A/N: I am so glad everyone liked this so much! This is the last chapter, so enjoy!

Edward POV:

With every footstep that made contact with linoleum, I cringed in response. There were four feet coming up to my stall, I was positive. Internally groaning, I buried my face in my hands and tried to be as quiet as possible.

"Oh, come on, Edward! It wasn't that bad!" Emmett called when he stepped up to the outside of the door.

"I know! I thought Veronica did fairly well! She even gave me her leather shorts," Jasper said, a smile clear in his voice. I heard them both begin snickering. I lifted my head up and began wondering how I ended up with them, of all people, as my adopted brothers.

"That's disgusting, Jasper," I protested. Neither of them answered, they just began making an infernal racket by banging on the stall door.

Ignoring their orders for me to come out, I leaned up against the wall and crossed my arms. They were the ones making idiots out of themselves in public. But unfortunately, they could care less what other people thought about them. It was too hard to cause them the public mortification.

I froze when I heard the bathroom door swing open and another pair of footsteps step onto the linoleum. The banging stopped for a moment, but was replaced with a new embarrassing moment. Thanks to Emmett.

"He had too many beers." He sighed. "Ah, Edward. He doesn't know when to quit."

"You doing okay in there, Edward?" Jasper asked, playing along. I growled and threw the door open, knocking a laughing Emmett and Jasper off of their feet.

"I am not drunk!" The other man in the room, who was clearly too intoxicated to understand much, was just staring at me with a blank expression. I stared back through narrowed eyes. It was a weird moment. I was the one to turn away, and when I did, I noticed that Jasper was clutching Veronica's pair of black leather shorts.

I rolled my eyes. "Excuse my stupid brothers," I mumbled as I grabbed them by their shirts and hurled them towards the door. For the first time tonight, they actually looked . . . scared. I smiled at them menacingly as I pushed them out the door. They fell backwards, and, to my extreme amusement, crashed into an unsuspecting Veronica, who was now in an even more revealing costume. She looked beyond furious as Jasper and Emmett pinned her to the ground. She wiggled herself out from underneath them and began mumbling a stream of profanities.

I thought she was turning to walk away, but I was completely wrong. What she did next was far more amusing. She snatched two drinks away from some confused men a couple yards away, and then made her way back over to Emmett and Jasper. She came up behind them and dumped the liquid on there heads, humiliating them further.

"I hope you enjoyed my act," she said acidly through her teeth over the laughter that erupted all throughout the club. She snatched her leather shorts away from Jasper's grasp, and then stormed off. I laughed at them along with everyone else, just to make them feel ten times more embarrassed.

In about a minute, I decided that the fun was over. Grabbing them by their shirt collars as revenge - they had been doing it to me all night - I knocked them both against the wall. They were practically cowering against it in fear.

"You know, Emmett and Jasper, I haven't had one ounce of fun tonight?" They didn't answer me. And I didn't expect them to. They were way too terrified. I wondered what my facial expression was. I continued anyway. "Veronica's act was not amusing at all." I sighed, frustrated. "This was one hell of a bachelor party." I spoke through clenched teeth, feeling angrier.

"Hey! Hands off!" A familiar voice shouted furiously. I whipped around and smiled when I saw who it was. Rosalie was fighting off a greedy man, but Alice and Bella were hovering beside her, looking out of their element.

Forgetting about Emmett and Jasper, I walked over to Bella. She was surprisingly unharmed. There was some make-up smeared under her eyes, but it wasn't too noticeable. She had one hand with nails that were glistening a bloody red under the lights of the club. The other hand was completely normal. Which I liked.

"Edward!" she said as I began walking towards her. I glanced pointedly at the person Rosalie was trying to fight off. She seemed like she had it handled.

With one swift move, she lifted a leg and kicked him with one red high-heel. He was on the floor in an instant, screaming in agony. Rosalie flipped her hair over her shoulder and let out a long sigh of exasperation. Her eyes were blazing as she scanned the room for Emmett.

"He's back there. Against the wall," I said, suppressing laughter. "Jasper's with him," I added for Alice's benefit. She looked like she was about to break her neck with the way she kept craning it over the crowd of people. They immediately stomped off, infuriated, towards their husbands.

I wrapped my arms around Bella's waist and kissed her on the neck. I felt her shiver and I smiled.

"I've come to rescue you," she teased.

I laughed. "I appreciate it."

Bella looked over my shoulder and her eyes widened. "Wow, Edward. You weren't kidding. I am surprised you didn't go insane."

I laughed once without humor. "It was a close one."

We walked out into the parking lot to get some fresh air. To get away from the disgusting and strong smell of alcohol and smoke. Bella was looking up at me, grinning from ear to ear.


"I wasn't Lois Lane this time!" she exclaimed, throwing a fist into the air in victory.

"Are you calling me Lois Lane?"

"Yes. I am," she answered, still grinning. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

I looked down at her hands and laughed even harder.

She blushed. "This was the hand I was holding the phone with." She gestured to the hand that had no nail polish on it. "Unfortunately, Rosalie did get one hand done." She frowned and looked at her red nails. "You know, you're lucky I got most of the make-up off before I came over here. You probably wouldn't have recognized me."

I raised an eyebrow. "Was it that bad?"

She shuddered and laughed once without humor. "You have no idea. I looked like I belonged on the cover of Entertainment Weekly or something. Who knew Alice was so talented with make-up . . . I hated it. They both cornered me before I even got close to her vanity table."

"Remind me to take care of those two after I am finished with Jasper and Emmett."

"Ow! Ow! Alice!" We turned around to see Alice towing Jasper back over to the metal door, holding him by the ear. Rosalie was doing the same to a still mortified Emmett. Bella and I laughed at the sight of them.

"Rose! Come on! You know that I love you! None of these girls are as beautiful as you are!" he said, kissing up.

Rosalie whipped around and slapped him. Emmett's eyes widened, shocked. "And that was just a preview of what is going to happen to you when we get home," she threatened in a low, dangerous voice.

"I mean it, though. You should work here, Rose! You should, really! I would watch you!" Emmett exclaimed, trying to say anything to get him off the hook at this point.

Rosalie's face at his suggestion was priceless. "Over my pile of ashes." And then they were out the door, Emmett completely silent except for an 'ow' that escaped once or twice. Rosalie stuffed him into the backseat of Carlisle's Mercedes and slammed the door shut. She stormed over to the driver's side and got in, still fuming.

Alice and Jasper passed us, and who knew that someone so tiny could look so terrifying. Jasper's eyes were wide as she towed him out of the club.

"Don't say a word," she warned him before getting into the car. Bella's cheeks were pink from trying to hold back her laughter. Then, Rosalie sped off, tires squealing against the pavement.

I smiled before turning back to Bella. I walked her over to the Volvo and held the passenger side door open for her. She got in and I shut the door. Quietly. I was in the driver's seat before she had even touched her seatbelt. I was in such a hurry to be completely away from this place, I stomped on the gas pedal, towards home.

"So, tell me everything," Bella said, smiling. I stared at her, shocked. The look on her face made it clear that she was joking. "I want to experience your misery." She had no idea what she was asking. If only she knew . . .

"Annoying waitresses intent on getting attention, my brothers humiliating me to no end . . ." I paused to peek over at her reaction. She was listening as if it were any other time I were talking to her. "It was hell. I don't think I have ever been this furious with the both of them," I said, laughing.

"You didn't pay any attention to the dancers, did you?"

"Of course not!" Her mood lightened by my answer.

"Are you going to tell me everything about your night?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"It's kind of a long and frustrating story," she answered, laughing. "But I will tell you most of it. You can experience my misery, instead." I laughed. Then, she jumped into the story of her night. How Alice had snuck up on her and dragged her up the stairs. Literally. And then, after a long time of running around the bedroom and trying to get away, Rosalie was brought into the situation. Alice got Rosalie to corner poor Bella into a closet and they forced her to sit still at the vanity table. They did her hair, which was still done up in an elegant twist, they did make-up, and nails. It was all pure torture.

We pulled up into the driveway. The car glided into the garage and I turned the engine off. And, of course, the Mercedes was already there. Jasper and Emmett were in for it.

"So, we both had hellish nights. Thanks to your lovely siblings," Bella said.

"Oh, they are lovely all right," I replied sarcasticly as I opened the door for her. She still had her seat belt on and was taking the pins out of her hair. She pulled one out. And another. How many did Alice put in there? She had a whole handful of brown, rhinestoned pins, but her hair was still up. The sight of her frustrated face was quite funny. I couldn't help but laugh. She glanced up at me and rolled her eyes.

"Stupid pins. Stupid hairspray. Stupid Alice," she mumbled as she got out of the car. I took the handful of pins from her and led her inside. The minute we stepped foot into the house, we were greeted with loud clanging. Esme and Carlisle were nowhere to be found.

Bella was still searching through her hair for other pins. I noticed one that was sticking out at an odd angle. I pulled it out gently and her hair finally fell down onto her shoulders.

Bella let out a long sigh of relief. "Thank you. That one was poking me," she said as she pressed down on the back of her head.

"You two aren't allowed out of the house! EVER!" I heard Esme yell from upstairs. "You know, sometimes I wonder if something went wrong in your heads during your transformations!" Bella had her fist up to her mouth to stifle her laughter.

"EMMETT! GET BACK HERE!" This scream was from Rosalie. There was a loud thump and an 'OW!' as I continued to listen. And then, if things couldn't already become more out of hand, there was a slamming of a door.

"Stay in there, Jasper!" Alice shrieked, her voice a very high-pitched shrill. It was seconds later when she came bounding down the stairs in a blur. She came to a hault directly in front of me.

I held up the rhinestoned pins. "I believe these are yours," I said disapprovingly. Alice took them and stuck them in her pocket, but turned to Bella, frustrated.

"I worked hard on your hair, Bella!"

"You'll survive," she mumbled, still rubbing the back of her head.

I noticed that Alice was blocking her mind. She had a look on her face that made me very suspicious of her.

"You look so guilty - like you've committed a crime," I said, curious.

"I might as well have . . ."

"You know, if you killed Jasper, I don't mind."

She ignored me and continued. "You had your bachelor party. And now Bella is going to have one with Rosalie and me," she explained.

Bella made a frightened noise in the back of her throat. "What!?" she squeaked.

Alice was suddenly perky. "That's right. We are planning your bachelorette party!" She clapped her hands together and began bouncing up and down. She looked at me and was guilty again. "I know you don't want to be away from her after tonight. But we need our fun."

"No way, Alice. After tonight, Bella isn't going anywhere with just you and Rosalie."

"Come on! A party for her would be so much fun!" I didn't answer her. I just shook my head in disbelief. "I'll play you for it. Rock, paper, scissors."

Not in the mood for childish games, I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Why can't you just tell me who wins?"

"I do. Excellent." Alice rubbed her hands together and an evil smile spread across her face. I slapped my hand to my forehead in defeat. The nightmare never ends, does it?

A/N: Ta-da! Bella's Bachelorette Party is now up! Go check it out! Enjoy!