Hello my favorite readers!

Firstly, I will like to thank everyone for the support and love for Wounds Heal, Scars Remain. I can not express into words how amazing it feels to know that others have enjoy this creative mess! I have loved writing this story, and I am very sad to see it finally complete, but also proud to know that it is finish! I am posting this author's note to give an update on my plans for sequels. You can also find more information on my profile about sequel and future projects! When I first started writing this story, I plan to only add a Epilogue and let the story stand alone, but after seeing The Dark Knight Rises multiple times ...I had inspiration. I couldn't abandon Cassidy so easily. Wounds Heal, Scars Remain is now the first part of the Cassidy Williams trilogy. I am beginning work on a sequel that will follow The Dark Knight Rises storyline. I then plan to write a third and final story, returning the Joker into the picture and bringing a conclusion to the Cassidy Williams tale.

I can't say yet when regular chapter updates will be posted for the sequel, honestly depends on how quickly I can find a script to help me write through TDKR storyline while adding my own scenes, etc. It probably will not come out till later in the fall, but I do have a bit of a surprise for you all! I have posted the teaser-type trailer/chapter for the sequel, Holding out for a Hero. It can be found on my profile. It is honestly just bits of dialogue for certain scenes I am planning, just to give a taste of the direction of the story! I would love to get some feedback! So please go check it out when you have the chance!

Again thank you so much for all your love with Wounds Heal, Scars Remain. I truly hope you have enjoyed my small tale. I also hope that the brief preview of the sequel will get you excited for more! Just keep checking back for updates!

Thanks and 'Til Next Time