The following day was spent in their chamber together. Servants had brought in robes and food for them. Sarah found herself standing in the arch of the balcony wrapped in soft silk fabric. Looking out at the view she sighed dreamily and munched on a miniature muffin. From this balcony she could see the horse pasture and the hills beyond. "Sarah," Jareth called her. He lay reclined on an elbow reading a note that had arrived with the food. She looked at him and smiled- his hair was tousled and a sheet was thrown across his mid section. Coming back into the room she went to sit on the bed.

"What is it?" she asked before finishing off her muffin.

He looked from the note to her- her robe did little more than cover her arms. "I avoided discussing kingdom affairs last night for both of our sakes," sitting up he put a hand casually on her leg.

"And I am grateful that you did."

"As am I, but today I am afraid I can put the subject off no longer."

She eyed the note he held. "Has something happened?" she asked warily.

"Well something has gotten worse."

The note was from the elvan watch along the borders of the Outer Limit. The peninsula that had once been within their use was found this morning to be cut nearly in half by a thick black cloud.

"I need to know what Oberon said to you."

"He told me to not fear the cold- that all would fight to protect me."

"Now why would he tell you that?" He mused for a moment. He knew what sudden occurrences of cold meant, but as far as he knew Sarah did not. He looked at his wife and found that she momentarily avoided his gaze. "Sarah, why would King Oberon warn you about the cold?"

No reply. She felt a burning in her chest. This was something she had hoped to never tell him.

"Unless…" he paused. The truth was going to make him angry, but he had to know. "Answer me!" he pressed. His hand on her leg squeezed.

"Alright!" she shoved his hand off. "I know that there is a connection between the cold and… your brother. I know because- because,"

"Because why?" He realized he was on the verge of yelling at her.

Tears of embarrassment involuntarily filled her eyes. "I didn't want to tell you!"

The truth was becoming evident and the horrible revelation showed on both of their faces.

"Did he touch you?" he demanded. Her silence was enough of an answer. "I'll kill him," he said darkly. Abruptly leaving the bed and flinging the note aside, he bellowed the words again, "I'll kill him!"

She flinched at his anger, remaining silent.

Covering himself with his own robe he began yelling curses in the elvan tongue. "Why didn't you tell me?" He paced.

She wiped her cheeks. "I was so ashamed, I-I didn't know what to do. Don't be angry with me, please!"

He halted his pace and looked at her. "No- no my love I am not angry with you. Come to me." She scooted from the bed into his arms. "I am angry, but not with you. Hush now."

He stroked her hair. "I fought!" she told him. "I fought him; denied him!"

"I believe you." He soothed her.

She told him everything- the first occurrence in her own chamber where his brother had tried to pass himself off as Jareth. She explained how she had poured her heart out to Lord Earthendale following the second time. He listened with his wrath controlled just below the surface. Whatever was he to do? He couldn't see into that darkness. What annoyed him even more was that all of this should come to such a head the day after his wedding- this woman who he loved and cherished needed to be trained both as a Fae and Queen. She titled her head and looked up at him; she was sure of his thoughts. "I married myself to both you and the kingdom," she said. "We will find a way to stop this."

"We're going to need help," he responded. He pressed her body against him tightly. "I will not have my wife ever so compromised again." Anticipating his thoughts, or had she known them, their lips met in a hard kiss. Sliding her robe from her body, he prayed with every caress he was erasing every last trace of Lebanon from her.

An hour or so later she lay dozing amongst the sheets. He sat looking at her. Things were going to get nasty, complicated, and dangerous. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he thought again about how blocked his sight was in that darkness. There was only one man who could help him see; one man who was currently staying under his roof. That man was King Oberon. With evening approaching the two of them were expected to dine with his majesty. One thing was certain Jareth was indeed prepared to do anything to protect his wife. He leaned near and shook her awake. Before he rang the bell for their personal servants to come in he explained to her his intentions. She nodded and listened with a grave expression. "Whatever happens or is discussed from here on out," she told him. "I want to be with you."

Several of the guests from the ceremony were extending their visit in the Underground by staying in the castle. In the Banquet Hall, Sarah noticed Lord Earthendale and Lady Cottonwood, with Sprout in their company. Toby was at Sprout's heel. King Oberon escorted a woman who seemed to have stars in her hair. Amongst the faces she recognized the Fae she had danced with the previous evening, the one with deep, luminous blue eyes. He surveyed the room with an almost sad countenance. When seated at the table she also realized how very near to being lost in those eyes she had been. She looked away.

Dinner went by with polite conversation and compliments to the new couple. As they readied to move into the drawing room for coffee King Oberon accosted Jareth and spoke quietly to him. Sarah had found herself in good company with the king's companion, a Lady Sulis and as the two kings spoke she knew that an arrangement was being made. She watched as Jareth called a servant near. Yvonne arrived and escorted Toby from the room. King Oberon then looked to Lady Sulis and nodded. "My dear, I think I shall retire for the evening," she spoke to Sarah. "It was a lovely dinner."

"Good evening to you Lady Sulis." The two ladies curtsied to each other.

Then Jareth was at her side accompanying her to the drawing room. The drapes were drawn, the door was shut, and each guest sat near the hearth. Everyone wore the expression of grave importance. King Oberon took his position in front of hearth and spoke, "I do not think I need to make everyone aware of why we are all gathered together. All of us hold information that is vital to the survival of the Underground." He eyed everyone. "We are also loyal to the crown, were it my own or Jareth's. At the moment though, we are not all intimately acquainted with each other. Channing." He motioned with his hand for the man to stand. Luminous eyes addressed the room. "Channing comes from the presence of Nephile the Water Nymph. By passage of water he as traveled far and wide through worlds."

Channing bowed to the group. "I offer my knowledge to the kingdom. I have seen much, yea, even into the Outer Darkness."

The entire room was taken aback at his words. Sarah's own coffee cup rattled against the saucer as she struggled to set it aside. King Oberon merely nodded.

"That is nigh impossible," Lod Earthendale spoke. "Not even Jareth can see in those limits."

"He speaks truth," King Oberon insisted.

Sarah noticed that every eye was searching from Channing's to Jareth's. Her husband remained composed, leaning back in his chair his coffee resting leisurely on his thigh. His curiosity was internally raging. "How can you have seen into the Outer Darkness?" he finally asked.

"Firstly let me say that you are a worthy ruler, King Jareth. Nephile speaks highly of you and your bride. She sends her best wishes. I have seen into the Outer Darkness because I have been there."


"Yes. As you may have gathered Jareth it is impossible to connect mentally with the Outer Darkness. Physical presence is the only way."

"You are the first I know of to have done so and been allowed to return."

King Oberon interjected, "Channing is special."

"Nephile's waters flow both here and in the Outer Darkness. I can become one with the water and float between the worlds."

"So does the Book of Prophecy speak truth- does Lebanon live?" Sprout asked.

"Channing's words are not needed to confirm that. There are those here who have first hand experience with Lebanon since his banishment- Lord Earthendale, Jareth, and even Sarah. I myself have also been aware of him."

"Excuse me sire, what then are we up against?" Sarah started. "What I mean to say is if Channing can move in the Outer Darkness can any one of them move amongst us?"

King Oberon sipped his own coffee considering his response. "You are afraid of what you experienced? We at the High Courts believe that is still yet impossible. His powers are not so limited though."

She considered this. "So we can move physically there, but he move psychologically here?"


She looked to her husband with a glimmer of relief in her eyes. He took her hand and squeezed her fingers saying, "It is good that he did not really touch you, but it does not excuse his intentions. King Oberon, what do you propose we do? I seek your council."

"For now tell our group what the elf scouts reported to you this morning."

Jareth retold the note about the darkness having grown. "He has been threatening his confinement since Sarah's arrival. Channing what have you gathered from your travels- does my brother seek to do my kingdom harm?"

If it were at all possible, Sarah was sure those eyes had deepened and gone a degree more remorseful. "He gathers forces with battle as his intent. There is much hatred there, so much so that it is nearly a living thing. It is very safe to surmise Lebanon wishes to complete his original task of becoming King of the Goblins."

"Such folly!" exclaimed Lady Cottonwood. "He may be royal Fae, but he has assayed himself with the Unseelie." A general agreement seemed to pass through the room.

"Unseelie?" Sarah asked. She looked to her husband and then to the rest of the group. "Pardon?"

"Literally, Unholy," explained Jareth. "There are Fae who are Seelie- we strive to be as we were made, to uphold the old ways, honoring life in the glow of the Moon. Then there are Unseelie, those who would use their magic, their powers for selfish gain and destruction."

"Wouldn't the entire Outer Darkness be filled with Unseelie then?"

"Not necessarily. A Fae can break the law without using their powers."

"But," interrupted Sprout. "It would be a great magnet for them."

King Oberon gained the attention of the room again. "Had we known that it was possible to move to and from the Outer Darkness, then we would have taken better measures to encase them. As it stands now, no one has ever done what Channing has accomplished. We have no hard evidence that anyone outside of that realm is associated with Lebanon.

"At this point though, we must consider how to deter his intentions. We cannot allow him to breech the boundaries and make war on the Underground. That we are all agreed on. As high King I will not permit such an up rising. Jareth- how many guards keep watch this night?"

"It has been doubled over the last month, each watch consisting of fifty goblins and twenty-five elves. They rotate at dusk and at dawn."

"Have there been incantations uttered for protection?"

"Each guard has one from my own lips as well as Lord Earthendale's."

That seemed to give satisfaction to the High King. He spoke again, "The seven of us gathered here are united in our effort, take the next few days to consider ways of preventing this war. I freely press myself upon Jareth and Sarah's hospitality, as should the rest of you."

"Your majesty is more than welcome," said Sarah.

"The hour grows late and I have not forgotten it has only been twenty four hours since your union. Meeting adjourned." With a nod, the group disassembled.

Back in their chambers Sarah sat at her vanity considering her thoughts while examining her reflection. It was little comfort to know that Lebanon had merely been playing on her psyche. She knew Jareth well enough that it wasn't one hundred percent satisfactory for him either. A large part of her wanted to some how return his advances by slapping him, whether it be in a metaphorical sense or not. The rest of her burned for vengeance on behalf of her husband.

She began removing her jewelry. Behind her she could hear Jareth humming a tune as he undressed. It made feel at ease, hearing him. She caught site of him in the mirror- his jacket was off and he was picking at his cuff links. Feeling eyes on him, he glanced in her direction and smiled. He came up behind her, and leaning near he sat his cuff links on her vanity and his other hand on her back. Kissing her neck, he murmured, "Come, take a bath with me."


He moved away from her and into the bath chamber. She looked back at her reflection. Yes, she wanted to make Lebanon pay.