Intro: Chapter two! The gang reaches Shamals house! Read on!

Characters: Gokudera, Shamal, Yamamoto, Haru, Lambo, I-pin, Kyoko

Rating: M, because Gokudera says fuck

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR and the only profit I will make from writing this fanfic is my own satisfaction

:-:-:-:-: No Time for Nostalgia :-:-:-:-

:-:-:-:-: Capitolo II : Reunion and Rules :-:-:-:-

"Okay I'm not sure how Shamal will take to having a big group of people just showing up on his door step so I'll go and talk to him by myself, you guys just hang back." Gokudera said as they were closing in on Shamal's place of residence.

Leaving the others behind he walked up to the door and knocked, keeping very aware of any little thing that might be flying around. He noticed a little mosquito land on his hand and quickly swatted it, resulting in a small explosion of his own blood and some silvery colored substance. "Fuck..." Gokudera cursed, seeing that he was too late and whatever poison the doctor had con-cocked was in his system now. He just hoped Shamal was reasonable enough to at least talk to him and wouldn't just straight up kill a stranger at his door, and hopefully he had created an antidote. Being killed by Shamal here was just too terrible a fate. He knocked again a little more franticly.

The door opened slowly and the Shamal that Gokudera remembered stood on the other side. He seemed to just be relaxing at home, his shirt was half unbuttoned revealing his hairy chest, his tie hung loosely around his neck and in his left hand he held a glass of bourbon. "I don't take kindly to strange looking men showing up at my door... Can I help you?" He asked in an unamused tone.

"Yeah you pervert! You better have an antidote for this!" He said holding up his hand and showing Shamal the mushed mosquito.

Shamal raised an eyebrow perhaps at the fact that this man knew about the mosquitos or perhaps at the fact he was called a pervert by a stranger. He stared at Gokudera a little longer racking his brain as to why he found this man to be familiar.

Gokudera on the other hand was starting to feel the effects of whatever kind of poison the mosquito had injected into him. He started to feel a little dizzy and his vision began to blur. He decided to bring the conversation into Italian, he might be more able to convince Shamal that it was actually him that way. "Its me, Hayato. Listen you better not kill me, I will haunt you for the rest of your life you drunken lech." he snarled

"...Hayato?" Shamal questioned, there definitely were similarities between the boy and this man, uncannily so. Was this the work of Reborn? The ten-year bazooka maybe? He spoke up keeping the conversation in Italian. "Ah I see... so you've finally hit puberty." Shamal said his dry humor shining though.

Things really began to blur out of proportion for Gokudera now and he was in no mood for Shamals sarcastic remarks. "Please... please tell me you made an antidote for this and it wont kill me..." He said as he fell to the side woozy from the drug.

"Of course I have an antidote, who do you think I am?"

He didn't say anything for a while and the only sound was Gokudera's now labored breathing.



"...Well can you give it to me?"

"How many times do I have to tell you people? I don't treat men."

"You really are going to just let me die?!" Gokudera choked in desperation. He never doubted Shamal was a bad person, but he never really thought he would let someone actually die just because they were a guy.

"Tell me what's going on and why you're at my house and perhaps I can make an exception to my rule."

"You bastard..." Gukodera hissed.

"I don't think you should be cursing out the one who holds your life in his best talk fast as your windpipe is starting to close up."

"Alright, alright..." Gokudera panted, he would have to make the story short and sweet. "So Lambo's 10 year bazooka has gone out of whack and myself...and a couple other family members... were hit by it..." He was so dizzy now he had to hold onto the door frame to even remain standing. "Now... we are stuck in this time period until the boss can make his way back here... now please..." He said almost to the point of begging, he just could NOT afford to die here. He could think of nothing more humiliating...

"You can relax, the antidote is already in you..." he said swirling the ice around in his drink. "It just takes a minute or two to kick in..." a moquito flew towards him and Shamal opened the vail for it to go back in "Good girl..." he cooed

Gokudera shot the doctor a cold death glare that could match Hibari's icy stare. He was using all of his restraint to not just lunge forward and rip Shamals throat out.

"Well lets get to the point... apparently you need me for something, why else would you come here?" Shamal continued ignoring the glare.

"Well we need a place to stay..." Gokudera started, Shamal was right; now he was feeling his breath coming back to him he stopped leaning on the door frame and regained his composure.

"I don't see how keeping stray dogs would benefit fact I can only see how that would greatly interfere with my social life."

Gokudera bit his bottom lip, not fully believing what he was about to say next. "Well... there are six of us in all and it wasn't all men who where brought back to this time. We have I-Pin, Haru, and Kyoko..."

This seemed to perk Shamal's interest a bit. "Go on..."

"Well I-pin is only fifteen, but Haru and Kyoko... they're twenty-five, and have grown into beautiful young women." Gokudera was totally disgusted with himself at the moment, what would Tsuna say if he knew he was talking about the girls like this? "Of course Im not going to force them to do anything with you." He snapped quickly wanting to make it clear he wasn't just pimping them out.

"No of course not, that would be no fun if they were forced..."

Gokudera decided it would be best if he just pretend he never heard that comment and continued on. "Its just the Shamal I remember wouldn't let young ladies fend for themselves on the street. Thats why I figured we might have a hope of being able to stay here."

Shamal laughed. "Ha ha ha, I see your negotiating and people skills have greatly improved over time, I'm glad. I figured you would be always be anti-social."

Gokudera held his tongue wanting so badly to snap at him, but he knew he couldn't afford to do that. He just had to kiss ass now to get what he wanted. "So can we stay a while?"

"Yes, you are right, Im not one to turn down the opportunity to live with two young women. You guys can stay."

"Thank you..." Gokudera said as sincerely as he possibly could. "I'll go get them."

"Gokudera-san is taking a while... do you think he's alright?" I-pin asked Yamamoto as they waited down the street for Gokudera to return.

"Of course! Him and Shamal go way back!" Yamamoto replied with his trademark smile. "Dr. Shamal was the one who trained Gokudera after all."

"Really? I didn't know that..." Lambo asked with a surprised look on his face. He knew of Shamal but he never really got a chance to actually meet him... and be old enough to remember it.

"Ha ha yup! So Im sure Gokudera will be able to convince him to let us stay for a while." Yamamoto laughed, keeping a cheery optimistic outlook.

Gokudera came walking towards them a cloud of hate, anger and frustration seeming to emanate from his every pore. Seeing that stupid grin on Yamamoto's face didn't make it any better. But the years had taught him some restraint and he managed to keep his cool.

"...So what happened?" Haru asked impatiently as he walked up to the group.

"We can stay..." He said.

"Oh thank goodness..." Kyoko sighed in relief.

"But just let me warn you... He is a wanted man so we cant draw too much attention to him. And also, like I've said before... he's a drunken lech. So just be on your toes."

"Alright! Lets go then!" Yamamoto said

And so the group headed down to Shamal's little house. The mafia doctor was still standing at the door as they approached.

"Thanks for letting us stay!" I-pin said with a bow as they came up to the house.

"Of course! Its not much, but make yourselves at home..." He said with a kind smile, his attitude changing drastically from his talk with Gokudera.

"Heh heh, we promise we wont be too much trouble!" Yamamoto said with a grin as he walked into the house.

It wasn't the biggest of houses... one floor, two bedrooms -one of which had been made into a lab- , a living room, bathroom and a kitchen. It wasn't too messy... but it wasn't exactly clean eaither, he probably just cleaned it when he had lady friends over but probably didn't bother to pick up after himself when he knew he wasn't having company.

"I'm not sure what you want to do with the sleeping arrangements, the only bed is mine and no men besides me are allowed into my bedroom. But while on the subject of rules let me tell you of mine." Shamal said now that everyone was in his living room.

"Like I said, no men in my room. No men in my bathroom, I just don't like the thought of that... No one is to have sex on my couch-"

"Wait we can't use the bathroom?" Lambo asked. Truth be told he had been holding it in for a while.

"Nope, find some public bathroom. I don't want exposed man meats in my bathroom." Shamal answered.

Lambo moaned, he would just have to hold it in a little longer.

Shamal continued. "Don't go though my stuff, Don't touch my liquor, And unless you want to die, don't go into my lab." He said this last rule with a deadly seriousness. Even the women didn't seem to be an exception to this rule. "And if there are any other rules that I'm forgetting I'll let you know." He finished.

The six just kinda looked at each other, somewhat at a loss for what to do or say.

"Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go back to watching my shows." Shamal said as he walked over to his favorite chair and plopped down in front of the television.

"...Gokudera-san... I really have to go to the bathroom..." Lambo whimpered like a little kid.

Gokudera sighed, this was going to be a lot harder to deal with than he had imagined.

-:-:-:-: Capitolo II : FIN :-:-:-:-

Authors Notes: I'm sorry! I'm sorry -bows- This took waaay too long to get up here... Between the convention and all the birthdays things got distracting... also a lot of my friends ask for fanfiction and I don't like to disappoint so I've been working on stuff for them...

But I would just like to say thank you to everyone who added this story and reviewed it! I usually don't share my writing with anyone besides my close friends and it feels good to have strangers appreciate my work. Makes me feel like my friends aren't just lying to me to make me feel good!