AN: This is it! The final chapter! I hope you have all enjoyed it! This is 150 words instead of my usual 100, but I just couldn't cut it down. Oh well :)

DISC: I own nothing.

"Fine then, Newbie. I was shocked you reacted that way. I was expecting the cold shoulder, to be honest, or for things to get awkward between us. And while I didn't intend for my little…confession, to slip out there—" he holds up a hand to silence JD, whose mouth has opened to protest, "—that doesn't mean I wasn't being sincere."

He drops his hand, inviting JD to speak. He doesn't, and silence reigns supreme. Discouraged, Perry's shoulders slump, and he turns to leave. His hand is on the doorknob when JD's hand covers his, preventing the door from opening. As Perry turns in surprise, JD kisses him soundly. It's a proper kiss this time, not one of desperation, but rather shy and tentative, as though neither party can believe that it is really and truly happening.

They break apart, and JD whispers, "I forgive you, Perry."

Perry smiles.

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