Yay! My Yin Yang Yo/Duck Dodgers Fan fic is finally started! Here is part 1! I hope you like it! I think that any of you duck dodgers Fans or Yin Yang yo Fans will love it! And, I hope lots of people read it. This is still a dedication to Marvin & Lilly & Reesa. Reesa, Marvin, Lilly, Yin, Yang & Master Yo do not belong to me. Yin & Yang & Master Yo belong to Bob Boyle. Reesa belongs to my friend, KiraMizuka. Marvin/X-2 belongs to WB & Sander Schwarts. And finally, Lilly belongs ti NightmareBeforeChristmasFreak. I couldn't post the links to there profiles for some strange reason. you can find them all on my profile & KiraMizuka on my DA profile. Hope that fills you in on the details. Hope you like my story! Bye!

In Martian Commander X-2's ship…

X-2 was sitting in his chair. Lilly was sleeping in hers. Reesa was there, too. She was sitting on the floor, looking at cards. X-2 sighed.

"What's wrong, Marvin?' asked Reesa.

"Lilly wanted to go look for something to do earlier, but, I was just not in the mood…" X-2 said.

"Well, why not ask if she wants to go, now?" asked Reesa.

"I suppose…" X-2 said. He got up & went over to Lilly, who was still sleeping in her chair. He woke her up.

"Huh? Marvin? What is it?" Lilly asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Uh………. Do you…. I mean, do you still want to……." X-2 began.

"Yes?" Lilly asked.

"Uh…. Do you… still want to go do something?" asked X-2.

"I'd like that! Let's go bowling for asteroids!" Lilly said, jumping up.

"Um…. I wouldn't say I'd want to go bowling for them, but, we could go collect some for some… experimenting…." said X-2.

"Cool!" said Lilly.


X-2 & Lilly got there space suits on & walked to the docking way. X-2 & Lilly held hands & jumped out. Lilly spun around.

"Careful, Lilly." X-2 said.

"Uh, ok." said Lilly, following him. They came to an asteroid field.

"OOH! I want that one & that one & that one & that one & that one & that one & that one & that one & that one &…." Lilly said over & over, pointing to each & every asteroid she saw.

"Ok, Lilly, that's enough…" X-2 said. They floated over to one the small ones & X-2 used a small vacuum to suck up some of them into a tank on his back. Lilly did the same. Then, she saw a bright shining light over to her right. She floated over to it. It was a shining blue & pink swirl. It looked just like her green & yellow one, but, the colors were changed. Suddenly, she started to be sucked in.

"WHOA!" she said as she was pulled right in. X-2 turned around to see nothing but the portal.

"LILLY!" he screamed. He jumped in after her. Reesa was in the ship & saw the whole thing. She quickly got on an air helmet & floated out of the ship.

"MARVIN! LILLY! WHERE ARE YOU?" she screamed. She, too, got sucked in.

In the portal…

The two Martians & Reesa all spiraled around for a little bit.

"WHOA!" Lilly yelled. X-2 was behind her, trying to catch up. Reesa was behind him. Suddenly, the hole opened. They were dropped from about 20 feet from the ground into another dimension. They were al on top of each other, dizzy. Reesa, who was now a red rabbit with a blue dress & bow on, fell off of X-2, who was also now a rabbit. He & Lilly were very dark gray rabbits, almost black, with black insides of there ears. X-2 was wearing a simple white shirt with his gloves. Lilly was wearing her purple T-shirt. Reesa had dark red ear insides. Lilly looked around.

"Where…… are we?" she asked. X-2 walked up next to her.

"I don't know…." he said. Reesa got up & stood next to X-2.

"Wow. This looks more like the… 21st century…" said Reesa.

"Come on. Let's see if anyone lives in this big house." Lilly said, pointing to a large dojo. It was pretty big. X-2 & Lilly walked up to it while Reesa scanned the roads.

"I don't see anyone." she said.

"They are probably in bed or something…. If this is the 24th & ½ century…." said Lilly.

"Uh… Lilly, is this your world?" asked X-2.

"Nope. I've never seen this place before in my life…" Lilly replied.

"Well, if it's not your dimension… then…. whose is it?" asked X-2. Suddenly, two rabbits slammed open the doors to the dojo & rushed out of the dojo. The doors slowly closed & X-2 was smashed behind them.

"Owe…" he said. The rabbits grabbed a hose & threw it in a car, sitting next the dojo. One was a girl & was pink, with aqua eyes, wearing a white shirt, with a gray line near the bottom. The boy, who was blue, was wearing the same shirt & he had purple eyes. They looked to be siblings, though, X-2 was not sure.

"Hey, who are-- WHOA!" X-2 said, getting spun around when they ran past him.

"HEY! I'm talking to you--" X-2 tried to say, but, the rabbits spun him around again, rushing back & forth.

"STOP IT! THAT'S A DIRECT ORDER!" X-2 screamed. The pink one saw him, jumped up into the air, screaming "YIN-CINERATE!" & blasted him with some bright red powers.

"Owe again!" X-2 said.

"Yang! Those aren't anyone we know! They must be working for the Night Master!" said the pink one. "Right! Wait! The Night Master--" the blue, who was referred to as "Yang" said. The pink one pushed him.


"Alright! Sheesh, Yin!" Yang said. He darted towards X-2.

"AAHH!" X-2 said. Yang smashed him through the car. "ALRIGHT YOU SO CALLED RABBIT THAT WORKS FOR THE NIGHT MASTER! IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" Yang yelled, readying his sword, which was made of green bamboo.

"I… am… OWE! CUT IT OUT!" X-2 tried to say, with Yang banging his sword on his head.

"Well, sheesh! You could have just told me who you are…" said Yang.

"I TRIED TO TELL YOU WHO I AM!" X-2 screamed.

"Uh… allow me… uh… what did you say your name was again?" Lilly said, walking towards Yang.

"I'm Yang & this is Yin." said Yang, while Yin jumped right next to him.

"Where siblings!" Yin added.

"I knew it!" said X-2.

"SHUT UP!" Yang screamed.

"AAHH!" X-2 screamed & they both jumped off & started fighting.

"Ignore Yang. He's a little crazy sometimes." said Yin.

"I can see that… well, anyway, his name is Marvin… he is my best friend…" said Lilly. Reesa walked over to them.

"And mine, too." she added.

"Yeah… I'm Lily & this is Reesa…" said Lilly.

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys. But, you don't work for the Night Master, do you?" said Yin.

"What's a Night Master?" Lilly & Reesa both asked.

"I guess that answered that question…" yin said. Suddenly, X-2 crashed into her.

"Sorry…" he said as if he could barely breathe.

"It's ok. Yang stop!" yin said, using levitation on him, leaving him in the air. Then, she put him down.

"Yin! Why?" he asked.

"Because, these rabbits don't even know what a night Master is! Maybe, they just want to learn Woo Foo!" said Yin.

"What's Woo Foo?" Reesa, Lilly & X-2 all asked at the same time.

"Ok. Then, we can tell them. And, THEN, they'll want to learn Woo Foo!" said Yin.

"That chance. Everyone thinks that Woo Foo is stupid!" said Yang.

"Yeah, but, there new! They can help people to realize that Woo Foo is NOT stupid & that it's the only reason the Night Master still not threatens the world!" said Yin.

"Ok, ok… So, tell them!" Yang said as if he had no part in telling about Woo Foo.

"UUHH!" Yin said. But, she walked to Lilly, Reesa & X-2, who was on the ground.

"Ok. Woo Foo is a form of Martial Arts, which contains both might & magic. It's extremely helpful & can really help to save the world. Do you want to learn?" said Yin.

"Martian Arts? Oh, I'm in!" Lilly said.

"Um… Martial Arts…" Yin said.

"Oh…… well, I guess I'm still in… if a RABBIT can do it, a Martian could, right, Marvin?" said Lilly.

"Uh… yeah, sure…" X-2 replied.

"Wait! Where did you hear about Martians? Martians don't exist! There just a myth!" said Yin. X-2's eyes grew dark.

"Why you little…" he said.

"What? Do you believe in Martians…?" asked Yin.

"I AM--" X-2 began. Lilly covered up his mouth.

"As a matter of fact, we are really Martians…" she said calmly. Yin burst out laughing.

"YANG! GET OVER HERE!" she screamed. Yang jumped over to her.

"THIS GIRL SAYS THAT SHE'S A MARTIAN!" she screamed. Then, they were both laughing there heads off. Lilly let go of X-2.

"Ok, you can kick there butts." she said.

"With pleasure…" X-2 said. X-2 walked up to Yang stuck his nose right in front of his.

"Listen, you little…. Rabbit thing! If you don't think we are Martians, than, what were we originally?" he said.

"I have no idea what you just said." Yang replied. Yin pushed him aside.

"Ignore him. He doesn't know the meaning of the word 'knowledge'." she said.

"Ok. So, what do I mean, then?" X-2 asked, crossing his arms.

"Uh… I didn't really hear you…" said Yin.

"UUHH! Apparently, you don't know the meaning of the word, 'knowledge', either! What is it with you? You actually don't understand what I said?" X-2 yelled.

"Uh, no…." Yin said.

"Put simply, if you don't think we are Martians, then what were we before we came here?" X-2 asked again.

"Uh……………. Rabbits?" Yin said.


"Yeah, we really are Martians… except for Reesa. She is human." said Lilly.

"Well then, whatever! Look: do you want to learn Woo Foo, or not?" asked Yin.

"Sure!" said Lilly.

"Oh, no! No way! The only thing that I've learned form these two brats is the fact that Martians apparently don't exist in this world!" X-2 yelled.

"Aw, come on, Marvin! Please? I don't want to go without you!" Lilly said, tugging at his shirt.

"Wait a minute… am I wearing under where?" X-2 said.

"No, why?" asked Yin.

"YIPE!" X-2 said, covering up.

"What? Rabbits don't have to where under where." said Yin.

"BUT, I'M NOT WEARING PANTS!" X-2 screamed.

"So?" Yin said.

"Uh………….. Where we came from, you're supposed to wear pants…" said Lilly.

"Where is my skirt?" X-2 asked himself. Yang laughed so hard that he couldn't stop.

"YOU'RE A BOY & YOU WHERE A SKIRT!"he screamed.

"Well, what else do you call it? It's not really a skirt, but, to be honest, there's really nothing else to call It." said X-2. Yang continued to act like a moron.

"UUHH!" X-2 said.

"But, if you really want pants, there's a store down there." said Yin.

"Never mind… just tell us how to get out this world!" said X-2.

"Uh…… you want to fly to anther planet?" asked Yin.

"Now I know how Lilly felt when she was talking about the real world…" said X-2.

"Yeah… I remember it like it was yesterday….." Lilly said,

"What are you talking about?" Yin asked.

"Um… believe me, you wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth…" said Lilly.

"And, why not?" asked Yin.

"Because, we are from another dimension…" said Lilly. Yin only laughed.

"That's funny! Now, please tell me the truth!" Yin said.

"But, what am I supposed to say? That is the truth!" Lilly said.

"Oh, Lilly, don't try to explain this to them." said X-2.

"Ok, Marv! Whatever makes you happy…" said Lilly.

"Did you just call him 'Marv'?" asked Yin.

"WHAT? Haven't you EVER heard of Mar…tian Commander X-2?" asked Lilly.

"Uh………………………………... No………." Yin replied.

"I thought not…" said Lilly.

"So, let me get this straight: I'm better known in your world, but, in this world, I don't even exist…" said X-2.

"Well, none of us really belong here…" said Lilly.

"Then, where do you belong?" Yin asked.

"THEY BELONG IN LOSER LAND!" Yang screamed. He was on his back, kicking with his hands on his stomach, laughing like crazy. X-2 ran over to him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, BLUE BOY?" he screamed.

"I said…….. YOU BELONG IN LOSER LAND!" Yang yelled, then, he fell back to the ground & laughed more. X-2 stepped on his foot.

"OWE! STUPID FOOT!" he yelled, jumping up & down, holding his foot. He banged into the car.

"OWE! STUPID CAR!" he screamed. He then bashed into Lilly.

"OWE! STUPID… Rabbit?" he said.

"Get off of me…" Lilly said.

"Ok." Yang said, jumping down.

"Ok, we'll participate in learning the martial arts of Woo Foo, as you call it, but, then, I want you to help us find a way back to the dimension of which we came from…" said X-2.

"Ok. Whatever you say………." yin began.

"MARTIAN!" Yang added. Then, he started cracking up. Yin could see the anger building up in X-2.

"Come on, Marv. Take it easy. They just don't understand…" Lilly said, putting her hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He sighed.

"Yeah, you are right, Lilly. But, they don't have to rub it in!" he said.

"I know, but, you know how siblings are. There obnoxious because they think they hate each other." said Lilly.

"Yeah, Marvin! That pink one is a drama queen!" Reesa added.

"HEY!" Yin yelled. X-2 slapped his hands on his cheeks.

"Oh, no! The queen is going to kill me if she finds out the trouble I've gotten myself into by going out to collect asteroids unless it was a mission, which it wasn't! And, why am I talking like this?" he shouted.

"I don't know…" Lilly said.

"Well, it's weird! This whole place is weird! I have a sudden urge to go play in a leaf pile when what I should want to do is get the heck OUT OF HERE!" X-2 yelled.

"I know! So, just calm down!" Lilly said.

"Are you TRYING to give me a heart attack?" X-2 yelled.

"You're going to give YOURSELF a heart attack if you don't CALM DOWN!" Lilly yelled back. She pulled a paper bag.

"Wow. This is weird. I have no idea where I got it, but, here. Breathe into this…" Lilly said, handing X-2 the bag. He grabbed it & started breathing hard into it. Yang walked over to them.

"So, about learning Woo Foo…" he began.

"Oh yeah… come on, Marv, let's go." Lilly said grabbing his, causing him to let go of the bag. He followed. They met Reesa by the door.

"Ok, now, let's go inside!" said Reesa.

"Yes…. Oh, I need a break from reality…" X-2 said, walking inside with Lilly, Reesa & there new sibling friends. They arrived inside & saw a big rocking chair over to there right. And, a stair case & a hall way, which led to Yin & Yang's bedroom.

"Well, who's that belong to?" asked Lilly.

"Oh, that is…." Yin began.

"KIDS! GET IN HERE!" they heard a familiar voice scream.

"Master Yo………… COMING MASTER YO!" Yin & Yang both said at the same time, while beginning to run in the direction of the scream. When they got there, an old panda was apparently trying to yank out pipes from under the sink.

"I was trying to brush my teeth & I dropped the hairbrush in the sink & it went down the drain…" the old panda said. X-2, Lilly & Reesa caught up with them.

"So, THIS is you're Master? The one you call 'Master Yo'?" X-2 asked, disbelievingly.

"Yep. He's an old fart, but, he's the last panda on the planet & he's also the last Woo Foo Master." Yin said.

"EEW!" X-2 & Lilly both said.

"What?" Reesa asked.

"He's the last panda on the planet?" X-2 said, pointing to Yo.

"And, he uses a HAIR brush to brush his teeth?" Lilly added.

"I just said he's old…" said Yin. Master Yo glared at her.

"But……….. You're very young for a panda…" Yin added to make him feel better.

"Yeah, but, he's still 'Yold'!" Yang said. X-2, Lilly & Reesa couldn't help laughing with Yin & Yang at Yang's ridiculous comment.

"OH, THAT'S RICH!" X-2 screamed. Then, he stopped laughing.

"Oh, boy! That's something that Dodgers would say…." he said to himself.

"WHO?" Yin & Yang asked.

"Uh………. My… uh… One of my…. Enemies back at home…" X-2 said.

"If Dodgers dares to show up, I'll kick him back into his own dimension…" X-2 thought.

"Well, he sounds stupid!" Yang said. Yin punched him in the arm.

"OWE! Uh… I mean…. uh…" Yang said.

"Oh, believe me, he is!" Lilly said, giggling.

"Oh, yeah!" X-2 said. They both laughed & Reesa joined in.

"Kids! Just tell me what the Foo Toodles you want!" Master Yo shouted.

"These… uh… rabbits want to learn Woo Foo." said Yin.

"They do? OWE!" asked Master Yo, banging his head on the top of the cabinet opening.

"Yeah. Apparently, we are not the only ones who understand Woo Foo." Yin said.

"Uh… the black boy is a little crazy though…" Yang added. X-2 kicked him in the leg & Yang jumped up & down, holding his knee.

"OWE! OWE!" Yang yelled.

"HA! Serves you right, blue boy!" X-2 said.

"What?" Yang yelled, still jumping up & down.

"Whatever…." X-2 said.

"AAHH!" Yang screamed. He & X-2 did not get along very well.

"Well, then, kids, go sit in the kitchen & I'll meet you there to teach all three of you Woo Foo." said Master Yo.

"Ok, Master Yo." Yin & Yang said,. Then, they lead the other three to the kitchen.

"So, you guys have to live with that every single day?" X-2 asked.

"You don't even know the half of it." said Yang.

"We fight the same bad guys everyday," Yin said.

"We deal with chores & Master Yo everyday" Yang added. Then, he paused.

"AND we have to do everything that Master Yo says." Yang said.

"Well, aren't you guys just the needy ones…" Lilly said blankly.

"Don't remember it, Lilly. You live with me, now…" X-2 said.

"I know, but, I left my locket at home…" Lilly replied.

"What do you mean?" Yin asked.

"Never mind…"Lilly & X-2 both said at the same time. Master Yo came in after he was done & sat next to X-2.

"Uh…….." X-2 said.

"Ok, let's proceed…" Master Yo said. He glares at the rabbits. Yin, Yang & Reesa made a martial arts bow, while X-2 & Lilly saluted.

"Yes, Master Yo…" they all said. Master Yo rolled his eyes at X-2 & Lilly.

"Ok, the first lesson is Levitation…" Master Yo said.

To Be Continued…