It's been years since I last updated this story. I am so very sorry for the long wait. After my grandmother passed away, things kinda got a little hectic – priorities/commitment's have changed significantly.

I appreciate those that have messaged me over the last few years asking me to try and finish this. I'm hoping that I can finish this - it's one of my very long and favorite stories.

Thanks again for sticking around. I love you all.


Storm Warning

"What was it did you want me to say?" Keko asked while she leaned a shoulder against the wall facing the bed.

After everyone finished cleaning up the diner plates, Olivia and Keko excused themselves from the family and headed upstairs. Of course that just added fuel to the fire as everyone just assumed they were going upstairs for entirely different reasons. But the two ignored them.

Once there, Olivia had done her best to explain the situation. The whole time Olivia was speaking, Keko kept eerily silent. It made Olivia feel more uneasy.

Olivia had sat on the bed facing Keko. They were just separated only by a few feet but it felt like they were on separate ends of the universe. Ever since they started the conversation over an hour ago, Keko got up, making it a point to keep her distance and all Olivia wanted was to reach out and pull Keko's arms around her.

"I don't know. I over reacted and I'm sorry," Olivia said genuinely regretful. Keko inhaled deeply before finally pushing off the wall. She half turned and lowered herself to the bed, still leaving a few inches in between herself and Olivia.

"No, I'm sorry. I sometimes forget that not everyone knows about you and me," Keko said tiredly. She ran a hand through her hair before rubbing the back of her neck.

"What do we do now?" Olivia asked softly. She was terrified of the answer. Keko stretched her legs out and crossed one foot over the other. She took a moment before she answered.

"He knows Liv. Elliot isn't stupid…he's already put two and two together. Question is what are you going to do?" The question hung in the air like a storm cloud. Olivia knew that the decision she made would ultimately pave the way for the rest of their relationship and how they proceeded.

"I…I don't know if I'm ready to tell him yet. I'm sorry, Keko," Olivia replied tearfully. Keko glanced at Olivia and watched as Liv turned away to wipe her tears. She knew this was hard for Olivia but she was tired of always walking on eggshells when it came to Elliot.

Running a hand through her hair again, Keko inhaled deeply.

"Ok," she said tiredly. Olivia stole a glance unsure if everything was really ok. "Everything will be fine. I promise," Keko said as if reading Olivia's thoughts. "I'll…I'll be more careful."

And with that Keko got up and headed for the door. Olivia didn't move but instead just followed Keko with her eyes. When Keko looked back she noticed that Olivia still looked a little anxious.

Taking pity on her Keko held her hands out and Olivia grasped them. Gently tugging on Olivia's hands, Keko pulled Olivia towards her. Quickly sinking into her arms, Olivia cried out in relief and buried her face in Keko's chest.

Keko responded by wrapping her arms around Olivia's waist keeping her close. They stood like that for long minutes. Keko gently rubbed her hands along Olivia's back, soothing the other woman's fears.

Kissing the top of Olivia's head, Keko pulled back enough and tucked a finger under Olivia's chin. With Olivia looking up at Keko so hopelessly, Keko gave Liv a small smile and quickly gave her a soft kiss.

"We'll figure something out. But we will have to talk to Elliot eventually. You do know that?" Keko asked gently. Olivia didn't say a word but nodded. When Keko would have pulled away Olivia felt a slight rise of panic.

Olivia held on tight, slid her hands up along Keko's back.


Olivia needed a little physical reassurance that things were really alright. She tilted her head slightly and pushed against Keko's shoulder blades, drawing her closer. Keko didn't miss the silent request.

Wanting to put Olivia's mind at ease, Keko lowered her head. The kiss was meant to sooth and reassure whatever fear had gripped Olivia in that moment. But in a heartbeat it soon turned into flames.

Keko parted her lips and Olivia accepted the invitation whole heartedly by slipping a tongue inside. They clung to each other tightly almost clawing at each other's skin.

Soon air was becoming an issue and they broke apart grudgingly. Still pressed tightly together, out of breath and resting their foreheads against each other, Keko was the first to speak.

"Feel better?" She asked breathlessly. Olivia squeezed Keko's arms instinctively but nodded. They both regained control after a few more minutes.

"Yeah…I'm ok," Olivia replied softly. She pulled away but she tried hard to refrain herself from clinging to Keko and shoved her hands into her pockets.

Keko watched her for a moment then slowly reached over and gently pulled one of Olivia's hands out and laced there fingers together. Olivia visibly relaxed as she let the breath she was holding out, causing Keko to smile gently.

"Ready?" Keko asked softly. Olivia nodded and reached for the door knob. Keko let Olivia lead them both out and down the stairs. They were quiet as the rejoined the family. Everyone noticed the slight tension that was between them and opted to keep quiet.

"Hey! Wanna watch some movies?" Kei asked.

Before they could answer Kanae walked by and glared at her brother.

"It better not be one of those stupid 'blow-up-shoot 'em-up' movies. I swear I'm gonna kick you!" Kanae grumbled. Kei just threw his hands up.

"What?! Expendables is a good movie!"

"Hence the Christmas warning label on it," Kai shot back as he walked passed his twin and gave a playful whack to the head.

"But I wanna watch it!" Kei huffed. A loud chorus of 'NO' shook the house. "Fine," Kei grumbled. Keko and Olivia just glanced at each other, a small smile on their faces.

Sighing Keko led Olivia to the couch and squeezed themselves in between various nephews and nieces. Neither women let the other go.

Nobody asked what had gone on between them and both women were grateful for that. They watched the shenanigans going on around them and were content with not participating in it.

Olivia rested her head on Keko's chest. After a few dozen movies later, the kids had finally fallen asleep and everyone took part in taking a child upstairs to their rooms. The adults all decided to call it a night as well.

Keko passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow. That left Olivia with some much needed quiet time. She contemplated on the situation with Elliot and how she would resolve it.

Should I tell him? But Olivia's stomach protested, almost violently, at the idea. She knew she had to speak with him or risk losing all of this; her family…Keko. It wasn't a trade she was willing to make. Was it?

Inhaling deeply, Olivia snuggled closer to Keko's side. In response, Keko sighed as she rolled onto her side facing Olivia. Reaching out Keko instinctively wrapped her arms around Olivia's waist as if to protect her from an invisible enemy.

Olivia smiled. Even in sleep, Keko was somehow aware that Olivia needed shelter. Olivia slid her hands up Keko's chest and gently wrapped them around her as she intertwined her legs with Keko's. Her sleeping warrior tightened her arms around Olivia.

Olivia let out a sleepy sigh. She buried her face in Keko's chest and closed her eyes.

Olivia knew what she had to do. She had a week and half left of her vacation. She'd figure out what to say by then….

They had been home for the last three days of their vacation. Keko still hadn't said a word about their discussion. In fact, she seemed distant than normal. This clued Olivia in on how much the situation was really affecting the other woman.

"Did you want to go and check out that movie? I know you've been dying to see it," Olivia asked from her seat at the kitchen table, laptop out and scrolling through the movie section.

Keko looked up from her channel surfing and shrugged.

"It's up to you. Whatever you want is fine with me," Keko replied without much conviction. Olivia sighed and rubbed her forehead. She was getting tired of this.


Keko sighed loudly and tossed the remote onto the table. "Whatever you want Liv," Keko reiterated before she got up and headed for the kitchen.

Olivia pinched the bridge of her nose. There was no easy way to do this except to face it head on. Powering down her laptop, Olivia took a steading breath before getting up and following Keko into the kitchen.

Keko was pouring herself a glass of orange juice, her back to Olivia. She leaned her hip against the counter, crossed her arms over her chest and waited. She heard a heavy sigh as Keko recapped the carton and placed it back in the fridge.

Keko turned around and faced Olivia.

"I said I was fine. Just let me know what it is you wa-"

"I heard you. This isn't about the movie is it?" Olivia already knew the answer to that but she wanted Keko to say it out loud. She watched as Keko rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Look…I'm trying to give you time…space…whatever it is you need to figure it out. Ok? No pressure from me. I don't want to add to it," Keko answered, frustration laced the words.

Olivia inhaled deeply. She thought for a moment, choosing her words carefully.

"Keko…you doing this, not talking to me…that is putting pressure on me. Look, I know you're trying to help and I love you for it," Liv added quickly when she saw Keko open her mouth to say something. She held her hands up and continued.

"Honey…I just need you to…not do that. Don't be someone different."

Keko closed her eyes as she ran a hand through her hair. She nodded slowly before rubbing a tired hand over her eyes.

"Yeah…sure…ok," Keko mumbled almost brokenly.

Olivia ran her hands over Keko's chest, calming the woman's frayed nerves.

"Tell you what, let's forget the movie and just stay in. I'm pretty sure there's an after Christmas movie on and we can just cuddle on the couch. Sound good?" Liv's arms had snaked their way around Keko's waist, her hands lovingly running the length of the other woman's back.

Keko closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She had pulled Olivia closer and buried her face in the crook of Liv's neck.


Olivia smiled at the content sound. She gently tugged the other woman out of the kitchen and into the living room. The pair got settled in and Keko handed the remote to Liv before leaning back.

Liv tucked her feet under her as she curled herself into Keko's warm embrace. The two sat quietly as they flipped through the channels. Nothing else was said that afternoon but they both knew the issue was still hanging over them.

Monday morning came too early for Olivia and Keko. Neither woman wanted to go back. For Olivia it was having to deal with Elliot's questioning looks. It was starting to grind on her nerves.

By the time the work day finally finished, Olivia just wanted to get the hell outta there. She quickly opened her cell and dialled a number that was so familiar that she didn't have to bother looking down at the numbers.


Olivia sighed hearing Keko's voice.

"Please tell me you're almost done for the day," Olivia said tiredly. She just wanted to get home and curl up with Keko. Olivia felt herself shiver as she heard her friend chuckle on the other end.

"Just about. Signing off on a few things then I'm done for today. Where are you?"

"Just stepping out of the precinct. Want me to pick up anything?" Olivia heard the rustle of papers before Keko answered.

"I can do that. I'm heading out now. What are you in the mood for?" It was an innocent question but Olivia had the urge to reply with 'you'. Shaking herself out of her funk, Olivia headed for her car.

"You pick. I'm just in need of your company," came the tired reply. There was a pause on the other end of the line.

"Everything ok?"

Olivia smiled at the concern in Keko's voice. It warmed her from the inside out.

"Just…exhausted. Physically, emotionally…everything. Just tired."

"Ok. Hang in there. I'll be home in a bit."

Saying their goodbyes, Olivia slid into the driver's seat and started the engine. She was glad this day was finally over and done with.

"You sure you don't want to finish that?" Keko asked quietly. She had made it home a minute after Liv had arrived. Keko had dished out the takeout while Olivia tried not to nod off on the couch.

Keko sat patiently as she held her empty plate. Olivia looked at her half eaten dinner and nodded.

"Sorry. Didn't realize how drained I was,' Olivia replied with a tired smile. Keko gave her a reassuring smile and nodded.

"Let me get this in the dishwasher and I'll start a hot bath for you. Sound good?"

Olivia loved the idea and nodded.

"Only if you get to join me." Liv watched as Keko's cheeks turned bright red.


Olivia reached out and placed a hand on Keko's forearm and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You don't have to. The option is there if you change your mind." And with that, Olivia pushed herself up from her chair and made her way to their room.

Keko sighed. Turning to put the dishes away, she quickly cleaned up the kitchen and dining table. When everything was done, she headed for the bathroom. Keko set out to fill the tub with warm water. She then filled it with Olivia's favorite essential oil. She was still deep in thought when Olivia walked into the small room wrapped in a towel.

Giving a tired smile, Olivia thanked Keko and moved to take her towel off. Keko wasn't sure what to do. Should she join Liv or just leave her alone. It was a tiring week for both of them. And they both needed some quiet time together.

Olivia saw the indecision in Keko's expression. She reached out and placed a gentle hand on her cheek.

"I meant it. If you change your mind, I'll be here. I promise I won't take long so you can shower." And with that, Liv cautiously stepped into the hot tub and almost groaned as her tired muscles felt the warm water lap around them. Slowly, Olivia lowered her body and leaned back into the tub, eye closed.

Keko watched her for a brief moment. She noticed the tired lines around Olivia's eyes. Making up her mind, Keko quickly grabbed a towel from the closet shelf then proceed to remove her clothing.

Olivia was slightly surprised when Keko gently nudged her forward to make room for her. Smiling Olivia scooted forward and waited patiently for Keko to get settled. Leaning back Olivia sighed as Keko's arms wrapped around her.

Keko listened quietly to Olivia's steady breathing. It was a long, tiring week for them both.

"Thank you."

Keko was so lost in her own thoughts that she almost missed Olivia's tired voice.


"I said thank you…for this," Olivia stated softly. She didn't realize how badly she needed this quiet time with Keko. But she was grateful for it and to Keko for not letting her be alone tonight.

Keko grunted softly and tilted her head to the side to kiss Liv softly on the temple, in lieu of a response. Liv smiled and cuddled deeper into Keko's embrace.

Whatever lay ahead tomorrow would just have to wait.