Title: Dragon's Lies

Author: Knux33

Disclaimer: I don't own D.Gray Man. I do own the dragon's though.

Summary: Dragons add madness to the tale and the Order is moved. All are shocked when Allen finally reappears, with a dragon and two children in tow. As truth and fiction mingle, who can be trusted with truth, and which heart is rotted with lies? SEQUEL TO DRAGON'S EYE.

"It often happens, then, that the evil may be recognized by its very disguise. The lie can be perceived before the misdeed it is designed to hideā€”the cover-up before the fact. We see the smile that hides the hatred, the smooth and oily manner that masks the fury, the velvet glove that covers the fist.

Because they are such experts at disguise, it is seldom possible to pinpoint the maliciousness of the evil. The disguise is usually impenetrable.

But what we can catch are glimpses of 'the uncanny game of hide-and-seek in the obscurity of the soul, in which it, the single human soul, evades itself, avoids itself, hides from itself.'"

Quote from 'People of the Lie' By M. Scott Peck, M.D. (pg.76, 1998 second addition, paperback)


(AN:Sort-of continued from Ch.10 of Dragon's Eyes. )

Lavi could almost say that life had become normal once more at the Order. Almost.

"Servant!" A beautiful but dreaded voice called. "Servant, fetch me some of that salmon the cook is making so scrumptiously today!"

Lavi groaned, knowing the dragon did not want an answer or reply, just the demanded food on the double. Running to the cafeteria, Lavi wonder yet again since returning from the Atacama desert just when Allen would get home.

The Order had payed for the trip there and back, but according to several records Allen had not shown up at any of the designated inns or trains for the passed three days.

Hopping the exorcist wasn't totally lost, which he probably was, Lavi grabbed one of the food trays with a heap of salmon upon it and ran back to the dragon's balcony.

Jerry had long since decided to just place heaps of food on one table for the 'dragon handlers' to more easily and quickly feed their charges.

It was a good system, and Lavi was glad for it as he huffed and puffed his way back to Ammy for the thirty-first time that morning alone.

"Very good," Ammy praised him like a dog that did the desired trick, and proceeded to gracefully swallow chucks of the salmon whole.

Lavi sighed and went over to Sunny's side of the balcony to visit Miranda while the orange dragon ate.

Miranda wasn't all by her lonesome, though Lavi highly doubted she was having a good time--

"Please put him down!" She wailed, Sunny holding a poor Noise Marie up to her nose.

"But he is so interesting," Sunny argued, staring at Marie's Innocence. "Does it stay there all the time?"

"M-mostly--" Marie looked very nervous about his current position in the yellow dragon's claws (though she was being very gentle).

"What does it do?" Sunny asked and, much to Miranda's horror, poked the exorcist's head wear.

"It helps me hear things I normally couldn't," Marie informed the dragon calmly, seemingly accepting that he couldn't get down until the dragon's curiosity was satisfied.

"Oh," Sunny's dragon eyes were wide and happy. "Thank-you!"

She plopped him down and Miranda immediately went to Marie and apologized profusely.

"It's alright," The humble man said, "I was quite curious about her as well."

Miranda continued apologizing, seemingly not hearing his attempted replys.

Lavi laughed as he walked up, "Its alright Miranda!" He said in his usual good-humored way, "Its not like the guy was just eaten!"

"I was only looking," Sunny said sternly to Miranda, lowering her massive highlighter-yellow head closer to a humans eye-level. "You must not be so worried all the time!"

"But you are always doing things without asking first!" Miranda said with a groan, "If you could learn to talk politely like Smudge--"

At the mention of the older dragon's name Sunny visibly wilted like an overly-dry sunflower, thinking Miranda would rather have the other creature.

Miranda began to jabber out apologies yet again, Causing Lava and Marie to leave the two to themselves.

"How ya been Marie?" Lavi asked the other exorcist. "We haven't seen you for a while."

"I've been fine," Nose said conversationally. "I've been helping General Tiedoll with the new exorcist."

"Chaoji?" Lavi asked. "How is he? I haven't seen him since we got out of the infirmary."

"Fine," Marie said, the two gravitating toward the third dragon on the balcony and Kanda. "He's getting along well with his innocence."

"Thats good."

"What about Kanda? I heard he also got a dra--"

"Harder!" A shout went out from beyond the black dragon's great bulk. The mass of black scales was twisting and turning like a snake weaving in on itself.

Curious, Lavi and Marie walked around to see, and saw Kanda narrowly dodge a swipe from Smudge's tail.

Kanda yelled out "Faster! You're not even trying you overgrown lizard!"

"I do not wish you hurt you--" Smudge whined, half-heartedly swinging a second time with his claws.

"Too bad!" Kanda lunged and in an eye blink was climbing up Smudge's back and smacked him right between the horns with his wooden practice sword. "Dead."

Smudge whined again, looking up at the disgruntled exorcist on his head. "I do not know why you insist on this, you are not an akuma so I do see the purpose in hurting you."

"Pretend I'm an akuma," Kanda growled, throwing away the weapon, as it had snapped on impact with the dragon's scaled skull. "We're practicing this so an enemy has no chance whatsoever of wounding you."

"But you are not my enemy, you are my friend."

"Rabbit!" Kanda snarled at the apprentice Bookman, "Explain to the lump why this is necessary," The raven haired exorcist slide down off of the dragon's head and walked away, "I'm going for lunch."

Smudge looked very depressed at the 'abandonment,' and looked dejectedly at Lavi, pleading with his eyes for understanding.

"Yuu's just grumpy 'cause beansprouts not back yet for him to wrestle with," Lavi said. "And you really should do as he says, I don't think you guys get nearly enough time put into practice fighting."

"But why must we practice?" The dragon said, surrounding Lavi and Marie with his coils as they spoke, a habit he had gotten into. "Why can't we just go out and destroy the akuma now?"

"Practice makes perfect," Marie suggested, having known the exorcist the longest. "Kanda just wants to make sure you won't get hurt, and this is just one of the ways he tells people he cares about them."

"Oh," Smudge said, though he still looked confused. "But why can he just not say it then?"

Lavi laughed and patted the dragon, "The day Yuu says he cares about someone is the day he stops calling Allen a 'bean sprout.'"

"Is that day soon?" Smudge sighed, uncoiling. "Because he seems very much alone most of the time. Do you think he needs a mate?"

Lavi stared, then fell to his knees convulsing in giggles. Even Marie couldn't help but give a great booming laugh at that. The two were incapacitated for quite a time, Lavi literally rolling on the ground.

And that is how Kanda found them a few minuets later, nibbling on his soba.

"What's so funny?" The two immediately collected themselves, about to stutter an answer when--

"I was just thinking that you needed a mate." Smudge declared, much to Lavi and Marie's horror. "You seem much too lonely."

A second passed in silence. Two seconds. Three--

"What did you say?" Kanda's manner was quite calm, but the trio could just feel the rage flaming around him like a bonfire.

"Y-you need a mate?" Smudge seemed frightened now, a ridiculous fact due to the size difference between him and the exorcist alone.

Then Lavi noticed something horrible.

"K-Kanda," He said shakily, "W-when did they fix Mugen?"

Kanda smiled, though it was far from reassuring as his blade slipped out of it's sheath with a hiss. "Today."

Marie tried moving away from the young Bookman apprentice, as he seemed to be the target of Kanda's anger. Smudge also abandoned Lavi to the attack.

Lavi noticed them both inching away, "G-guys!"

"What sort of shit have you been feeding my dragon's mind Rabbit?" The sword was freed fully from it's container, truly ringing like a bell now.

"Nothing! Tell him Smudge--"

But it was far too late for any sort of explanation now, Kanda lunged and Lavi ran for his life.

Miranda and Sunny had started to begin arguing about apologizing, Marie and Smudge kept their distance from the two, and Ammy laughed uproariously at the scene, picking fish scales out from between her teeth with a talon.

"How much do you want to bet my Servant will evade your Kanda's sword for at least ten minutes?" She said to Smudge, ignoring Lavi's cries for help.

Smudge looked shocked by her statement. "Are you not going to help him?"

"Why? Its his fault for being stupid."

Yes, everything was almost back to normal. Almost.


Komui was thinking. Thinking hard. The eggs added by the Atacama desert trip were doing nicely. Well, the thirteen recovered were anyway.

The fourteenth was still out there somewhere, hopefully with the missing Allen Walker.

Why had the innocence taken on this new form?

What was the importance of the 'Musician?'

Where was Allen Walker?

Why was he the 'required player' for the ark?

Where was Lenalee with his coffee ...

So many questions, so little energy. Komui sighed as he observed the data coming in from a nearby machine attached to egg 36, as all of them had now been numbered. But then the supervisor noticed a red light go off.


Oh, dear. The egg was rocking and the monitor beeped hysterically for attention. Komui looked around to see just who the egg could be reacting too.

The only one near the egg was himself, the rest of the staff doing something or other too far away to hear the sirens.

Oh my.


The familiar voice made his head snap around to look up at on of the nearby metal platforms.

"Lenalee!" Was it reacting to his little sister?

Komui didn't notice had the said egg was now in pieces, and a small green dragon was snorting at him for attention.

"Hello?" The little lizard said. It was ignored.

Lenalee couldn't have a dragon! The beasts were rude--

"Hellooo!" Agitated now, but still ignored.

--they were vile--

The small green reptile snorted again, and proceeded to climb Mt. Komui.

--And worst of all--

The green dragon was almost at the top.

--They did not respect his hat!

The creature slid in under the rim of the beret, and curled itself up in Komui's curly hair under his favorite hat.

That, the supervisor noticed. "AHHH!"

Poor Komui was running around like a headless chicken, much to Lenalee's confusion. Not seeing the dragon crawl onto his head and under his hat, she just marked it off as her brother's usual behavior.

She got to work passing out cups of coffee and ignored the frantic screaming that was sadly very common in the science department.


"What was that Supervisor?" Reever grumbled, trying to analyze a scale sample from Smudge.

"Get it oooooff!" Komui whined, wiggling like something slimy had just crawled under his hat. Which, of course, something had.

Reever could not see the source of distress, and just decided Komui was just being his crazy, sleep deprived self. So the equally sleep-deprived scientist mumbled, "Supervisor, maybe you could go get some sleep. I can take care of the samples we've collected--"

"Get it off!!"

"Poor supervisor," Johnny said, looking up from a pile of paperwork he was filling out. "He's finally gone off of the deep end."

"Think he'll let me have his office?" One of the lab coats whispered.

Komui decided that since the science department seemed so disinclined to help him, he would go screaming somewhere else--

Which he did, loudly.

Followed by several bemused looks, Section Leader Chief Komui ran screaming throughout the Order's headquarters.

Of course, he was in too much of a panic to simply remove the hat. Of course, everyone else was too tired to really care about one screaming Komui. Of course, the little dragon was having the best time of it's short life geling Komui's hair with it's still wet egg goop.

Almost normal. Almost.


So that is how, at noon and most everyone was on a lunch break, they had the pleasure of watching Lavi running like mad through the lunch lines, trying to evade the raging Kanda behind him.

Several lunches were destroyed in the process as Lavi used the crowd to try to evade the samurai. His plan wasn't working very well, as Kanda bulldozed through the crowd as Lavi wove around them, getting the attacker closer to him instead of farther away.

And as Kanda closed in behind the Bookman apprentice, that is when Komui made his grand entrance of, "Get it off!"

Then there was nothing but chaos.

Food, spilling drinks, a running-redhead, a screaming Komui, and an increasingly agitated Kanda caused madness and mayhem as they made their way through several innocent bystanders and ran back to the balcony.

"Come back here Rabbit and get what's been coming to you!"

"I would, if what's coming to me wasn't a very sharp and pointy object!"

"Get it off!"

Komui seemed to think Kanda was the one to ask to get 'it' off of his head, and Kanda wanted very much to cut off Lavi's head, but Lavi very much liked his head where it was and--

(AN: Pant, pant. Give me a sec, pant, you all laughing, pant, just try to do this while carrying a laptop, pant, And type a fanfiction, pant, at the same time, chokes and falls over. Recovers and--)

--The three continued on relatively the same method of action, bursting out from the cafeteria and making their way back up to the balcony--


"I did not mean to say something offensive," Smudge said to Sunny and Ammy, the three conversing while eating a few roasted deer they had gotten from the forest around the castle and had Ammy roast for a snack. "And whatever is offensive about finding a mate?"

"Maybe he already has one," Sunny suggested, chewing on a thigh-bone. "Though he does not seem the 'caring' type to me."

"Whatever do you mean by that?" Smudge said, clearly miffed by her statement, "Kanda is very caring, he just shows it in a different way than others."

Ammy almost choked on her meat as she guffawed. Smudge waited for her to contain herself and to give an answer.

"That social pincushion-- caring?" The orange beast laughed once again, unable to contain herself, Sunny joining her.

Smudge looked very agitated, his scales lifting like a dog's hackles. "I do not see what is so funny."

"You basically asked the least caring human on the balcony to love someone--" Ammy chuckled, "And to possibly have someone love that back."

"I do not like your tone at all," Smudge declared, "And I do not wish to speak with you two any longer." He then got up, rising from his position around the meat and stalking off to another end of the balcony. (The dragon equivalent to getting up and leaving the table.)

"Hmph," Sunny snorted, "We were just giving our opinions. I do not see what has agitated him so, we have only said the truth."

"Well, he is free to dislike and disagree." Ammy pointed out, snatching up one last bite of the deer. "I wonder when my Servant is going to reappear?"

Marie, who had been trying to get Miranda to stop apologizing to him since the two had left, told them it would probably take only a few minutes.

"How do you know that?" Ammy asked.

"He can probably hear them coming," Sunny pointed out, remembering his description of his Innocence's power. "Am I right?"

"Yes." Marie told her. "And I think Komui is also with them, the Supervisor has a very distinct yell--"

"Get it off!" The named Komui screamed as he ran in after the panting Lavi and growling Kanda.

Ammy started laughing again; Marie and Miranda hastily got out of their way as they raced around the two female dragons lounging in the sun.

Komui, now gasping for air, asked Marie while grabbing his coat, "...Get ... it ... off ..."

Confused on hearing a second heartbeat on Komui's head, and some squishy sounds, Marie obliged him. Himself, Miranda, and the two present dragons looked down in amusement as a small green lizard glared at them from atop of Komui's head.

"Do you mind?" It demanded with a squeak, pulling the hat back down.

"...Komui?" Miranda said in a hushed tone.

"Yes..." The supervisor was in tears as he grasped as his now slimy hat.

"You do realize there is a small, green dragon on your head...?" Sunny asked curiously.

"Yes," The dragon refused to be revealed again, so proven by the fact that Komui could not remove the said hat from it's spot on top of his head, even as he yanked at it.

"Well, does the hatchling have a name yet?" Sunny asked, "He really should have a name."

"I don't care about names!" Komui yelled like a child having a tantrum. "Just get the little gremlin out from under my hat now!"

"Gremlin!" The little green dragon exclaimed, bursting out from under the hat like a bird, flying in lazy circles around Komui. "Grem-lin, Grem-lin, Grem-lin!" It chirped in a sing-song voice.

'Gremlin' then attached himself to Komui's chest and rubbed affectionately. "Greeeemliiiin."

"Off!" Komui screeched.

"On!" Gremlin chirped in the same high pitch.

"This is horrible for my ears," Marie mumbled to himself, moving away from the screamers but closer to the two yelling near Smudge.

"If you don't get down within the next five seconds I'm going to cut you down."

Lavi had retreated to the top of a surprised Smudge's head. He called down from his perch, "You wouldn't dare."

"Five," Kanda began.

"Do you have to hurt Mr. Lavi?" Smudge asked. "It is my fault you were offended."


"Come on Yuu!" Lavi tried desperately. "I didn't do anything!"


Marie thought that this was not going to be pretty, as Kanda was already climbing up the black dragon's tail, sword drawn.


Lavi looked desperate enough to jump the distance from Smudge's head to the ground, and Kanda looked mad enough to follow.


"LENALEEEEEEE!" Both the hunter and the hunted paused to stare as Komui ran to his sister as she walked though the door.

The girl looked just as surprised as they did when she noticed the small green bundle attached to Komui's lab coat.


"Get it off, Lenalee!" Komui was begging now.

Everyone was shocked when the small beast voluntarily unhooked itself from the panicking older brother and perched on the younger sister's shoulder, licking her cheek.

"Hello," Lenalee said, "And who is this?"

"Gremlin." The dragon cheeped happily.

"Nice to meet you Gremlin," She said, "I see you've met my brother."

"Brother!" Gremlin launched itself and circled around the two happily.

Komui grumpily tried to get some of the slime out of his hat, with little success. "Well, if that thing is quite done, I'll just go back to work and--"

"Brother!" The green little beast landed right on Komui's head, snuggling itself in his hair.

Komui turned red, "Off!"


Lenalee laughed, and Kanda 'ched' at them. Looking around the samurai noticed Lavi had escaped. The samurai narrowed his eyes at the apprentice Bookman's disappearance, but then turned back to the show.

"Get off, Gremlin!"

Gremlin cocked his head at the direct command, and not being called 'it' for once, but never the less switched to Lenalee's head instead.

"Now leave me alone!" Komui would of stalked off after that comment, but the little dragon made a small whine, it's ghostly eyes tearing up.

He made the little guy cry...

"Brother!" Lenalee yelled at him. "How can you be so mean! Gremlin just wants to be near you!"

"B-but Lenalee--"

"No buts, you are going to apologize right this second!"

Komui glared at the green monster. "I'm sorry. Ok I said it, can I go now?"

"Brother!" Gremlin cried jubilantly, launching itself at the scientist. It curled around Komui's neck and crooned affectionately.

Before Komui could have another outburst, Marie stopped the noise with a 'shh' at everyone.

"What is it Marie?" Kanda had come down from Smudges back, having given up on finding the apprentice Bookman anywhere nearby.

"Wing beats."

Komui stared at him. "I don't whats so important about wing beats--"

"Big wings. Dragon wing beats."

Komui quickly did a head count. "Thats impossible, all the dragons are lounging about right here--"

"Unless another one hatched." Lavi popped up behind Lenalee, judging the timing to be safe.


"Maybe." All of them looked toward the horizon. Lavi pondered. "If the egg did hatch it would of grown big enough to fly by now, and if Allen started flying in the right direction--"

By now a small speck had appeared on the horizon, rapidly drawing closer.

Soon they could see that it was definitely a dragon, snow white with a pair of budding horns and a red splotch on its right forearm. It's wings moved with a frantic speed and it was quickly losing altitude.

The dragon was hurt.

As it landed clumsily on the balcony, the others hastily moved away to give the full-grown beast room, it huffed and coughed as it regained its breath.

It was alone, there was no one on it's back, but the beast was covered in blood not entirely it's own. It was covered in the oily blood of akuma.

Regaining some composer, but unable to put any weight on it's wounded arm, it looked around at the others of it's kind and asked, "Is this the 'Black Order?'"

"Yes," Ammy replied first, "And just who is asking?"

"Isaac, I am here representing Allen Walker," The dragon huffed a bit, and the others listened intently. "He has been captured, and I am here to seek your help."

Isaac's dragon eyes glowed, rimmed by black that should have been white.

"He has been captured."

End 1.

AN: Yup. That's the first chapter.

As you all can see, I did some back tracking. I had to, wanted to, and did not want to explain the sercumstances leading to these events in a boring speech-like diolage.

You'll all just have to put up with the explinations for a few chapters (The first five or so), but don't worry. I tried to add some good stuff too.

Yeah, don't worry if you're confused. So's my beta reader. I give her chapters, but I'm not kind enough to tell her where all this madness is going. (Muhahaha!)

Anyway, I'd just like to give a cheer to all of you who decided to review the first fic, DRAGON'S EYE, and for the seventy-so reviews I got. (Does dance of happiness) And, as with the last fic, the first three reviewers get candy and cookies.

Well, all of you that reviewed ch 13 of my last story got messages telling you about the release date. I also posted it on my profile page.

The next chapter will come out ... um ... hmm ... (Looks at calender) NEXT Friday? Yeah, and I'll make that the regular update time unless ... (Grabs speekerphone) I GET SO MANY REVIEWS MY GLASSES FALL OFF AND I FAINT IN HAPPINESS!

On an ending note I'd just like to let you all know I am typing this on a balcony with two flimsy bars of unreliablt broadcast. That's why I updated this a day before the plained time. (Looks sadley at date.) It would of been cool to update on 8-1-08.

I know ... I'm horrible, arn't I? Ehehehe ...

