Shuuhei sat on the floor of the local club packing up his guitar and its accessories; another good performance. He could only hope he was getting noticed enough to maybe really hit the jackpot soon and finally get signed.

"Good work tonight Hisagi," the manager of the club commented "I'll see you tomorrow night"
Shuuhei nodded "Thank you, and goodnight"

He picked up his things and stepped out into the warm summer night. Yes, he really did hope he would get signed soon. One could only play at the same club for so long, but then again it was better than not playing at all.

As Shuuhei made his way home he checked his watch and decided to take a shortcut through the local park instead of wasting time and walking all the way around. Shuuhei took his time as he strolled through the park taking in all the sites around him. He watched the sunset through the trees as he passed an elderly couple sitting together holding hands and a woman rushed past him holding her child's hand. Shuuhei was so involved in watching the sunset that he didn't realize a large round checkerboard colored ball flying at him at an astounding rate until he was on the ground.

"Oh crap, are you 'lright?" A rough yet soothing voice asked over the sound of rushing footsteps. Trying to get his bearings Shuuhei stares directly in front of him and placed his left hand on his left eye as he attempted to will the pain away. "Hello? Buddy you 'lright?" The voice asked as a hand waved in front of his face.

"What just…" He began but realized his guitar case lay on the ground thrown to the side from the force of his impact with the ground. "Damn," he groaned as he picked up and dusted off his case gentle before opening and making sure his pride and joy was unharmed. It was rare that he took his Song Writer with him to gigs but he really wanted to seal the venue quickly.

"I'm sorry." The voice spoke again as the stranger quickly bent down to help Shuuhei with his case.

"It's alright." Shuuhei replied as he accepted the hand offered to him and stood up taking his case in his other hand. "What just hit me?" He asked looking around for what could have possibly knocked him to the ground and left him with a monstrous headache. The other man tapped the soccer ball that lay at his feet and nudged it towards Shuuhei. "What the hell are you doing out here at dusk with a soccer ball?" Shuuhei asked completely mystified by the man's behavior.

"I was practicing what does it look like I was doing?" The other man rudely replied as he looked over his shoulder at the soccer field.

Shuuhei took a moment to examine the man as he bent over to pick up the soccer ball lying at his feet. Shuuhei's dark eyes worked from his muscular legs to his what seemed like a firm buttock that was displayed through the other man's work out shorts as he bent over to retrieve the ball. As he turned around to face Shuuhei again, Shuuhei noticed he also had a well developed upper body that showed through his tank top, well defined pecks and strong arms covered in an amazing bold black tattoo design, before Shuuhei's dark eyes came to rest on his face. The man had a strong jaw and dark eyes, his nose sat perfectly on his face just above his full lips. He currently had a black bandana with the letters L.T. 6 on it in huge bold white letters on his forehead and his hair was flaming red and stuck out behind him in a high pony tail kind of reminding Shuuhei of a pineapple.

"Um… yeah I'm really sorry. How's about I take you for coffee, I know a really nice café right around the corner from here to apologize." The man offered. "Oh yeah before I forget, my name's Renji Abarai." The man held his hand out for Shuuhei to take as he looked over his shoulder again towards the soccer goal then back at him.

For some reason Shuuhei just couldn't say no, and coffee was sounding good right for that very same reason. This is considering Shuuhei was not a coffee person. "Sure, that sounds fine. I'm Shuuhei Hisagi." Shuuhei shook Renji's hand and smiled.

"Alright let me just go get my things and excuse Hitsugaya early." He said with a smile as motioned for Shuuhei to follow him towards the soccer goals.

They walked a short distance past the goals to see a young white haired teen reading a book under the warm glow of the park light. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans with black tennis shoes and a white t-shirt. Before him on the ground lie two duffle bags, one black, one red and a pair of worn tennis shoes, beside him on the ground lay a baby's portable play area and to its side a stroller. The white haired teen looked up at their approach.

"Renji are you finished already?" He asked closing his book and moving to place it in the black duffle bag.

"Yeah, I'm taking my new friend to Hinamori's for some coffee, so you're excused Toshiro." Renji said as he bent down into the play area and had a big goofy grin on his face.

Shuuhei watched over Renji's shoulder as he pulled a small baby out of the play area. The baby stared at Renji with large eyes from under his small floppy hat. He made the cutest smile as he started giggling as Renji talked to him as he sat him in the stroller and proceeded to pack up the play area. The baby took his eyes off Renji and focused them on Shuuhei as he turned his head to the side in confusion.

"Shuuhei, ready to go?" He asked as he began to push the stroller back onto the park path and walked off in the opposite direction as the teen.

Shuuhei nodded and followed behind him.