Because one day Uchiha Sasuke will finally realise what really matters the most.

He was dying.

He was dying alone.

He didn't want to die alone.

Sasuke fought to keep his eyes open, fought to keep his body from succumbing to the blackness that tempted it.

Why fight? Why bother? You've achieved what you wanted. Itachi is dead. It doesn't matter anymore. You said yourself that you didn't care...

But I do care...

I do care.

Did they care?

Would they come for him?

Would they try to save him... after all these years?

They always came for him before...

But would they come now?

Would they bother?

The inevitable blackness grew from the corners of his eyes, threatening to cover his eyes in a peaceful abyss. But he fought it...

All in the hope that they might come...

That he might see them...

Just one last time...

Was that them calling...?

Or was he just dreaming...?

Perhaps he was in heaven...

But, wait... heaven didn't have hands...

Hands that were gripping his own wet, bloody palms...

And then he saw them...

The people he had fought to stay alive for...

His friends...

"Sasuke-kun, it's okay, we're going to get you out of here!"

"Hang on, Sasuke-teme. Don't you dare die on us!"

He felt a soft, delicate hand brush wet strands of hair out of his eyes. It felt like bliss. Perhaps he really was in heaven...

"Sakura..." he croaked, reaching up and gripping the hand on his face. He wanted to know she was real, that she wasn't some figment of his imagination...

"We're here for you, Sasuke. Everything's going to be fine!"

We're here for you...?

But he was never there for them...


Was he real too...?

He felt something squeeze his hand.

Was that him...?

"I'm sorry..."

They never gave up on him...

They still hadn't given up on him...

Even when he was a lost cause...

He was dying

He was dying with them.

He wanted to die with them.

They meant everything to him.

AN: Ok, this only took me about ten minutes, but I just came up with the idea and I had to write it. I personally don't like Sasuke that much, but I just wanted to write something about him. I know the ending is slightly cheesy, but hey, it doesn't matter. Thanks for reading and please review!