Love Shack

Love Shack


Hideki LaShae

Chapter Nine

I lie on the bed in a crumpled heap and cry into the pillow.


I roll over and sit up to look at you. You've been crying too. "Why?"

"This is no time to play games. Why what?" In his sadness and despair, Seto snaps out at me.

"Are you really Yami? Did I just dream about going to meet him tonight?"

"I am your Yami," says Seto slowly, "You did come to the Love Shack tonight to meet with me, and you ran away…"

"How long have you known I was Hikari? How long have you been playing me for a fool?"

"Do you remember the night you first kissed Yami?"

I nod.

"I knew then who you were. I almost didn't go that night, but I had to see Hikari one last time. I had to say good-bye to him because I loved him," explains Seto setting the scotch on a small table by the door. He walks slowly towards me. "When Hikari kissed me, I realized that I was in love with you, Jou… with the true heart behind Hikari and not the mask!"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were Yami then?"

"Because when I found out that you're Hikari, I was so shocked that I became ill…"

My eyes widen. "When you were throwing up…"

"After hearing you tell Yugi that you're Hikari… I had an undesirable reaction to the truth," says Seto sitting down in front of me, "I didn't want the same thing to happen to you. I tried to get you to fall in love with the real me so that it wouldn't be so much of a shock when I told you the truth."

"It was still shocking," I say.

"How do you feel about all this, Jou? I've told you I'm in love with you. How do you feel about me?"

I wipe my eyes dry. "You idiot! Of course, I'm in love with you! I love Yami, but I went there tonight to tell him I fell in love with Seto!"

"Then why did you run?"

"I thought it was a dream, like the first time we had se… the first time we made love," I explain with a small smile, "Plus that's what I needed to do. You threw up. I ran away crying."

"Jou, will you be my Hikari, for now, for always? My lover? My friend? Will you mate with me the way your Red-Eyes has mated with my Blue-Eyes?" asks Seto.

I lean forward and kiss your lips. "Yes, I'll be your boyfriend."

"I was thinking more on the line of husband, but I guess we can discuss this later." You wrap your arms around me and hold me close to you.

My heart feels light enough to fly out of my chest. "We can talk about marriage tomorrow but tonight…"

You kiss my blushing cheeks. "I love you, Jou… more than I ever dreamed I could love anyone!"

"I love you, Seto! I love you just as much!"

"This calls for a celebration! What would you like to do?" you ask.

My cheeks redden even further.

You quirk an eyebrow at me.

I look down and fidget with the blankets. "Will you make love to me? I want to fly with you the way our dragons flew together at the Expo…"

"It would be a pleasure to make love to you," you say, "literally."

I chuckle. "I've taken you twice. Now, it's time for you to take me…"

"I'll make sure it is both our pleasure then," you say standing up, "Would you like a shower first?"

"No. We can take a bath together in the morning," I say slipping out of my jacket.

You remove your jacket and drape it over the foot of the bed. He peels off his muscle shirt and drops it to the floor. "If you want to fly like dragons, then we will dress as dragons…"


You lift your jacket again and slip it on before turning your back on me. "Oh, look. I have a tail!"

I laugh and climb from the bed. I pull off my t-shirt as you turn back towards me.

You gasp.

"Oh, do you like it?" I ask removing my pants so you get a good look at me in the mesh bodysuit we found at my old house. "You did think my boyfriend would really like seeing me in it!"

"You're gorgeous!" You quickly remove your jeans, and your erection comes free. "How does that thing work? What's the access like?"

"Full access. You can take me or I could take you," I say pulling my hard cock from the confines of the fabric.

"Come on now, my precious Red-Eyes," you say lifting my jacket, "Put on your wings so we can fly."

I slide my trench coat back on and kiss you.

You pull my body flush against yours, and we dance around your room… or would it be our room now? The ends of our coats swing around our legs, like tails, as we dance, and you gather the items you want.

You dip me down onto the bed, and you hover over top of me. "You don't have to be quiet anymore, Jou. Be as loud as I know you can be!"

"There's no reason to be loud yet," I say, "You haven't even touched me!"

You pop the cap off the bottle of lube you found and squeeze some onto your hand. "I'll try to be gentle, dragon, but this still might hurt a bit."

"Puppy," I whisper.

"What?" you ask as you slide down my body.

"Call me your puppy. It's okay now," I say, "I am your puppy, and you are my master."

"Only sometimes, my puppy," you say, "I'm only your master sometimes." You engulf my penis with your mouth at the same time that you slip one finger into my anal passage.

I whimper.

You run your tongue up my length, applying a pleasurable pressure against the vein on the underside of my cock.

I moan and arch into you. "Seto, I need…"

You slip a second finger inside me as you tongue the head of my erection. You hum proudly when the tips of your fingers find my prostate.

I scream, "Dragon!"


"Too… too much… pleasure… can't take it!"


The vibrations of sound shoot straight through my very core and increase my pleasure ten-fold. "Seto… Seto…"

You slip a third finger into my loosened body and suck as much of my cock into your mouth as you can.

My member slides down your throat a short ways so that all of me is inside you. Part of my rational mind is surprised that you don't gag, but the pleasure you're inflicting on my penis and prostate chase away my rational side. All I can see is you. All I can feel is pleasure and a slight twinge of pain that I'm more than willing to play through. Pressure's building in my cock. I'm going to blow! "Seto! Coming!"


I moan loudly as I shoot my release down Seto's throat. I collapse, bonelessly to the bed. I can't move. I can barely see. White stars speckle my vision. I take a deep breath and notice Seto's fingers still stretching me and occasionally brushing my prostate.

You clean my waning member with your tongue before pulling your mouth away. "Are you okay?"

"Wow! We've got to do this again!" I exclaim.

"We will, but not tonight," you say with a smile as your fingers start to mercilessly assault my prostate. "You want to pleasure your lover, don't you, Jou, my sweet dragon puppy?"

"Yeah! I think I'm ready for you!" I blush as my cock hardens and erects again. Thank gods for the stamina of youth!

You slowly pull your fingers from my ass, and you move to kiss my lips quickly.

I taste myself on your lips, but I don't mind. As long as you love me, I'll love you.

You grab a pillow and place it beneath my hips to tilt me into a more favorable position, and you lift one of my legs over your shoulder. You slowly push just your tip into me. "I'll try to be gentle, Jou. Tell me if it hurts too much or I'm going too fast."

"So far so good," I say.

You thrust in gently, slowly. Are you even moving at all?

I gasp in pain as your cock stretches me further than your fingers had.

"I'm sorry."

"Keep going."

"I love you, Jou," you say continuing your small thrusts forward, "I never knew it would turn out this way with us, but…" You stop when my body fully encases your penis.

"I'm glad it did," I say with a smile. "I love you, Seto. Make love to me. The pain's great, but it'll go away…"

"I'm glad it did too," you say starting to pull back only to push back into me. After a few experimental thrusts, I scream as you hit my prostate.

All I feel is pleasure as you wrap your fingers around my member and start to stroke.

You thrust into me and hit my prostate with each movement. "You feel so good, Jou! So tight! So warm!"

In seconds, we're both reduced to moaning puddles of pleasure.

You kiss me as I release for the second time tonight so I moan loudly to tell you how much I enjoy our activity.
My arms cling to you. My muscles clamp down tightly on your member inside of me.

You moan as your own sexual juices pour out into me, and you slowly pull out of our kiss. You take a deep breath before saying, "I love you, Jounouchi Katsuya! So very much, Jou…"

"It's okay for you to call me Katsuya if you want." I blush. I never let anyone call me by my given name. That's reserved for my sister, and she still calls me Jou half the time.

"Thank you. Thank you for giving me your virginity and taking mine. Thank you for loving me the way I love you. Thank you for letting me call you my puppy and Katsuya. I'll try not to wear out either name," you say planting a kiss to my lips for each sentence you speak, "and thank you for everything you'll do in the future." You slowly slide out from inside me, and you lie half beside, half on top of me.

The bottom of your trench coat tickles my legs.

"I think Kaiba Katsuya has a slightly better ring to it than Kaiba Jou," you say.

"We'll discuss it in the morning. After all, why would I have to take your name? You could be Jounouchi Seto," I say, "Or we could both change our names to something like Kaiba-Jou or Kaijou."

You chuckle.

"If you ask me in the morning, I'll gladly be a Kaiba," I say closing my eyes.

"Thank you for flying with me, Katsuya," whispers Seto, and you hold me close as we both fall asleep.

I have a slight limp as I walk into the dining room with Seto. The sex was great while it lasted, but now I feel like I have a rod shoved up my ass… Well, technically, I did last night…

"Morning, big brother Seto, big brother Jou," says Mokuba cheerily.

I smile at the small brunet. "Morning."

"We'll be sound-proofing both your bedrooms this week so you'll have to stay in the east wing until it's completed," says Mokuba.

I turn bright red.

You blush as well.

"Are they up yet?" asks Ryou carrying in a platter stacked with muffins. He smiles when he sees us together. "Congratulations, you two."

Yugi and Grandpa come in carrying the last of breakfast.

"We were a bit worried when we saw what happened at the club," says Yugi, "but I'm glad it worked out okay."

"And in case you're wondering, we were only eavesdropping long enough to hear you both confess your love," says Grandpa, "Then we all retired to the… what was it, east wing?"

Mokuba nods. "So no one heard you having sex, although it's clear you did from the way Jou's limping."

The doorbell rings.

"Let's answer the door, Jou," you say lifting me bridal style and rushing from the room. You set me down by the door and open it. You raise an eyebrow. "Pegasus?"

Pegasus smiles. He holds out a small wrapped box. "I just wanted to give you both an early wedding present. I was never planning to release these cards, but I see now that the game needs them."

"Um… thanks." I take the box from his hands.

"Enjoy your life together," says Pegasus turning to leave, "and please, invite me to the wedding!"

You close the door. "Crazy man, that Pegasus!"

"Let's open this in the dining room!" I exclaim.

"You don't suppose he'd give us a bomb, do you?" you ask following me to the dining room.

"He's crazy, but he's not really a murderer," I say taking my seat at the table, and you sit down beside me.

"Who was at the door?" asks Mokuba.

"Pegasus. He brought us an early wedding present," you say as I unwrap the box, "I don't know why he would think we're getting married. We hadn't even discussed it until last night."

I open the box and pull out the top Duel Monsters card. I reach out with my other hand and grab Seto's hand. "Seto! Look at this card!"

Your eyes widen. "Blue-Eyes Black Dragon? Four stars. Attack 1000. Defense 700. Dragon-Effect."

"Offspring of a B.E.W.D. and R.E.B.D. This card can only be summoned when a B.E.W.D. or R.E.B.D. is on the field. It gives the parent dragon a 1000 attack point increase, and it cannot be attacked while the parent dragon remains on the field. If both parents are on the same side of the field when this card is summoned, both parents' attacks are doubled. 1000 point increase no longer applies." I finish reading the card, and tears form in my eyes. "Our dragons have a baby!"

"Apparently they have two," you say pulling the next card from the box.

"Red-Eyes White Dragon! Four stars. Attack 1000. Defense 700. Dragon-Effect," I read aloud, "The effect is the same as the Blue-Eyes Black Dragon."

"There are more cards in here too," says Mokuba pulling out the rest of the cards, "One more Red-Eyes White Dragon and another Blue-Eyes Black Dragon. Plus there's an Adoring Red-Eyes Black Dragon. I think it's the same as Jou's Red-Eyes except with a different name. And this last one is an Amorous Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Stats are all the same as Seto's Blue-Eyes!"

"Hey, Seto! Ever think about another tattoo? One with our baby dragons?" I ask looking directly into your blue eyes.

"Only if you get one too," you say.

I smile. "Deal! Can I have your yin-yang design too?"

You smile. "Of course."

I hold out my hand for yours, and you intertwine our fingers. I know you'll work out the design for our baby dragon tattoos tonight, and tomorrow… Tomorrow we'll go to begin the work to have the yin-yang put on my right bicep and the babies on my left. The babies will go on your right bicep.

We balance each other perfectly. I am light, Hikari, you your darkness, Yami. We are a perfect yin-yang. And from now on we will fly together, soaring through life like our dragons.

The end.