Okay, I really need to explain where this random babble came from. The other night, I made a Joker music video and put it on Youtube. And then I noticed something. Every person who commented my video were women. And every one of them consoled me on my insecurity about thinking that Heath Ledger's Joker was the sexiest thing EVER. They ALL said that the Joker was sexy. That got me wondering. Why is the Joker so appealing? Because let's face it, he ain't the prettiest thing in the world. So here's my "Joker Hypothesis ", or why the Joker is sexy to me. ; )

The Joker is a psychopath. The Joker is a murderer. The Joker hates everyone and everything. People say his mind is just barely there. His sanity hanging on like a leaf in a strong wind.

But one has to wonder, is he really out of his mind? Or does he just see something we don't? Is this man perhaps the smartest man you could ever hope to run across?

Something draws you to him. Something dark. Something dangerous. Maybe it's the way his black eyes burn into your soul as his sick smile grows larger and larger. You wonder if he was always like this; or what he really looks like under that blood red smile. Or maybe it's because you would just kill to know why he's always smiling; to know what thought put that creepy, happy grin on his face.

Perhaps it's just the awesome power that he possess. The power to decide who lives and who dies. The power to bring a whole city to it's knees. You see what his power can do. How he has control of everything, even when there is chaos erupting all around. And you wonder...just wonder what that power and control could accomplish behind closed doors. Your heart races as you wonder what he would do with you if you were ever left alone with him. If his unpredictability would turn out to actually be a good thing.

And of course there's his laugh. A laugh that either makes you cower in fear, or makes you laugh right along with him. A cackle so sinister, that it sends chills racing down your spine.

And frankly, somewhere deep down, you don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.