"Would you knock it off? You`re annoying as hell you know that?" Dean yelled at his daughter.

"And you're an asshole, you know that?" Danielle shot back mockingly.

"Oh my god," Dean mumbled angrily. "I didn't do anything to her, we were just talking!" He yelled.

"Well you must`ve done something. I know Christa and she doesn't just cry over anything!"

Dean and Danielle had been going at it nonstop. Christa insisted that Dean and Sam didn't tell Danielle about what`d she had told them. All three of the girls were very secretive about it. She was sure Danielle would be mad but it was hard to think of any other reason why Christa would have been crying if they were just talking.

"You were talking about Henry!" Danielle accused for the hundredth time.

"No we weren't!"

"Yes you were!"

"Were not!"

"Were too!"

"Dean! Would you grow up?" Sam intervened.

Danielle glared at Sam. Since that night she had been under the impression that Sam might have hit Christa. She wasn't buying the nice caring uncle bit, she was certain it was just an act. Christa walked out of the gas station bathroom and the arguing stopped immediately. She wasn`t stupid, she knew they'd been fighting, but she was glad she didn't have to deal with it.

"Let`s go," Christa said, climbing into the middle seat in the back. She always had to sit in the middle. If she didn't the fighting would be even worse. Danielle sighed and went around the car to get in.

"Are we almost there yet?" Shyanne asked. She'd been asking every five to ten minutes since they started.

"We`ll be there when we`re there," Dean said irritably.

"Fine," Shyanne mumbled.

Danielle fell asleep a while later and that gave the rest of the family the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better without fighting.

"You like Metallica?" Dean sounded impressed.

"Yep," Christa answered.

"Oh no," Sam groaned.

Shyanne laughed. "I don't listen to music that's older than I am."

They got to Wisconsin late the next night. They managed to get a hotel room with two beds and a pull-out couch on the same block as the supposedly haunted warehouse. Sam and Dean carried Danielle and Shyanne in. Christa woke up as soon as the car stopped. They went upstairs and put the sleeping girls on the pull out couch. Christa, Sam, and Dean all took turns showering and got ready for bed. While Dean was in the shower Christa sat at the end of Sams bed and waited for him to notice her waiting there. He smiled.


"Uhh... Uncle Sam, I need your help with something tomorrow if its okay... while everyone else is working on the case."

"Sure. Whatever you need," he answered, though he sounded much less happy.

"And can we just keep it between us?"

"Yeah, I won`t saying anything. What-"

"I'll tell you tomorrow."

Dean came out of the bathroom five minutes later and saw that Christa and Sam were already asleep.

'Thank god. I get my own bed,' he thought.

The next day Sam and Christa left while Dean took the girls to breakfast and then to see the man who had called him. A few hours later they all met back at a diner for lunch. It was a relatively peaceful day. Danielle was satisfied that Sam hadn't hurt Christa. She wouldn't have shared a bed with him if he had. They all ate and for once seemed to be a happy family without such a dramatic life.

After lunch, Sam pulled Christa aside. "You have to talk to him."

"I will."


"Why does it have to be today?"

Sam crossed his arms over his chest. "You talk to him or I will."


Christa went over to Dean.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" she glanced at her sisters, "Privately?"

"Uh... yeah. Sure."

They walked away from the Impala and Sam went over to Danielle and Christa.

"What`s up?" Dean asked when they were out of earshot.

Christa took a deep breath.

"Umm... Sam took me to the doctor today... I.. I asked him to take me because I was having some pain. The doctor said Henry did some... damage. She wants me to go in for some procedure..."

Dean looked surprised for a moment but it was soon replaced with fury. When he finally spoke again, his voice was low and level, and sounded dangerous. It sounded like Dean genuinely wanted to kill this guy.

"How bad is it?"

"She said there's tearing and something called uterine fibroids..."

Dean took a breath. As much as he wanted to fly off the handle right now, he decided to try to just support his daughter for now. But eventually he would find Henry.