Later that night...

Shuten could not sleep, his earlier behavior was one more burden to weigh upon his mind. He was surprised when he heard a soft knocking on his door. He wondered who would call this late, not even Lady Kitsune came to his door this late.

"...Enter." He said softly, not looking up from his book. "What do you..." He began and then looked up to see her dressed in a short Yukata. "Lady Kitsune...?"

She closed the door behind her. She strode over to him and put a finger to his lips as she took the book out of his hand.

"Shush..." She said, turning to blow out the four candles at his bedside.

The candles sputtered and puffed out, leaving the room in semi-darkness. He heard the sound of leather sliding away from skin and lips were pressed to his. He was stunned, opening his mouth to speak ; to ask why.

"Don't speak..." He heard slid past his ear. "Just take me to bed..."

He stood up, pressing her against him as he carried her the short distance to his bed. He wished for silk as he laid her down upon the rough sheets.

Her hands moved over his slender form, molding it into sense memory. The objections she'd given earlier now vanished as she felt the scars and marks upon his body. He was kissing along her neck, and tugging at the sash around her waist.

"Slow..." She whispered again. "We have all night..."

Her hands slid down to the tie of the light cotton pants he was wearing, then pushed them off his hips. He raised them enough for her to slide the fabric away. As it had been that morning, he wore nothing beneath.

He gave a startled gasp in her ear as her fingers brushed over the tip of his sex. He was not yet fully aroused when her fingers curled around him and brushed the now swelling tip. She captured his lips again, taking his moan in on a breath. His hands were franticly tugging at the sash that held her yukata closed. With a sharp tug, it finally grave way and parted the fabric, bearing her to his touch. He paused to look at her, fighting the eagerness to thrust himself in her tight grasp. Her free hand touched his face, he turned to kiss her palm. Her hand moved into his hair and pulled him down to her lips again.

He began to touch her, parting her yukata to fondle her breasts. His hands were calloused still from the long use of his Kisarigama, but wakened a hunger in her. It was an ache she knew well, the drive to feed. She couldn't, not yet, not without draining him. His mouth pulled away from hers and began kissing along her jaw.

"Toshidata..." She whispered.

He froze, no one had spoken his true name in well over four hundred years. She used that pause to her advantage.

"Roll on to your back..." She said, her fingers dancing over his sex.

He rolled, and she released him. That brought a disappointed sound from his throat. She put her hand over his heart, pressing him into the mattress. He looked up into the shadows concealing her face, eyes shining in awe. She kissed him again, lightly pinning him. He didn't struggle, but melted under her touch.

"Toshi..." She whispered into the kiss. "Awaken from the Oni's spell..."

He moaned into her kiss as her fingers found him again, eager and ready. She snaked her tongue into his mouth, his tongue met hers. Her hunger grew sharper with his hand caressing her breast. She would have to feed soon if he didn't stop touching her. Her hunger grew into white hot need, she couldn't wait...

Her mouth was open to capture his pulse when he made a soft sound; a sob. His release took him all too quickly and she had yet to attempt anything more than soft strokes. She pulled back, he was trembling. His hand reached to touch her face and his mouth opened to speak some apology.

"Shush...Its Ok..." She whispered. "I'll take care of it..."

She wouldn't feed from him this night. She kissed him yet again, drawing him into the dance once more.

A short time later, she broke the kiss and began kissing down his chest. He let out a soft groan when her hair brushed against his skin. His hand slid into the long strands of her hair when he felt her breath tickle across his groin. He involuntarily arched when her tongue began exploring. She was careful, gentle and took her time. He encouraged and asked with the soft moans and gasps that escaped his lips lips. When she took him into her mouth, his fingers tightened in her hair. His release came quickly after, giving her a taste of the sweetness that had been long buried beneath the Oni's cruelty.

When he stopped panting, she began again. Her kisses were soft and lingering, unhurried. He watched her through half-lidded eyes, quietly enjoying the sensations. She paused to look up at his sleepy expression. She continued, bringing out soft moans with gentle nips. His release came and his body went limp.

Afterward, she lay with her head on his thigh, playing with the short hairs of his groin. He let out a soft moan.


She stopped, giving one last soft kiss, to where she had laid the stone only a short two months ago.

"Thank you..." He gasped, caressing her hair.

She smiled against his skin before wiggling up into his arms.

"Toshidata..." She said. "You are most welcome."

He touched her lips with one finger, which she took into her mouth and softly sucked. He gasped, pulling his finger away.

"Say my name again..." He asked sleepily. "Please..."

She released his finger and nuzzled closer.


His arms wrapped around her, she put a hand over his heart. He covered it with his own.

"Sleep," she said softly. "You won't be plagued anymore tonight..."

There was a soft sigh, and then there were soft sleep sounds. As Yukito predicted, Shuten was sleeping soundly. She smiled, not wanting to leave his embrace just yet.

She studied him, she could have easily believed him seventeen if she didn't know he was well over four hundred. He was beautiful, more suited to being someone's pampered lover than out on the battlefield. Yukito had jokingly called him a fox, and indeed his "brush" was red though a shade or two darker than the strands on his head. She slowly reached down to gently tug on the shorter strands. He nuzzled closer and turned toward her touch. She knew he was slightly taller than her, enough for her to have stood on tip toe when she'd kissed him the first time.

"Are you the one my Grandmother tied to me with a red string?" She whispered. "I want you, but are you mine to claim?"

With a soft sigh, she nuzzled in closer to him, putting her hand gently on his hip. She closed her eyes and for the first time in near two hundred years, immediately fell asleep.

A few hours later...

Sendril was awakened by soft caresses and endearments spoken on whispers. The third moon had risen and illuminated the room. Shuten lay on his side, gently stroking one of her nipples.

"I have not thanked you properly..." He said, bending his head to capture it.

As before, her hunger sharpened, his touch driving her need. It near drove her mad with want to have him touch her. He seemed intent on his ministrations.

"Toshi..." She moaned.

He let out a masculine chuckle as he kissed his way down her body. He smiled more than once against her skin, he intended to thank her very much for her earlier ministrations. It would be a long while before either of them spoke anything but touch and need.

"...Say my name again." He whispered against her skin, a while later. "Please, before dawn comes and I mus be as I was named..."

"Toshidata..." She said on a breath.

He captured her lips, covering her body with his. She delighted in his weight upon her, and could feel his renewed arousal upon her thigh. Her hands began flowing over his body again, traveling the length of his spine.

"Let me sleep like this..." He murmured, nuzzling against her shoulder.

She wrapped her arms around him as he lay his head down.

"Sleep..." She whispered caressing his back. "I will not leave you to wander alone."

His eyes closed and a short time later soft sleep sounds again reached her ears. She reached down to pull the blanket over him, as dawn would bring with it a slight chill.

It was well past the setting of the moons when Sendril woke again. Shuten was laying on his back, the covers draped over his hips. It had been the room's chill that had awakened her. She snickered softly, at least she now knew he was a cover hog.

"...Brat." She whispered. "I'll have to eventually break you of that habit."

She saw a pot of tea sitting on the night stand, a single empty cup rested beside it. She smiled, Yukito had come and gone. She lifted the lid and sniffed the liquid inside.

Her lieutenant often hid things in the teas he made, though all she could smell was Camille, Lavender and Jasmine. It was obviously for Shuten if he woke up. She turned to kiss his temple, it would be better if she was not there when he woke again. She would not put him though the shame of waking beside a woman he did not remember.

"Sleep..." She whispered.

He turned in his sleep, murmuring an endearment before he stilled into deeper sleep.

She slid from the bed, retrieving her mask and the sash that held her Yukata closed. She did not wish to leave, wishing to go back to sleep and wake in his arms. She couldn't, not when he was still so fragile; not when she was so unsure of her own feelings toward him. She slid her mask on and slipped out the door. She got two steps beyond it when she began running toward her chamber; tears streaming down her face.