Disclaimer: I still don't own NCIS. I wish.

This is a new fic, but another post-judgement day one. And yes, it's a Tiva.

This can either be read as a one-shot or as a prologue and it can be continued.

It's up to you so review and tell me, but I already know where this is going if I continue.


And please review.

It was getting late. Tony stopped packing briefly to look out his bedroom window. He watched as the sun slowly sunk, illuminating the skyline with different shades of orange. Red steaks swept across the sunset, contrasting against the bright orange sky. Tony shut his eyes as the image of Jenny lying motionless on the floor of the diner crept into his mind, crimson blood covering her body, her arm lying limply beside her. Tony shook the thought from his mind and resumed packing, looking away from the skyline. Only a moment later, he was startled by a knock at his door. Sighing, he left his bedroom and opened the door slightly, peering through. Before Tony had a chance to say anything, the door was pushed open roughly and Ziva stepped into his apartment without hesitation. She took one look at his bare living room and turned to face him.

"You have begun packing," she stated, for lack of anything better to say.

Tony walked into the kitchen. "Yeah," he said, searching through one of the cupboards. "You haven't?"

Ziva leant against the counter. "I have finished. The rest of my things will be shipped to Tel Aviv next week," she looked over at Tony curiously. "What are you looking for?"

Tony didn't answer and instead kept searching through the cupboards. Ziva walked up slowly and stood behind him, peering into the cupboard. Suddenly, Tony whirled around, knocking Ziva off balance. Reflexively, he put an arm out and caught her to stop her from falling over, resulting in his face being only an inch from Ziva's. He attempted a smile and held up the bottle of alcohol he had been searching for.


Ziva woke up the next morning in unfamiliar surroundings. She turned her head to the right, fearing what she might see. The last thing she thought she would see was Tony's sleeping form, snoring softly.

"Tony," she whispered softly, tapping him lightly. When he didn't wake, he tried again, a little more forcefully. "Tony!"

"Mmm?" Tony mumbled, rolling over. When he realized it was Ziva, his eyes widened. "Ziva?"

Ziva nodded and tried to sit up, but quickly lay back down when she was overcome by dizziness. "How much did we drink last night?" she asked, rubbing her head.

Tony shook his head and looked around the room. Clothes were thrown haphazardly around, covering the floor. "No idea."

Ziva sat up, ignoring the pounding in her head and looked at her watch. "Tony!" she hissed. "Get up. It's almost ten."

Tony sat up quickly. "Crap."

Ziva nodded and picked up her clothes, sliding them on quickly. "I have to go."

Tony swallowed. "You regret last night?"

Ziva smiled and gave Tony a quick kiss on the cheek. "Not at all." Then she turned and walked away, stopping at the door of the bedroom only to say one last thing. "Goodbye, Tony."

Tony watched as Ziva left his apartment and closed the door behind her. "Goodbye, Ziva." He whispered.

A/N: Tell me what you think. Thanks.