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No.08 -Tear

Anzu felt her back going cold. It felt as though someone has burned her entire body with ice cold blue fire. Bakura's strong hand pulled Anzu into his arms as his other hand reached for his sword on his side. His eyes were fixed on Malik. Anzu was speechless and motionless. Her heart pounded fast.

"I said, Where do you think ya'll going, Malik?"

Anzu looked at Malik's face to read what he was thinking, his eyes were so sincere and honest. But now they have changed, or at least she could not read his thoughts anymore by looking at his kind eyes. His eyes were too narrow from... smiling.

"she was running away." His kind voice echoed, "and I caught her. How did the meeting with the northern tribe go?"

Bakura took a slow, deep breath as if he was trying to hide his real emotions. He opened his mouth, making Anzu shiver with unknown fear, it was surprisingly calm. "Don't try to change the subject. Malik, I thought I could trust you." His tongue was like a deadly serpent.

" Are you suggesting that I helped her get out of the bath chamber? Ask the Ishizu and she will tell you that it was the girl that ran, there was no helping hands. I just happen to walk by."

"Strange that you chose to walk by here. I was hoping to see you at the meeting with the northern tribe." Bakura barked back.

"You know how the northern tribe make me feel eerie."

Bakura now used both of his hands to hold Anzu closer to his chest. He hissed and sighed at the same time.

"I don't want to doubt you. You are my right-hand man, my dearest friend, my adviser," His voice was much softer now, "I guess I just got sensitive after talking with that northern idiots. They want to trade ten of our slaves for just a handful of gold rings. Those assholes must be secretly building an army against us."

Malik's smile was wiped clean from his face, a look of seriousness painted instead. "I will take a further look with the negotiation plan. You should take a rest."

"Yea'. Rest."

As he was saying the word, rest, his right hand reached for Anzu's face, as his lips almost licked her earlobe. Anzu jerked forward. But only to be scooped up and be carried over his muscular shoulders. Anzu was still lost in words, she did not even make a sound. She, however, angrily looked up to see Malik.

Bandits! Such liars! Help me, huh?

Just then, Malik winked at Anzu as he pointed at a very narrow path trailing behind him. It was the secret passage Rebecca almost told her about. Anzu's tense face loosened a bit as one word imprinted itself in her head: HOPE.

When all the rigidness was lost as Anzu breathed out with relief, Bakura, clueless, whispered so that only she could hear his devastated voice.

"So, you tried to run away. After all I've done for you."


"Ya'll pay for this, Tea. You can never run away from this place nor from me, do you hear me."

That was no question, it was his way of confirming that she was now one of his possessions. Nevertheless, Anzu no longer cared for his words. Malik had shown her a hope, when the time was right she was going to run away from this place without ever turning back. She stayed silent.

Bakura's quick steps echoed.

Anzu felt a little bad when he dropped her hard on his enormous bed and swung his arm back and forth then around to ease his tired muscle from carrying a full grown girl by his shoulder. But then, as his emerald eyes glistened with wicked thoughts, Anzu wished his arms be too exhausted from carrying her and therefore leave her alone for the night.

To be truthful, Anzu did not know what he was going to do to her. Her parents and her nanny were too protective against her that she had no experience with boys; nor was she really interested in them. She was taught to be graceful and grateful at anytime, anywhere. But none about how to protect herself from some aroused men getting his way with women.

However, she did see how his father sometimes kissed her mother in front of everyone when he was full of love. She guessed that's what Bakura might want to do with her but she was not sure, because she was surely not in love with him nor sympathetic enough at the moment to kiss him back like her mother did with her father.

"..You...You better not try to k..kiss me because I..." Anzu's face turned crimson. Her intention was to threaten the bandit but it actually made him grin.

Just tonight. Tomorrow I will run away from this place for good.

He was enjoying the every moment now. "Because you will what? Because what?" He looked into Anzu's crystal clear eyes as they started cloud with fear.

"Be, Because I won't kiss you back. I am going to kill myself if you come any closer."

"Ha! Is that suppose to threat me? Pathetic you ran away and now you think about kissing me on my bed. No. Kissing won't be necessary, I only need your bottom half."

He felt awkward saying bottom half but it made Anzu feel even more awkward than he. She made this funny face where she looked so confused as though she was in wonderland and he was using foreign language to her.

She tried hard to retain herself from sounding too stupid but she couldn't help it, "My bottom half? I don't understand", she murmured the last part.

Bakura's smirking face now turned even redder than Anzu's as he avoided his eye contact with her. She was far too innocent, does she think kissing makes babies or something? Then, he wondered again, if this is the level of high class women education on sex, those royal bastards must be having hella fun.

Bakura inched closer to her as he began to unrope his bottom robe.

"I'm not a teacher material, but if I must," He smiled widely, "I have no choice but to teach you something I know far great deal about than you."

Anzu's blue eyes got even bigger, her pale skin got even more pale. She backed off so fast that she eventually bumped her head to the wall touching the bed. Her hands were covering her legs now.

"D..Don't you come any closer. I'm warning you, I am going to bite my tongue and kill myself, this will make you a m-murderer."

"I already own that title." He smirked.

"Stop. Urg. D-Don't." Anzu's blue eyes reflected unimaginable fear, as though she were to be eaten whole by a giant monster. "Ahhhhhhh!"

Then, she screamed as loud as she could as his hands clasped her arms. She was certain her arms were bruised. He quickly muffled her mouth with his hand as the other moved fast to hold the back of her neck.

"Screaming will only make my people happier. If you want to announce to the whole world that you are going to be my woman, you better scream louder."

Anzu closed her mouth as her teary eyes shut hard. She was too beautiful. Bakura felt his manhood going hard. He hurriedly pressed his hungry thin lips onto her cherry red ones. She gasped and pushed him by the shoulders as hard as she could. His tongue was magma hot and his hands were like brick. Anzu instantly felt dirty.

"No, please don't."

As his kiss broke abruptly, Anzu whimpered and looked into his eyes. If threatening didn't work, it was time to beg. She was ashamed of herself but there was no choice. The day was already the most miserable day of her life, she could not afford to let it get even worse.

Thankfully, Bakura looked back into her eyes. Her sad eyes that once shone with spice and attitude were now plain dull. Then, he noticed that she was shaking hard. Her cold fingers weakly grabbed his hands that bonded him to her. It felt as though she was draining the mighty energy out of him. Her tears were powerful.

"P-lease. I will do anything. Anything Her swollen red lips gently moved up and down, his saliva made them glisten. Bakura was tempted to kiss her again and again, but her last words hit him hard. Please don't touch me, huh. He let her go.

Then, she began to sob and fell on her knees. She cried hard. So hard that Bakura almost worried her eyes might fall out. His manhood was still hard and his urge to claim the girl his was strong. But he felt something else. Something other than lust.

"Stop crying."

Every time the girl breathed in only to cry harder, his heart ached. Why was she so beautiful? He wanted to caress her slender figure, hold her then, tell her that he wasn't going to hurt her. He just wanted to keep her for himself.

"I said, stop crying. Fuck. Okay. I won't touch you again."

Anzu was still crying but this time, she lifted her head and looked at Bakura. Even her crying face was beautiful. Her cheeks were hot pink, her lips were still swollen, her big blue eyes were shinning as another tear drop rolled down her cheek.

Anzu remembered her tutor saying, Always be grateful and you shall be rewarded. This was the moment of reward. He wasn't the most trustworthy person but his tone sounded promising. Anzu could not help but to say,


"Yea' yea'. Just stop crying. I have no interest in raping an ugly crying wench."


Anzu wiped the tears off her face, but she still felt like crying. She swallowed something hard in her throat and unconsciously rubbed her lips with the back of her hand. Bakura felt angry for a split second that she was getting rid of his sign on her, but he turned his head and lied down on the bed with his arms cross behind his head. The bed trembled as Anzu slowly put her foot on the floor to get out of the chamber.

"Stop," Said Bakura, "I said I won't touch you but I didn't say you can leave. You are staying here tonight."

"But I,"

"You are getting on my nerve now, remember who you are talking to."

A bandit, of course.

Anzu retrieved her leg and sat quietly on the bed beside him. She glanced at Bakura. His eyes were closed. His eye lashes were long and curled, his sharp nose led to his thin lips, which were making an angry grimace.

Anzu wiped her lips again, this time with her light green robe. She remembered her mother saying that her father was her first kiss, and Anzu always thought her first kiss was going to be her husband as well. Her lifetime belief was trashed.

My parents and my nanny will all freak out if they found out my first kiss was with a bandit king.

And it felt horrible. How was mother able to smile when father kissed her? Then again, why am I comparing my father to this monsterous bandit.

Anzu sighed and took another quick glance at Bakura, this time not the face but his body. She noticed his mid-section had a bump as though he was hiding some sort of a metal rod under his clothing. Anzu gasped and Bakura suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her face. Then, he quickly turned his body away from her and faced the wall. She wanted ask him if he plans to kill her soon or later with that rod, but she knew that would only make her get on his nerves more so she stayed silent.

On the other hand, Bakura was in terrible pain. This was his first time, having a woman sit in his bed, fully clothed while his manhood stood mighty hard. A gentle breeze blew, making the girl even more tempting to touch. She smelled like blossoming spring flower. And it was killing him.

"There are guards at every gate so don't try to-" He did not finish his sentence because there was another ache in his lower abdomen and his groin. He got up, drank some narcotic solution in a glass jar by his bed.

He lied down again, without looking at her, "Don't try to run away."


Bakura didn't like the silent reply but he soon fell asleep. Anzu didn't move but she did close her eyes and slowly dozed off still sitting far from Bakura. The dreadful day was finally over.

This is a long chapter! Bakura was illustrated as a rude scary bandit but he slowly changes as he realized that she was sort of his... love at first sight. Haha. Please review and leave any comment, they promote me to write faster for next chapter!