Espada TV Commercials

Chapter One: Grimmjow

"Why the fuck am I standing here again," he barked at Aizen. Grimmjow was standing a basketball uniform, on a fake court made out of wood, with Szayel spraying him in the face with water to look like sweat. "Because," Aizen said with that same damn smirk on his face, "we need money. Upkeep of Las Noches…" Grimmjow nodded slowly, it made sense however annoying it was…

Wonderwice crawled up to him, and pulled gently on his pantleg. "Ahh…"

"What do you want, stop making creepy noises!"

"Uuun…" The seemingly stupid Arrancar held up a bottle of the product Grimmjow was modeling. "Propel…?"

"Euunnn…" Grimmjow smacked the bottle away, glaring, "I don't want that shit! Get it away from me!" Tousen frowned from the director's chair, and muttered something about justice biting Grimmjow in the ass one day. Wonderwice's eyes got bigger, and he crawled over to the Propel bottle again, and this time, shoved it through Grimmjow's Hollow hole. "AGH! What the hell!? That's weird as fuck, you creepy little bastard. Waddaya got, some gay fetish?" Wonderwice shook his head slowly, eyes still as large and confused as ever. Tousen was suddenly behind him, ruffling the blonde's hair and murmuring words of praise. Grimmjow was extremely weirded out at this point, and Loli grabbed his arm and dragged him to the makeup table. "Fuck no," he growled. She nodded and clicked her tongue impatiently, shoving him down into a chair next to Ulquiorra. Menoly was hard at work, trying to get his skin color a little darker so he would be able to be seen on camera as more then ghostly pale…

"Is this really necessary," Ulquiorra questioned with a hint of annoyance lacing his voice. Both girls nodded, and grinned evilly. Loli frowned, "I don't think there's much you need done… your hair's wavy enough to make you look gay, you have some freakish blue eyeliner… eh. Get going." He nearly punched her. "YOU dragged ME here, and now you're telling me to leave? I'm not gay, you whore, and what's wrong with my face?"

"Lots of things," she chirped.

"I've smacked you once bitch, and I'll do it again." Loli quieted, she knew he would…

Five minutes later, Aizen was off the set, "smiling" at Grimmjow as if to encourage him. Tousen sat in the director chair with a beret on his head, and Wonderwice next to him drooling. "Uhh… Propel… fit water," he said, bouncing the basketball half heartedly. "Great vitamins… only 30 calories…"

"Cut cut cut," whined Gin, "that ain't right ya know…"

"Waddaya mean," Grimmjow snarled.

"Needs more emotion, more feeling… act like ya enjoy bein' up there, if ya know what I mean." His ever smiling face didn't shift, as he stood near Aizen, leaning against the wall to watch. "Take two," Tousen said calmly. "Ahh.."

"Propel Fit Water. Great vitamins, only 30 calories." Grimmjow flashed a fake, and probably terrifying smile at the camera and Gin left the room. "'Till next time," he said waving his hand.
