Hey, it's Kit, this is my first Yaoi, yes yes, thank you thank you. lol. Well I want some reviews tell me what you think, and no, no yaoi in this chap. It's basically a prolog. Well enjoy.

Summary: KonoHigh holds all kinds of students, but one student holds the secrete, what is this secrete? Naruto Uzumaki a bi student has a secrete hidden behind his smile and a pain behind thouse crystal eyes.

Kyubi-Sama, Please

Chapter 1:

Red Bread

"Hey! Wait up!" Called the blond haired 13 year old chasing the canary yellow school bus. He wore an orange long sleeved shirt, baggy blue jeans, and dark blue and black sneakers. His messy blond hair brushing in front of his crystal blue eyes and his whisker-like scars on his cheeks.

"Ha-ha! Just leave the outcast behind!" A brunette encouraged. His dark brown, almost onyx eyes, red tattoos under his eyes that looked like triangles down to his chin-a family tradition- and bark brown mess of hair showing his mischievous side.

"K-Kiba-kun, be nice to Naruto-kun." Kiba's expression softened as he looked down at the raven haired girl next to him. Hinata Hyuga, his girlfriend. Her pale, lavender eyes, short hair, and baggy boy-like clothes made her seem a bit braver than she really was. Kiba looked down at the shy, fragile, girl next to him and calmed his wildness down.

"Come on, guys, be mature!" The pink haired girl yelled at her immature classmates. "Hey, stop the bus, let Naruto on!"

"Aw, c'mon Sakura, you always ruin all the fun," Ino whined.

The bus screeched to a stop as most of the students moaned about letting the hyper-active blond on. Naruto's face brightened as he saw the bus door wheeze open and ran in.

"Man, thanks a lot, Sakura, I'd be in a lot of trouble if I missed the bus again!" Naruto laughed off. The blond took a seat next to his best friend, the shy Hyuga girl. Kiba let out a low growl when he saw the school's open bisexual sit down next to his girlfriend. Kiba put on an act in public since Naruto and he were really just close friends, but since Kiba is a jock, being friends with a bi would put his reputation on the line.

Kiba Inuzuka is the quarterback in KonoHigh School's football team. Naruto has other friends, too. Sakura Haruno is a volleyball player and is in the spelling club. Hinata, Naruto's closest friend, is in the gardening club, as is Ino Yamanaka. Ino Yamanaka's family owns a flower shop so she is really good at what she does; Ino is also a volleyball player and a cheerleader.

Naruto looked out the window of a familiar street, the one that held his best friend, Gaara and his siblings. Naruto jumped out of his seat and stood in the hallway of the bus as the doors opened to reveal a brown haired boy that wore a white t-shirt with a red stripe and blue jean shorts that reached past his knees. This boy was Kankuro, another football player, and Gaara's older brother who was 15. Next was Temari. She has blond hair with four spiky ponytails and dark blue-green eyes. Temari wore tight dark blue pants, a studded belt, a black sleeveless shirt, a spike bracelet, a red tie, and on her shirt it said "Daddy's devil".

Last but not least, Gaara walked onto the bus. He had short red hair, pale blue eyes, and had on black eyeliner, black skin-tight jeans, black choker, a black short-sleeved shirt, and a deep crimson jacket. Over his left eye was a tattoo of the Japanese kanji for Love on his forehead. Gaara was known as the school's emo, and he was a closet gay, only Naruto knew this though.

"GAARA!" Naruto yelled as he ran up and gave his friend a tackle hug right there on the bus.

"Get off me, Naruto," The dark friend said emotionlessly. Gaara's pale skin flushed a little under the embrace of Naruto's tan arms, but hid it well enough so no one would notice.

Naruto sat happily back by Hinata's side while Gaara sat right next to Sakura and TenTen. TenTen is in tennis and is in Art club. Although most of the group is in sports, all of them, except Kankuro, Ino, and Kiba, are in KonoHigh's GSA-Gay Straight-Alliance.

The bus made the last stretch to KonoHigh's gates when a black sports car past them, more specifically, Itachi Uchiha's car, driving Sasuke-Naruto's ex-best friend friend-to school. Naruto felt his face burn with anger at the Uchiha, yet his heart stab with pain as Sasuke didn't even acknowledge him anymore like he once had.

The bus pulled over by the side of KonoHigh where the coal black bars of the fence around the scarlet red bricked building. Naruto already got the feeling of freedom as the bus wheals screeched and sizzled to a stop. Before the bus had completely came to a stop, Naruto came charging to the door of the bus, always willing to be the first one in school. The reason, no one but Naruto knew, he couldn't even trust this secrete with Hinata. When the doors finally released the blond ball of furry, he was half way to the school's entrance.

"Man, I don't know why that kid doesn't just try out for track." The bus driver sighed as he let the rest go.

"Ha-ha, who wants that fag getting showers with us?" Laughed Koga Saikome.

"Yeah, man, what would happen if we drop the soap!?" Hiroshi Saikome, Koga's twin, asked out of fear. The twins were both in track and we both homophobes.

"AH, SHUT IT, YOU TWO! We know what you do behind closed doors!" Sakura yelled as the two boys bolted away from her rage. Behind her Kiba laughed when he was sure all of the other jocks were out of earshot. "Oh!? What are you laughing about!? You sure were making jokes with those two while Naruto isn't and IS around!"

"Aw, you know it's just an act, Naruto knows that. Don't worry so much, him and I are cool." Kiba tried to smooth over.

First period, language with Kurenai Yuhi-sensei. This class held Naruto, Kiba, Gaara, Koga, Ino, and Hinata, along with random people that Naruto never took the time to know. As usual, Naruto tried his best to stay awake, but every time he but his head down to rest on his arm he shot back up and held in a yelp of pain at his burnt swollen arm. There's one way to stay awake in Language class. Naruto thought resentfully.

After language was History with Iruka Umino, Naruto's favorite teacher, the closest thing he ever had to a dad, he can never let his guardian that. Naruto was his loudest in this class, trying to gain the attention of his favorite teacher.

"NARUTO! If I have one more outburst from you today, you will have a detention!" Iruka-sensei yelled.

Naruto's face lit up for a second until he remembered…


"Naruto, I need you home early today. I have somewhere I need to be, don't disappoint me." Kyubi-Sama had said.

End Flashback

Naruto gulped at the thought and sat down, no matter how much he would rather spend time with Iruka, he couldn't take the chance with pissing off his adopted father, Kyubi-Sama. After History was Science with Asuma Sarutobi-Sensei. Shikamaru Nara was in this class as well, but like usual the lazy bum came late. This class held Sakura, Kiba, Hiroshi, Ino, and others, which is exactly as Naruto sees them. To Naruto there are "my friends", "people to protect", and "others" the ones that don't care for him. Koga and Hiroshi are in the "others" file.

It was time for lunch, as much as he loved being in Iruka's class lunch was his absolute favorite period. It was hard for Naruto to eat much at home, he was always busy with something.

Today for lunch he ate two hotdogs, and spilt a salad with Hinata. Naruto, in his housing condition, could only afford and is only allowed to eat ramen and had grown to love it. Kiba ate a hamburger, TenTen had an orange and a salad as well, she was on this vegetarian experiment thing. Rock Lee, a boy who was way over enthusiastic and loved the color green too much, ate some really spicy curry, yet he ate around three bowls of it. Sakura ate just one hamburger, Hinata ate half a salad, since Naruto ate the other half. Gaara, like usual, didn't eat a thing.

"Gaara! For God's fucking sake, eat something!" Naruto yelled over at his emotionless friend, or as everyone thought.

"I'm not hungry." Gaara stated simply.

"Agh! I had it, Gaara, this is, what the third week you've been like this!? You're looking paler than usual, stop on this crazy weight lost thing!" Naruto yelled at him as he shock Gaara by the shoulders. In the end of this little "lecture" Gaara had a brownie stuffed in his mouth and trying his best not to pout, but failing badly.

"Way to go, Naruto!" Kiba slapped Naruto on the stomach, joking around with the blond.

"Whoa, man, that Root Bear went right through me, be right back!" Naruto yelled to his friends as he ran to the bathroom. He waited until everyone had left and went into a stall and coughed out blood, whipping the bit still dripping on his chin on his orange shirt and watched it fade into the background. That's why I love orange so much.

Naruto sat down on the stall and took off his shirt for a second to see the still scared stomach he had gotten a year after he was adopted by Kyubi. It was a weird mark with a spiral, and symbols coming off it, Kyubi said it was the mark that made Naruto belong to him. Naruto winced as he remember the scorching iron meet with his bare stomach at the fine age of six when him and Kyubi lived on a farm, that first year. The bruise that had gotten the night before now glowed red from Kiba's playful slap.

Naruto put on his shirt and ran into the cafeteria and just as he did a piece of bread smothered in ketchup slapped right against his chest, his shirt. Naruto stared in horror, they had no idea what they had done. This would mean that Naruto would be sent to the nurse, this means that the people would call Kyubi-Sama, and he would be irritated by being disturbed, and he would have to reveal his clean scar. There would be no way of trying to say it was an accident when it was shaped the way it was.

Naruto felt his cheeks and the craved whisker mark scars they held, remembering the last time something like this happened. They were his second mark. Everyone must have noticed his face because suddenly everyone got serious. Naruto realized that his friends, even Kiba were coming to his aid, but they don't know the story, they never knew the story. People started teasing him the day came to this school, he was wearing a short skirt, a long sleeved shirt white shirt, a long haired blond wig, and high heals. He called this his "Sexy Jutsu". It was the outfit Kyubi-Sama once forced him to wear as a punishment, but after that day, it was not supposed to leave the house, so after that day he told Naruto never to do that again, he was 10 years old at the time, but back then, he was straight.

"Dude, Naruto, Dude! Wake up!" Naruto blinked his eyes open to see Kiba's worried face over him. He sat up and saw that he was in the nurse's office with the whole group there.

When did I get here? Naruto's curious blue eyes wondered around the room. There was Gaara, Hinata, Sakura, Temari, Kiba, Shikamaru, TenTen, and Lee. In the corner of his eyes he saw what looked to be the spiky blue hair of Sasuke walking away.

"Ugh, what happened?" Naruto asked sitting up with a grunt.

"We should ask you the same thing, Naruto," Gaara shyly questioned with a forcibly hidden worried tone. "Your stomach? Your arm?"

"I was cooking ramen, and well yeah, I burnt my arm so I sent the pot flying in the air, and well, it came crashing down on my stomach, he-he," Naruto laughed glad that he saves his smarts for when he needs them.

"What about t-that mark, N-Naruto-k-kun," Hinata blushed as she looked down at his scar.

"Oh… that… well, you guys know how I'm an orphan, that was from my last dad… the one I was taken away from… I don't really want to talk about it…" Great, this works great! Now why am I not good at writing stories again? Naruto praised himself.

After the kids were sent out the nurse walked over. "Good-afternoon, Naruto," Shizune looked down at the boy.

"Isn't it?" Naruto stated half sarcastically.

"Naruto, you know that I know that you only ever had one family, right?" Naruto gulped, and suddenly, he couldn't contain himself. "Don't tell him!" Tears started to pour uncontrollably out of his sapphire blue eyes.

"What, so is it all from him!?" Shizune gasped. She would never had expected Naruto to be a victim of abuse.

"No, don't tell him that I stained my shirt." Naruto's voice got quieter, but still in a believing tone.

"Oh, why not?" Shizune asked not truly believing the tanned blond.

"Because then I will have to scrub it, he-he, too much work." Naruto put on his best fake smile he had ever played.

"So those tears were fake! You little rat!" She playfully slapped him on the top of the head.

Yeah, this is my family. My brothers, my sisters, my Dad, my grandma, this is a lot better than home. If only he was still my friend...


Next time, Kyubi gets home late and drunk, How will Naruto handle this uncontrold demon on the lose? Next Chapter: Kyubi!

well I want to know what peoples think, I think I did a pretty good job, don't you think? Mhmm I'm up for ideas if there are any out there. Please. Thanks for reading, cya!