"Please review. As any author will tell you, it's kind of annoying to get alerts from people who favourite and alert but not review."


A/N: I agree. I don't own Shugo Chara!

This chapter is dedicated to my wiffey Jess! If it wasn't for her, I don't think I would have updated because she got me back into Shugo Chara! And yes, I changed my pen-name, again.

PS. Thanks to all those who favoured or put this story on alert as well as yours truly. I really appreciate it!


Eyes closed. Face smoothed. Lips parted. Nose flared.

Cheeks red?!

Rubbing her eyes, and brushing the hair out of her face. Her lips parted into a big yawn and her nostrils flared. Groaning, she turned over and smiled; the plaid covers smelled nice. God, she really was a scent pervert. For some special reason, her fingers found its way to her cheeks and she began rubbing it gently. Damn she had school today. She really didn't want to get up; today she just wanted to stay home, happily in bed. Besides, the covers smelled nice…


Startled, she got up and started freaking out. She swore she didn't wash them yesterday, so how could it smell NICE?!

'Oh and why are my cheeks red?' She thought as she looked through the mirror, 'especially my left cheek…'

She felt like they had a connection, but she didn't want to think. Her head began to spin and she crawled back into her bed. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, her whole body felt hot, the burning sensation spreading rapidly in her body.

'Why did it feel so nice yesterday night and now…ughh.'

Her body rolled up into a ball, she scrunched up like trying to imitate a kitten. She scrunched up her eyes and tried to make herself comfortable. She rubbed her temple and soon fell asleep again.

Her Shugo Charas, Miki was the first to stir, followed by Su. Together, they shook Ran up and looked over at their owner.

"I guess Amu-chan did get sick from yesterday's rain storm," Ran said worriedly, looking at the pale girl.

Miki hide her worry behind a scolding face, "She stubbornly just went in to purify that X egg, it's her own fault."

Meanwhile, Su began to prepare some soup for the girl; she was adorn in a green, frilly maid's outfit so one would know she was ace in household chores.

"Where's Amu-chi today?" A young girl name Yaya asked Tadase; they were Guardians of the school, Yaya in the Ace chair, Tadase in the King's chair.

However, the Jack's chair, Nagihiko answered, "I heard she called in sick this morning."

"Awww, do you think we should pay her a visit?" Yaya asked.

"No, I think its best if we leave her alone to rest," The Queen's chair, Rima answered.

Yaya started to pout as Tadase made attempts to calm her down.

"Achoo," Amu sneezed, rubbing her stuffy nose after, "Am I really that sick?"

"You should rest desu," Su said, taking her temperature, "101degree desu! This is bad Amu-chan."

"I'm fine Su, medicine will make me feel better."

Ran, Miki, and Su looked at their owner worriedly, hoping this fever would die down soon. Just then, they sensed something.

Su whispered to her fellow charas, "It is just me, or do I smell X eggs?" she asked as Ran and Miki nodded in agreement.

Unfortunately for them, Amu heard, "X eggs?" she asked.

"It's nothing desu!" Su said trying to hide what she just shared; she was sweat dropping like mad.

"Its suspicious enough that you were whispering, now tell me where they are." Amu demanded.

Su's eyes twitched, Miki sighed and Ran being Ran said, "At Central Park."

Amu reluctantly pulled aside the covers and opened her closet. She threw on a sweater and a skirt before she grabbed her scarf and boots and bolted out the door, with her Shugo Charas tailing behind her.

You want to see her again. You desire to see her again. You need to see her again.

You love her innocence, the innocence that was robbed from you ages ago. You love her laugh, the laughter that you are unable to show without her. You love her smile, the smile that can take your breath away…your pain.

You want to hold her forever and never let go. You want to be,


The only way you can possibly see her is when you destroy X eggs, and by doing so you're destroying her trust, the trust you earned unconditionally.

You hear a knock on the door, sighing, you pull away from your dark sheets and open it reluctantly.

"The Director wishes to see you."

You groan inwardly before closing your door.

You are Easter's puppet, a lowly garbage man. Your job is to dispose X eggs, which is why you are out here on this fine, rather gloomy afternoon.

You chara nari with your Shugo Chara, together you two fuse into Black Lynx. You grab hold one of the black eggs with a white cross on them. You're about to break it into tiny pieces until you sense a presence behind you, a presence you dread seeing on these 'missions' a presence blind to the dark, hateful world you're trapped in. A presence you wish could save you, but it involves danger, something you wish to avoid.

"I-Ikuto?" her shocked, hesitant voice stuttered. You clear your face, void of emotions before turning to face her.

It starts to rain.

The sky turns dark, clouds are rolling in. You hear thunder and a flash of lightening illuminates her face, her red, sickly, pale face.

'She's sick' you think, which is true.

"Ran! Chara Nari!" she commands her Shugo Chara. You just stand there, unsure what to do.

You watch as she transforms into a pink cheerleader outfit. You stare at her exposed skin as the rain pellets shoot through like ice. She sneezes then attacks you with one of her moves.

Instantly, the X egg flies out of your hand and she purifies it. You stare dumbfounded.

"Amu." You let her name roll out off your tongue. You watch as she tries to glare at you as she changes back into her normal clothes, in a sitting position on the ground, soaked to the core.

Her Charas yell out concerns, but she ignores them to stare at you with sad eyes. You stare back, trying to hide all emotions. You feel guilty.

She's tries to stand up, but fails as she faints. In one swift movement, you hold her close to you, bridal style, and rather protectively. With a sigh, you hurry to bring her back into her bedroom. You proceed to do what you did the night previous and succeed once more.

You place her on her bed, not knowing what to do. You remember that she has little sister who can see Charas, so you tell her Charas to inform her sister when she comes back from school.

You open her closet to look for something warm to cover her in, but immediately close it when you see her strawberry patterned panties.

You change back into your regular clothes and take off your shirt. You place it over her, its still warm from your body heat. Still dry because unlike her, you didn't stand in the rain with it, you were in your Black Lynx outfit.

You stare out the window and wonder how you're going to get back. You look back down at the sleeping girl and decided, since no one was going to be home, you might as well stay for a bit.

Sighing contently, you slide into bed with her, holding her close to share body heat. You reach out for the blanket before your eyes rest on a photo, a recent picture of the guardians by the looks of it. Your eyes rest on the blond hair boy.

The boy you once protected and loved like a brother has become your rival in love. You chuckled at the irony before shutting your eyes and pulling her closer. Closing your eyes and dreaming of better days.

A/N: I. FAIL. At. Writing. Amu. Deal with it. Ikuto is much easier :3

I don't like this chapter ;__; (I think it fails horribly.) I know I probably made a lot of mistakes, but I haven't written in AGES. Please correct me if you see any!

Review Please ^__^