Intro: Heylo KHR fans!! Okay so this fic started off as me and a couple friends wondering about what would happen in the past while most everyone is in the future. So since I don't think we are ever going to get that story I have decided to write it on my own! The first chapter is very Gokudera-centric... this may or may not change as I write on...

Characters: Gokudera, Yamamoto, Haru, Lambo, I-pin, Kyoko

Rating: M for language and a gory flashback

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR and the only profit I will make from writing this fanfic is my own satisfaction

: No Time for Nostalgia :

: Capitolo I : The Battle Scared in a Peaceful Age :

A nervous tension filled the air as two of the Vongola guardians squared off against each other. Lambo, I-pin, Kyoko and Haru all stood back not daring to interfere. They had just arrived in the past and before they could get a chance to adjust the Gokudera from their time had appeared, explained the situation and an argument between him and Yamamoto had soon broken out.

"No... I won't let that happen..." The future Yamamoto said in a serious tone.

"What the fuck do you mean 'you wont let that happen'?!" The twenty-five year old Gokudera spat. "Who's side are you on?!"

"You know damn well I'm on your side," Yamamoto growled seeming almost a little hurt by the accusation. "and that I want to prevent that future from being what it is. But this is not the way to do it." Yamamoto kept a calm and level head as he tried to explain his view point to the hot headed Gokudera.

"Then tell me what is?! This is the perfect opportunity to kill Irei! That way..." His voice trailed off as his mind went to thoughts of his murdered boss.

"You really plan to kill a little 15 year old boy that has done nothing wrong?"

Gokudera snapped forward and grabbed Yamamoto by his shirt collar and pulled him down so they were at eye level, his fuse had reached its end. "DONE NOTHING WRONG?! Its the Millifore who made our lives a living hell!! Or have you forgotten what they did to your father?!"

"Gokudera!!" Haru gasped in shock.

Yamamoto's brown eyes flickered in anger as Gokudera took it too far. How could he ever forget what his father went though when the Milifore sent him home in pieces? The movie played vividly in his mind, a room filled with white lilies, a body covered in burns and deep slashes, arms without hands, a mouth without a tongue and a bloody note inside that mouth that said 'He didn't seem to be using his tongue for any talking so we did him the favor of taking it out for him. with love, Millifore'

Yamamoto roughly grabbed Gokudera's wrist causing the silver haired man to lose his grip on his collar. "Listen Gokudera!" He snarled dangerously getting in Gokudera's face, sure Gokudera may have grown stronger than Yamamoto when it came to his hit-man status but if it ended up being a outright fistfight, Yamamoto over powered the smaller man. "I- tch..." He had to pause and look to the side as visions of his father and Tsuna filled his head and burned its way down his cheek in the form of a tear. He turned back to glare back into Gokudera's eyes before speaking again. "I understand your pain, more than anyone in fact... but this is not our time. Think! You're smarter than me you know this! If we do something rash who knows what can happen!? We could make an even more horrifying future for ourselves! We could trap the boss in our time forever! All we can do is to lay low and wait for them, wait for us to return to the right time periods. We have to trust Tsuna..." He said as he loosed his grip feeling that he got his point across.

"..." Gokudera huffed and looked away unable to meet Yamamoto's pain filled eyes when he was like this. There was an awkward silence between the two that seemed to drag on until Gokudera spoke up again. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that..." he apologized still looking away.

"Its alright...I've known you long enough to not take what you say when your angry seriously." He said with a half smile, quick to forgive as always.

And as usual Gokudera did not return his smile. He took out a pack of cigarettes, intent on smoking the whole pack right now he was so stressed about this whole thing. He flicked out his lighter and cupped his hand around it protecting the flame from the wind blowing by. "Well if we're going to lie low the first thing we should do is find a place to stay...Then maybe we can try and figure out what happened with that Stupid Cow's fucked up bazooka..." Although he had grown out of his name calling for the most part the name "Stupid Cow" just kinda stuck to Lambo.

He took a deep relaxing drag of the cigarette and released it watching the smoke spiral around. "I just wish I knew why we weren't returned to our time after 5 minutes..."

Yamamoto nodded, although he didn't understand what was happening with the bazooka at all he would leave that up to Gokudera to figure out. He looked around, they were in the baseball field at their old school. No doubt his younger self was practicing for the baseball team, still blissfully unaware of the whole mafia business that would engulf his entire life.

"And then there is the matter of Ryohei and Hibari...If Hibari was hit with the bazooka we have no hope. His strength is needed in that time... as much as I hate to admit it..." Gokudera was not too fond of Hibari. He had a god like strength but he didn't use it to protect the boss unless it benefited him in someway. It seemed like he could care less about weather or not any of them died, in fact he didn't even attend the Tsuna's funeral, claiming there were too many people there and he didn't like crowds. But despite all that just when things looked darkest he would always come though to save them... well almost always... He prayed that he would come to the tenth's aid this time. He had very little faith in his younger self and even less faith in Yamamoto's younger self, and well Lambo and I-pin would be a measly five years old. So his hopes were laid in Hibari...and maybe Ryohei and Mukuro.

"Hibari isn't the type of person to be hit by the 10 year bazooka, I'm sure hes alright..." Yamamoto pointed out.

"Yeah, your right I can't really see that happening... even to younger Hibari..." Gokudera sighed. "Then Ryohei..." He trailed off.

"Didn't you just say that you would figure out what to do with the bazooka after we found a place to stay?" the sassy Haru pointed out as she stood there with her hands on her hips.

"Ugh... shut up woman..." Gokudera said as he dragged a hand though his hair in frustration.

"Couldn't we go to Mamans house?" Lambo asked. "She never really asks questions..."

"No, this would be too much for even her... she's probably frantic looking for her son now anyways. And I just don't want to drag her any further into this mess..." Gokudera said finishing his cigarette far too quickly and reaching for another one.

Yamamoto nodded in agreement with the storm guardian. "Yeah we cant stay there... Perhaps its best if we just rent a hotel or something..."

"Come up with the money to rent a hotel for six people for god knows how long and I'm all for it." Gokudera sneered. "The only option I'm seeing right now is Shamal." he said his name with great distaste. The doctor had fled when things started getting dicey and hadn't been heard from since. Gokudera often cursed him as a coward and a traitor, but perhaps he was just bitter that Shamal didn't even bother to say goodbye. But here in this time he should still be around.

"Oh yeah I remember him now..." Haru said, Kyoko was still keeping quiet. "He was a pervert wasn't he?" she continued

"Yeah... he's the pervert..." Gokudera sighed, "Bur right now its him or sleeping under the bridge..."

: Capitolo I : FIN :

Authors notes: Okay so there we go... the first chapter... Now I have no idea where this fanfic is headed... One of my friends is a fangirl for 8018 and wants some Hibari and older Yamamoto action... being a rabid fangirl myself I must admit the idea is tempting... as is the idea of paring someone with Dino but then again some part of me wants to keep yaoi out of this fanfic... opinions?

And I read this over several times but if you find any errors please let me know!!