As always, these characters and settings belong to JK Rowling. And as always, love to my diligent beta TheRealSlimMalfoy

Potter's Army

Ernie was sorely unprepared for the punch to the jaw that awakened him the next morning.

He shook his head to clear his bleary eyes and aching jaw and looked up to see the snarling face of Blaise.

"What the fuck mate!" Ernie scrambled to untangle himself and prepare for another assault.

The Italian cracked his neck on each side and then carefully popped each knuckle while looking him straight in the eyes. They were both momentarily distracted by the cries of shock that came from Hermione in bed next to him. She was taking in the scene with a look of horror and then moved quickly to place herself between Ernie and the mad fury that was Blasie Zabini.

Blaise's expression softened and he held his hand out to her. "C'mer love. MacMillian has a bit of explaining to do to the whole family about his actions last night."

Hermione looked hesitant but took the proffered hand and went to Zabini's waiting arms.

"Now look here Blaise! I demand you tell me what this is all about!" Ernie stormed out of the bed, not bothering to cover himself in his anger. Blaise turned his furious gaze back to Ernie, "You bloody prick. I should hex you till you're nothing but a stain on the floor." For his part, Ernie looked taken aback by the vitriol spewing at him.

Blaise continued in a barely suppressed rage, " You fucking little wanker. Waited until Draco and Harry were gone to make your move didn't you? Got to get the big men out of the picture first before you would ever have a chance."

Hermione froze at Blaise's words. The pieces all fell into place and his attack that morning started to make a bit more sense.

It had bothered her the night before when Ernie had suddenly declared his affection for her and his desire to have a child by her. They had been together for years and she had never heard a single thing prior to it to indicate that he was desirous of starting a family with her. She believed he was sincere in his claims, but the fact that he had not even waited a day after finding out that Harry was the father of one of Lisa's children had niggled at the back of her mind while he had plied her with pleasure.

She stepped away from both of them and hastily pulled on her dressing gown while frowning at Ernie, "He's telling the truth, isn't he?"

Ernie had the decency to look ashamed, "Look, it isn't at all like that. I just thought that you would naturally pick Blaise or Harry after Draco, and now that Harry is out of the picture I thought I might actually have a chance and had to take that opportunity."

Hermione felt her temper flare red hot and was ready to deck the Hufflepuff for the sheer audacity of his statement. Blaise seemed content to let her handle the next bit, although he still looked menacingly at Ernie.

"I am not some piece of prize livestock to claim for breeding! You can't just assume because I am having a child now that I want more in the future and that you have any right to dictate who I have them with! Just because we made some arbitrary statements months ago when we were still stuck on an island doesn't mean that they will stay that way forever." She looked around and grabbed the nearest object, a hand mirror, then lobbed it at Ernie's face. He ducked just in time to miss the flying object but still had to bear the brunt of her continued ire, "Furthermore how dare you insinuate that Harry and Draco are gone for good! They are out there doing more than you ever have while you sit here in the lap of luxury bemoaning your incredibly lucky and pampered state."

She turned to stalk out of the room but stopped short when she heard Blaise chuckle. Turning slowly Hermione leveled her eyes squarely on him, "That counts for you to." Blaise stopped abruptly and glared at the retreating form.


Hermione had been ready to return to her rooms, ward the doors and prepare for a good dose of self pity. She was angry, lonely, queasy, frustrated and her pregnancy hormones weren't helping the situation.

What she hadn't counted on was Lisa going into labor with the twins not a moment after she had retired to her sanctuary.

Pansy had arrived at her door with a look of delight and urgency on her face pulling her by the arm towards Lisa's room.

"Can you believe it? We are going to be mothers again by the end of the day!" Pansy nattered on as she sped ahead of Hermione down the hallway, "Of course Theo is going spare and I sent a note through the Floo to Hogwarts already, Madam Pomfrey is on her way. I think the Headmaster forced her but at least we have the help. I also sent a note to Harry and Ron. I really thought Harry should know he will be a father today, even if he only found out he was going to be one last night."

Pansy stopped short and turned to to Hermione. Her shrewd eyes looked her over and saw the emotions Hermione struggled so valiantly to hide, "I'm sorry Hermione, I didn't even think before I spoke, I know this must be hard on you." Never good at comforting others, Pansy laid an awkward hand on her shoulder and patted her back a few times before pulling her hand away sharply and resuming her brisk pace.

Hermione felt her eyes sting as she blinked back tears. Of course she was happy for Lisa and for Harry but she had always thought of Harry as herHarry.

And wasn't that the problem with this whole relationship? Not one of them truly belonged to another. Even though she knew Draco was devoted to her, he still slept with other people regularly and as much as she tried not to, she still felt jealous ever now and then. As mad as she was at Ernie and Blaise right at that moment, she knew they loved her and, like herself, were just trying to adjust to their newest turn of circumstances.

Hermione took a deep breath and stepped into Lisa's room.

Lisa was slowly pacing while Theo walked with her and rubbed her lower back. Pansy rushed over to greet Madam Pomfrey who was turning down the bedsheets and whisking her wand about to sterilize the area. Hermione felt a wave of relief as she saw the witch efficiently prepare the space.

The Healer turned to her with a tight smile on her thin lips, "Hello dear. I know that you have helped your friends through this before but I felt I would be negligent to not offer my assistance as multiple births can be complicated."

Hermione nodded slowly as she took in the rest of the room, "Thank you, I would appreciate having someone here with actual medical knowledge. My greatest fear was always that something would go wrong and I would have no idea what to do." Hermione was startled as the door behind her opened and bumped her forward, she turned to greet the newcomer and was met by Harry Potter with the face of a 17 year old.


Ernie had been shocked by the explosive reaction from Hermione that morning. He hadn't meant to disrespect her in such a way. He had never even entertained the thought that she was simply for breeding, as she had so crassly implied before storming away.

He loved her. Plain and simple.

And while he would have liked to go to her and explain himself, the twins had decided that they were ready to make an appearance that very day, leaving him alone with the other men while Hermione was busy with Lisa.

So he watched with thinly veiled disgust from the side of the room as Ron held his sleeping son in his arms, gazing down on him in adoration.

It wasn't the interaction that held his interest. It was how bloody youthfulRon looked.

He had forgotten how young they were when they had begun their adventure, now they were fathers twice over, to be twice more before the day would be out.

Ernie sighed and held his head in his hands. It was late and he longed to be in his soft bed upstairs, finding Hermione to warm it for him would be a plus. Instead he was deep in conversation in the study with Ron,Terry, Michael and Blaise.

Ron who, currently, looked like a child holding a child.

Unable to hold his tongue any longer he bit out acerbically, "Doesn't it bother you?"

The others looked up at him, a bit startled by the harsh tone.

"Who, me?" Ron asked with a confused expression on his face, "Does what bother me?"

"Looking like a bloody child! Denying that you have a family and are 22 years old for fuck's sake!" Ernie could hardly himself together.

Ron's youthful face crumpled as he shrugged and looked down again at Marcus, "Yeah, it bothers me. Too much work to transfigure back to normal for such a short visit. Feels sort of creepy actually to be around you lot looking like this. Glad to see you though. Things have been strange lately."

Terry burst out laughing, "Things have been strange lately! When'd you notice that mate?"

The air seemed to clear of tension and Ernie allowed himself to relax. He was still haunted by Hermione's sharp words that morning. He knew he shouldn't take the stress of the day out on Ron but it irked him that he and Harry had waltzed in like nothing had changed while they looked like students and had a wife in labor with twins at that very moment.

Despite her misgivings over their situation Madame Pomfrey had agreed to help with Lisa's labor. Twins weren't easy under the best circumstances and Hermione had confided weeks ago that she hardly felt she was capable enough to deliver them safely into the world. Lisa had gone into labor that morning and when they summoned Madam Pomfrey to the Villa to ensure a safe delivery a youthful Harry and Ron accompanied her to see the birth of their newest children.

Harry and Theo were in with the girls assisting Lisa. Madame Pomfrey had drawn the line at having the ten of them in the room with her during the delivery. It was decided that Harry and Theo needed to see their sons into the world and Lisa refused to go through childbirth without Hermione and Pansy by her side.

They had been in there for hours and it seemed as if time was dragging by. Ron had spent time telling them selected information on the fight against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, carefully leaving out anything that could be of real interest.

Ernie supposed that annoyed him as well. Ron and Harry got to dosomething. He was holed up here like a coward unable to see his family or find out what was going on in the world.

And, yes, he knew it was to keep the others safe. Draco was off doing Merlin knows what to curry favor with his Dark Lord. It sounded like Harry and Ron were working with Dumbledore on something Ron only danced around quickly in conversation. He was sick of it.

"I want to join the Order."

Terry gave him an odd look, "You feeling alright Ernie?"

"Honestly? No. It is driving me spare to just sit here. Not just now, everyday. Ron and Harry are out doing something, hell, even Draco is doing something, not quite sure what, but something. I want to join the Order of the Phoenix. I want to do something to help."

Ron shook his head and handed Marcus over to Michael, "It isn't that simple Ernie. It isn't just some club. The Order members give over their lives for this cause, they die for this cause. There is a very real chance that we be coming back from this fight. I know that, Harry knows that, even Draco knows that. Stay here where it is safe and take care of the family."

Ernie felt his temper boiling over again, he seldom let it get the best of him, but when it did he exploded.

"I will not just sit here like an obedient pet! From what you have said, or maybe from what you haven't said, things are coming to a head. I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen to you or Harry and I sat here and did nothing. I am a full grown wizard and a damn powerful one at that. Tell me how it would hurt the Order if I were to join up."

Ron's face screwed up in frustration, "Of course you would help but, fuck Ernie, you could be badly hurt!"

Ernie shrugged, "So I get badly hurt. So what! This fight is too important to sit it out. When you leave tonight, I am leaving with you. Like it or not."

Ron looked to Terry, Blaise and Michael for help but was met by silent looks of agreement, "You really think I should just let him walk into this?"

"I have half a mind to join him," Michael took a large swig of his glass of bourbon, "We promised to support and protect one another and I can hardly do that while sitting here getting pissed every night."

"So that's that then?" Ron sighed and and ran his fingers through his hair, tugging it into disarray, "Then pour me another drink."


Hermione didn't know if it was Harry's youthful looks or his sheer presence that startled her so badly. Harry wore a look of concern and moved towards her slowly, "You okay Mione?"

"Yes, I just didn't expect to see you, especially looking the way you do." She squeezed her eyes closed to hold back the headache that had threatened all morning and tried to remind herself that Lisa was the most important thing at this momen. That it was likely that Harry hadn't even had a chance to say hello to the mother of his child, currently being born.

The thought immediately sobered her, "We can talk later Harry. Lisa needs you right now." He gave her a soft smile and hurried to Lisa's side.

Lisa face lit up when she saw Harry. He threw his arms about her and whispered something in her ear which made her break into a beatific smile and let forth a peal of laughter.

Hermione cringed at the sight but pushed the feelings away, today wasn't about how she felt about Harry, or how much she missed Draco, or how distant Blaise had become in the last few weeks. Today was about the two new lives they were bringing into the world.

Hours passed before Lisa was earnestly in labor. Things had gone smoothly and the other boys had come to visit twice already bringing Violet in to see her mother.

Violet was a bit confused by the situation. She seemed to understand that other babies were coming but the sight of her mother in pain agitated her such that Terry had to take her away, shushing into her hair and whispering comforting words.

By the time Lisa was actively pushing Hermione had moved out of the way and to the side of the room with Pansy, letting the experienced hands of Madam Pomfrey deliever the twins. Theo held one of Lisa's hands while Harry rubbed her back and smoothed her hair out of her face.

Madam Pomfrey adroitly handled the births, whisking each boy up into her arms before briskly cleaning them and presenting them to their exhausted mother.

The five of them looked in awe at the tiny new additions to their family. The older twin had a mess of dark black hair whereas the younger was almost bald with light wisps of blonde fuzz. After smiling down at her sons Lisa turned to Harry and handed him the firstborn.

"Harry Potter I present you with your son. Do you acknowledge him as your own?" Lisa asked with a quiet but determined voice.

Hermione watched Harry's eyes fill with tears as he gently accepted his son into his arms. His face had a look of awe as he cradled the newborn.

This was the first time with one of their children that they were able to perform the presentation of the child, as the parentage of Violet and Marcus were uncertain at their births.

"I do accept this son as my own. Blood of my blood and flesh of my flesh. So mote it be." As he spoke the final words a blue haze of magic encircled him, encompassing Lisa and their child.

Lisa gave a dazzling smile and turned to Theo to present her second son.

"Theodore Nott I present you with your son. Do you acknowledge him as your own?"

Theo quickly took his son into his arms and pressed a kiss to Lisa's cheek. His voice wavered as he spoke, "I do accept this son as my own. Blood of my blood and flesh of my flesh. So mote it be." The magic crackled around them and Hermione felt a wave of calm flow over her. The child inside her gave a firm kick as it seemed to recognize the magic as well.

Hermione turned to Pansy who was tightly grasping her hand and had tears streaming down her face.

"Oh Hermione, did you ever think we would see this? Even with everything that is going wrong, doesn't this feel perfect?" And Hermione had to agree, in that moment everything did seem perfect.

But too quickly the moment seemed to pass. Pansy gently let go of her hand and left to gather the others to see their new sons. Hermione moved quietly to Harry's side and peered over his arms to the tiny bundle of cloth and child he held close to his chest. She laid her hand softly on his arm and whispered, "Congratulations Harry."

The smile he gave her was breathtaking. He seemed to glow from within, radiating his joy outward to encompass the others in the room. "Thanks Hermione. Isn't he beautiful?"

Hermione gave him a soft nudge with her hip, "Of course he is. How could he not be with you and Lisa as parents?"

"Oy! What about my brat?" Theo asked in a teasing manner. Hermione made her way around the bed to look at their youngest just as the others burst into the room.

"You know he is adorable as well Theo." She chuckled as he leant down and placed a quick peck on her cheek before turning back to Lisa who was inundated with the large group.

Madam Pomfrey tsked at all the excitement and made to protest but the enthusiasm they exuded made her bite her tongue and take in the site of her former students as new parents.

Michael held their youngest in his arms cooing at the newborn before turning to Lisa, "What are you going to name them? We can't just call them twin one and twin two."

Lisa giggled slightly at the thought before turning to Harry and Theo, "Well boys, what shall we name them?"

"Really?" Theo asked in awe. Lisa gave a firm nod, "Really. I got to name Violet all by myself, but these are our sons, we should name them together." At the evil twinkle in Theo's eye she amended, "I do retain the right to veto anything ridiculous."

While Theo looked at his son with amusement, Harry seemed overwhelmed with emotion as he gazed at Lisa with adoration. Violet was snuggled up to her side dozing off, and together they made the perfect picture of motherhood and maternal love.

Pansy returned Harry's son to his arms with a kiss to the baby's forehead, "What will we call him Harry?"

Harry looked to his son and then back to Lisa, "May we call him James Sirius?"

At his words Hermione felt tears prick at her eyes and noticed she wasn't the only person moved by the request. They all knew Harry's history and how much he mourned his late godfather.

The others in the room grew silent as they watched Lisa give Harry a watery smile. She reached for Harry's hand and took it in her own, "I would be honored to name our son James Sirius. I love you Harry." Harry gave her a one armed hug, making sure not to crush the baby in his arms, and kissed her sweetly on the lips, "I love you too Lisa."

Lisa took her son from Harry and smiled at him, "Hello James, I am your mother. You have a whole family waiting to meet you that already loves you very much." She held her son in front of her, "To my family, I present to you James Sirius Potter."

With a large smile Hermione responded with the others in unison, "We accept him as our own." Harry took James back in his arms and looked to Theo, "So what will it be?"

Theo had a very serious look on his face as he studied his son. He looked about to his family before speaking in a low clear voice, "Lisa, with your permission, I name him Xavier Theodore."

Lisa gave a happy nod and held out her arms to him, "Such a big name for such a little man." She kissed his forehead and held him up to the family, "To my family, I present to you Xavier Theodore."

There were a few chuckles as Xavier let forth a cry as his name was announced but they quickly followed with, "We accept him as our own."

And with that the children were sealed into their family and upon their hearts.


Within the hour Madam Pomfrey took Harry and Ron aside to let them know they must presently return to Hogwarts and to start their goodbyes.

Hermione noticed Ernie, Terry and Michael slip out as Ron held Marcus to him and spoke in low tones to Pansy, who clung about him like a vine. Harry sat on the edge of the bed clutching James to him and sharing a last chat with Lisa.

Blaise had made his way over next to her on the settee and took her hand gently in his. He leaned across and planted a kiss on her temple, "Are you still mad at me?"

Hermione looked at him and took in the weariness that had invaded his features since Draco left. She shook her head and gave his hand a squeeze, "I'm too tired to be angry besides, you are hard to stay mad at."

He gave her arm a tug and pulled her half into his lap. He rested her back against his chest and pulled her legs up onto the upholstery, "Then why don't you look happy? I thought the twins would make things better. At least for the day we have something to be happy about."

She gave a sigh and a shrug, "Because I'm not happy Blaise. I miss Draco every bloody minute and I worry about him so much. Of course I miss Harry and Ron too, but its different, you know? We hear from them. We can reach them and see them if we need to and there are people watching their backs for us."

Blaise nuzzled the crook of her neck with his nose, "There are people looking out for Draco as well."

Hermione tried to relax in his embrace, "Snape doesn't count as 'people'. And soon Harry and Ron will be out on their own as well. This charade can't be kept up much longer and then they aren't safe and Draco is as good as dead."

"Cara, don't allow yourself to fret over things that haven't happened. I believe Potter's Army is growing even as we speak and if things get rough Draco will get out of there. If anyone has a deeply ingrained sense of self preservation it is a Malfoy."

Their conversation was interrupted by Ron coming over to hug and kiss them goodbye, followed by Harry.

Harry seemed to hold her longer than necessary and Hermione started to pull away before he tightened his grip and spoke softly in her ear.

"Hermione, I know we need to talk about this. At the very least I owe you an explanation." She made to stop him, they didn't need the anguish added to their already painful farewell, but he continued, "This was just as much a shock to me as it was to you. I am so sorry hurt you and I will make sure to find a way to contact you this week so we can talk about it." Hermione allowed her body to rest against his as he continued to apologize, "You know that I love you more than anything and that you will always, always, be my girl. I promise you I will make this better."

She gave him a pained nod and kissed him softly on the lips. Harry sighed wearily and turned to Ron and Madame Pomfrey to depart.

They left Lisa and Theo alone with the newborns and went to the first floor to leave from the Floo connected specifically for the occasion. As the three readied themselves for departure with handfuls of powder they were interrupted by Ernie, Michael and Terry with rucksacks over their shoulders.

Ernie halted their questions before they could even be voiced, "We're going with you and you can't stop us."

"What, all of you?" Ron asked with agog, "I thought it was only Ernie who'd be thick enough to come with us."

Harry turned on him with surprise "You knew about this?"

Ron shrugged his shoulders, "They're dead set on helping out the Order and couldn't be talked out of it. We can always use the help, and it be nice to have our mates about again."

"But what about us?" Pansy asked with a wavering voice and a pleading look at the three preparing to leave.

Michael crossed the fireplace and pulled her into a hug, "We won't be gone forever and Blaise and Theo will stay to make sure you are protected." He heard a scoff from Hermione at the sentiment but continued on, "Especially now that Harry and Ron are both fathers, we have to make sure they make it back. Harry's going to need an army, and who better than we to watch his back?"

Terry finished hastily hugging Hermione and Pansy then clapped Harry on the shoulder and grabbed a handful of Floo powder, "You heard it Harry, you are looking at Potter's Army."

Harry looked around at the small group leaving with him and couldn't suppress his smile, "Just call me General Potter."