by: Terrell James

Summary: I'm making a little comeback to a "Surf's Up" fanfic. Cody Maverick is turning 18 and is the first birthday he's had away from his home. It's cute, heartwarming and sweet.

Chapter 1: Homesick Feeling

On a very clear day in Pen Gu, Cody was walking towards the beach and began to look at the clouds and realizes a growth inside of him. He's a little excited about turning 18 and begins to wonder if he would have a chance to hear from his family and a few penguins in Shiverpool. Then he turns around and sees Chicken Joe coming up to him.

"Hey, birthday dude." said Joe.

"How are you?" asked Cody.

"Doing awesome. How does it feel?" said Joe.

Cody chuckles and said, "About what?"

"Being 18." said Joe.

"It feels awesome, though I was thinking about my life from childhood to young adulthood. What I really needed for my birthday was to hear from my family and a few people from my hometown. I'm starting to miss it a little, you know?" said Cody.

Joe put his hand on Cody's shoulder and said, "I understand the feeling. You miss your home so much, that you wished everyone that you love would be there to celebrate it with you."

"You know me so well." said Cody.

"Don't worry. We'll make sure you the most awesome birthday ever. We're like family to you. If you need someone to talk to, look me up, okay?" said Joe.

"Will do. Thanks, man." Cody said.

"No problem."

The two did a little kunckle touch, handshake and a hug for their support. Joe walked away on one side while Cody walked away in another side. Cody went towards North Beach and saw Z coming up to him and said, "Hey, kid. There's a few cards and letters for you coming from Shiverpool."

Cody looked through some of the letters and one said: Dear little brother, I honestly can't believe you're turning 18. It's really complicated to realize that you've been growing up a lot. Usually, I love to annoy the crap out of you when you were little. Now, that I heard about you being 18, I guess that's a sign that says, 'my little brother isn't so little anymore. I should give him some slack.' You may be a little older now, but you're still the same as you were growing up. Mom sends her love and regards for you, so take care of yourself. Your brother, Glen."

After reading the letter, Cody felt a sudden feeling that he never felt before; love and respect from his own older brother. Cody asked, "Is there anymore?"

"Oh, yeah. Millions. They all sent letters to you that you're becoming a young man. They all missed you." said Z.

Then he saw a letter written by Cody's mom, opened it and read it. It reads: Dear Cody, I heard your 18th birthday is coming. Congratulations. I believe that you are becoming a young adult and I realize that I will let you be like one. Try not to go overboard on that. As I look back, no words can really express these past 18 years as I watched you grow in a sweet, wonderful and faithful young man. No mother could ever be more proud of her son. Here's a little gift the only one that makes this birthday, the one you will always remember. Love you and keep following your dreams, Mom.

Cody looked inside the envelope and saw a homemade necklace that said, "Maverick" and on the inscription in the back, it says, 'To my Cody, who's spirit and attitude will be forever remembered and loved. Happy 18th.'

His eyes filled with tears after he read it and became kinda heartfelt. Z came up to him and said, "She really loved you, didn't she?"

Cody turned to Z and said, "Yeah, she did. I really wished she would be here with me."

"She'll always have a place for you; in your heart and in your mind." said Z.

"Thanks, Z." said Cody, tearfully, as he came over and gave him a little hug. Cody looked up at the sky and realizes that he misses everyone in Shiverpool and makes him feel a little bit homesick. Cody then cried a little softly in Z's shoulders and pats him on the back and said softly, "It's okay. We'll all be here for you."

"I appreciate that." said Cody.

I have made a comeback on a fanfic for "Surf's Up" after a month. I hope this will give me some awesome reviews! Please read and review!