A/N: So it's time to say goodbye to this story. That makes me kind of sad. I really enjoyed writing it, and more than anything, I enjoyed your reviews! I want to thank you all so very much for your constant support! I hope you'll keep it up with my next story. It's a murder mystery, and guess who was the victim? None other than the woman we all loathe more than anything in the world…Sam! The whole gang are going to be suspects in her death, but who did it? You'll have to read it to find out! I think you'll enjoy it. I hope to get the first chapter up in the next few days! For now, I hope you enjoy the very fluffy, happy ending of this story. Jackie and Hyde deserved this!

Make sure to read the lyrics to the song at the end of the chapter. They are beautiful and go with the scene.

Epilogue: Thank You

"Mom! I really don't want to do this!" He whined in exasperation. Mothers could be so annoying.

"Now Eric, you know how important this is to me." She laid the guilt on thick.

He sighed "I just don't get what the big deal is."

The tiny woman gasped "You don't get that this is a chance for you to bond with your one and only mother by dancing to some wonderful music?!"

He huffed "Mom, disco is not wonderful music. It's the music from hell."

"Ugh, you sound just like your father." She shook her head in annoyance.

"Did I hear someone mention me?" Hyde asked as he entered his son's bedroom as a look of horror crossed his face.

"Jackie, please tell me you aren't making our son go out in that!" He gestured to his son's ensemble.

There standing in the middle of his blue and black colored room, stood Eric Reginald Hyde, covered in hot pink and green, and wearing a distinct frown on his face, that he acquired from his father, just like nearly everything else looks-wise and personality-wise.

Jackie sighed "Steven, I entered us in the mother/son disco competition in Kenosha. We have to look snazzy if we want to win!"

Hyde and Eric's faces were mirror images of each other as they looked at Jackie with incredulity.

"Jackie, you can't dress him up like a damn girl, this is Eric Hyde, not Eric Forman." Hyde cringed as he spoke.

Eric nodded "Yeah mom, I may be named after the guy, but I'm definitely more of a man than he is."

"You're eight." She scrunched up her nose at her young son.

"Exactly!" He ran his hands through his curly tangles "Disco sucks. It's music created by corporations to make money off the ignorant masses. Real music is supposed to rebel against the system, not be a part of it!"

"Steven! Look what you did! You turned our little boy into a nut just like you, and now he doesn't even want to dance with his mother!" She burst into tears as she ran from the room.

"Oh crap." Both father and son muttered as they watched her leave.

Hyde turned and faced his son "Don't say crap, Eric." He couldn't help but smile as he reprimanded him.

"Sorry dad. It's just…" He looked down at his apparel "Man, she's got me wearing hot pink ruffles! I look like an idiot!"

His father smiled "Come, sit with me for a sec."

They both took a seat on the bed as Hyde spoke up "I wore ruffles for your mom once."

Eric looked shocked "You did?"

Hyde smiled "Yeah. Purple ones."

They both grimaced at the thought "It was for prom. Your mom really wanted to go to the dance. It was important to her. So, I sucked it up and did it."

"Because you cared about her?" His son asked knowingly.

"Well, at the time I tried to deny it, but at the end of the day, there wasn't a thing I wouldn't have done for your mother." Hyde spoke honestly.

"Huh. So it turned out okay…the sacrifice of your manhood?"

Hyde couldn't help but chuckle at his highly intelligent carbon copy "It turned out great. That was the night I realized your mom was it for me. But you might realize that someone is it for you…I hear Sarah will be there."

Eric cringed "Ew dad! I do not like Sarah Kelso!"

"You sure about that?" He teased.

"Yes! She's shallow and bossy and mean. She's everything I hate!" He insisted.

Hyde remembered those words all to clearly. They were his words about Jackie from so many years before.

"Well, I used to say that about your mother, and we're married now."

"If I end up married to Sarah, shoot me."

Hyde laughed "Well, anyway, You should go to this dance thing with your mother. Sacrificing a little is nothing compared to having her in your life. Believe me, I learned that the hard way. You and me, we're a couple of lucky guys to have her. You understand?"

He sighed "Yeah. I guess you're right. I'll do it. I won't be able to show my face in public for the next five years, but I'll do it…for mom."

"Good man. Now I better attend to the emotional wreck that is my wife." They smirked at each other.

"Just tell her that I'll wear this girly outfit, but I'm keeping my shades!" Eric shouted towards his father as Hyde left the room.

"That'll go over well. " He muttered under his breath as he entered his bedroom to find his wife sobbing on their bed.

"Jackie…" He spoke sadly, as he crawled in bed and pulled her tiny frame into his arms.

She buried her head in his chest as she continued to sob. "Steven, my son doesn't love me!"

Hyde removed his sunglasses and tossed them aside as he pulled her tighter to him "Shh baby, of course he loves you."

She shook her head and wailed "No he doesn't. I'm just a big embarrassment to him."

He chuckled "Jackie, all kids are embarrassed by their parents. I mean, look at Red and Kitty. Eric and Laurie love them but they used to get so mortified by the things they'd do or say. It's only natural."

She sniffled "Really?" She asked, unsure.

He pulled her face up to his "Really." He kissed her lips tenderly "Jackie, Eric loves you."

She smiled "Thanks puddin'"

He smiled back as he kissed her tears away "Anything for you doll."

She sighed "I guess I shouldn't make him go to the disco competition if he doesn't want to."

"Well, he agreed to go…if he can still wear his shades." He informed her.

She hopped up excitedly and began jumping on the bed "Yay we are so going to win!" She cheered as she clapped and jumped.

Hyde looked up at his wife and smiled. Just looking at her hurt. He grabbed her leg and threw her down on the bed, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. She opened her mouth willingly, allowing his tongue to massage her own. She moaned into his mouth. After more than a decade, his kisses never ceased to drive her wild.

"Oh Steven" Jackie cooed as they broke for air. She ran her fingers through his curls and scratched her way down his sideburns. His eyes closed as he pressed his forehead against hers, reveling in the joy of her touch.

"Baby…" He mumbled as he pressed up against her.

She smiled as she rubbed herself against his jean clad erection. They began kissing heatedly again just as Eric walked in the room.

"Mom, dad…" he took in the sight of his parents making out "Ew gross!"

They pulled apart quickly and gathered their composure to face their son.

"What's up, buddy?" Hyde asked.

Eric's frown remained "Uh, I was just going to ask if it's absolutely necessary for everyone we know to come to this dance thing tonight? I mean do Steve, Kateline, Heath, Reese, Ruth, Betsy, Anthony, and Sarah all have to come?"

"Yep. Them and their parents and your grandparents." Jackie informed him sternly.

He huffed "Fine." before leaving the room.

She giggled "I better get ready. I have to be the hottest mom there, not that there's any competition. Most of them probably gave up on looking cute after having a kid and turned to twinkies."

He merely laughed as he watched his crazy wife run about their room, getting ready "Yeah babe, you'll smoke those cows."

She touched her hand to her heart "Aaww Steven!"

Later that evening as The Hyde family stood backstage awaiting Jackie and Eric's turn to dance, the entire gang, their children, and Red and Kitty came back to see them.

"Wow don't you look spiffy in your little outfit!" Kitty cheered as she approached her grandson.

He merely grimaced "Yeah thanks grandma."

Red scowled "Steven, you let your wife dress your kid up in this getup, what are you trying to do? Turn him into Carmen Miranda, here?" He gestured to Fez.

Fez huffed "Like I could be Carmen Miranda…a hat made of fruit? Please. I would have one made of candy…or boobs…or candy and boobs!"

"Say that word around the kids again and you'll be wearing your ass as a hat!" Red threatened menacingly.

"Oh you can say ass but I cannot say boobs?!" The foreign man shouted.

Red drew nearer "You got a problem with that Esmeralda?"

Fez backed away nervously "No, Mr. Red." He pulled his four year old in front of him "Okay, baby Ruth, you protect daddy."

A seven year old Sarah Kelso pranced over to where Eric Hyde stood moping.

"Eric, you look so handsome today! Not like usual when you look poor and dirty."

He frowned deeply at the tiny brunette "Yeah you look okay too, but your mouth is kinda big."

She gasped "My mouth goes perfect with me!"

"You mean it never shuts up? 'Cause, yeah that's about right."

"Uh! You are such a butthead!" She smacked his arm angrily.

"Ooo nice comeback!" He retorted.

"Alright that's enough, you two." Kelso broke up the argument between his daughter and godson. "Baby, daddy has to teach you how to burn" He informed Sarah as he pulled her away.

Eric Forman approached his namesake "Now you show them some killer moves out there. Do you have a nickname? When I was a roller disco machine I was known as Rainbow."

The smaller Eric smirked "Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"I love this kid!" Red spoke, jolly.

"Okay, it's almost time for us to go on! You guys go take your seats and cheer loudly for us!" Jackie ordered the group.

"Come on kids." Brooke Kelso herded her three children, ten year old Betsy, eight year old Anthony, and seven year old Sarah, along with her child-like husband.

"Don't worry guys! I'm telling the judge that the other contestants are robots!" He shouted cheerfully as they walked away.

Next Laurie and Fez broke their heated make out session to drag off their kids, eight year old daughter Reese, seven year old son Heath, and four year old baby Ruth.

Red and Kitty followed with Red muttering curses at his foreign son-in-law.

Eric and Donna approached Jackie.

"Good luck!" Donna enthused.

Jackie smiled and hugged her "Thanks, lumberjack!"

"Yeah devil, kick some butt out there!" Eric grinned as he pulled his best friend into a hug.

"Thanks nerd boy!"

The couple walked away with their eight year old twins, Steve who looked just like Donna, red hair and all, and Kateline who looked just like her daddy, skinny with dark hair and green eyes. Donna had named her Kateline as a mix of Jackie and Kitty's names.

After the competition, everyone gathered at the Hyde residence, a beautiful white house with green shutters, right out of Jackie's dreams.

"This just proves it, I am great at everything!" Jackie gloated as she held her first place trophy up proudly.

Little Eric, who had changed into his usual attire of jeans and a concert tee shouted across the room to his father "Hey dad, play some Zeppelin, I gotta get that disco stuff out of my head!"

Hyde obliged as Led Zeppelin's "Thank You" rang through the house. He grabbed Jackie and pulled her to him, as they began dancing, mostly just enjoying the closeness.

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.

When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.

"This song kind of describes how I feel about you." Hyde whispered softly into her ear.

"I feel the same way." She responded with a smile.

Kind woman, I give you my all, Kind woman, nothing more.

"Jacks, I just want to make you happy. Everything I have in me is yours." He spoke sincerely.

She felt herself begin to tear up "Oh Steven, you have made me so happy. You are all I ever wanted."

Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, tears of loves lost in the days gone by.

"For a while there I thought I'd lost you forever. That hurt like hell."

She looked up into his eyes "I know. That thought killed me too."

My love is strong, with you there is no wrong, t

ogether we shall go until we die. My, my, my.

An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look... see.

"But now I know that as long as we're together we can do anything. No matter what we face, we'll make it through. I never had faith like this before Jackie. It's all 'cause of you." He stroked her cheek as she cried.

"Oh Steven, I always knew deep down that we would make it here one day. I knew in my heart that we'd be together forever."

And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles,

Thanks to you it will be done, for you to me are the only one.

Happiness, no more be sad, happiness...I'm glad.

Hyde looked around the room as he observed the kids, all hanging out and having fun with each other. They were the new generation and they would face good times and bad in their future, but just like their parents before them, they would make it through as a family. This gang would live on forever. His eyes drifted to his son.

"Jackie, thank you so much for forgiving me, for giving me the life I needed. Thank you for giving me the family I always wanted. I love you doll…forever.

"Thank you Steven, for giving me the world. I love you too, puddin' pop."

Their lips met in a tender, yet emotional kiss. Everything had finally worked out. They were together forever, and in their next lives, they found each other again. It was always them, for all eternity.

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.

When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.

A/N: Happily ever after! I hope you liked it! I am crying at the emotions right now. Lol! This was the first song I have ever used in a fic, but it was just perfect! Please review one last time on this and don't forget to check for my new story soon! A dead Sam…you can't beat that!