Vicki was now eight months along in her pregnancy. She had begun to have strange dreams, dreams she did not want to share with Henry. She didn't want to share them with anyone. She tried to attribute them to her pregnancy but was afraid that wasn't the case. She decided to tell Mike. He was, after all, her best friend, a cop and would be objective, hopefully. Henry would be furious if he knew but she just had to tell someone. She called Mike and set up lunch at their favorite Chinese restaurant. They were currently working a case together so Henry wouldn't be suspicious.

Mike had taken the liberty of ordering for the both of them but Vicki wasn't hungry. She leaned back to accomodate her growing belly, resting her hands across it protectively.

"Aren't you going to eat Vic?" Mike asked with concern noting she had pushed her plate away.

"No, not hungry," she sighed.

"What's up with that? A normal Vicki not hungry, that's bad but a pregnant Vicki not hungry? That's bad beyond words," Mike tried teasing her to see if it would lighten her mood. He truly was worried that she wasn't hungry.

"Hey, seriously, what's wrong with you?" Mike said after shoveling another chopstick full of rice into his mouth.

"I've been having these dreams or rather nightmares lately."

Mike grinned, "About me right?"

"NO..not about YOU.." she rolled her eyes.

"You know, this was a bad idea," she said as she started to leave.

"Vicki!" Mike got up and took her hand. He pulled her back to the table

"I'm sorry, I'll be serious. Sit down," He gestured for her to sit. She hesitated for a moment the slid back into her seat.

"Start at the beginning," he told her.

"They started about a week ago. I'm in a public place but I'm not sure where. I have all three kids with me," Mike interrupted.

"No little guy in this one then?" he asked.

"No," she continued, "suddenly, it's like a blur really, the kids vanish. They are all gone. I scream for them, scream for Henry but I'm all alone. No one is there, it starts getting dark and I can't find anyone. My kids are gone.." Vicki trailed off. The dreams had really been disturbing to her. Not so much because she was alone but because her kids had disappeared without a trace.

"Maybe you're anxious about the birth. Could be causing some strange dreams. Kate used to dream weird things toward the end of each pregnancy," he told her.

"Like that?" she asked.

"Well, no..but they were odd." he shifted uncomfortably.

Vicki did grin a little this time.."Oh, were they naughty dreams Mike?"

Mike's face turned fifty shades of red, "Hell, I don't remember! Anyway, this is about you and your dreams." He was doing his best to change the subject so Vicki quit teasing him.

"What does Henry say?" Mike asked realizing she hadn't mentioned anything about Henry's reaction.

"I haven't told him, just you, no one else. This is a Ft. Knox conversation, got it? Nothing in or out." she poked his chest.

"Yes ma'am." Mike saluted her, "But, shouldn't you tell Henry?"

"Hell no! He'll want to lock me up somewhere until the baby comes!"

"Speaking of, any names yet?" he said patting her expanding stomach. She was quiet small compared to her other pregnancies but the doctor reasurred her that he was healthy, growing at a normal rate and would be a good size.

"Not yet, still haggling," she shrugged.

"Okay, mind if I talk to Kate? She might have some insight."

"No, that's fine. But, are there any cases of missing kids right now?" Vicki wanted something to make her feel a little better.

"Nope. None that I know of, besides they do the whole alert system now, remember?" Mike reminded her.

"Yes Mike I know, for Henry and I they would but what about the rest of the paranormal community? Would they? They don't like attention drawn to themselves you know that."

"That's true. Tell you what, you check your "people" Mike put quotation marks around people, "and I'll check mine. See what we come up with."

"Henry will want to know why I'm asking questions." Vicki pointed out.

Mike put his hand over Vicki's tenderly, "Vicki, you need to tell him. He will help you, trust me."

Vicki knew that in her heart but she also knew that this late in the pregnancy Henry restricted her moreso than her doctor. She let him have that one indulgence.

If however, something was threatening her kids, all hell was about to break loose.

Unfortuanely, that might just very well be the case...