It takes place right after Jasper attacked Bella on her eighteenth birthday…


I was wincing as Carlisle stitched up the cuts that the plates caused as I was knocked down. I really felt bad, not for myself but for Jasper. I knew it was hard for him and I didn't blame him for what happened, I blamed myself and my clumsy nature. I glared at my feet, blaming them for making me fall.

"All done," Carlisle said cutting the string.

"Thank you Carlisle, I don't know what I would do without you," I said holding my arm to my chest. I smiled and heard everyone coming into the kitchen. I was sitting at the head of the table and Carlisle got up to open the door for everyone. The first person in, to no surprise, was Edward. He came to my side and instantly started fussing about me.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt bad?" his concerns making me laugh.

"Edward, I'm fine… Breathe! I'll be okay, just a few stitches here and there and I'm all back to normal," I reassured giving him a big hug.

Alice came and stood by the table with her pixie smile, Rosalie came and stood by Emmett as they laid back to watch the show go down.

Then Esme came in dragging a guilty looking Jasper. He was trying to run away, but Esme kept a firm grip on him and dragged him in front of me. It took me a while to realize what he was going to do. I looked at Jasper as he stared down at his shoes.

"Hi Jasper," I said quietly, shuffling my hands in my lap. He met my gaze and I saw that his eyes were dark, almost black. I forgot what I was going to say at one point until he spoke, breaking me out of my daze.

"Bella," he hesitated as he looked into my eyes. He looked just as nervous as I felt.

"Listen Jasper, I umm.. yeah… I… and… uhhh," I stuttered trying to find the right words. This was awkward, especially with everyone staring at us.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean what I did. You just smelled so good and I haven't fed for a while, so its my fault… I didn't mean to put you in danger, you know that I'm really sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" he begged with sad eyes and furrowed brows.

Oh, he looked so sad and so cute… Did I just seriously think that about my boyfriend's brother? I started to confuse myself as I tried to get my mouth to work.

"Its fine Jasper, I know you didn't mean much harm, I know how it is for you and I'm sorry that my smell is so appealing…. I guess," I apologized as well as stared back at him with forgiveness. The tension in him slowly drifted away as he walked slowly out of the room.

Alice followed slowly and Rosalie and Emmett slowly made their way out as well. Carlisle and Esme stayed for a bit to clean up.

"Thank you so much Bella, for being easy on Jasper. You must know that he cares for you dearly and never meant to intentionally hurt you," Esme said pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged her back carefully, trying not to disrupt the bandaging.

"You don't mind if I stay with you guys tonight do you?" I asked as Esme pulled away, "The last thing I want is Charlie to worry about me and I really don't feel like explaining my most recent injury to him." I explained as Edward came up behind me, sliding his arms around my middle and holding me close.

"Of course not Bella, we would be honored if you stayed with us," Carlisle said throwing away some paper towels.

"Thank you, I guess-" I was about to say 'I'll see you in the morning' but Edward swooped me up in his arms and ran up the stairs. I had my eyes open because it didn't really bother me anymore. I giggled as we made our way to his room but when we passed Jasper's room I saw him sitting on his bed sobbing tearless sobs and I frowned. I told him that he was forgiven, I didn't understand why he couldn't just accept it and we get past this rut that we were stuck in. I noticed that Alice wasn't in either her room or his and was curious as to her where abouts.

Edward opened his bedroom door and we laid down on his couch with his back to the couch and me on the opened side. I was in his iron grasp, that of which I loved so much and smiled as I looked up into his eyes.

"Where's Alice?" I asked curiously.

"She went out for a while, the whole situation was a bit much for her… so she went to get some fresh air, I guess," Edward shrugged putting a loose strand behind my ear. I leaned into his hand and sighed contently.

When I looked back into his eyes they were haunted, "Oh Edward, what's wrong?" I asked putting my hand on his cheek. He leaned into my hand as well, but his face was tense and his body was stiff. It was starting to worry me.

"I'm going to hunt later tonight with Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie, and I'm going to need you to stay here with Esme, Carlisle, and… Jasper," he said hesitantly.

I didn't have a problem with it, "Okay… but really what's wrong?"

"Are you okay?" he countered rubbing my bad arm.

"I'm fine," I said for the quadrillionth time. I rolled my eyes as I closed my eyes and began to drift to sleep.

Edward started humming my lullaby as I scooted closer to him. I felt him move and heard him chuckle when I tried to grasp for him. I felt a blanket come over me and Edward leaned by the couch and rubbed my hair out of my face.

"Sleep well, love," he said with care.

I smiled as I drifted off to my dream filled world of sleep…