The Actors

Summary: The Naruto world we know is real. The show we know is FICTION. The actors are real. With real lives, real friends, real tragedies. Life is awesome, until reports of a real-life Akatsuki shows up and threatens the life they know and love.

Disclaimer: I own the plot and my character, nothing less, nothing more. I wish I did own more. XD I Caught Myself is a song by Paramore, while Ultra Blue is Utada Hikaru's latest album, i believe.

Notes: LAST CHAPTER. Hehehe. I'm glad all of you guys have stuck with me on this story. I was planning on updating last night, because yesterday was my 18th birthday, but i wanted to make it a month between chapters 3. Information on the sequel will be up soon, i promise. But i'm currently sick and dealing with deaths in the family. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the Last chapter!!!

Thanks for the Reviews to those of you who have reviewed! I hope you'll keep it up! Thanks for reading!!!

Chapter 25 - End

Sighing heavily as she snapped off her opaque, slightly bloody gloves and throwing them in the nearest garbage can, Tsunade tried to keep her tired brown eyes open, heading down the long hallway to the lounge where two very tried teenagers were waiting for her.

Before entering the large room designed much like a living room for the comfort of waiting family members, she leaned on the door frame, letting her eyes slip shut if only for a moment.

She'd been in surgery for the last 6 hours, working on her only granddaughter's leg, which had been broken in three places, along with repairing her collapsed lung.

Needless to say, Tsunade was tired.

Despite her desperate need to lie down and sleep, she had to go in and inform the two teens of her condition. Taking a deep breath as she rubbed her eyes, she set her hand on the knob, turning it and walking inside.

On each side of the room was a couch, a tv and refrigerator placed at the back wall. It was fashioned to look and feel like a living room, and apparently, they'd turned it into their living room. Empty instant ramen containers were all over the room, along with silver foil wrappers of Hershey Kisses, presumably all gone.

Nodding off to sleep with his head in his hand, when the door opened suddenly, Sasuke looked up, finding that an equally tired Tsunade looked back at him, a small smile on her face. "Dobe," He began, taking the small pillow beside him and chucking it across the room to the sleeping blonde on the couch to try to wake him up. "wake up."

Jumping from the sudden pillow in his face, the blonde did wake up, shaking his head slightly and rubbing sleep from his eyes. "…huh?" He asked, not hearing what his friend had said. Seeing his grandmother standing near the door, looking at him with tired eyes, he immediately sat up. "Is nee-chan okay?"

Smiling, she shook her head at how he'd woken up so quickly. "Yes, she's fine. We just got out of surgery about 10 minutes ago."

The still in dream land Uchiha was snapped awake when he heard her words, coming to sit up a little more. "Surgery?" He asked, sharing the same concern with Naruto.

Tsunade sighed, closing her eyes. "Why don't you two follow me?" She asked, waiting a moment for the sleepy teens to rise to their feet and head out of the room. She led them down the hall to a much smaller room.

Sasuke recognized it as an examining room, walking in after Naruto to make sure he didn't fall asleep as he walked. He immediately noticed the blackened x-rays on the small light up boards on the wall.

Naruto recognized the bed that patients sat on to be examined, going over to it and hopping up on it. "So, what are we doing here?" He asked, watching his grandmother shut the wooden door.

She shut it in case Naruto would have an outburst like he usually does. Looking over at the both with a small smile, she replied, "I'm going to explain Kirei's injuries." She walked over to the light up boards, flicking on the one closest to the door.

Leaning against the table beside his best friend, Sasuke grimaced slightly, able to make out a broken bone or two.

"This is Kirei's lower leg," She motioned to the lower part of her own leg, right below the knee and ending at the ankle. "Broken in two places." Pointing to her bone on the x-ray, she showed them to the two places where the bone had cleanly broken apart, even though they were pretty apparent.

Naruto's mouth was hanging open, looking in awe and in pain at the x-ray. That must've hurt really bad.

"That's not all, boys." She said, moving to the next board and lighting it up. "This is her femur, or her thigh," She added, seeing Naruto's slightly confused look. "Also broken."

"On the same leg?" Sasuke asked quietly, not knowing what answer to hope for. Yes or no, it was still bad.

She nodded. "Yes. We had to repair the bones to their proper position and place steel pins in to stabilize it. She'll be in a cast for about 8 weeks, but don't worry too much. She'll be perfectly fine." She added, knowing that it was her job to inform and to comfort.

Even though he didn't really want to know, Naruto gulped and asked, "What else?" He knew that there had to be more than just a broken leg.

Removing those x-rays, she added on just one, informing them about her injuries in parts as to not overload them.

Not sure what to think, Sasuke recognized the pattern of bones on the x-ray as a left hand. If he looked hard enough, he could see the breaks in one set of the bones.

"This is Kirei's left hand, boys. The metacarpals," She pointed to the largest set of bones in the hand, where a person's palm would be. "are almost all broken. The one right here," She pointed to the smaller bone, Kirei's pinky. "is only fractured, but her whole hand is in a cast along with her wrist to refrain movement."

The raven's arms became unfolded, somewhat thanking god that it hadn't been her right hand that had been broken. Without her right hand, Kirei couldn't draw, couldn't paint…she wouldn't be able to work on her art, something that Sasuke loved and missed dearly. "What about her right hand?" He asked suddenly, wondering about the limb.

She smiled slightly. "It's perfectly fine."

Both blonde and raven smiled, happy to hear that at least something wasn't injured.

"Her forearm on the other hand…" She led on, taking down the x-ray.

Smiles turned to frowns, wondering what possibly could've happened.

To their dismay, she didn't put up an x-ray. "It's not broken or in a cast, but was burned."

"…burned?" Sasuke repeated softly, cursing at himself for even asking. He'd jinxed her artwork!

"Yes," She began, somehow sensing the raven's sadness. "it's wrapped in cooling bandages and should heal within a couple weeks." At her words, she noticed him perk up slightly.

He sighed a half heavy sigh in relief for himself and for Kirei. He knew that as soon as she was better, if not before, she'd want to get back to her "sanctuary" as she called it and truth be told, he wanted her to. He'd missed her artwork.

"Now," Tsunade continued at the silence. "We also had to repair Kirei's lungs, as you both probably knew."

They nodded, remembering how she was coughing up blood.

Pulling another x-ray out of her granddaughter's file, she put it up on the board. "She has five broken ribs, 3 on her right side, 2 on her left. One of those decided to puncture her lung, causing it to collapse and fill with blood," She saw both boys pale at her words and decided that it would be a good idea to not go into details. "however, the surgery was a total success and should heal nicely within 4 to 8 weeks."

"Everything seems to be healing within 2 months…" Naruto mumbled, diverting his sight to the ground, not able to look at the x-ray anymore.

It took Sasuke a moment to think about it, but realized the blonde was right. Everything so far seemed to be on a 2 month healing spree. "Anything else?" He asked, somewhat afraid to ask, looking into the resident doctor's eyes.

Despite seeing the pleading look in both blue and black eyes, hoping their was nothing else wrong, Tsunade sighed, having a few more things to tell. "Yes, but it's nothing major. Her left clavicle is also broken, probably from a fall or something heavy falling on her and to have that heal, her left arm will be placed in a sling, preventing her from moving it." She explained.

"How long will that take to heal?" Sasuke asked, somewhat expecting a 2 month answer.

"4 to 6 weeks." Tsunade answered with a smile, seeing how the boys shook their heads as if they were expecting the answer. "The only other things are bumps and bruises along with a few lacerations on her body and face." She took a moment, taking the last x-ray off the light boards and putting it back in the folder. "I will need one of you to give her the pain pills I've prescribed. There're a few of them and she needs to take them three times a day, nothing more, nothing less until I tell you."

They nodded.

"Also, I know she travels with you two to the film grounds…but I think until she heals, she should be kept at home and outside as little as possible." Brown eyes looked to both boys, seeing that the blonde looked like he was about to fall asleep and the raven tilting his head.

"Why?" Sasuke asked, knowing that Kirei would argue and protest being kept at home. After all this time away from her friends, she'd want to be around them as soon as she could.

Leaning back against the wall, Tsunade let her eyes close as she explained. "Well, with her being through surgery and taking pain meds, her immune system isn't really up to defending off a cold or something. Plus, with the way she eats…"

Naruto and Sasuke chuckled, knowing that Kirei never ate well.

"Yeah," She nodded, also chuckling. "So, I want her to stay inside as much as possible. Can I expect you two to help her out and make sure she takes her pain meds?"

Once again, both nodded, although at this point, Tsunade wasn't sure Naruto was listening. At least Sasuke looked awake.

"Anything else?" Naruto asked, heavy eyelids drooping over tired blue eyes.

She shook her head. "No, nothing." At her grandson's nod, she was thoroughly surprised that he hadn't once had an outburst. She wondered if there was something wrong with her grandson, yet somehow knowing it was just him being tired.

"Can we see her?" The Uchiha asked softly, black eyes staring into brown hopefully.

She sighed, beckoning them to follow her as they left the small examining room. "Well…" She began, leading them further down the hallway, further from the lounge. "We did just get out of surgery…so she's probably still sleeping off the anesthesia and even if she were to wake up," She began, stopping at room 38, turning to face the two curious boys. "you wouldn't be able to understand her. She'd either mumble so much or speak incoherently."

"But we can see her?" Sasuke asked further, not caring if she was awake or not. He just wanted to see his love.

She sighed once more, smiling ever so slightly. It seemed as if her explanation wasn't good enough for him. "Yes, you can see her Sasuke." She expected him to let out a sigh of relief, although, instead of sighing, he looked beside him to Naruto.

The raven was fidgeting slightly, looking over the blonde's face, trying to find some hint of something other than sleep. He wanted to know who was going to see her first, knowing that both of them going in at the same time probably wasn't a good idea, since she'd be a little groggy and maybe even confused. Most importantly, Sasuke didn't want to be selfish and keep her to himself – although he could argue that in this situation he could justify his actions of being selfish – but that was extremely unfair to Naruto, who was her real family.

Looking at the Uchiha tiredly, Naruto could tell he had a lot on his mind, seeing him fidget; something he'd usually never do, which just told him what was on the raven's mind. "Well," He began, closing his tired blue eyes, a hint of a smile on his face. "I'm going back to bed." With a nod to both his grandmother and Sasuke, he turned, heading back down the hall with the largest grin on his face.

The raven watched for a moment, wanting to make sure Naruto was serious. When the blonde continued to walk away, a smile crept onto his face, that sigh of relief finally being let out. He turned to Tsunade, who moved from the doorway. "Thanks for everything."

She smiled back. "No problem. I'll come check on her in about an hour or so." She informed, turning around, smile still on her face. "And now for my break…"

He let out a small chuckle, it slowly fading away as he set his hand on the doorknob, opening the door as quietly as he could and walking in the room.

Almost immediately he saw her, or at least, the leg within the cast, it hanging from a sling attached to the bed. Walking further into the room, he saw the rest of her, sleeping peacefully on the white bed, the covers messed up horribly.

As Tsunade told them, her left hand and wrist were definitely in a cast, the whole arm already set within a dark blue sling, holding it in place for her clavicle. Her right arm was also bandaged up from her wrist to her elbow, hand placed gently by her side as she slept.

Pulling up a chair quietly, he sat beside her, looking over all the cuts and bumps and bruises she had, watching her chest rise and fall slowly as the oxygen tube around her nose pushed air into her lungs, the heart monitor beating at a regular, slow pace.

He sighed softly, his fingers fiddling around with each other, not exactly sure of what to do with them. He could reach out and hold her hand…but would moving her hurt her?

Well, he didn't have to hold her hand. Without moving it, he could caress it, allowing him to feel the soft skin he'd missed so much. It might wake her up, too.

With a small smile placed on his face, he let his eyes trace her face for any movement while his hand gently reached out to hers, finger lightly tracing circles on the back of her hand and knuckles, traveling down to her nails and coming back up.

It took a few minutes, maybe even half an hour, of which he wasn't sure because he didn't really care about the time, he could feel her hand twitch below his, seeing a slight fluttering motion in her eyes. "Princess?" He asked softly, wondering if she was trying to wake up.

She answered with a soft moan, her throat feeling horribly scratchy and tight. "…where…" She mumbled, turning her head toward him slightly, tired eyes able to make out her love's face, making her smile slightly until a cut on her cheek made her stop.

"You're in the hospital." He answered softly, thankful that he'd learned how she spoke and that he was able to make out her mumbles like she was really talking to him. "In Konoha."

Her eyes closed for only a moment, trying to take a deep breath to sigh, but found her broken ribs restricted her breathing ability, making her cough slightly. She swallowed and tried to even out her breathing to stop, to speak again. "…tsuki…"

"Akatsuki's gone," He answered, figuring "tsuki" meant Akatsuki. "All of them. Itachi was with us…he's at home right now."

She nodded as much as she could, wanting to open her eyes to see him again, but found that they didn't want to be open. "…nii…"

"Sleeping." He answered with a chuckle, remembering how the blonde walked off toward the lounge. "He'll be by later."

Despite the pain, she lifted her right arm, letting her hand slip into his, fingers playing around and caressing his gently.

"You could've just asked," He told her softly, knowing it wasn't easy to lift a burned limb.

She answered with a whine, telling him that despite the pain, she wanted to do it. She wanted to caress and play with his hand.

He chuckled slightly, shaking his head at her. "Alright, Kirei."

She could hear the smile in his voice, forcing her eyes open ever so slightly to see the smile she missed. She tried to smile in return. "…will you…" She began, trying to summon up her voice.

Knowing this, Sasuke let her speak, waiting patiently for her to ask her question, betting that he knew what it was.

"…stay…" She forced her eyes open once more, looking over at him in hope. She wanted to see her cousin for sure, but as of the moment, she only wanted him to be with her. To stay with her.

He smiled, gently gripping the small, slightly cold hand in his as he got up from his seat, taking a step closer to her. Leaning over the bed and brushing away her bangs with his free hand, he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, bringing his black eyes to meet up with hers, staring into those blue eyes that looked up at him. How he missed those loving blue eyes. "Forever."

Her answer was reaching up slightly, planting a small kiss on his lips, smiling. "…love you…" She mumbled, laying her tired head back on the pillow.

Still holding her hand, he sat back down, continuing to brush away her bangs like he always did. "I love you too."

With a smile and a happy heart, Kirei let her eyes slip shut, going back to sleep, knowing he'd be there when she woke up.

He'd always be there.


"Are you sure you want to talk about this so soon, Kirei?" The Yondaime asked, looking at his niece who was still in casts and bandages, sitting directly across from him in one of the seats. Her one and only crutch was leaning against that very chair arm, allowing her to get it whenever she needed.

Closing her eyes for a moment to reassure herself, she opened them again, staring directly at her uncle's blue eyes. "Yes, I want to tell you before I forget everything." She answered, nodding. "…but," She continued, taking her sight away from him. "do you think you could call Nii-san and Sasuke here? I don't want to go through this more than I have to."

He nodded, a small smile on his face. "Sure, sweetie." Reaching across the desk, he picked up his phone, flipping it open and calling his son.

Thankfully enough, he answered.

"Yeah, I know, I know," He began, responding to his son's slight outburst that reminded him of his late wife. "But I think you need to stop over here for a little bit. Oh, and bring Sasuke with you too." He commented, glancing at his fidgeting niece. "Yeah – "

Kirei shielded her eyes when a poof of smoke suddenly appeared to her right, startling her slightly. She didn't think they'd be that fast.

"Nee-chan?" Naruto asked as he waved away the smoke, swearing he saw Kirei sitting in the chair beside them. It took him a minute to realize that she was there, looking back at him.

Then her sight shifted to Sasuke, making her smile slightly. "Hi there." He said with a smile, walking around the back of the chair to stand to her left, allowing him to sit on the arm of the chair without disturbing her. "How are you?"

She smiled back, giggling slightly when he kissed the top of her head. "I hurt," She answered with a smile and chuckle. "but I'm okay."

A slight grin on his face, Naruto shook his head at the two. "So," He began, turning his attention to his dad who also watched the two beside him with a smile. "What did you call us here for?"

With his question, Kirei's sight shifted to the ground as she rolled her lips. She could feel her uncle's gaze shifting to her.

"We have a story to hear." He told them, inclining his head toward her, glancing at her.

Sky blue and black eyes looked to their injured love, immediately knowing that he was talking about what had happened almost a month ago at what used to be the Akatsuki base.

Keeping his face soft, Sasuke leaned downward as much as he could without falling, trying to catch her sight. "Are you sure?" He asked, full knowing that it wasn't easy for her to talk about it.

They all knew it wasn't easy, having tried to get the story out of her before. She was in the hospital for about a week, allowing her body the time it need to rest before she left for home – which was the Hokage manor for now.

Before Kirei had be discharged from the Hospital, Tsunade had told all three of them, her grandson, son and almost son, that she shouldn't be left alone in the loft and thought it best that she stay in the Manor until she was healthy. If she needed help, at least one of them would be there to help her.

And seeing as how Kirei was living there for the time being, Sasuke was also living there.

They had all tried at one time or another to get the story about what happened at Akatsuki out of her, to see if maybe she needed help mentally, but always failed. Her reaction was the same every time – rolling her lips, looking down to the ground, and claming up for a few hours.

So now, two looking at her, one trying to catch her sight, she nodded. "Yeah." Sighing softly, she shifted, trying to get comfortable although it was hard with everyone's eyes on her.

Sensing her discomfort, Sasuke kissed her temple, smiling as he did so. "Whenever you're ready, Princess." He told her, already knowing that Naruto and the Yondaime didn't care how long it took her to tell. They just wanted to know what had happened.

She went to take a deep breath, but stopped, remembering that her ribs were still sore and that whenever she took a breath, it hurt. "…Well…" She began, keeping her sight on the ground, thinking back to that day a few weeks ago. "I guess I'll start on the day that it all happened," She glanced up to her Uncle, getting a slight nod from him, telling her that was perfectly fine. "I had asked Ramada a few days beforehand to go on a…" She hesitated for a moment, wondering what Sasuke would say or think about her next statement. "date,"

Oddly enough, he didn't seem to flinch or stiffen. Sure, he may have been mad or upset, but it seemed that he wasn't. He knew that there had to be some underlying reason for her to go on a date with someone she didn't like.

Feeling a bit more confident, she relaxed a little, bringing her sight to the desk rather than the floor. "and he told me that he was a little busy that day and said he'd schedule it for another day."

"So the day you called us was the day you two went out?" Naruto asked, keeping his voice soft. He just wanted to be sure he was hearing her right.

She nodded, looking up at him. "Yeah…Ita-san and I had planned it." She stated, bringing her head back to the desk, but not looking at anything in particular to remember better. "You see…this wasn't the first time I was hurt by the Seven Tail."

The Yondaime's eyes widened slightly in alarm, along with Sasuke and Naruto's, but urged her on in a calm voice. "Hurt how, sweetie?"

She sighed softly. "That's a long story…but I got hurt…and he told me that he was going to marry me when he took over Konoha."

Minato nodded, all three of them knowing this part. He had a question to ask her about the date, but knew that he had to let her tell what happened at her own pace, so he kept silent.

Closing her eyes, she remembered almost exactly what she had said to Itachi all those weeks ago. "Itachi stayed in the room and overheard…just in case, cause I didn't want to be alone. After Ramada left, I told him that I didn't want to get married," She said, shaking her head. "not to someone I didn't love."

Her statement made Sasuke smile at her, wanting to lean down and kiss her forehead. He didn't only because she took another breath to continue her story.

"From there, Ita-san said he had a lot of important stuff to tell you, Uncle Yondy," She looked up at him briefly. "but it was going to be hard to leave the base without Ramada suspecting something, so I told him I'd keep him out of the base for a while – "

"Through the date." Sasuke finished for her, coming to understand why the blonde had gone on a date with the leader. She was doing it to help, to give Itachi the chance to keep their plan – and themselves – from being found out.

She nodded, glancing up at him. "Yeah…he told me he'd be back before we got home around sunset…but when we got back, he wasn't there."

They knew their side of the story, having been there when it happened and not knowing Kirei's side, listened very intently.

"I lied to Ramada when he realized Ita-san wasn't there, telling him that I asked Ita-san to get some things for me, but I don't think he believed me." She explained, closing her eyes once more and picturing the memories like a movie in her head. "And that's when Daidera came running down the hallway, her right arm torn up and bleeding, shouting something about not being able to control something else…"

Sasuke set his hand on her back gently, rubbing ever so slightly, trying to help her stay calm. He glanced over at Minato, wondering if he was thinking the same thing the Yondaime was.

The elder blonde nodded to Sasuke and his son, telling them that yes, she was talking about the not being able to control the Seven Tail.

"He asked me to go into my room and locked the door, I think…no," She shook her head, remembering. "No, he didn't lock it. But right after that, I sat on the bed and there was this loud crash from outside, which made me look up toward the sound. That's when I saw Ita-san's cell phone on the desk…and I knew that Ramada didn't know about it, so I got up and grabbed it, wondering why it was just left out." She explained further, the details coming back to her rather clearly, even though she didn't want them to. "And I thought, well, if he left it here, I could call you," She motioned toward her Uncle, keeping her eyes closed. "to find out where he is. If he wasn't with you, he was on his way back and if he was with you, I was going to tell you to send him back cause it was getting bad…and while doing so," She took a breath for a moment. "I went out of my room, to see if maybe he was in the base…"

Sasuke continued his gentle rubbing, shooting a worried glance to Naruto, who shared that same look. They could both tell that it was getting harder for her to tell, even though the memories were coming easier.

"…um…I saw…someone…I think it was Sosari thrown against the wall…when I went closer," She told them, eyes closed tightly, voice starting to crack. "he was dead….so I kinda went on, talking to you at the same time."

"Yeah," Naruto remembered, sitting in the chair beside them. "The line was full of static…it was hard to hear you."

Kirei didn't seem to hear him. She was too focused on the details in her mind. "And that's when Ramada came up to me…he was really worried and frantic, trying to pull me along out of the base…until I stopped."

"You stopped?" Sasuke asked softly, ruffling his brows at her. "Why?" He asked further, wondering why anyone would stop in a base that was on fire and falling apart.

She whined slightly, squeezing her shut eyes. "My room," She answered after a few minutes. "It was gone. There wasn't anything there…it was just…gone." She took her right hand away from the arm of the chair, bringing it around her waist, careful not to hit her slung left arm.

Sasuke continued to rub her back gently, hoping that after this, everything would go back to normal. He didn't like to see his Princess hurt like this.

"I was frozen," She continued, her voice lowering. "and because of that…Ramada picked me up and ran away…then…I think after a hallway or two…the Seven Tail found us and tripped him up…" She sighed a little, feeling her heart ache in her chest, almost as if she was going to cry.

Inching the seat closer, Naruto's grin had turned into a small, sad smile, watching his cousin softly as he set a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

Like before, she didn't seem to flinch or react to his touch. "…he fell…and I went flying a few feet away from him…that's when my ribs started to hurt," She realized as she spoke that that moment was when she'd broken her ribs, or at least fractured them. "A-and…he called out my name…I…I looked up," She said softly, gripping her side tighter.

Sasuke, Naruto and Minato watched her with worried eyes as the two boys tried to help her stay calm, the elder blonde taking small, yet very important notes – both to the situation for the other Kage's and for his own niece's sake. The notes and Kirei's further reactions would tell him if she needed to see a therapist and he would make sure that no one brought up these details again.

"…I thought I was going to die." She said, her voice cracking as she felt her eyes tear up. "There was this…ceiling piece that'd broken off and it was going to fall on me so I shied away from it," Her voice sped up, hoping that maybe the faster she talked, the faster she'd get through all of this. "until I felt something above me and wrap around my waist."

Minato's blue eyes widened slightly, remembering something Itachi had told him after they'd come back from the leveled base. When they found Kirei, Ramada was dead, but overtop of her and he had thought that maybe, just maybe, he'd jumped in and saved her at the last minute.

Could it be true?

She sighed softly, trying to relax her body and face, leaning forward as she let out a soft whimper. "He saved me." The blonde said after a very long silence, her tears expressed in her voice. "H-he died to…"

"That's enough, Princess." Sasuke cut her off, getting up and moving in front of her, taking her right hand gently and pulling her up into his arms. He didn't care if Naruto or Minato wanted to hear more; enough was enough.

"Yes," The Hokage nodded, agreeing with the raven. "that's more than enough, Kirei. I'm very proud of you."

Naruto nodded, standing up as well, agreeing with his dad. "You did good, nee-chan."

Snuggling into her boyfriends' chest to forget all of the things flying through her mind, Kirei did her best to hold back her tears. She just wanted everything to go away, to be forgotten forever.

Just as Sasuke opened his mouth to say that he was going to take her back to her room and help her calm down, he stopped, seeing yet another poof of smoke appear in the small office, meaning that someone had stopped by.

Turning his head to see what Sasuke was seeing, Naruto tilted his head, wondering who had stopped by the office.

"Oh, gosh, Minato," A woman's voice called out from the smoke cloud. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were with family or else – "

Smiling slightly, the Hokage raised a hand, telling her to stop. "It's alright, Nedari," He addressed her, standing up. "You have perfect timing."

Using Sasuke as a balance, Kirei turned slightly, wanting to see the woman who'd just teleported in.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" Another, much younger voice said, a small boy, probably 9 or 10, running out from the smoke cloud to Kirei. "Looks like – "

"You got beat." It seemed as if the same voice was speaking, but yet another boy ran out from the cloud.

Tilting her head at them, the blonde swore she was seeing double until she realized the two dark brunette haired boys with brown eyes were twins. "Yeah," She answered them softly, still holding onto Sasuke as she sighed, holding back her tears. "Something like that happened."

"Kyonen, Yokan!" The woman, presumably their mother, shrieked, waving away the smoke. "You know better than that. Get back over here." She commanded, the boys sulking back over to her.

Seeing the woman for the first time, Sasuke and Naruto had to blink at her for a few minutes, seeing more than a few similarities between her and Kirei. Of course, the woman had darker, more brown hair and greener eyes, but the height and size between them was oddly similar…

"Why don't we head down into the living room?" Minato suggested with a smile. "It seems to be getting pretty crowed."

Agreeing, Naruto headed for the door first, leading Nedari and her twins to the living room, Kirei following the boys, Sasuke at her side, helping her down the stairs while Minato took up the rear. Once everyone was situated on the couches and chairs in the huge living room, he explained who this woman was.

"Kirei," He began, looking at her with a smile as she sat between Naruto and Sasuke, the twins looking over her casts and faded cuts in amusement. "I think you and Nedari know each other through someone very special."

Taking a moment to look the woman over, she ruffled her eyebrows, shaking her head. "I'm sure I don't, Uncle Yondy."

Nedari agreed, nodding. "Yes, I'm sure I haven't met your niece before."

He expected this, smile still on his face. "I'm aware of that…but I believe you both know the person I'm talking about."

A thought suddenly popped into Kirei's mind at her Uncle's glance, her eyebrows relaxing as her mouth opened. "Do you mean Ramada?"

Hearing that name, Nedari's head whipped to the Hokage's niece, staring in shock at how in the world she knew that name.

"Don't worry, Nedari," Minato began, nodding to her and his niece. "I'll explain."

They waited impatiently for an explanation although the boys didn't seem too interested, their heads rolling round to see everything the Hokage living room had to offer.

"You see, Nedari, about half a year ago, my niece, Kirei," He motioned to her. "Was kidnapped by a man who called himself Ramada. He led a criminal organization that was planning to take over the world."

She nodded, understanding so far.

"During this time, something happened. One of my own Ninja decided to serve as a spy and enter the organization to protect Kirei. A few months later, he came to me and said that Kirei had told him something weird." He clarified further.

Kirei remembered this part. "We were out on a date," She cut in, drawing attention to her. "And he began to shake all over. A few seconds later, it was like he was a different person. He didn't seem to know that he'd kidnapped me and knew you, Uncle Yondy. He talked about being Mizukage, too." She told them.

The boys seemed to hear her, taking their eyes away from the living room and looking at their mother worriedly.

"Mom?" Kyonen asked, looking up at her with wide, worried eyes.

Looking over at the woman, the three teens saw her devastated face, eyes wide, mouth dropped open as her hand slowly traveled to her mouth. "Mi-Minato…" She began softly, unaware of the eyes on her. "Please, don't tell me…"

He nodded sadly, watching as the woman began to cry. "Yes, Nedari…he is dead."

The twins never took their eyes from their mother and when she began to cry, they climbed onto each side of her lap, drying her tears for her. "It's okay, Mom," Yokan spoke softly, his brother leaning his head on her shoulder, allowing her to hug the hell out of them. "It'll be okay."

Watching her, Kirei seemed to understand. "Ramada had another personality." She stated, her cousin and boyfriend coming to look at her. "That's what Ita-san told me."

Minato nodded, pulling a small handkerchief out of his Hokage cloak pocket and handing it to Nedari. "Exactly." He turned to them, letting Nedari and her sons have a few moments to consol each other. "Once you'd told Itachi about what happened, he told me everything you said. From there, I suspected he was from the Land of Waves and went through their missing person records." He explained. "I narrowed my search by his "I'll never be Mizukage now" comment, and found that one man stood out."

"My husband." The similar looking brunette cried, hugging her boys tightly.

"So wait," Naruto began, slightly confused. "Ramada was two different people?"

"No," Sasuke answered him. "He was one person with two different personalities."

Nedari nodded. "Yes…I knew about his split personality, the man you call "Ramada"." She explained, drying her eyes although she still cried. "Sasoi was his really name. He took meds to make sure that man never came to the surface…and one day about a year and a half ago, he disappeared."

"And that's why I called you here," Minato clarified. "So we can get all of this cleared up."

"Dad's not coming back?" Kyonen asked, looking to his mother and then to the Yondaime.

Gripping her boy tightly, the brunette nodded sadly. "No, baby. Dad isn't coming back." She sobbed, feeling both boys lean against her.

"How?" Yokan asked, picking up his head and looking at the Yondaime. "I want to know how."

Minato's eyes wavered slightly, wondering if he should tell them all the details or simplify it for them. "Alright," He relented, seeing both boys' and their mothers' eyes looking at him, pleading for an answer. "He kidnapped someone else, a Jinchūriki and tried to use it to take over Konoha, but the power was too much to handle."

The boys looked to each other and then their mother. "Does that mean Dad did something bad?" They asked.

Kirei was immediate to answer. "No." She stated firmly, looking at the boys.

Ruffling their eyebrows, they hesitantly left their mothers' lap at her beckoning finger.

Her hand in Sasuke's, she sighed, staring directly into the eyes of each boy. "Now," She looked to the boy on her left, "Kyonen?"

He shook his head, pointing to his brother. "I'm Yokan."

She nodded. "Well, Yokan," She looked to his brother on her right. "Kyonen, I'm Kirei. I want you to listen to me very carefully, okay?"

They nodded, eyes traveling to her eyes, the faded cuts and bruises on her face. "Yeah."

"Once people find out what happened those months ago," She began, looking back and forth between them. "they're going to say bad things about your dad. Very bad things, okay?"

They looked to each other and then back to Kirei, nodding. "Okay."

"But, don't you dare listen to anything they say. Don't you listen or believe those bad things. Do you know why I'm telling you that?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

They kept their sight on her, shaking their heads.

Kirei smiled at them softly, looking directly into brown eyes. "Because I was only one who was there." She told them. "I am the only person who knows what happened, so anything anyone tells you is wrong."

Kyonen and Yokan understood her, but that didn't answer their question. "But did he do something bad?"

Still smiling, she shook her head. "No. Your dad was a great and kind man because, without him," Turning her head, she looked to Sasuke first, then Naruto and then the boys again. "I wouldn't be here."

"My dad saved you?" Yokan asked, eyes looking at hers.

She nodded. "Yes. He gave up his life to save mine, so I could be with the ones I love." She answered, leaning down slightly to try and get eye level with them. "So whenever anyone says anything bad, don't you dare believe them."

Nedari watched the Hokage's niece talk to her boys, tears still falling from her eyes at her words. She was thankful, seeing as how it would be hard for her to explain why their dad was never coming home to them.

"Okay, Kirei." The twins answered her, smiling just a little as they went back to their mother, crawling onto her lap. "Can we stay here and play for a while, mom?"

"Yeah, please mom?" Kyonen added, big brown eyes pleading.

"I don't know boys," She answered, looking to the Yondaime. "It's up to Minato."

Unable to hide his smile, he looked away from them, faking a sigh. "I guess it's alright…" He joked, laughing slightly.

"Yay!!" They boys cried, jumping up from their mother's lap and running off to explore the huge mansion.

Shaking his head, the Hokage walked over to Nedari, kneeling to meet her. "You stay as long as you need to, alright?"

She nodded, reaching out to hug him. "Thank you so much, Minato."

He hugged back, shaking his head slightly. "It's no problem. Sasoi's body is at the morgue, waiting for someone to identify it. I'll call up here momentarily and ask that it be released to you and sent to the Land of Waves." He told her.

"Oh, Minato, you don't – "

"It's alright," He cut her off. "Just relax here for a while."

Turning his attention away from his dad and the brunette, Naruto smiled at his cousin, tousling her hair as he always did. "I'm very proud of you, saying that to those little boys."

She smiled back, mouth opening to yawn. "Thank you, nii-san…" She mumbled, leaning to her right, setting her head on Sasuke's shoulder. When she felt an arm wrap around her waist, she smiled even more, looking up to find black eyes on her. "I want to take a nap."

"With the day you've had," Sasuke told her, her tired eyes and smile making him chuckle slightly. "I'd want to sleep too."

Naruto laughed slightly, watching as Kirei's eyes shut and Sasuke leaned forward slightly, kissing her forehead. "Go ahead you two," He said softly, grinning as he stood up. "I'll try to keep the twins out of your way. And quiet."

The raven got up first, holding his tired love's right hand gently and pulling her up, allowing her to use him as a balance.

Holding onto her raven, she smiled tiredly at her cousin. "Good luck with that. Good night, Nii-san."

Grin on his face, he laughed slightly, seeing his nee-chan's eyes flutter shut. "Good night, Nee-chan." Walking off with a smile, putting his hands in his pockets, he decided to find those two little twins before they broke something, knowing it was okay to leave the two alone. Kirei was in good hands.

"Can you carry me?" Said blonde asked, eyes still closed, leaning her head on Sasuke's chest like she always did.

"I would," He told her, careful not to hit her left shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist gently. "But with that cast on your leg and your left arm being in a cast…I'm too afraid to hurt you." He explained.

"I don't care." She replied, earning a chuckle.

He did chuckle, kissing the top of her head. Looking down at her, a thought came to the raven, making him smile devilishly. She may not like the idea, but she wouldn't have to walk. "Well…"

Still slightly sleepy, Kirei smirked, knowing that playful tone in his voice, wondering what he had on his mind.

"There is a way I could carry you…" That smirk still placed upon his lips, his grip on her waist increased as he kneeled, lifting her up and placing her over his shoulder. He turned around, heading toward the stairs as he held onto her so that she wouldn't fall.

"Sasuke!!" She laughed in surprise, immediately driven from her sleepy state, beating on his back playfully with her right fist.

Traveling up the stairs, heading toward her room, Sasuke kept that smirk on his face, happy to hear her laugh again. "Well, you wanted me to carry you."

She took a slight deep breath, unable to take the smile from her face. "I didn't mean like this." She answered, shaking her head at him.

"It works, doesn't it?" He asked, continuing to walk down the hall until he arrived at her room, opening the door and walking inside, shutting it with his foot as he found his way through the messes on the floor to get to the bed in the corner of the room.

Kirei felt both his hands come to her waist and gently lift her up, setting her on her bed tenderly. "You didn't have to carry me all the way to my bed, Emo kid." She told him, tilting her head when he turned back around, heading toward the door and locking it.

Finding her confused look, he walked back over to her, explaining. "I'm selfish. I don't want to share you."

She chuckled, not able to stop smiling as she moved over as best she could, allowing him room on the bed. "What do you mean?"

He did lay beside her, setting his head on her pillow and pulling her into his arms, letting her move around and get comfortable since her casts, sling and broken ribs made it rather hard to lay the way she usually did. "Ever since we've moved in here," He began, wrapping an arm around her so he could play with her silky hair like he always did. "People have been coming to visit you."

"And that's bad?" She asked, closing her eyes while her ear listened to the heartbeat she'd sorely missed.

"No," He answered, sighing and looking around the room. "It's not…but I haven't seen you in forever...and with everyone coming here to see you all the time…"

She sighed, that smile on her face never wavering. She had to admit that he was right; a lot of people had been by the Hokage Manor lately, stopping by to see Kirei whenever they could because she wasn't allowed outside the house.

And the more she thought about it, the more she realized that with everyone coming over, she and Sasuke didn't really get a lot of time to themselves anymore. This thought made her a little depressed, seeing as how she'd spent almost half a year without him.

"You don't know how much I missed you, Princess."

"Yes I do." She answered, using her right arm to help her up so she could look into those mesmerizing black eyes she loved. "Cause I've missed you just as much, if not more."

He smiled softly at her, leaning forward and kissing her, sighing into the kiss. All the time she was gone, he'd gotten addicted to Hershey Kisses since they tasted almost as sweet as she did, but he'd never find something to substitute his love.

She was more than happy to kiss back, eyes closing instinctively and out of tiredness, smiling into this kiss.

He could sense her tiredness, pulling away despite the whine of protest. "No, you need your rest." He told her, tousling her hair.

Reacting like every time before, she cringed and giggled and although upset, she listened to him, nestling her head back on his chest, trying to make herself comfortable but also not hurt him.

When she finally became comfortable, her lips turning up into a smile when she found his heartbeat, she sighed happily. "…music?" She asked in a mumble.

Tearing his eyes from the pictures in the room, he looked back to her at her mumble, smiling slightly. "Sure, Princess." He answered, taking his hand away from her waist and reaching over to the nightstand where the remote for her stereo was. Hitting the power button, making the machine start up with a hum, Sasuke wondered what CD Kirei was listening to this time.

As he suspected, it was Ultra Blue by Utada Hikaru – a CD he'd just bought for her.

Hearing the beat to the first song and how Kirei's breathing slowed, he kissed the top of her head before she fell asleep completely, his right hand back on her waist, caressing it gently while his other hand played with a lock of hair. "I love you, Princess."

Half asleep while singing to the first song on the cd in her mind, Kirei heard him and tried not to mumble in return. "Love you too, Prince."

Fortunately for Sasuke, he'd come to understand her mumbles long, long ago. And with a shake of his head, he continued to play with her hair, letting his eyes close and take a large sigh.

It was great to be home again.

Especially when his world was home again.


Kirei felt it for the fifth time in 3 minutes. She might've been in La-la land and the cd might've changed, but she was sure as hell Sasuke's phone was vibrating in his pocket.

So far, he'd done nothing about it other than just lying there, continuing to play with her hair.

But, she wasn't going to do anything about it. It was hard enough to get comfortable with her sling, casts and broken ribs, let alone be comfortable while lying on her boyfriend. So, instead of moving and letting him know she was awake, she let it go, trying to get back to sleep.

And just as Kirei had gotten back to sleep…


Tensing slightly, Sasuke looked down at his sleeping blonde, hoping that whoever the hell was calling him so freaking much wouldn't wake her up. He would've reached into his pocket and answered it, but he didn't dare move and wake up his blonde.

Either way, he was waking her up.

Sasuke could only hope that whoever was calling would stop.

Bzzzt. Bzzzt.

Finally, Kirei sighed, keeping her tired eyes closed and yet waking up slightly. "Who the hell is calling you?" She asked, her tired voice quite irritated.

His playing hesitated for only a moment, returning after the shock that Kirei had been awakened by his phone. "I don't know." He answered, still feeling it ringing it in his pocket.

"Give it to me."

His left hand jerked to a stop, eyes slightly widening. "…what?"

"Give it to me." She repeated, her voice still irritated as she picked up her head, allowing her chin to rest on his chest.

Sasuke wasn't sure he wanted to do that, but what harm could it bring? What would Kirei really say to whoever it was? It was probably Naruto anyway. "Alright." He answered softly, taking his left hand away from her hair and shifting slightly, reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out the phone that'd woken his love.

Almost immediately, Kirei took it from his hand, mumbling incoherently when the phone stopped ringing.

He watched her, able to see half lidded blue eyes slightly upset and tired, wondering what she was going to say if it rang again.

Thankfully, it did ring again, Kirei taking her thumb and flipping open the phone, pressing it to her ear. "Who is this?" She answered, trying not to sound irritable, letting her eyes close for a moment.

"…Who is this?" The male's voice answered back.

"I asked you first." Kirei replied, sighing silently.

There was a pause on the other line, but then the male answered. "I'm the director. The one who let Sasuke and Naruto leave hours ago without so much as a goodbye and I'm hoping to get my actors back before the movie we're working on premieres and it's not finished because they never showed up to film." He explained, his voice slightly annoyed.

Despite her love for the show and the upcoming movie, Kirei was in no mood to feel sympathy. "Well, do you know who I am?"

"You certainly sound familiar." He answered, having heard her voice once before.

"I'm Kirei. The Hokage's niece – "

"Ah yes," He interrupted, remembering the female blonde. "Naruto's cousin."

"And Sasuke's girlfriend." She added, hearing silence on the other side. "Over the past few months, I've been through something traumatic. I have a broken collarbone, broken wrist, 5 broken ribs and have broken my leg in three places."

A hiss of pain rang over the line.

"Yes," She nodded. "And right now I'm finally spending time with my boyfriend for the first time in months. If you don't mind, I'd like to spend time with the both of them for the rest of the night. Especially my Sasuke. You'll get them back tomorrow." She tried not to sound menacing.

A smile came onto Sasuke's lips, hearing her possessiveness.

"I can understand." He answered.

"Well, if you keep calling every freaking second, how can I do that?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

His answer was quick. "I see. I'll see them tomorrow."

"Thank you." Kirei replied, smiling ever so slightly.

"You're welcome, Kirei-chan." With a small little click, the phone call was over.

Clipping the phone shut, the blonde set her head back on his chest, putting the phone back in his hand. "Shut if off just in case."

Staring at her for a few moments in silence, he finally blinked, shaking his head slightly and doing as she said. He'd never really seen this side of her, a very intimidating, irritated side yet somehow oddly cute. He could only hope she'd never use that power against him.

"Now put it on the nightstand." She said further, making sure that the phone was nowhere within reach unless absolutely needed.

He did so, coming back to watch his blonde and play with her hair again just after he kissed the top of her head. "You're so funny, Princess."

Finally happy that no one was going to bother them anymore, Kirei snuggled closer to him, trying to steal more body heat from him. "Sasuke?" She asked after a good long silence.

"Hn?" He asked back as he opened his eyes halfway, looking down at the blonde curled up with him, soft smile on his face.

"Be selfish more often."

That soft smile grew into a wide smile, his eyes closing as he shook his head. He couldn't even find anything to say, sighing happily and chuckling. Closing his eyes once more, seeing the sun beginning to set from the window, he thought about how good his life was.

He had his best friend, his acting job that he loved although it didn't seem like it and his world, his love right with him forever.

His smile widened just a little bit more.

Life was definitely good.

Sasuke couldn't believe what time he was getting home.

It was nearly 3 in the morning and he was just getting back to Kirei's loft, which he called home but hadn't exactly moved into yet.

About 2 a half months had passed since Kirei was out of the hospital and because she was nearly back to 100% health, she was allowed to move back into her loft. Obviously, Sasuke came with her.

Itachi told him he should just move into the loft since he was there all the time, but he hadn't gotten around to it yet. Plus, with finishing up filming for the latest movie, he was getting home later and later every night.

It was mid April and the premiere for the movie was set in June, which only gave them until the end of April to film and the month of May and early June to edit the film. So, filming time had gone into overdrive. They'd arrive early in the morning and not finish until late, or even into the next morning.

Sasuke didn't want to complain, but it was really cutting into his time with missions and with Kirei. She didn't come around as often, seeing as how it rained a lot during the month of April, but since he didn't get home till late, he only ever got to see her asleep. Naruto and Hinata could see each other anytime since they were both filming and at the film grounds.

Needless to say, it was putting a damper on his life.

With a sigh he walked into the house quietly, not surprised to find the lights and tv on, the volume turned down very low. He wasn't also surprised to see Kirei asleep on the couch, the blanket lying in a heap on the floor.

Setting his bag down near the door, he couldn't help but smile, walking over to his halfway curled up blonde, her bangs draped over her face in the cutest manner. "I told you not to wait up for me anymore." He mumbled, picking up the blanket and lying it over her properly, making sure it came up to her neck, just where she liked it to be.

She snuggled with the blanket slightly, still sleeping peacefully as her raven took the remote from her hands, shutting off the tv.

With the tv off, Sasuke sat in the chair beside the couch, wondering what he could do. He could just take off his shoes, turn off the light and crawl onto the couch with his blonde…but he could turn off the light, take her upstairs to her bed and go to sleep there…

Watching her, Sasuke decided the couch would be a nice place to sleep tonight. The plan that required him to do less was very nice indeed.

With another tired sigh, his eyes drooping every minute, he took off his shoes, flinging them somewhere, not really caring where they went. He'd find them in the morning.

Reaching over, he shut off the light with one hand, the other ruffling out his gel filled hair as he got up, coming back to the couch.

"It's a good thing this couch is huge…" He mumbled, thankful that Kirei's couch was more of a loveseat and the fact that she always seemed to sleep near the edge of it. It left him room to crawl behind her and hold her like he always loved.

He was careful not to wake her or pull to hard on the blanket, lifting it and crawling underneath it, finally burrowing his face in her shoulder, inhaling the sent of her hair that rested on said shoulder. Very gently he weaved his arm underneath hers, wrapping it loosely around her chest, smiling as he pulled her closer to him.

Waking up only slightly, Kirei smiled as well, knowing who was pulling her closer to them. In turn she snuggled closer, taking her left hand, the hand his arm had strung under and moved her fingers closer to his, smiling even more when his fingers laced with hers.

Sasuke sighed softly, happy to finally be able to get some sleep after a long day at the film grounds.

"Aren't you glad I waited up for you?" Kirei mumbled, feeling her raven smile against her skin.

"Shut up and go to sleep." He replied with a chuckle, smiling as he kissed her bare shoulder.

Shaking her head slightly, she nuzzled into her pillow, happy that her raven was finally home. She yawned before finally falling to sleep, realizing that for one of the very few times, he'd fallen asleep before her.

"But, Hinata!" Naruto cried, staring at his blue haired girlfriend as she sat on his bed. "Please, just pick one!"

Sitting on his rather messy bed in a rather luxurious ivory colored evening gown, Hinata smiled at his antics. The dress wasn't anything flamboyant, but a simple, ivory gown that had halter like straps and a v neck line, while the whole dress followed her curves all the way to the floor. At the moment though, her matching white sandal-heels could be seen since her legs were pulled up to her body, her one hand supporting her, the other holding her ankles. "Can't you just wear a regular black tie?" She asked, looking up and down her gorgeous blonde. "We're going to be late to the premiere."

He was currently in a tux, a nice, sharp black tux, save for the tie. Naruto had decided he wanted to be different, to be out of the ordinary – go figure. He didn't want to wear a normal black tie. He wanted to wear an orange tie.

The only problem was which orange tie to wear.

"I know, I know, but I can't, Hina! I've got to do something unexpected!" He replied, almost ready to pull his hair out.

She laughed slightly. Everything Naruto did was unexpected. "Well, alright I'll pick one for you."

Standing in front of her, he sighed happily, hugging his blue haired love. "Oh, thank you!! Thank you!" He let her go, running off to his closet to find the orange ties he wanted to wear.

She couldn't erase the smile from her face, shaking her head slightly. It wasn't that he wanted to wear an orange tie that made her worry. No, it made her laugh.

It was the fact that he had orange ties that made her worry.

He came back as quickly as he left, holding all three ties up to his chest, explaining. "Well, this one here," He shook the one on his right, a regular sized , plain orange with a blue bottom tie. "I was planning on picking, cause it's my colors, but I really like this one," He motioned to the one in the middle, a clip on, neon orange tie. "cause it's really noticeable. But then there's this one," He motioned to the last one, a not neon, but not super shiny orange tie. It was more a soft shine, like silk, with a small, red Namikaze/Uzumaki crest on the bottom. "Which is kinda like a family heirloom."

Knowing her boyfriend so well, Hinata knew why he was having a dilemma. Getting up from the bed, she walked over to him, smiling at the fact that she was nearly as tall as him with heels. "I think you should go with…" She began, looking at all three before pointing to the one on the left, the silk orange tie with the family crest. "This one. It's not too out there and I'm sure everyone will laugh when they see it."

His trademark large grin took his face as he threw the other two ties on his dresser, taking the one she'd pick in both of his hands and running over to his bathroom, standing in front of the mirror as he tried to tie the tie.

Hinata smiled and waited. "5…4…3…2…1."

"Hina!!!" Was his pitiful cry for help.

With another chuckle, she went into his bathroom, shaking her head when she found the tie in, not a regular looking shape, but rather a very large, very disfigured bow tie. "You are absolutely helpless, you know that?" She asked with a laugh as she walked up to him, taking his shoulders and making him turn towards her.

"That's why I call you." He answered, grinning.

She closed her clear eyes for only a moment, smile still broad on her face, untying the poor tie and redoing it for him.

He watched, trying to remember the steps so that next time, he wouldn't have to call Hinata to tie it for him.

Finishing up, she pulled it down, centering it and about ready to tuck it into his buttoned jacket until he stopped her.

"Nope. Totally leaving it out." He said, turning to the mirror once more and fixing the tie until it was perfect. "I want everyone to see it."

How did she not see that coming? "Alright, sweetie. " Taking a moment to fix her hair, she waited until he'd fixed his and grabbed his tie, leading him out of the bathroom and grabbing their jackets before finally leaving the manor. "You know we're late because of your tie, right?" She asked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, kissing her temple.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"And almost 20 minutes late, finally, the star of the movie has arrived!!" One of the many Red Carpet announcers announced, clearly able to see the blonde Uzumaki with an…orange tie?

"Oh, why did you guys think I was going to be on time?!" Naruto declared with a smile, blinking his eyes in retaliation from all the flashes from the hundreds of cameras going off. "I had to find the right tie to wear!!"

More than a few cameramen and reporters laughed.

Standing right with him, a huge grin placed on her face, Hinata laughed as well, her arm laced in his. "We should probably take some pictures before going to meet up with everyone." She told him, whispering in his ear so that he could hear her.

"I know," He nodded, turning his head to face her. "But the second we're done, I'm gonna find Neji and Raiha and out those two. It's about damn time they say they're dating!" He yelled with determination, trying to look down the long red carpet to find said couple.

"Well," Hinata began with a glint in her eye, her smile growing into a smirk, seeing her blonde's blue eyes scan the crowd ahead of them. "Why don't we start this off with a bang?"

Naruto had no time to blink before he was yanked toward Hinata by his tie, his lips crashing against hers only a millisecond later.

And Naruto thought he was blinded by the camera's flashes before.

Nearly half an hour later, after taking so many pictures both Hinata and Naruto were seeing stars, they walked down the red carpet together, bidding hello's to some of the Akatsuki members that actually showed up and some of the other actors who they may have known but weren't really friends with.

Behind them walked Shikamaru, who'd – go figure – shown up nearly 45 minutes late. He had his hands shoved in his tux jacket pockets, his hair pulled up like normal, headband pinned to his sleeve like always. He figured that Naruto and Hinata would be able to lead them to their friends without him doing anything troublesome.

As always, Shikamaru was right.

"YES!!!" Naruto cried, bright blue eyes locking onto a certain long haired male and a very familiar brunette, grinning. His grin widened only when he'd seen them kiss. "I'VE GOT YOU!!!"

Everyone watched in pure amusement as Naruto tore through every person on that carpet toward Neji and Raiha, determined to out them to everyone.

"Got who?" Neji asked with a smug voice, holding his brunette in his arms, kissing her sweetly.

Naruto pointed at them dramatically. "YOU!!! You are totally going out like we all thought you were!!"

Standing in her beloved's arms in the cutest black, knee length, strapless dress with turquoise trim and black sandal – high heels, Raiha let a smile come onto her now blushing face, straightened hair falling over her shoulders. "Well…" She began, looking up to her love.

"That's not true." Neji finished for her, waiting for the blonde's outburst.

"It totally is and you know it!!! I just saw you kiss her!!" He retorted in disbelief, blue eyes wide, still pointing. "Don't try and weave your way out of this Neji!! I've got millions of photos to back me up here!!" He began, pointing back to all of the photographers who'd followed him.

"What is he screaming about now?" Shikamaru asked with half lidded eyes, finally walking up after Hinata.

"Oh, he's just trying to prove that Neji and Raiha are going out." Hinata informed, watching the scene with a smile.

He looked over at her lazily. "Like he has for the last year?"

She nodded. "Yep."

Neji never lost his smirk, looking down at his Raiha. "Actually…"

Smiling although she was blushing, Raiha extended her left hand, allowing everyone who was looking at her to see the rather beautiful diamond ring placed upon her ring finger.

"We're engaged."

If it was even possible, Naruto's jaw dropped all the way down to the red velvet carpet. His pointing finger and arm had slowly, ever so slowly begun to fall as the words registered in the blonde's brain. "Bu…bu…" He stuttered, eyes finally breaking away from the smirking Neji and smiling Raiha.

"What's going on?" Ino asked as she walked up, short platinum blonde hair pulled halfway back , donning a strapless, knee length, baby blue gown. It was rather plain, save for the slightly darker blue bow tied around her waist and the very slight sparkle it gave off in the right light. Her heels were similar to Hinata and Raiha's in the sandal style although hers were much higher and much more pointed, almost like stilettos.

"Is he overreacting again?" Sakura asked, walking up beside Ino. Unlike Ino, her hair was left down, allowing her bangs to fall over her eyes until she pulled them out of the way. Her dress was also unlike Ino's, in the fact that the dark blue, nearly navy blue gown extended to her feet, fanning out at the knees in a mermaid style dress. The top was halter like, coming up and around her neck, while only the front of the bust was ruffled, stopping only at a small ribbon that went around her chest.

Unfazed by Naruto's reaction, Hinata hugged her two friends and nodded. "Yep. He just found out Neji and Raiha are engaged."

Ino and Sakura laughed, watching as Naruto still stuttered.

"But…" He mumbled, staring with wide, almost puppy dog like eyes at the two now kissing. "That's not fair!!!"

Some of the cameramen and reporters had to dry their eyes from laughing so hard.

"I wanted to out them!!" He continued, not noticing the large cream colored dog that sat beside him.

"What's he complaining about now, Hina?" Kiba asked as he stood beside Akamaru, fixing the huge bow tie on the dog's neck. He then fixed his own tie.

She waved a hand, shaking her head as she smiled. "Just complaining."

"When doesn't he complain?" Shikamaru asked, arching an eyebrow just as he felt a pair of hands run down his back, coming around his waist from behind him.

"Hey there, lazy."

That eyebrow returned to normal, a lazy smile coming onto his face. Shikamaru knew that voice anywhere. "Troublesome woman, there's cameras around." He mumbled, knowing his Temari was the one nearly feeling him up.

"And when have I cared?" She replied, her maroon heels matching the dress she wore, setting her chin on his shoulder, kissing his cheek. The top of her dress was a halter like, black corset, a white ribbon strung in a zigzag manner, the bow tying at the bottom, where her maroon colored dress extended elegantly to her feet, covering her shoes.

She brought up an interesting point. "Now, let's go steal a moment before Naruto gets back to his senses." She whispered, turning her man around and dragging him off playfully by his clip on tie.

"Naruto has senses?" He asked with a smile, letting her lead him off. After all, Temari and her brothers never came to Konoha often, so when they did, they made the best of their time together.

Temari could only laugh in reply.

It didn't take too long for Naruto to return to his senses, seeing as how a couple licks from Akamaru helped pull him out of his trance of staring at Neji and Raiha in utter shock. "It's still not fair." He mumbled, crossing his arms and refusing to look at the two.

"Sweetie," Hinata began, trying not to giggle or laugh as she walked up to him, taking the orange tie in her hand gently, looking up to her blonde's eyes. "Why don't you wish them congrats? I mean, they are getting married."

Sky blue eyes flickered toward the new couple for only an instant. "Fine…Happy…marriage…or whatever." He told them, still refusing to look at them.

"You know he means well, nii-san." Hinata added, looking over to her cousin to find him not upset in the least.

He actually looked very happy, holding Raiha in his arms, nodding. "I know, Hinata." He replied, kissing Raiha's temple. "He's just stubborn."

"Tell me about it." Sakura interjected, rolling her eyes, turning her head away with a smile.

"More like bull headed." Ino added, letting one hand sit on her waist as her other elbow rested on that hand, letting her hold her head in the hand not near her waist, allowing her to tilt her head cutely.

As they conversed, Naruto had shut out their comments, used to hearing them all the time, his arms unfolding slightly as he looked around his group of friends.

There was Kiba and Akamaru to his side, Hinata in front of him, Sakura and Ino to his other side…Shikamaru was behind him…and the couple – who in his mind would remain nameless – were in also in front of them, beyond Hinata.

He titled his head for a moment, looking up into the sky. Kiba, Akamaru, Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Neji and Raiha…who was missing?

"Naru?" Hinata asked in concern, seeing that familiar look on Naruto's face. He was thinking.

He looked to his blue haired love, a slick smile set up on his face.

Everyone, even the paparazzi and reporters knew that that grin only meant one thing. Naruto was up to something.

"Where's nee-chan?"

Kirei sighed softly, loving the sound of the repeating guitar and the music building flooding her ears. She also loved the man she was leaning on, his arms wrapped around her waist securely, dancing slowly.

The headphones playing the music in her ears were also playing in his, both listening to the same song, thanks to the ipod Sasuke'd brought along with him.

As any other couple, he was in a sharp, crisp, jet black tux, while she was in one of the most elegant gowns she'd ever worn. Her Belle replica dress would always be her favorite, but Kirei would never wear that dress again. It already had memories and ties to it, why erase them?

So, only days before the premiere, Sasuke decided to do one of things he desperately hated; he went shopping. It wasn't him on his own, of course. Kirei came with him, allowed to pick any dress that she wanted and try it on if she pleased. Through much searching, she found a very stylish, very unique dress that called her name and told her that no one else would wear it.

A black, strapless corset began the dress, white satin going straight down, emphasizing where the corset had been sewn together, a short, white with black pinstripes coming out from the top of the corset, lace above that. Below the v shaped bottom of the corset was a white with black pinstripe skirt, tightened by a small, crisscrossed black ribbon tied onto the skirt. From there, black satin had been sewn into the bottom of the white skirt, poofing out in the back and extending to her feet while the front of the dress came to her thighs, allowing everyone to see her black high heels, although she wasn't great at walking in them. The last part of her dress was something she added, having thought they'd be a great addition to the dress. They were unattached black sleeves, nearly skintight from the bottom of the inch of white cloth until her wrists, widening slightly to reveal the white at the ends that covered her hand and knuckles.

Despite her protests, he paid for the dress, the material to make the sleeves and her shoes because he wanted to. She was his Princess and he was going to spoil her – even if she didn't want to be spoiled.

"Down to you…

You're pushing and pulling me down to you,

But I don't know what I want

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself,

I'm saying something I should've never thought.

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself,

I'm saying something I should've never thought of you, of you,

You're pushing and pulling me down to you,

But I don't know what I want

No, I don't know what I want..."

Kirei hummed along, her head and hands resting gently on his chest, slowly dancing to the beat while his arms wrapped around her, keeping her close to him and allowing him to set his head on hers gently, afraid to ruin her hair.

They were at the end of the red carpet, near the entrance of the movie theater, opting to stay out of the limelight.

Within the last month, information about the fake Akatsuki had been leaked and Kirei did not want to be questioned about it. She had a hard enough time telling her uncle, cousin and boyfriend. She couldn't tell complete strangers.

Sasuke knew this fact better than she thought. That was the reason he'd brought his ipod with him, so that she wouldn't have to deal with everyone asking her questions. She could tune them out with a simple press of a button. Plus, he never really liked to take photos and be in the spotlight like Naruto did, so it worked out perfectly for him.

And holding her like he was now kept her from leaving, kept her from being dogged by the relentless paparazzi who would ask anything to get an answer and he'd be damned if someone upset his Princess.

"You got it, you got it,

some kind of magic,

Hypnotic, hypnotic,

You're leaving me breathless.

I hate this, I hate this,

You're not the one I believe in,

With God as my witness."

The raven felt his blonde sigh softly once more, a smile coming across his lips from her sigh. Her sigh meant that she was happy, that she was content.

"Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself,

I'm saying something that I should've never thought.

Now when I caught myself, I had to – "

"Hey…" Kirei whined softly, feeling Sasuke take just one of her headphones out of her ear, lessening the sound of one of her favorite songs.

"I know," He began, using that same hand to pet the part of her hair she hadn't pinned up. "But there's something I want to tell you." He said softly.

"Mmhmm?" She asked back, still a bit miffed that she was missing parts of her favorite song, but strangely curious on what he had to say. Sasuke always just told her things. He never said he wanted to tell her something.

"We've both kinda been busy the last few months…and I really haven't gotten to see you a lot, so I decided to do something about it." He told her, a small smile coming onto his face as he looked down at her.

"Oh really?" She asked, picking her head up and looking into those onyx eyes she loved. She let her hands slip over his chest, lacing themselves behind his neck. "And what's that?"

He closed his eyes, turning his head away from her slightly. "Nope. I'm not telling what it is. Yet. Just know that I've got something planned for the two of us."

Smiling and yet pursing her lips, she glared playfully at him. "Well," She began. "If you won't tell me what it is, when are you going to tell me?"

"You'll see." He answered with a smile, opening only one eye to see her reaction.

Her eyes were half-lidded, lips turned up in a smile. "You just love torturing me, don't you?"

Squeezing her waist gently, he crouched down just slightly, enough for him to nuzzle her neck. "Never, Princess." He answered sarcastically.

She couldn't help but laugh and giggle, feeling his breath and bangs tickling her skin. "I love you, Prince."

Kissing her silky soft skin, he smiled against it, hearing her laugh. "I love you, too, Princess." He mumbled, tracing kisses up her neck and over her jaw, coming back to the sweet tasting lips that he loved.

In what seemed like forever and a day, they broke the kiss for lack of air, coming to stand in the same positions as before.

Kirei returned her head to his chest, hands slipping back from his neck to his chest, sighing a very content sigh, smile on her lips. It was only then that she realized the headphone Sasuke had taken out was back in her ear, although the song she had been listening to was over. "Sneaky bastard." She mumbled, smirking.

"Yes, but I'm your sneaky bastard." Sasuke whispered into her hair, smiling as he said it.

She chuckled, shaking her head as much as she could. "You better believe it."


Looking up with narrowed black eyes, Sasuke saw the tuff of blonde hair making it's way toward them and set a hand upon Kirei's head, keeping her from picking it up. "Ignore it. Maybe he'll go away."

"I can see you, ya know!!!"

Kirei could only laugh, feeling Sasuke's grip tighten around her waist. "He was bound to find us sometime, Sasuke. Better now than when the cameras are around."

She had a very convincing point. At least, any other time, that is. Being taller than her, he could see the horde of paparazzi follow him with smiles. "I hate my luck."

"Why – "

Kirei realized why only a second later, when she felt another pair of arms wrap around not only her, but Sasuke as well.

"Nee-chan!!" Naruto repeated, his arms wrapped around both Kirei and Sasuke's shoulders, squeezing as tight as he could. "Why aren't you out on the red carpet?! It's so much fun out there!!"

Completely disregarding the taller blonde's questions, Sasuke looked over to his friend, glaring with the hardest glare he had. The only person truthfully allowed to hug him was Kirei and, despite the similarities, Naruto was definitely not Kirei.

Seeing and feeling the glare from the Uchiha, Naruto immediately let go of the two, tilting his head slightly to catch Kirei's sight as she took the headphones from her ears, putting them back in Sasuke's jacket pocket. "How are you, nee-chan?" He asked, wondering why, now of all times, Kirei seemed rather timid and scared.

Staying in her love's arms, her hands holding onto his shirt gently, deep blue eyes flickered to the horde of paparazzi behind her cousin, screaming and hollering at the three of them to come closer. "I'm okay." She answered, softly, small smile set upon her lips.

Sky blue eyes narrowed slightly. "And why don't I believe you?" He asked, trying to keep his voice sweet as to not scare her further.

"She's afraid about being asked about you-know-what." Sasuke told him, sparing his Princess from saying it, gripping her waist just slightly, letting her know that he wasn't going to leave her.

Sky blue eyes flickered to onyx for only a moment, returning his eyes to his cousin's after realizing what Sasuke was talking about. "Oh."

"Yeah," She nodded, looking directly into those similar blue eyes. "I don't want to talk about that. Not here, not now." She said firmly, shaking her head. "I can't."

"Sweetie," He began, a smile taking his face. "I'm sure that if we ask them not to ask about it, they won't. As long as you smile and take pictures for them, they'll do anything we ask." He explained, trying to convince her.

"But – "

He raised a hand, cutting his cousin off. "Just watch." Walking over to the rope that separated the paparazzi from the actors, he looked to all of them. "Hey guys, do you think you could do me a big favor?"

There were cries of yeses and sure's through the crowd, along with nods.

"I can get my cousin and that emo teme out here for pictures, but you've all got to promise me you won't bug my cousin with questions and stuff. She's not in the mood to talk today, alright?" He asked, blue eyes scanning the crowd.

"What kind of pictures are we talking about?" One photographer asked, holding his camera with one hand, eyebrows ruffled.

Naruto scrunched his nose, looking up in thought. Sure, he'd thought about taking pictures, but he hadn't thought about what kind of pictures to take.

"How about a few family photos?"

Everyone looked behind Naruto, smiles on their faces as they heard a very familiar, very loved voice.

"Dad!" Naruto cried, blinking his eyes to make sure he was seeing straight as he turned around.

Namikaze Minato, the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha was standing behind him, smiling broadly in the middle of the red carpet. Unlike every other guy there, he was not in a tux, favoring that his Hokage attire was more than good enough for the red carpet. "Hey there, son."

"Uncle Yondy?" Kirei asked, tilting her head as she ventured closer to the carpet and out from the overhang of the theater, Sasuke following her happily, keeping himself in between her and the paparazzi. "What are you doing here?" She asked, coming up further to hug her father-like uncle.

Wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he motioned to Sasuke that she would be all right, he wrapped his other arm around his son, bringing the both of them closer to him, making them look in slight confusion at the smile on his face. "I think it's time we update our family photos."

"Perfect!" The photographer who'd asked what kind of photos screamed. "It's absolutely perfect!!"

"Just smile and look wherever they ask you to, nee-chan." Naruto said, smiling over at his cousin who seemed just a little happier than before.

Still standing beside her, Sasuke ran her hair through his hands, allowing some of it to fall onto her shoulders, bringing her to look at him. "I'll be right over here, okay, Princess?"

Smiling happily, Kirei nodded, watching as her boyfriend walked away from them, giving the three blondes enough room to get their family photos without him sneaking his way in.

And so, the flashes of the cameras started while blondes smiled, all three different shades of blue eyes looking here and there, sometimes coming back to look at each other. Even the grins were the same, albeit, they were different sizes. Naruto's, as he noted, was the largest.

If anyone had any doubt that Kirei was a Namikaze, this was certain proof that she was, indeed a Namikaze.

Within a few minutes, the group who had followed Naruto down the red carpet caught up with him, stopping a few feet away to give them room just as Sasuke did. Smiles were spread over all their lips, watching with laughs and light hearts.

Even a few Akatsuki had shown up, following the group of smaller teens when they heard Naruto's cries of "Nee-chan!!". They also watched the scene with smiles and – Deidara's – squeals of joy.

Looking over at her cousin and Uncle, deep blue eyes caught the taller raven standing in the group of people, giving a smile and nod when he saw her. That was when something occurred to Kirei, making her roll her lips nervously and look to her cousin and Uncle again. "Um," She began softly, looking back and forth between the two who looked over at her. "Can we hold on for one second?"

Both Naruto and the Yondaime looked over, Naruto tilting his head, the Yondaime knitting his eyebrows together, wondering why she'd asked to stop for only a moment.

"Uh…sure, Nee-chan." Naruto mumbled, casting an unsure glance to his dad, telling him that he didn't know what she wanted.

Even though she asked to pause, the camera's recorded every movement the shortest blonde made as she left her Nii-san and Uncle's arms, walking over to their group friends to the left. She smiled to all of them, making her way through with "excuse me's" and "pardon me's", coming to meet up with the Akatsuki members.

"Cutie!!" Deidara cried as he saw her, immediately wrapping her into a very crushing hug.

She laughed, hugging back. "Nice to see you too, Deidara-sempai, but…" She led off, pulling away from him and looking over to her Ita-san, biting her lip gently. Without continuing, she walked up to him, smiling when he smiled at her.

"Having fun, Kirei?" The tall raven asked, wondering what was on the blonde's mind with her smile and bitten lip. From spending so much time with her, he knew there was some sort of plan on her mind.

She nodded happily, smile growing as she extended both her hands and took his one, pulling him through the group of people and back to Naruto and the Yondaime.

Seeing their confused looks, Itachi shrugged his shoulders, telling them that even he didn't know what she had on her mind.

"Okay," She mumbled, finally letting go of Itachi just as soon as he was close enough to her uncle and cousin, taking Naruto by the shoulders and moving him away from his spot. She went back to Itachi, moving him into Naruto's previous spot, then moving her cousin in front of Itachi. "Just stay here." She told them, smiling and nodding, trying to assure them.

Everyone watched in further amusement, the cameras still recording her every moment as she walked to her right, opposite of where all her friends were. Some of their friends were on that side, waiting for the doors of the theater to open, but Kirei wasn't focused on them. She was focused on someone who meant more than any friend could.

Sasuke watched with as much confusion as his brother and friend, a confused smirk set upon his face as he wondered what was on her mind. Her smile told him that whatever was on her mind wasn't probably good for him. "Princess?" He asked as she stood only a foot away from him, hoping that he might get an answer.

Her smile widened as she slipped her hands into his, gently pulling him away from the overhang to the two blondes and one raven who watched her curiously.

With their confused, but asking looks, Sasuke did the same as his brother, shrugging his shoulders to tell them that even he didn't know what she was doing.

"Well, shit," Naruto mumbled, staring at his cousin as she walked closer, Sasuke trailing behind her. "If teme doesn't know what's on her mind, none of us will."

Both Itachi and Minato chuckled, all three guys watching with smiles as Kirei pulled Sasuke into their little group.

Pulling his arms around her waist, she stood with him, her cousin on her left, Itachi behind her and to the left, Minato behind both of them and to the right. Still smiling, she looked at all of them. "Now it feels like family."

The confusion lifted from the four of them as they heard her, the words registering in their minds.

"I mean," She continued a slight blush on her face, looking back to the cameramen and smiling, blinking from the bright flashes. "Ita-san is like my other older brother…and you," She gripped the hands around her waist, turning her head back and looking into those onyx eyes she loved. "Well, you're kinda part of the family anyway…so…"

"I think it's perfect." Minato said, his grin widening as he looked out into the photographers. Naruto and Kirei were definitely his kids and with the way Kirei and Sasuke's relationship was going, Sasuke might become one of his kids anyway, which kind of made Itachi one of his kids too.

"Now wait a minute," Naruto began, his eyes narrowing slightly when Sasuke wheeled Kirei around in his arms, kissing her sweetly. "If she gets to bring him into this family, I'm totally bringing Hinata in." He said, immediately walking off to the group on the left, grinning when he locked eyes with his blue haired love, throwing an arm around her shoulders as he led her back to the "family".

Flashes of cameras were more active than ever, taking pictures of the very loved – albeit strange – family of Konoha.

More than 20 minutes passed like 5, with the family still taking photos until one photographer suggested an all-cast shot. Almost immediately, every cast member flooded the once previous spot of the family photos, ready and willing to take cast shots. It had been a while since their last one, so they figured an update was in store.

Before joining the rest of the cast, Sasuke walked with Kirei away from the cast since she wasn't exactly one of the Actors, though they treated her like one. They stopped near the line of reporters and photographers who were too busy interviewing others and asking for shots to bother her. "You sure you'll be okay?" He asked, seeing how her slightly scared eyes darted to the men and women with microphones and notepads.

She looked back to him, nodding slowly, putting a small smile on her face. "Yeah…you'll only be gone for a few minutes, so I think I'll be fine."

He smiled back softly, crouching slight and brushing her bangs away to kiss her forehead like he always did. "I love you, Princess."

She laced her arms around his neck, keeping him right in that crouched position and smashing his lips against hers. She wasn't going to let him get away with just a kiss on the forehead. "I love you, too, Prince." She told him after finally breaking away.

With half the cast watching them, a small sliver yelling at him to get over there, Sasuke left his love, walking over with a smug smile on his face.

Kirei watched him walk over, smiling and laughing once the photo's started, seeing how Kiba and Naruto messed up almost every shot with either ruffling up Sasuke's hair or doing something outrageous.

"Excuse me," A reporter from beyond the line separating them from the red carpet began, recognizing the blonde as one Namikaze Kirei; the only girl who knew what had happened all those months ago at Akatsuki. "but may I possibly ask you a few questions?"

Kirei turned around, slightly startled. "Um," She began, smile fading from her face when she found a reporter smiling back at her. "N-no, I'm sorry, I can't – "

Suddenly, another reporter popped up beside the other, pen and pencil in hand. "Yes, please, can you tell us what happened that day at the Akatsuki base?"

"What was "Ramada" like, Namikaze-san?" Yet another reporter asked, pointing a recorder into Kirei's face, not fazed by the scared look on her face.

Slightly frantic blue eyes looked at all three reporters, looking to their pencils, microphone and tape recorder, all shoved into her face. Her mouth was open slightly, trying to refuse her pursuers, yet nothing came out.

Her mind was too busy racing, thinking of every thought she'd locked away at the mention of the base, Ramada and Akatsuki. Just those words brought flashes to her eyes as she began to remember what she'd strived to forget.

Tilting his head at the unfocused and somewhat scared eyes of the youngest Namikaze, the reporter with the pencil and paper tried to get something out of her. "Namikaze-san? Are you alright?"

"Who cares?" The one with a tape recorder snapped. "This is the leading story, we need answers!"

With this shout, a few more reporters ventured over, curious at who they were talking to. When they realized it was Kirei the others were talking to, they immediately took out their recording devices and joined in on the group, hoping to get the same information as everyone else and get it published before anyone else.

"What was the base like?"

"Who else was there, other than yourself? Were they demented? Crazy, perhaps?"

"Did they ever hurt you? Or did they take care of you?"

The questions rolled off their tongues like water rushing off a cliff. Their questions and voices overlapped each other so much, Kirei's brain couldn't possibly hope to keep up, making her close her eyes and whimper, trying to block out the words and voices. She wished with all her heart that everyone around her was gone, that it was just her and her Prince at home, reveling in the music of her studio.

Unfortunately, what she wished for and what happened wasn't the same thing.

Noticing the girl's discomfort, one reporter asked a question that should never be asked in public. "Were you raped, Namikaze-san?"

Kirei's whole body stiffened in absolute shock at those words. Her blue eyes opened wide, staring at the red velvet carpet, her brain trying to process those words. She didn't even realize it, but her whole body began to shake.

It was only when a pair of very familiar arms wrapped around her securely and his chin sit upon her head did her body stop shaking, finally relaxing as her eyes slipped shut and she leaned against him.

Holding onto his Princess tightly, Sasuke's blood red Sharingan bored into each and every reporter's eyes, making them stiffen in absolute fear. Never once had Sasuke used his Sharingan in public before. "That's enough." He growled, staring down each reporter until they walked – more like ran – away.

Sighing a quiet sigh, but still seething with rage, Sasuke kept her in his arms for a few moments, allowing the both of them to calm down before speaking. He knew that if he spoke now, it wouldn't be very decent for people to hear.

He just couldn't fathom how someone could ask questions as private, as disturbing as those. Although he was taking pictures with the cast, he could plainly see her discomfort and want to leave. So, if he could see it so easily, he wondered why anyone would ask a question like that when the person answering didn't seem like they wanted to answer.

The only possible conclusion was that reporters were sharks. Willing to do anything to get an answer; anything to get a story.

Feeling Kirei squirm in his grip, Sasuke picked up his head and loosed his grip, watching with a slight smile as she turned around, holding onto his jacket with both hands, burrowing her face into his chest like she always did. "Are you okay, Kirei?" He asked, tightening his grip once again, moving his hands to kneed her back gently and pet the part of hair that was still down.

She did not answer him in words, only nodding her head slightly, not caring if she smeared her make-up on his shirt or her hair fell out. All she cared about was that he'd come and saved her, like he promised her so many months ago.

Although he was focused on the blonde currently attached to him, Sasuke's now black eyes caught another blonde in the corner of his eye. Still holding on, but looking up, he found a curiously worried Naruto looking at them.

"What happened?" He asked, trying to see his cousin's face to make sure Kirei wasn't crying.

Sasuke gave a small smile, shaking his head as he said, "Don't worry about it."

Still holding onto his shirt, Kirei laid her head on his chest, her face facing her cousin, a small smile crossing her lips. "I'm okay, Nii-san. I just got a little upset, that's all." She explained, looking up at her cousin.

He wasn't quite sure that she was, but let it go, seeing as how she was with Sasuke and he'd kill him for questioning further. He grinned back. "Okay, Nee-chan."

At his grin, she grinned back, letting him know that even though she wasn't really talking, she was okay. Life may not have been easy with all the information leaking and everyone trying to get information out of her, but it would die down eventually. And that, she knew, is when life would come back to normalcy, which made her smile even more.

"I'm glad you're not letting those people get to you." Sasuke said, immediately noticing how happy his blonde had become.

She chuckled, looking up to her boyfriend. "They can't get to me cause you're holding me."

"That's the point." He replied with a smirk, crouching ever so slightly as he wrapped his arms, not around her waist as usual, but just a little lower, around her thighs, picking her up and off of her feet.

"Sasuke!" She cried out with laughter, smiling as she removed her hands from his tux and set them upon his shoulders for balance. "Put me down." She commanded with a smile, even though she really didn't want to be put down.

"No." He refused, not caring who was watching. It was just him and his Princess.

Staring directly into those onyx eyes she loved, she smirked. "I guess I'll have to make you then."

"And how do you plan to do that?" He asked back, wondering what that smirk meant.

Before anyone could blink, Kirei laced her hands into jet black hair, effectively bringing her closer as to kiss the one she loved.

He kissed back happily, smiling into the kiss as he closed his eyes instinctively and from the flashes of thousands of cameras.

Feeling him smile, she smiled as well, hands griping his hair as her right foot "popped", rising just a little as her toes pointed. Enwrapped in the kiss, Kirei forgot that nearly everyone on the red carpet was watching them.

No one dared to disturb them, knowing the violent Uchiha would probably kill them for ruining "their" moment, so even as the doors to the theater opened, everyone left them alone.

At least until Naruto came up.

"Hey, lovebirds!!" He called, walking straight up to his best friend and cousin, using his knuckles to rap onto the raven's head, stopping the kiss. He may be okay with the two of them dating, but he was sure as hell not okay with them kissing in public. Especially with thousands of cameras around.

Growling slightly, Sasuke pulled away, turning his head to see who'd interrupted his kiss. "What?" He snapped, glaring at the older blonde.

"Theater's open now." Naruto told them, immune to the Uchiha's glare. He'd seen it so many times, it'd become useless. "You can go ahead in."

"Do we have to?" Sasuke asked, turning back to his blonde, who was still off the ground.

Kirei chuckled, pressing her nose against his. "It's your guys' movie. Of course we have to go." She answered. "And you can put me down now."

"I don't think so." He replied, playful smirk on his face.

Just as Naruto opened his mouth to protest and yell, Hinata clamped her hand over his mouth, shutting him up. She'd been just a few feet away, smiling at the two and yet shaking her head at Naruto. He'd really become an overprotective brother, hadn't he? "Let them go, sweetie," She began, keeping her hand over his mouth while using her other hand to pull him along by the tie. "They'll come in soon."

He mrffed in response, crossing his arms.

"Oh, and you two should probably congratulate Neji and Raiha!" Hinata smiled, yelling over the few people had separated the two couples.

Still off the ground, Kirei ruffled her eyebrows at the blue haired girl. "Why?"

Ripping her hand off his mouth, Naruto growled. "They're getting married!" He cried in frustration, still upset that he couldn't out them first.

Kirei blinked, her eyebrows still knitted as she looked back to Sasuke, who still held her off her feet. "Isn't that a good thing?" She asked.

"I think he's mad because he didn't get to prove they were dating before they got engaged." He explained, knowing the Uzumaki well enough to know what made him mad.

"Oh yeah," She nodded. "I guess that does make sense…but are you ever going to put me down?"

He sighed, frowning playfully. "All right…" He complained, setting her back on her feet gently and holding his arm out for her just like he did for Prom those many months ago. Thinking back, he was astounded to remember that Prom was nearly a year ago. "I guess we'll head in."

Just like she'd done all those months before, she took his arm, smile broad on her face as they walked inside, leaving all the pestering reporters outside.

Not knowing the large theater as well as she would've like, Kirei let Sasuke lead the way through the very popcorn smelling lobby and – after buying some candy at her protests – found their way into the jam-packed theater.

"Nee-chan, nee-chan!!" Naruto cried as he jumped out of his seat and over a few rows, running over to her. "We saved you guys some seats!! Come on!!" He yelled over the chatter, taking his sister's empty hand and pulling her along, which also pulled a grumbling Sasuke along.

He led them to the near dead center of the seats where a few familiar faces were seated, chatting and waiting for the movie to begin while popping certain candies and popcorn into their mouths.

"I see you two are still attached." Hinata said, casting a sly smile to Kirei and Sasuke as Naruto sat down beside her, pulling his sister into the seat next to him and Sasuke the seat the beyond that.

"Yes, we are." Sasuke answered, taking his arm away from hers and lacing it over her shoulders.

Before Hinata could get a word in edgewise, the lights dimmed and then shut off, making the theater dark and silent.

"SHHHHHHH!!!" Naruto cried in excitement, staring with big blue eyes at the screen, waiting for the movie to begin. "It's starting!!!"

Almost everyone either shook their heads or laughed, knowing Naruto was a little more than excited to see this movie. They were as well, but not to the point he was.

So, as the projector in the room high above them began, the screen lit up as the movie began, making Naruto shush everyone even more.

And while stealing popcorn from her cousin, eating her own candy and completely engulfed in the movie, Kirei caught something out of the corner of her eye, making her smile ever so slightly. She only glanced over at first, then turned her head when she realized something.

Sasuke was watching her. He had those black eyes half lidded, but focused on her and his lips turned up into a slight smirk.

"Stop it." She whispered with a smile, leaning closer to him.

Onyx eyes never wavering, he smiled back, leaning closer to her. "Stop what?" He asked, smile turning into a devilish smirk as he closed the gap between their lips and kissed his Princess.

Like every time before, she kissed back, happy to be home again. Happy to be with the ones she loves again. When they finally broke apart, Kirei sighed, snuggling closer to him as much as she could with an armrest in the way.

Still smiling, he leaned up against the armrest, allowing his arm to wrap around her shoulders even more. Before looking up at the screen, he kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Kirei."

Tilting her head up to see him, she smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. "I love you, too, Sasuke."
