standing with her husband as well. She was too tired to act as if the Minister's situation affected her anymore. "We haven't given up. We've been beaten. They have thoroughly and completely managed to reduce us to our present condition. There was no giving up involved."

The Longbottoms departed then, leaving only Harry and Hermione sitting alone at the oval table with the Minister of Magic trying vainly to retain his composure.

"We will stop them. Even if we can't get out children back; we will kill the sons of bitches who did this to them."

Harry smiled at the Minister's conviction. Hermione began to cry.

"I hope you're right Minister. We all do."

So I understand that I suck majorly. College life was more demanding than I expected. If you've stuck with the story this long THANK YOU. If you're just joining us thanks to you too. I love comments, questions, anything you'd like to say. I hope this chapter is up to my previous standards.

Love to all.