Title: Cute

Pairings: (seme/uke) Shino/Kiba, Sasuke/Naruto, Neji/Shikamaru, and Kakashi/Iruka

Rating: Right now it's T but it might change to M later cuz a story always needs a good lemon or 2 or 6 :)

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine except the school I guess.

Also I have no beta so there will probably be some grammar or spelling mistakes but I reread millions of time so I'm pretty sure there isn't but if there is please bear with it unless you're a beta that wants to do it for me :)

Info you need to know before you read incase you don't get it: Iruka is Naruto's foster dad and Kakashi is Kiba's. Kakashi and Iruka are together so in a way Naruto and Kiba are brothers okay?


Naruto and Kiba swallowed nervously as Iruka pushed them into the office. The receptionist was busy on the phone.

"No please Iruka! Me and Kiba won't get into any more trouble! We promise!" Kiba nodded hopefully and Iruka sighed.

"For the last time, you both are going to come here. I'm sorry but I have to do this." Kiba tried to run away but Iruka grabbed his collar and Kiba started struggling.

"I want Kashi! Where's Kakashi?!"

"He's working." The receptionist got off and nodded for Iruka to go forward.

"Hello I'm Iruka."

"Oh yes, Naruto and Kiba right?" Iruka nodded. She gave him 2 schedules and 2 maps.

"You can go look at your rooms now. You won't have to go to your classes today but tomorrow you do." Iruka nodded since Kiba and Naruto were glaring at everything and everyone they saw.

"Thank you, and about their uniforms-"

"UNIFORMS!? Both Kiba and Naruto yelled out at the same time.

"There is no way in fucking hell that I'm going to wear a uniform!" Kiba yelled. Iruka frowned and hit him upside the head.


"Me either!" Naruto whined.

"Too bad." Iruka turned back to the lady and she smiled.

"The uniforms will be in their rooms." Iruka thanked her and started walking up some stairs. Naruto started whining again.

"Please Iruka? I'll be good." Iruka shook his head then grabbed Kiba tighter when he tried to run away again. Naruto kept whining and crying while Kiba let go of all his weight so Iruka had to literally drag him. Everybody watched fascinated and amused at the new kids. When Kiba saw the stuck-up rich snobs staring at them he glared even though it wasn't very intimidating since Iruka was still dragging him. 2 kids sitting on a sofa watched the scene carefully. The darker haired boy smirked, "cute." He said looking at the blond boy crying.

A guy with dark shades and a high collar jacket walked out of the bathroom and was immediately drawn to the boy with tats on his face and a glare to everyone watching him as he was being dragged. The guy chuckled and walked to the 2 guys on the sofa all the while thinking 'cute.'


"Come on Kiba it won't be that bad!" Iruka was struggling to get Kiba into his room, but Kiba kept struggling.

"Kakashi went here!" Iruka cried out in desperation. Kiba immediately stopped moving.

"Dad went here?" Iruka nodded. Kiba thought about it then slumped down in defeat.

"Fine." Iruka grinned in satisfaction.

"Thank you." He bent down and gave him a quick kiss.

"Be good and start unpacking now." Kiba nodded and went into his dorm room.

"Okay Naruto let's go to your room now." Naruto still cried and whined the whole way until finally they were at his room.

Naruto tried one last time to make Iruka change his mind. He stepped right in front of Iruka, placed his hands as if in prayer and he put on the puppy dog eyes that Kiba taught him. "Daddy? I love you." Iruka looked at him sadly. "I love you too Naruto." Naruto brightened up. "So you're not going to leave me?"

"I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do." Naruto sighed also defeated.

"Fine. But I want ramen!" Iruka smiled. "They have lots of ramen here Naruto." He said happily and Naruto perked up immediately.

"They do?!"

"Yup and the best thing is it's free!"

"Yes!!" Naruto jumped up on Iruka.

"Bye-bye Ruka! I'm going to miss you!"

Iruka chuckled. "I'm going to miss you too." He started to put Naruto down when a pale eyed boy came in carrying a boy with a ponytail on. The boy was sleeping in his arms comfortably. Iruka sighed as he put Naruto down. "Aahhh young love." The pale eyed boy turned to him confused and Naruto just rolled his eyes.

"Bye daddy, have fun with Kashi!" Iruka blushed bright red and left mumbling to himself. Naruto turned to the boy opening the door. He went in and Naruto followed. He placed the boy carefully on the bed, and then he slowly turned to Naruto waiting.

"Hi my names Naruto! Are you my roommate?"

"I'm Neji, he's your roommate." He pointed to the sleeping boy on the bed, and then he left without another word.

"Che rude bastard, whatever! As long as I have my ramen!" He yelled happily as he unpacked. Right when the last thing was out away Kiba came barging in.

"Naruto! Come on lets play soccer outside!" Naruto followed Kiba downstairs to the field. They started passing to each other and doing really cool tricks that Kakashi had showed them. Soon they got bored and decided to have a little game. Almost an hour later Kiba and Naruto were drenched with sweat the score was 6-6 and whoever scored the next goal would win. Naruto had the ball and he was dribbling down to the goal that Kiba was protecting. By now a big crowd of people were watching the intense game between them. Kiba and Naruto were so into the game they didn't notice the people or the players running up to them. Just as Kiba was going to steal the ball away from Naruto somebody blew a whistle. Kiba turned to the distinct sound and then he groaned in dismay when Naruto shot the winning goal.

"Hey no fair I got distracted from the whistle! That's cheating!"

"No it's not! You just weren't paying attention! That's not my fault." Naruto stuck his tongue out at him and laughed. Just as fists were going to break out the person blew the whistle again. They both turned to a really tall muscled guy with wild hair and shades on. They waited for him to say something but he didn't so they turned back to each other ready to go back to their argument. The whistle was blown again. Naruto and Kiba turned angrily to him. Kiba was about to say something but he never got to because a boy standing next to the weirdo interrupted.

"Oh um sorry but the captain wanted to tell you that the soccer players need to use the field now." Naruto nodded but Kiba glared.

"Oh ya? And who's your captain?" The smaller boy rolled his eyes and pointed to the guy with the shades and the whistle. Naruto groaned at Kiba's stupidity.

"Um sure we'll go now. Sorry about Kiba he's mentally stupid." Naruto joked as he fast walked away dragging Kiba along. When they returned to Kiba's room Naruto sighed with relief and sunk down on Kiba's bed.

"Man are you lucky."

"What why?"

"If you woulda started something with that guy you woulda got your ass kicked!"

"Whatever I could take him." Naruto snorted.

"Ya right. He had at least 5 inches on you!" Kiba sighed.

"I'm bored I want to go back with Kashi."

"Let's go to the cafeteria! I'm starving!" Kiba nodded unhappily and followed Naruto to the cafeteria.

After 10 minutes of walking Kiba was pretty sure they were lost.


"Um ya?"

"You don't know how to read that map do you?"

"Um ya?"


"Well it's really confusing! Let me see you try!" Another 10 minutes pass and if possible they are even more lost.

"I told you" Now were never going to go to the cafeteria!"

"You can follow me if you want to go to the cafeteria." Naruto and Kiba turned to see the soccer captain from before. He started walking without another word and they had no choice but to follow. After a few minutes they stopped in front of a huge building.

"This is the cafeteria?" Naruto asked incredulously. Kiba was too busy gaping to say anything. The guy turned to them and nodded.

"You better hurry and eat dinner and after you have to go straight to your rooms since it's already really late and you guys start class tomorrow." They nodded understandingly and happily went in but Shino didn't follow to Kiba's disappointment. They got their food and were looking for a place to sit when the same guy from the soccer field called them over.

"Hey I'm Konahamaru I'm the co captain of the varsity soccer team by the way our captain is Shino. You should go to our practice tomorrow it'd be cool if you were on our team." They talked about soccer, the school, the classes, basically everything 'till they had to leave because it was time for everybody to go back to their rooms. Kiba and Naruto said goodbye and walked back to their rooms…or at least tried to.

"Damn Kiba you have no sense of direction!"

"What?! I was following you!"

"Ya well we-!"

"You mutt!" Kiba growled. Fists were about to start flying again but then Naruto saw Neji walking by them. He sighed in relief.

"Neji! We nee-"

"You can follow me back." So they did. Naruto noticed that he was carrying bag.

"Hey Neji what's in that bag?"

"Food." Came the short reply, Naruto wanted to ask more but Kiba elbowed him in the stomach. Soon they were at Kiba's room.

"Um thanks…Neji?" Neji nodded. Then he went walking towards Naruto's room.

"You don't have to walk me I know the way from here." Neji didn't answer. When they got to the room Neji opened it with his key.

"Hey I thought you weren't my roommate?!"

"I'm not."

"Then why do you have a key to my room?" Neji pointed to the bag of food he was carrying, and then he walked over to the boy who was still sleeping on his bed. Naruto watched silently wanting to see what was happening.

Neji opened the bag and took out a box he opened that and instantly the smell of chicken filled the air. Neji kneeled down next to the bed and shook the bed a little. The boy groaned and sat up tiredly rubbing his eyes. All Naruto wanted to do at the moment was coo at the cuteness of it all. Neji just smiled at the boy and gave him the box. The boy sighed and ate the food as if it was a chore. Naruto chuckled and out on his pajamas, rolled into bed and kept watching.

When the boy finished eating Neji gave him a water bottle from the bag and made sure the boy finished everything, and when he did he smiled even wider then before. Even though Naruto barely met him he knew that somehow it was rare for Neji to smile then he found out why he did it so easily with the boy. Before he left Neji had given the boy a chaste but very passionate kiss. Naruto blushed and turned over not wanting to see anything else. He heard Neji leave and lock the door and the boy went back to sleep almost instantly.


This is just a prologue in a way you know almost all the characters you know what the pairings are gonna be so ya. Also if you hadn't noticed by now this story is not like ninjas or anything so it's AU which I'm pretty sure means alternate universe, at least I hope it does. :)

If you have any questions or things you don't get or if you wanna just talk shit about my writing then leave me a message or a review. Yup yup.