Title: The Shot Heard Around the World

Disclaimer: Me no own, You no sue.

Warnings: Slash; kinda dark; JD/COX

Notes: One shot.


Do you see Dr. Wen in there? He is explaining to that family that something went wrong and that the patient died. He's gonna tell them what happened, he's gonna tell them he's sorry and then he's going back to work.

Do you think anybody else in that room is going back to work today?

That is why we distance ourselves, that is why we make jokes. We don't do it because it's fun, we do it so we can get by.


The smiles were cut out of paper and plastered on with super glue.

The conversations, full of compliments and promises, all of it, even the laughter, was fake.

He thinks it was the anger and the need to just get away from it all that brought him here. Here being the this room of dry ice and flashing lights and grinding bodies, the scent of sweat and alcohol and sex and lust filled his nostrils.

JD makes his way to the very center of the writhing mass and picked a body, he couldn't tell if it was a male or a female, he just wanted the contact. Closing his eyes, he looses himself to the rhythmic sounds.

"Come to my place," the voice of the man behind JD is gruff and demanding and JD recognizes it instantly.

Still dancing, JD turns and presses his body full-length to that of Perry Cox.

"And if I don't?"

JD knows that Cox is here to take him away, but not to take him away. So he's gonna fight with him and seduce him and touch him in all the right places and hope that the older doctor will indulge him, at least for a while.

"I'm sorry I didn't-" Cox takes a tiny step back as he looks JD in the eye. There's something in them that makes JD's heart skip a beat and his chest tighten with something that was almost assuredly life-threatening.

"I don't care," JD cuts him off as he moves to go around him. He wants to get away from the hospital, for just one night, he wants to escape everything and just have contact with people who are not dying, with people who won't recognize him and know him for what he was.

And just as JD goes to dance with someone else, Perry's arm shoots out, grabs the smaller man by the waist and pulls him close, fitting their bodies together.

"Bad Newbie," Perry growls low in the back of his throat, tone teasing as his breath tickles JD's ear, "don't walk away from me. You are coming back to my place."

The song changes and a new beat reverberates through the atmosphere. JD smirks and begins to grind into Perry, hips moving with that of the heavy sounds of the song. He lifts his hand up to the back of Perry's neck, bringing his head down so he could whisper to the older doctor:

"Make me," JD's challenging words send a cold thrill of a spark down Perry's spine as his will to dominate is awakened.

Cox grins as one of the hands he had settled on JD's hips moved under the younger man's shirt, tracing the hip bone before moving down beneath JD's waistband.

"Fine," the word is nothing but a whisper, but to JD, it was the shot that started a war.
