Story Name: Ready? Go Steady!
Rating: R-NC-17 Cursing, Swearing and Sex.
Chapter Rating: R Implied Sex, Swearing.

Authors Note: Well, this is what I've been needing to do. Rewrite of Ready? Go Steady! I'm excited about it because I finally got it exactly the way I imagined it. Also, as an apology for deleting the old one I put in a lime.

Also, check the end of the chapters Note for a special present I'm giving to everyone who had this story on Favorite/Alert! Thus making this story a 28 chapter project!


+ Go get your ribbon box, Go get your wounded heart. +

Sora kicked at the gravel beneath his feet, following Kairi; his 'girlfriend', around all day hadn't exactly been a part his plans. Actually, his plans had been to lounge around his home and sleep the hot day away. But no, his 'girlfriend' encouraged; this actually meant forced, him to leave the house and go shopping with her.

Oh today could not get any better--but he had a feeling it was going to get 'better'.

Kairi glanced back at him, "Sora is something wrong?" she was..insanely 'sweet' at times. And other times..She was an infuriating mess of /girl/. Why yes, that did sound sexist and he was rather proud of that in this exact moment.

Sora looked up at her, shifted the bags to his other hand and shook his head smiling, "No, I was just thinking of something." he inwardly congratulated himself on being able to throw her off that easily.

She giggled, "I didn't think you were capable of that.."

Sora felt something crack in his resolve and then decided to ignore the statement altogether. He was going to pretend that it never happened, so he laughed , "'re right.."

She turned and he glared at her back, he was sweet; plenty of people had told him that by now, but on the inside he was just as spiteful as the rest of the goddamn world. He followed along behind her once again, praying for this forsaken shopping trip to end, and soon. Because if it didn't he had a feeling he was about to lose a bet.

And so, they continued on their trek around the shopping center for perhaps another hour or so. By the time they were finished Sora was just about ready to collapse into a dank and dark grave and forget all about the red headed teen leading him around like a dog. Oh, but the gods weren't going to allow him that sweet escape just yet. No every damn holy being in the world was working against him like he was the devil.

"Hey... I wanna go try this on, wait here for one minute Sora." she pulled out a red dress, perfect for Christmas, and ran off to find a changing room. The thing is, Christmas wasn't for another five damn months.

Sora groaned and dropped into a waiting chair and leaned back closing his eyes. "I'm tired of shopping with her.." he clenched his fist, "I'm gonna have to sock those idiots when they come back from Summer vacation..." he completely disregarded the fact that talking to himself in public was...disturbing at most.

"Ah, don't be that way." a warm voice chuckled at him from somewhere above and he felt the need to punch that person. Hard.

Sora was jerked from his rest and stared up into snow blue eyes, gorgeous really, and it destroyed his need to hurt /anything/. Dirty blond hair, knowing smirk, just who was this? Why did he make jeans look so...good? "Excuse me do I even know you?" his mouth was drawn into a frown up at the blond.

"I know you, Heh, in fact I go to the college next to your high school." The blond leaned over the chair and rested his arms on the back. "Everybody there knows of the pretty little angel, Sora Hikari." his lips drew into a smile at the look on the 'angels' face.

Sora blushed hard, determined on making the wall his center of attention, "No way, you're joking you freak." he pushed forward to get out of the chair but strong arms pulled him back into the leather ass trap.

"Yeah, plenty of people know you, Kid." he laughed at Sora's distraught look and stood up straight; letting go of Sora. "Wouldn't go out walking alone in the dark, never know who might come sneaking up." he laughed again and it Yeah, sexy.

"I already know not to do that!" Something insanely stupid to say, seeing as he was lying there just begging to be attacked. He jumped up out of the chair and turned to face his 'attacker'. "Who are you anyway?"

"Roxas, you don't need my last name do you, Angel?" He advanced on the small brunette and cornered him like a rat. "Now why would you be in a store all on your own; half asleep at that?" he placed a hand on the wall next to Sora's head and the shorter of the two swallowed hard.

"I'm not alone. I'm actually just waiting for my girlfriend to get finished trying on a dress." he felt like he was going to collapse due to the intense heat trapped between them, "So why don't you...leave?"

Roxas turned to look at the dressing room then turning back to Sora, "Girls take forever, I highly doubt she'll be out any time soon. Thus that leaves you all alone with someone you know nothing about." he smirked and inched even closer, making Sora press into the wall.

His nose scrunched at the blond and he easily maneuvered under his arms, and over to a clothes rack, "She doesn't take as long as most, so why don't you go do something with yourself?" he stepped around the rack as Roxas came towards him again, "Please?"

The blond rose an eyebrow at the small 'please' that escaped Sora's pretty lips, "Oh? Please?" he smiled and finally took a step back instead of forward, "Since you asked nicely, I'll leave you be." he turned and strode out of the store, and Sora couldn't help but /watch/. His legs were so elegant and so were his steps, though he wasn't totally surprised.

Yes, yes he was grouping British into the group labeled as 'Insanely Sexy Beasts.' and it totally wasn't weird. But he made sure not to group Luxord in with them, because no matter how he looked at it he couldn't crush on his cousin because it was not accepted by society.

But society could kiss his ass when it came to straight and homosexual; and of course everything in between.

He turned around as the sound of the changing room door opening reached him, smiling at Kairi. He had never been so happy to see her in his life; he was sure that was going to change within an hour though. "How did it fit, Hun?"

Kairi tilted her head at the name, "It fits great, actually." he returned the smile and made her way over to him, slipping the dress back into a bag. "Ready to go home, Sora?"

Sora sighed in relief, "More than you know Kairi."

+ I had a dream last night we...Drove out to see Las Vegas! +

Sora's mom had, sadly, taken an instant liking to Kairi. The first night he brought Kairi home with him, his mother was instantly sharing those embarrassing childhood stories with his 'girlfriend'. Kairi had some stories of her own to share as well.


But tonight Kairi hadn't tagged along and Sora was comfortably reading in his bedroom, door locked. Reading however became difficult as he thought over the events of the day, shopping, that Roxas guy...His thoughts just kept floating back to Roxas. He didn't want them to keep going to that pervert.

He sighed and closed his book, deciding he wouldn't get much reading in anyway. Slowly Sora stood and walked over to his closet, stripping off his jacket and preparing to hang it, a wad of paper fell out of his pocket. It was weird, he never put any type of paper in his pockets, he grabbed the paper and unfurled it.

"Call me Angel." it was a simple message that held so many meanings.

And at the bottom a phone number was scrawled in neat handwriting and the perpetrators name written beneath it. Oh and Sora just felt like a mini nuclear war was being raged in his mind. Call him and tell him off or try and forget all of this ever happened and make it through the long five months with nothing to keep him occupied.

Naturally, he picked the first option and flipped open his cell phone, then closed it. "No, it's midnight, he's probably asleep." he tapped the face of his phone, "But what if he's awake and waiting for me to call him?" Sora chewed on his bottom lip, then strategically decided he would call him.

He entered the numbers nervously, glancing back and forth at the piece of paper making sure he didn't call some old pedophile, as most of you have probably done before. Shakily Sora put the phone to his ear and fell back on his floor, drumming his fingers as it began ringing.

He won't answer, He won't answ—-

Sora was disappointed by the phone gods when Roxas' smooth voice came over the receiver. But somehow he didn't feel disappointed.


Sora answered back with his own, "Hey." Oh he could almost tell Roxas was smirking on the other side of the phone line, secretly laughing at him for calling. He was glad that he wasn't doing it out loud though, that would probably trample his pride.

"Yo, Angel, nice to see you found my note, I was just itching to talk to you again." the smile he held was evident in his cheery tone. There was a small silence before Sora answered again.

"Haha..Is that really why you slipped your number in my pocket while verbally raping me?" Sora was less than amused by now, his thoughts had been going the wrong way apparently.

"Heh, Don't worry, I'm not after you for sex fantasies, I just wanted to get to know the real Angel and not the fake I've been hearing about." Roxas chuckled and Sora fought down the urge to smile at the joyful noise.

Maybe, maybe, Roxas wasn't such a bad guy after all. Or maybe he was dead wrong and was being strung along? If that was true...then he liked being lead on.

"Alright, so what do you want to know?" he crossed his free arm behind his head and listening intently to the soft breathing from the other male. It was oddly comforting listen to his steady breath, he barely noticed when a question was asked and he had to ask him to repeat it. Stupid.

Ready Set Go! It's time to run!

Roxas smiled as their Q&A went back and forth between them, he answered his own share of questions and so did Sora. He had to admit, the kid was vaguely interesting. "Well, tell me about your girlfriend." he heard silence and his mouth twitched into a frown, "Was that a bad question?"

A short silence greeted him again before Sora finally answered, "No, I was just trying to think of a way to describe it."


A deep sigh and then the answer, "Well...She's only part of a bet to see if I can handle a girlfriend for six months straight. My friends picked Kairi; of all people, and won't let me out of the deal unless I suddenly turn gay."

Roxas' throat went dry and he swallowed hard, "Oh?" he wanted to be that person to convert Sora, but he wasn't going to reveal it to the brunette.

"Yeah, it kinda sucks." Sora sighed and then there was a womans voice in the background, "...Damn. I have to go to bed, Roxas, it was great talking. I'll call you tomorrow." there was a sound of effort as his Angel most likely got up.

Roxas smiled, "Alright, Goodnight Angel."

"Don't call me that..." and with that he hung up and left Roxas to his thoughts.

+ One last chance to reverse this curse, you stole my heart but I had it first. +

His arms were tired, and so were his legs. He worked the boy above him hard, driving into his pliant body, kissing him lovingly when he pressed their chests together and finally brought him to the edge. Loving the way his name rolled off those angelic lips.

Their bodies were a tangle of limbs as they laid there, gasping for air as they fell from their euphoria. He had to strain to hear what the sleepy brunette was mumbling to him and he simply smiled as he finally caught the words.

"I love you Roxas..."

His heart fluttered and he stroked his angels back, looking up at the ceiling and thanking whatever god existed for letting him meet Sora. He couldn't have even been happier. He opened is mouth to repeat the phrase back to Sora, "Sora, I love you..."

+ So keep my casket closed, your heart beats under the floor, it haunts me in my dreams. +

Sora hummed happily as he walked around the small corner store, placing things on the shelves and getting rid of expired items. This was the only place he could escape from Kairi, maybe that was why he liked this place so much?

That and he finally figured out that he knew Roxas from somewhere. That somewhere happened to be this store, where the blond came each and every Friday; which happened to be today.

He felt damn giddy about it too.

But not in a gay way. Totally not in a gay way, not that he had a problem with gay people.

Sora looked up as the bell above the door jingled happily, and his face lit up as he saw that now so familiar head of blond hair. Quickly he turned back to the shelf he was stocking, pretending not to notice the other teenager.

If his boss saw him ogling customers... However comic that may be he wanted to avoid it at all costs.

Roxas glanced around the store, then caught sight of a rather; dare he say, cute ass up in the air. He looked at the man behind the counter; noting that he was watching the small television, and made his way over to Sora. He bent casually next to Sora and patted his butt, "Hey Angel."

Sora jumped, he hadn't expected that honestly, and glared at Roxas. "That's /rude/ you pervert." he placed the chip bag on the shelf and placed his hands on his hips. "Molesting employee's is against the rules."

"They have rules for that?" Roxas smiled and took the chip bag down, "I never knew." he laughed and wandered away to find a drink for his snack.

He tilted his head as he watched Roxas walk away, and he suddenly felt like he had a leg fetish. Lord knows why though, maybe it was those slender legs and the way they carried that alluring devil? Probably.

Or he was just completely perverted. Also, scouting out the blond in the aisles was totally not stalker like.

Roxas made his way back over to Sora casually and stopped in front of him, "So, Sora, would you possibly like to join me for a movie tomorrow?" he was halfway hoping the brunette would accept but at the same time hoping he wouldn't. The one thing he couldn't be held accountable for was what he did to others in the dark.

Because it's dark, who can really /see/ what they're doing anyway?

Skeptical as he was Sora accepted, he had to say, he expected some kind of perverted comment to come out of his 'friend' not an invitation to the movies. He bit his bottom lip and frowned, "What movie are we seeing then?"

"Hm, want to see Sweeney Todd with me?" Roxas knew very well that boys like Sora didn't like horror movies, and if it got the brunette to latch onto him he didn't give a shit what they saw.

His eyes darkened at the mention of /that/ movie. In all honesty he was afraid to see it, but he wasn't going to tell that to Roxas of all people. "Sure."

And thus he decided he accepted a date that he wasn't going to come back from without some type of mental scar to prove he survived.

And he couldn't care less.

Roxas smiled, "Can't wait, call me tonight so we can set a time, okay?"

Sora nodded deftly and watched the blond go to the counter, paying for the items, flashing Sora a smile and then leaving the store. He scratched the back of his head and then returned to his work, deciding that not doing any was a damn good way not to get paid.

Because his boss was an asshole.

+ No one else can see, the preservation of the martyr in me. +

Roxas grinned like a lunatic on his way home, the little Angel accepted his date. But then there was another problem; a common girl problem in fact, what to wear.

He'd be damned if he didn't feel completely stupid laughing at himself in public. He only really noticed when children were pointing and asking their parents.

Roxas pulled himself together and ran the rest of the way home, depositing the chips and drink in a trash can on the way. No he really wasn't hungry any more.

He was hungry for Sora's phone call though, and he wanted to pick it up before Riku had a chance to ruin everything. God was Riku good at that too, a bit too good, which explained why he wasn't good with girls...or boys.

What a loser, but... Roxas couldn't really say he was good with either of the sexes.

+ I'm Going Outta My Head +

Sora paced his room, glancing at his phone. He was nervous, for the first time in his life he was nervous about making plans for Yeah, a date. Also, this was probably the first date he agreed to willingly. Usually his friends would push him into a date and he wouldn't enjoy it.

He really hoped it was going to be the best date of his life too. Roxas wasn't so much a creep as he was a sweet talker.

And that was what really scared Sora.

+ Cry baby, Cry Baby, Cry Soak in doubt. +


Ending Note: Alright, I DELETED THE STORY. I am now UPDATING. :D

Read Review and Enjoy. RRE Anyone? :0

EDIT'D on 2/1/09 :O