I am SOOOOOO sorry I stopped posting to this story. I wanted to continue on but unfortunately it got away from me. I thought I could write as I go but once I got to the last chapter that I posted I realized that this story just wasn't what I wanted it to be. I planned on fixing the story last fall but unforseen circumstances (workload and laptop being stolen) prevented me from doing it. Over Christmas I sat down with my trusty notebook and pen and wrote out exactly where I want this story to go and added some more chapters to boot!
So here I am again, same story but a new title. I will be deleting the chapters I have posted and reposting, starting from the beginning. Some of you have already seen these chapters however there will be changes throughout them. I will be posting on Fridays and Mondays, I think if I keep a schedule in mind it will work better for me instead of posting when I have something done. To say that I am nervous is an understatement!!! I never wanted to stop writing and I don't believe in quitting. I want to do this story some justice. I see it all unfolding in my mind and I like it, it's just the getting it to the screen is the problem!
I hope that you enjoy my small contribution to the site. Thank you all so much for giving me an outlet to write about one of the greatest TV shows of all time alive!

Thanks for reading!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters from Sue Thomas: F B Eye. The story is based on the show, therefore scenes from the show are used. Any similarities to real life are pure coincidence. (I wish I could say that Jack Husdon loved me!! haha)

Jack smiled down at the picture he held in his hands. It had been taken the day Sue revealed she wasn't leaving for New York and the team threw her a 'Welcome Back' party.

All the smiling faces: His best friend of so many years and team clown, Bobby Manning; the computer whiz and owner of Bobby's heart, Tara Williams; the man who had an amazing ability to annoy them all but was a wonderful agent, Myles Leland III; the man who keep them all in line and always had a helping hand, Dimitrius Gans; and the teams router and matchmaker queen, Lucy Dotson. In the middle of all these people he, Jack Hudson, stood, ex-sniper and team leader. He had a donut in one hand like everyone else, while his other hand was around the waist of the beautiful Sue Thomas, the woman of honour that day and the secret love of his life at the time. And of course Levi, Sue's hearing dog and Jack's partner in mischief, sat in front of them with his own donut in his mouth.

It was the picture of happiness, those were the days...