Title: Chemical Reaction
Couple: Kankuro/Kiba
Word: 9 - Chemical
Warning: None.
Requested by: Axel's Chakram

College. The scariest place on earth, but also the place where the best memories are created. Yep, Kiba was exstatic to begin his first year. Environmental studies, here he comes!

Or so he'd thought before he actually started.

His first day was nerve wracking beyond explanation. Everything was new, unfamiliar, different. He liked change, but this much? He shook his head. He would love it! He knew he would!

Besides, his friends may not be in his classes, but they were in his school and they would see each other plenty. Plus, his personality drew people in, and he knew he'd make friends before his first day was over.

Walking to his next class, it was with an 'oomf' did he find himself colliding with another student as he veered a corner sharply.

"Sorry." He apologized, kneeling down to pick up their things.

"S'fine, kiddo. It happens a lot 'round here. You get used to it." The voice was male, husky, and one he could have sworn he'd heard in his dreams before.

Kiba looked up, and stared.

It wasn't like him to just stare, but he found he couldn't help himself.

The other boy was... Handsome to say the least. His smile was a bit like his own, showing a happy-go-lucky personality, but the edge of a smirk to it showed his charm. The glint in his dark brown eyes showed his wild side. His hair, gelled up as it was, made him look like a player. But Kiba could tell there was more to him than what he could see from the outside. Just looking at him he could tell... The boy was a puzzle he would solve.

There was no way he would let such a boy -such a man- walk out of his life without at least trying to keep him close.

He didn't know what drove him, but as his eyes met the other's, his heart began to race, his cheeks heated up, and he felt as though he were in a dream. If he were the fainting type, he'd be on the floor already. It was the world's best chemical reaction.

"I'm Kankuro." The boy introduced himself, grabbing his things and standing up.

"I'm Kiba." He said, standing up as well. His heart continued to race in the grand prix. His mouth had always moved faster than his brain, and that's why he found himself blurting out, "Will you go out with me?" He was the honest type... But he hadn't wanted to make a fool of himself on his first day either. Somehow, he kept their eyes locked.

Kankuro smirked, "What? No pick-up line first?"

"I...Um..." Kiba, for once, didn't know what to say to that.

"Be at the café on Main at six o'clock, and you'll have yourself a date." Kankuro said simply, turning around and walking away.

Kiba held his things closer to his chest, and whooped lightly as he realized that he'd gotten a date on his first day.

College would be awesome, if Kiba had anything to say about it.

AN: I know. It's been forever. I wrote this in half an hour, at midnight. I don't know how coherent this is... Last time I did this couple, Kankuro was after Kiba, this time, it's the other way around. I hope you liked it though!

Thanks for reading!