Random sayings: So, I'm back. And I'm blue. And green. And purple. And red. And-
Kurogane: Just get on with the story, yeah? No one wants to hear about what colors you turn.
Me: But, Kuro-pon! It's important that the readers know!
Kurogane: Why?
Me: Cause Mommy said so. So there. :P
Kurogane: That idiot will never stop with the stupid nicknames, will he?
Me: Nope! On with the story! Tell me whatcha think at the end!
Kurogane: Just shut up already!

Saoran looked out of is window and took a deep breath. 'This is it...it all comes down to the end tomorrow.' He sighed and placed his hand on the ring in his pocket, then glared out the window again.

"Who said I wanted to get married anyway!" He hit his desk and looked around his room. It was fairly small, big enough for his bed and dresser, as well as a desk. It had grey-white walls and, as he looked around, enough room just for him. But tomorrow...tomorrow he was leaving, going away and getting married. "I don't even know this girl!" He turned to glare out the window again. But...

"Syaoran Li! Get down here so that we can leave-we have to rehearse for the wedding!" Syaoran sighed and, taking one last look at his room, walked across the floor and out the door, shutting it firmly behind him.

Sakura sighed for the millionth time as her friends poured endlessly over a pile of books. One of her friends grinned.

"Are we boring you, your Royal Highness?" Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Why, oh, why do you insist on calling me that?" Chiharu giggled.

"Cause I like to. I think it suits you." Sakura hit the giggling girl on the head softly and sighed. Again.

"You're really annoying, Chiharu. How's my cousin doing?" Chiharu stopped giggling and put her hands on her hips, looking at Sakura with an exasperated expression.

"Really, dear, you'll see her soon enough. Can't you wait? Honestly, I thought the living were impatient! I mean, it'll happen eventually, and anyway, do you see me or anyone else complaining? Everyone here is waiting for someone, someone they love and care about, not just you! Honey, a piece of advice? Calm your pretty, little head down, and WAIT, like the rest of us." Sakura sighed.

"All right, all right, Chiharu." Chiharu's friend, Rika, rolled her eyes.

"Chiharu, leave the poor girl alone. You're so mean to her all the time! Sakura, honey, just ignore this stubbon idiot. She's just annoyed because she doesn't have her precious Takashi telling the stupid lies he always tells that make her beat him up. That's all." Sakura looked down and sighed.

"Oh. I see. Well, I'm gonna go upstairs." Chiharu grinned slightly.

"How far upstairs? Back to your home, Princess?" Sakura scowled.

"No, my brother and his friend, including my father, would freak! No, on the other side of the cemetary is a town. I'm going there."

"Have fun, Sakura-chan..." Sakura smiled softly.


Syaoran groaned quietly in frustration. So far, as the rehearsal goes, he had forgotten his lines, dropped the ring twice, no, make it three times, knocked over a candle, and basically made a mess of the whole thing. His fiancee, Miss Meiling, was obviously embaressed enough for the both of them, especially when her mother decided to comment on the whole fiasco. Loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Well, it looks like WE are the only ones prepared for this." That did it for Syaoran. Out of sheer frustration, he whirled about and ran right out of the church, straight into the woods. His parents and fiancee looked after him.

"He'll come back, don't worry, Meiling, dear." Meiling's mother scowled.

"He'd better. If he doesn't, then the wedding is off."

Syaoran wandered around in the forest, not paying attention to where he was going or, really, what he was doing.

"It's a few very simple VOWS! I should be able to do this, it should be EASY! Especially since it's just a REHEARSAL! Ugh, I can't believe I can't get a few simple vows out of my mouth properly!" As if to prove to himself that he could still do the vows correctly, Syaoran, imagining, redid the whole rehearsal in his mind. He said his vows clearly and, not paying attention, put the ring out in front of him.

"Uh...is this the part where I say 'I do'?" Syaoran's eyes opened, then widened in horror when he realized what he had done. In front of him stood a girl, about his age, with short brown hair that was tied up in pigtails. Her eyes, which were a striking green, shone in confused excitement.

"No, no, wai-" She cut him off.

"I do." She smiled, a very pretty smile, (or so Syaoran would've thought had he not been so freaked out about what he had just did) and leaned forward slowly. "You may kiss the bride..." Syaoran shook his head quickly.

"No, this is -"

"SAKURA! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE NOW!!" Syaoran couldn't hide his relief fast enough. The girl in front of him scowled lightly.

"Chiharu has the worst possible timing, I swear." She turned in the direction of the voice. "COMING, CHIHARU!" Sakura turned back to Syaoran. "I guess we'll have to wait until next time. Good-bye, dear boy, good-bye!" She waved and ran back into the woods. Syaoran stood, letting relief wash over him. 'No one will know that some random girl tried to kiss me, no one will know. No one needs to know. And now that I know I can do my vows properly, I can go back.' He turned to leave, but then he realized a small, but important, detail.

He had just put the ring on that 'random girl's' finger.

How in the WORLD was he going to explain that?

Not far off, someone dressed all in black saw the whole thing. "Excuse me, miss, who is that young boy over there?" The ten-year-old girl looked at Syaoran and back at the man.

"Well, that's Syaoran Li, isn't it? He's gonna be married tomorrow. To Miss Meiling. The whole town's talking about it." The girl smiled happily before jumping and blushing. "I'm sorry, sir, was that too much information?" The man smiled (she guessed that he smiled, at any rate)

"No, my dear, you've been perfectly helpful. Thank you."

Me: So, whatcha think, whatcha think, whatcha think?
Kurogane: I think that if you don't shut up, people won't ever read this ever again.
Me: Daddy, that's mean!
Kurogane: Then let them review if they want, and shut up already!
Me: Fine. (pouts, then smiles at readers) Let me know what you think! And before anyone mentions it (cause I know there will be a few questions about this)
1) Yes, Sakura is dead. But she died fairly recently, about two weeks before the actual story takes place. How, I'm...actually, I'm still working on that.
3) I am actually planning a different ending to this than the actual movie, so do NOT flame me about coupling Syaoran with Meiling, please.
Kurogane: Do you ever shut up?
Me: Nope, i thought the people had a right to know. Besides, i figured i should also mention this. (whispers in Kurogane's ear)
Kurogane: WHAT?!
Me: (runs away as Kurogane pulls out a sword) AAAAAHHHH! SSSSAAAVVVEEE MMMEEEE! (but review if you can, please!)

Well, that's all i have to say! JA NE, til next time, my friends!