Heavenly Wings

A DNAngel and Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne Crossover Fanfiction


Disclaimer: I do not own either of these series. DNAngel belongs to Yukiru Sugisaki and Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne belongs to Arina Tanemura

Chapter 13

Another Race

"Never steal anything again?" Daisuke asked, sounding puzzled. "I would honestly be fine with that."

"What the heck redhead!? We are not giving up stealing! My title is Phantom Thief Dark! Phantom THIEF Dark! Thief is part of my title, I can't give that up!"

"Remember, this is for Maron, giving up being thieves isn't relevant." Chiaki spoke in a calm voice. "We have to find her no matter what."
"So?" Krad said, sounding confident. "Do you accept my challenge? Well, actually I suppose you have no choice if you want to save the girl. I guess I'll answer for you then."
"Don't you ever get tired of hearing your own voice Krad? Shut up for a second or I'll make you!" Dark shouted, getting angrier by the second.

"Such brave words, I'll let them be the last you say as a thief. Ta ta now."

There was an awkward silence after he'd left, followed by a slight cough from Sinbad.

"Are we going or not?"

Still more silence as the purple-haired thief fumed.

"Whatever, lose you're position as a thief, I'm going to save Maron."

"Do you have a plan?" A voice said in Sinbad's ear, causing him to jump.

"Access! How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that!?"

"Lets see," The kuro-tenshi thought for a few seconds. "Either one hundred or two hundred times, I always forget."

"Then why the heck don't you listen?"

"Does it really matter at a time like this? What about Maron?"

Sinbad started to retort, but swallowed it. It wasn't the time for snide comments. He took off, dashing down the hallway, looking everywhere for a sign of where Krad had hidden his crush. "Access! Search the museum! Get Finn to help if you know where she is!"

"Sure thing Sinbad! I'll come back once I've found her! Good luck!"

The two split up in separate directions at the next intersection, both running or flying as fast as they could. Chiaki was scanning the rooms he passed through, he'd already memorized the layout, so getting lost wasn't a problem. He continued with little success until a very familiar brown-haired girl who WASN'T Maron stumbled across his path.

Meanwhile, Daisuke was still walking through other rooms, arguing with Dark, when he came across Riku, crossing the hall in front of him, looking utterly lost.

"Rik-!" He started to shout, but caught himself. He was in a museum after closing, a museum that was targeted by two thieves. What was he doing here, especially since he'd already seen them outside and told them that he was helping Saehara! This was so not good.

It turns out she caught him anyway. "Niwa? What are you doing here?"

"Um, I couldn't find Saehara so I thought he'd maybe snuck in here, and I wanted to get him out." He stuttered, completely tongue tied. "And, and what are you doing here Riku?"

"Risa ran in here again. She's so obsessed with that creep Dark I'm almost used to her breaking into these places, and I, like you, wanted to get her out. It's not safe here, now that there are two thieves in the place."

"Yeah, I agree." The red-haired boy muttered, wishing he could get away.

"Hey, I just got an idea, why don't we search for them together?" Riku suggested, flashing a bright smile, that was 100% too much for Daisuke, which made the situation harder still.

Author's notes: There are no words to say how sorry I am for not writing, I can say I had writers block and other projects to work on, but that is still no excuse for this. I can however use my DA as proof by giving the link

~Miss. Deathdie~

.com/, hoping that you can see that I was indeed working on something. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I will try to do better in the future. On another note, who forgot completely about Finn, Access, Riku, and Risa? I sure did!